Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association news from Meatout Day around the world. - 22 Mar 2010  
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On March 20, people around the world pledged to remove meat from their diets. Joining the many participants throughout 30 different countries to champion the veg-promoting campaign, members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association organized various activities in their local communities.

Supreme Master Television correspondents bring us reports on the veg trend as they witness it unfolding.
US Correspondent (F): We are here in Chicago, Illinois, USA on Michigan Avenue in front of the Old Water Tower, where members from the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association, Illinois Center, have been distributing Alternative Living flyers and SOS bags as part of the 2010 Meatout Campaign.

It’s been wonderful; the responses have been great. People are stopping to read the bags and get the information, and so it’s been a great day.

Correspondent (F): Are you a vegetarian?
Teen citizen (F): No, but I’ve seriously considered it in the past. On this Meatout Day, I’m going to take a pledge to become a vegetarian.
Correspondent (F): Reporting for Supreme Master Television from Chicago, Illinois, USA.

VOICE: Now, let’s go to South Korea, where citizens were given samples of savory vegan meat alternatives along with informative SOS and Alternative Living flyers.

South Korean Correspondent (F): We’re here in Gangnam, downtown Seoul, South Korea. In this country, where the veg population and veg restaurants are growing in number day by day, members from the Supreme Master Ching Hai Association are conducting a Meatout Day campaign. Shall we meet some of the sample tasters?
Participant (M): If the taste is this good,I would eat these rather than meat.
Veg participant (M): Most of all, I like it very much in that the diet I live on does no harm to other living beings.
Veg participant (F): I hope such a day is not just once a year but that every day will be Meat Out Day.
Correspondent (F): The vegan diet: it helps us to love animals and protect the environment as well as our health. How about choosing a new eco-friendly diet with the vow of “I pledge to be veg”?
This is Supreme Master Television reporting from Seoul, South Korea.

Our Association members (M,F): Meat Out!

VOICE: Now let’s go to our correspondent across the globe in San Jose, Costa Rica.
Costa Rican Correspondent (M): We are at the Farmer’s Fair, a place where the country’s farmers show their agricultural products for the people’s consumption.
As part of the celebration of the International Meatout Day, members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association have organized a series of activities, such as cooking vegan courses and providing information to people who are in this event.

Cooking demo participant (F): They taught us about soy. The ways of cooking it, the way that you can use them – I loved it. I believe that now, everyone who can give a bit to save the planet, well, we have to do so, in one way or another. And if this way is the one that I have, to help, let's see if we succeed!

Correspondent (M): Reporting from San Jose, Costa Rica, for Supreme Master Television.

VOICE: Our final stop is the United Kingdom.
UK Correspondent (F): We are here in London, United Kingdom, standing outside a very busy shopping mall. Today is Meatout Day and we have members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai Association dressed up in animal costumes giving out free veggie kits and leaflets describing the benefits of a meat-free diet.

Children are happy to receive balloons carrying the message “Be veg, go green, save the planet,” and shoppers are invited to try out delicious vegan treats lovingly prepared by our Association members.

Correspondent (F): Would you be veggie if your food could be as delicious as the food you’ve had today?
Citizen 1 (M): Of course.
Citizen 2 (M): I would say so, yeah. Honestly, yes. This is so good!
Citizen 1 (F): I’m definitely a part time vegetarian and I could probably fairly easily make the transition.
Veg citizen 2 (F): I cannot imagine not being a vegetarian now. I would never eat meat again, ever.
Correspondent (F): Reporting from London, United Kingdom.

VOICE: Hats off to all world citizens who have made a real difference by choosing the meat-free vegan lifestyle.
May many more join the ranks and pledge for health, for compassion, and for our planetary survival.
US citizen (M): It’s time to take the meat out!
UK citizen (M): That’s the time to take the meat out!
South Korean participants (M,F): Be vegan! Be vegan!
Costa Rican participant (F): Be veg, go green, save the planet!
UK citizens (M,F): Be veg, go green, save the planet!
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