Swedish researchers discover new drug user test. - 22 May 2010  
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A study from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, published in The Journal of Analytical Toxicology has revealed a new technique to test for the presence of illegal drugs.

Rather than analyze blood or urine, which are less convenient and take more time to evaluate, the new method tests exhaled air.

In the study, researchers looked at samples from 12 patients who had received emergency care for known amphetamine intake.

After the patients breathed into specially fitted masks, the results were analyzed using methods such as liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry and were found to be successful in detecting amphetamines for the people being tested.

Lead researcher Professor Olof Beck said, 『The results are convincing and very promising. The study is the first to report the possibility of measuring drugs in the exhaled breath, and represents a unique, unexpected finding.『 Our appreciation, Professor Beck and all fellow Karolinska Institute scientists for this ingenious development to safeguard the public as well as illegal drug users’ lives.

May such advancements continue to expand in supporting the elimination of these harmful substances for the balance and happiness of all.


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