Olive oil and veggies protect the heart - 02 Jan 2011  
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Olive oil and veggies protect the heart. Published in the online “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,” a study by Italian researchers of nearly 30,000 women over an average eight-year period showed that those who ate at least 1 serving of leafy vegetables per day were 46% less likely to develop heart disease than the ones who ate less than 2 portions a week. Moreover, the women who consumed at least 3 tablespoons of olive oil daily were 44% less likely to develop major cardiac events such as heart attacks than those whose intake was half an ounce or less per day.

Our appreciation, Italian scientists for this study that demonstrates the remarkable health benefits of these pure, plant-based foods. Wishing everyone the enjoyment and peace of mind offered by the wholesome and humane vegan lifestyle.

http://www.khaleejtimes.com/DisplayarticleNew.asp?section=health&xfile=data/health/2010/December/health_December56.xml http://www.ajcn.org/content/early/2010/12/22/ajcn.110.000521.abstract

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