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Eating less meat could save 45,000 UK lives every year says report - 21 Oct 2010  
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UK study shows eating less meat can save lives. Oxford University researchers have announced the finding that if British citizens reduced their meat consumption to three meals maximum per week, this could prolong the lives of 45,000 Britons and save the UK National Health Service £1.2 billion. The report, published by Friends of the Earth UK, also shows the distinct unhealthiness of factory farmed and processed meats. Dr. Mike Rayner of the Department of Public Health at University of Oxford stated, “This research demonstrates the clear health benefits of cutting down on meat and dairy in the UK, and quantifies this more comprehensively than ever before." Former Chief Medical Officer Sir Liam Donaldson has also urged for reduced meat consumption, saying in a 2010 report: “Our diet is warming the planet. It is also damaging our health.”

Our earnest appreciation, Sir Liam Donaldson, Dr. Rayner, Friends of the Earth UK and Oxford University researchers for this report that alerts us to the many lives that can be saved as we remove meat and dairy from our diets. May we all continue to expand our intake of the humane and Earth-friendly plant-based fare.
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