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Glow with Gifts from Nature: Living on Raw with David Wolfe      
We’ve dulled ourselves down with this toxic food and food that’s not natural. And when we bring back the natural, we also bring back the spiritual. We invite in more glow and more radiance and we start to feel a sense of something higher, of something greater. And the way I describe that, and the way I phrase that, is that we feel something noble, we feel a noble essence in raw foods.

Welcome beneficent viewers to Healthy Living on Supreme Master Television. This week we feature the first of a two-part interview with David Wolfe, a nutritionist, author and lecturer who is an expert on raw foods, natural health, beauty nutrition, herbalism, chocolate, and organic superfoods.

David is quite popular and some of his celebrity fans include co-founder and chief executive officer of Apple, Steve Jobs, and Hollywood actors Angela Basset, James Caan and Woody Harrelson. For the past 16 years, this accomplished individual, who has a masters in nutrition and a law degree, has been informing the world of the benefits of a raw food diet and natural living through over 1,750 live lectures, CDs, DVDs and books.

Some of his best-sellers include: “Eating for Beauty,” “Naked Chocolate,” “David Wolfe on Raw Foods,” “Superfoods: The Food and Medicine of the Future” and “The Sunfood Diet Success System.”

He is the co-founder of TheBestDayEver.com Online Health Magazine and is the founder and president of The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation, a non-profit charity whose mission is to plant 18 billion fruit trees across the globe. Through the Foundation’s efforts, thus far tens of thousands of fruit trees have been planted in North America, South Asia, and Africa.

In our interview we asked David to discuss the advantages of a raw food diet. He began by defining the term “raw food.”

What is raw food again? It’s fruits and vegetables, and nuts and seeds, and seaweeds, all raw and organic, flowers, sprouts, grasses like wheatgrass, superfoods and super herbs. One of the great gifts that it gives us, it allows us to really begin to detect what’s going on in our body and it gives us a lot of insight in that way. Of course there’s great nutrition in these foods, and there’s wonderful amounts of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and trace minerals, and polysaccharides, which are essential sugars that heal us.

David Wolfe is well known for his uplifting lectures on how raw foods can change one’s life for the better. Why does he feel so passionate about raw food?

Raw food has definitely made me more open to that infinite supply of love that emanates from all living things, and really from everything. It allows you to tune into subtler forces that are available to us. It allows you to tune into beauty, and the beauty ethic, and the power of beauty and in transforming our self and in transforming others. It tunes you into the great depth of the mystery of our world, and the mystery of the cosmos, which to me is so incredible. Because our creator is so deep, and so incredibly rich, that it’s a mystery.

David is a firm believer in the sanctity of life and that our diet should always reflect a respect for all beings.

To bring the vibration of this whole planet up we have got to stop this killing. And it’s not just war. It’s also what we’re having for breakfast. It’s not just there’s people shooting each other. It’s also we’re shooting these animals and we’re destroying these noble life forms. And we can very deeply benefit spiritually from removing ourselves from that karma, and opening ourselves up to other choices: vegan, vegetarian and then beyond that, raw food.

Raw foods feature rich flavors and raw chefs around the world are continually creating healthful new dishes that replicate the taste of their non-raw counterparts.

We can have raw coconut cashew ice-cream. Every flavor you ever wanted. Raw chocolate chip mint ice-cream – no dairy – it’s all made out of coconut, and cashews and pistachios and you eat that and you’re like, “Oh my! This is incredible, what is going on?” And there’s no side effects. So we get all those goodies – no side effects.

According to the World Health Organization, globally cancer accounted for 7.9 million deaths or about 13% of all deaths in 2007. Countless studies have demonstrated that dietary choice is a significant factor in determining the risk of cancer.

If we have a lot of sugar in our diet, if we have a lot of runaway carbohydrates in our diet, like high fructose corn syrup, what happens is we tend to get too much “yin” energy. This is what the problems are of civilization.

This tends to feed into cancer, it feeds into candida, and we have got to cut off that food supply, by taking in rich green pigmented foods – green vegetables, and green juices, and green rich superfoods like marine phytoplankton, and seaweeds. We begin to bring back more of the “yang” energy that isn’t “sugared” out and our body begins to go into a healing process that then allows us to finally get a look at what this cancer really is all about.

Cancer feeds on sugar; cancer is a process of excessive oxidation in our system, immune system collapse; raw food is a tool that helps us (to) spiritually reconnect and in addition to that, helps us to get the nutrients, and the minerals, the polysaccharides, that help us heal from cancer.

We now have an idea about the goodness of raw food, but what about super herbs? David Wolfe says these plants can both prevent and address various common health conditions.

The greatest herbs in the world, we call them tonic herbs. It’s tonic, we can take it all the time. And therefore, it’s preventative and it’s curative, if we’re already in trouble. Those herbs, coming out of Chinese medicine, for example, and Ayurveda and North America and Central America and South America and Europe and Russia and Africa and Australia. Those herbs that we need are just the best of the best.

So, what’s the best of the best coming out of Chinese medicine? Reishi mushroom (Spirit mushroom). It doesn’t just grow in China. It grows in the forests of Canada, I’ve seen it in the forests of Asia. It’s all over the place. And you learn how to use it, making teas out of it. And then you can advance into other tree mushrooms. And the tea mushrooms are the noble herbal mushrooms that gift us with immune system power.

Let’s look at another one and one of my favorites: asparagus root. We all know about asparagus but how about the root of asparagus? (It is) considered in the top three in Chinese medicine and in Ayurveda.

So, we can eat certainly the shoots of asparagus, wonderful, but we can also eat the root of asparagus which activates our immune system, it activates our joint power, it’s a wonderful tonic herb, it generally is an adaptogen so it helps us adapt to stresses of all different kinds. We can grow that in our garden anywhere in the world.

Let’s look over at Amazonia. There we have Cat’s Claw, known as Unghi di Gatto – it tastes great and is a very powerful anti-viral. Pau d’arco, is a very powerful anti-fungal to help us fight these fungi conditions: cancer has a fungal component, candida is a fungus, the stuff on our skin and splotches and finger nail fungus. Pau d’arco is a very powerful remedy and preventative of those things.

Chu Chu huasi. It rejuvenates our kidneys, our reproductive power, our adrenals, and our lower back. And then we have another one: Chanca Piedra , so those of us who speak Spanish, the “breaker of stones.” So it breaks up stone formations, in particular in our kidneys – kidney stones, liver stones, stone formations, and arthritis in our body.

So this is another herb we can add in. Ginseng is a root. What’s interesting about ginseng is it accumulates all these energies over many years. That thing might be 30 years old but it has accumulated all that wisdom and knowledge.

And we have that image in our mind of that great Taoist immortal sage who lives up in the high mountains of China, and is a ginseng eater. Because the energies that we surround that sage with: the psychic insight, the spirituality, the meditation, the oneness with nature, all those energies are in ginseng. They’re part of it so as you take that on, it brings deeper wisdom, deeper connection, and all of it.

In addition to how ginseng can enhance our relationship with the Divine, here are some final thoughts from David Wolfe about how he sees raw foods benefiting our personal and spiritual growth.

My dear teacher, Walter Russell, said to me, “Genius is self-bestowed; mediocrity is self-inflicted.” The activation of our potential begins with this: “I can.” It takes just as much energy to believe you can as believing you can’t.

One of the things about these live foods and this education that we get is it helps to focus on our attention and where our attention goes, energy flows. As we get healthier, we hold onto higher vibrations easier. We can see grander visions of possibility. We can see grander visions of our own work and how we can become more creative in our own work.

We can access much more of our capabilities if we eat well. We tell our body, by eating well, that we believe in ourselves, and that we have high self-esteem, and that we have the courage to actually seek out the best foods. So we are kind of informing our higher-self that we are in the game, that we’re ready to play.

And then as we develop a clear consciousness through healthy food and healthy eating – raw foods, superfoods, the great herbs of the world, living spring water – then we start being able to really access our genetic capacity. We are, each one of us, an incredibly creative being. We have the ability to access the grand halls of our imagination. We have an infinite capacity for knowledge and memory.

Thank you David Wolfe for informing us about the power of raw foods and encouraging everyone to find the creative spark within themselves. May the people of the world soon enjoy ever more health, peace and love from a shift to animal-free diets.

Imaginative viewers, please join us next Monday on Healthy Living for the conclusion of our interview with David Wolfe where he will share more of his inspiring knowledge on raw foods and natural living.

For more details on David Wolfe, please visit: www.DavidWolfe.com
Books, CDs, and DVDs by Mr. Wolfe are available at www.LongevityWarehouse.com

We appreciate your company on today’s program. Coming up next is Science and Spirituality, after Noteworthy News. May love always vibrate in the hearts of all beings.
What is raw food again? It’s fruits and vegetables, and nuts and seeds, and seaweeds, all raw and organic, flowers, sprouts, grasses like wheatgrass, superfoods and super herbs.

Welcome charitable viewers to Healthy Living on Supreme Master Television. This week we feature the conclusion of a two-part interview with David Wolfe, a nutritionist, author and lecturer who is an expert on raw foods, natural health, beauty nutrition, herbalism, chocolate, and organic superfoods.

David is quite popular and some of his celebrity fans include co-founder and chief executive officer of Apple, Steve Jobs, and Hollywood actors Angela Basset, James Caan and Woody Harrelson. For the past 16 years, this accomplished individual, who has a masters in nutrition and a law degree, has been informing the world of the benefits of a raw food diet and natural living through over 1,750 live lectures, CDs, DVDs and books.

Some of his best-sellers include: “Eating for Beauty,” “Naked Chocolate,” “David Wolfe on Raw Foods,” “Superfoods: The Food and Medicine of the Future” and “The Sunfood Diet Success System.” In “Eating For Beauty,” David compares the energy of raw and non-raw foods using images produced with kirlian photography, a technique that some say can show the energy field or aura of an object.

I decided that I wanted to do some analyses of raw food versus cooked food, semi-cooked food, say steamed food versus raw food and see if there was a difference in the kirlian aura.

And that was all put into my book here, “Eating for Beauty” and this book has been, I think, a great success, because we can see pictures of what raw food looks like, beautiful composite images of brilliant amounts of energy, and that we can also see pictures of what cooked food looks like, and how it’s different.

For example, here, this is the raw food, this is the cooked food, and we can see that the imagery has been dulled down and that in kirlian photography, the light has been lost. And that is really important for us in the West and the East to see it visually.

We’re a film culture, worldwide. We like films because it’s visual, and it’s entertaining. And that’s why I wanted to put that in this book and I actually have kirlian imagery in most of my books for that reason.

I like my books to be 3-dimensional, that you read something, you get to look at pictures, and there’s a little bit of poetry in there. It’s designed in a way that’s comfortable to the eye, so that people get inspired and that they want to actually maybe dig a little bit deeper into this information.

And you had a hand there. There was a hand of a raw food person as opposed to a hand of a non-raw food person….

…of a junk food eater

Yes, and so what was the difference there?

We saw in that image that actually the raw food person had aura and glow and radiance and that the junk food person, their aura had been dulled down almost to the point of invisibility. So this is the reason why people don’t see auras, because actually their aura isn’t very bright because of the way we’ve dulled ourselves down with this toxic food and food that’s not natural.

The prestigious Mayo Clinic in the US recommends we drink about 2 liters of water a day to remain properly hydrated. David believes the quality of the water we drink is just as important as how much we drink.

I’m a student of water, because you have to be in order to really be healthy. You’ve got to really get your body hydrated. Nature’s solution to pollution is dilution – great phrase: “Nature’s solution to pollution is dilution.” And if we don’t get filters on our water, we’re going to become a filter. Very important phrase: “If we don’t get the filters on our water, we’re going to become a filter.”

But I will not drink any filtered water. I’ll wash my dishes in it. I’ll wash my clothes in filtered water, but I won’t actually drink it. The water that I’ve learned to drink over the years, that connects us immediately to our higher self, and is really truly spiritual in every sense of the word is high mountain spring water coming out of the great springs of the great mountain ranges of the world and I go to those places, preferentially. When you drink it, all of a sudden you feel this influx of light come into your body.

I encourage people all over the world to seek out the local mountain springs and test it out for yourself. Find what the experience is to drink water the way the Earth intended us to drink it. Find out what the yogis have been onto all these years and the great Taoist masters have been onto all these years, which is: they’re not down at the bottom of the valley drinking water in the creek.

They’re up there underneath the glacier; they’re up there in the mountain springs drinking that water, because that’s where we connect to that level of purity and that level of perfection that that water embodies.

You’ll find that the longest living people live up high in the mountains and therefore they’re automatically drinking that spring water. Maybe it’s been in the creek for a thousand meters or something, or maybe they’re right up at the source drinking it. But they’re drinking it from a place that’s pure, that’s uncontaminated and relatively still in its original natural state. That is a gift to humanity.

I believe, from my experience doing muscle testing and kinesiology that actually spring water is the highest emanation of love in the physical manifest form that we can actually ingest.

Most of us like to go outdoors and breathe in the fresh air, as it helps us to relax and recharge. David Wolfe has some recommendations on how to reconnect with nature to bring peace of mind.

This is really an important discovery in science in the last 10 years, that, by wearing shoes, we’re actually wearing a rubber sole, and that rubber sole is an insulator. It disconnects us from the electricity of the Earth. What’s been found, and this was actually discovered about 100 years ago, is that the Earth itself is negatively charged and the atmosphere is positively charged, and when those charges build up, that’s when we have lightning, that’s the lightning strike, that’s the thunderstorm.

We can participate in the natural electricity of this Earth and get it for free every time we go barefoot, which means that we can actually get free electricity, free alkalinity, that can help neutralize acidity, and neutralize oxidation, every time we go barefoot, every time we swim in the ocean, every time we swim in a lake, every time we walk down a path in the forest, barefoot.

And this, from a mathematical perspective, is helping us to collapse a bunch of the electromagnetic pollution that we’re exposed to. We collapse those waveforms right into the Earth which can absorb it. That’s what grounding is. It’s taking electricity, aberrant electricity, and grounding it, and discharging it off of us.

Now, from a meditation perspective – I always love the great yogi books about meditation – one of the things they differentiate in these books is meditating in a forest versus meditating in a city. We know that in a city there is a lot of aberrant, not only radio waves and WI-FI itself, but also thought forms. And therefore, you have to sit there for a while to finally let that go. It might even take hours.

But when you meditate on the soil, on the beach, in a forest, you actually directly connect to the purity of that environment, and you discharge all that weird stuff in our mind quicker, maybe in minutes, instead of hours. So you can go deeper, you can go further and you can also connect to the great cosmos.

And what do you do in regards to the Sun, you do some Sun gazing?

Sun gazing has gained tremendous popularity because it’s free, it heals you. It helps get you connected to your environment and it’s available almost every day.

And that means right when the Sun rises in the morning, you’re out barefoot on stone, and you’re watching the Sun rise just in that first minute or so, and right when the Sun sets, barefoot on stone, it could be sand, that’s fine, or gravel, or even a road, that’s fine, cement is okay, but you’ve got to be barefoot, or at least touching the Earth some way with your hand, so that you’re having skin-to-skin connection with the Earth.

A tree is fine. If you’re in a city, you can touch a tree and Sun gaze as the Sun is coming down. You’re watching it in that last minute or so, and then eventually work up to maybe five minutes – when you’re ready. You start out a very small amount of Sun gazing and then you build up.

It’s been an honor to talk to you today and thank you very much for your time. Is there something that you’d like to say to the viewers out there?

My goal is to always inspire, not only myself, but everybody to have the best day ever. “God, help me to create this day as the best day ever.” And then what happens is, you have it, and it’s so incredibly synchronistic and magical, that the higher power is with you. And that’s why I put that phrase out there.

“Today is the best day ever.” Say it to yourself at home over and over again. “Today is going to be the best day ever.” “Today is the best day ever.” “This is the best day of my life,” and watch what happens when you do that in the morning, watch what happens to your evening, your afternoon, your lunch time, your night out. It’s transformed into pure magic.

Our appreciation David Wolfe for imparting rays of understandings on the natural world and wonderful advice on reconnecting ourselves to the magic of the universe. May we all absorb the bountiful loving energies around us and bring it into our daily lives.

For more details on David Wolfe, please visit: www.DavidWolfe.com
Books, CDs, and DVDs by Mr. Wolfe are available at www.LongevityWarehouse.com

Thank you, heart-warming viewers, for your company on Healthy Living, airing every Monday on Supreme Master Television. Science and Spirituality is coming up next, after Noteworthy News. May the love from the universe emanate from all beings.

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