Good People Good Work
Al Ihsan Charity Center: Elevating the Vulnerable in the United Arab Emirates (In Arabic)   

(In Arabic) Ms. Samia Attia Dawoud(f): I work here in Al Ihsan (Charity Center) because I love charitable work.

HOST (IN ARABIC): Caring viewers, welcome to Good People, Good Works on Supreme Master Television. The world is like a giant family, so when some members face challenges in life, others who are able lend a helping hand. Grounded in the timeless values of Islam, Al Ihsan Charity Center in Ajman, United Arab Emirates serves as a compassionate source of help, spreading Allah's grace and love to the region's disadvantaged and vulnerable.

Ms. Khan(f): I get everything. Through this charity, God gives us rent for the house and everything through their charity work; (they have a) 20 year (history) of charitable work. This organization provides everything for everyone.

HOST: The work of the Center began in 1990 through the efforts of Sheikh Mohammed bin Ali bin Rashid Al-Nuaimi. In 1998 the Center was officially registered in the Emirate of Ajman through the kind gesture of His Highness Sheikh Humaid bin Rashid Al-Nuaimi, a member of the United Arab Emirates' Supreme Council and the Ruler of Ajman and has been helped by his continuous, generous support.

Mr. Abdulla Jedi(m): While we at Al Ihsan Charity Center help all groups, the bulk of the assistance goes to women, widows, deserted ones and those whose spouses are medical patients, unable to work, banished or imprisoned.

The orphans are the ones who have lost their breadwinner or lost their parents. They are also of the category that we can or should help them in this institution so they may help themselves in the future. We work under the slogan, "Women without supporters and children without sponsors."

HOST: The goal of the charity is to enable those it assists to eventually become self-sufficient so that they can in turn help others in need.

Mr. Abdulla Jedi(m): We offer medical, financial, social and food assistance for families so they feel that through comprehensive care we'll be a substitute for the loss of a breadwinner. This comprehensive care includes education; that is, providing care for students in both education and health.

HOST: The Center makes no distinctions based on faith or ethnic background when providing aid to those in need. Thus far the Center has helped 6,000 families and 325 orphans of different nationalities in Ajman. Families may be given a wide variety of things to help make home life more comfortable including kitchen appliances, furniture, clothes, shoes, personal items and so on.

Ms. Susen Yonz (f): I am a Filipina but I was married to a local from Dubai (United Arab Emirates) and I have one daughter. I get a lot of help, especially for my daughter's school supplies, and for the house rent and if there is a chance also, they are giving us help with our electric bill and support for the rice; everything for the goods and stuff. I get a lot of help in the name of Sheikh Humaid. Thank you very much in the name of Allah. Mr. Abdulla Jedi(m): This aid is between US$272 and US$680 ( to) for sponsored cases where they may take a monthly sum of money or food of more than US$163. They may receive all the financial and food help, depending on the situation of the family.

Mr. Abdulla Jedi(m): Of course, for assistance related to food, within our monthly budget, we buy food and then distribute it, or through daily donations coming to us from public benefactors. Such daily assistance increases or decreases through the regular collection of a variety of foods, which includes daily necessities. During the holy month of Ramadan, we offer breakfasts, up to 80,000 meals per month, which are distributed in various locations in the Emirate of Ajman.

HOST: Ramadan is observed by millions of Muslims around the world and is marked by daily fasting. It is the special month when the Holy Qur'an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. In the Qu'ran, Chapter 2, verse 185, it says: 『Ramadan is the month during which the Qu'ran was revealed, providing guidance for the people, clear teachings, and the statute book.

Those of you who witness this month shall fast therein.』 The end of the Ramadan is marked by Id-al-Fitr or the Feast of Fast-ending, a three-day holiday. The Center has a number of Ramadan-related programs that bring happiness to orphans.

Abdullah: The other project for Ramadan is an "orphan feast's gift." An orphan on this day, because there is no father or sponsor, needs to feel joy in his heart, so we have a project called "orphan feast's gift." It is a sum of money handed over to the orphans so that they can buy things that they love and feel joy in their hearts on this day.

The third project for Ramadan is "feast's clothes." At the feast, as known in all Arab and Islamic countries, they wear new clothes, the best clothes, where they boast of these clothes among each other. So the orphan should feel happy on this day, so we have made this project a major project for Ramadan and holidays.

HOST: As part of its mission to promote independence and self-reliance in aid recipients, the charity helps children get a needed education so that when they grow older they can be productive members of society.

Mr. Abdulla Jedi(m): In families, there are thousands of students who need to pursue their studies. Thus, through a project called "School Bag" the Center helps from 700 to 800 students.

We provide them with school bags containing all the items needed during the students' school year. We also contribute by providing the tuition for students in their schools.

HOST: Vocational education is also supported by the Al Ihsan Charity Center and those going through its training programs learn a wonderful skill set that is applicable to a promising career featuring economic independence.

Mr. Abdulla Jedi(m): We have begun development projects including sewing, embroidery and handicrafts. We have an Al Ihsan press project for training in design and printing services. We also have a training project or training school for languages and software development. We are in the process, God willing, of establishing an Al Ihsan professional institute for vocational education.

Ms. Kefah Hamia (f1 For students who graduate from here, of course, the Center, God bless, and does not leave them; they presented this (sewing) machine to them. For me, I taught and gave them a profession ... workmanship. In addition, the machine from the Center is the beginning of a livelihood for them.

Ms. Kefah Hamia (f1): The products of the girls here are mostly sold through festivals that we participate in. We participated in a festival in Ajman and another one in Sharjah (United Arab Emirates), in the Heritage Village in Sharjah. At these festivals we sell products and clothes and then we give the proceeds of the sales to sponsored families here at the Center.

HOST: A successful teacher, Kefah Hamia is a wonderful example of someone who has previously benefited from the Center's assistance.

Ms. Kefah Hamia (f1): Thankfully, this center adopted me until I got to this stage, got to be able to teach students and let them reach the point that I reached. Rather than to ask people for help, I can provide what I need myself. I teach my students that, rather than you ask for help, try to rely on yourself by learning the skill, learning sewing here. This way they get benefit, earn money and become self-sufficient instead of relying on others.

Ms. Kefah Hamia(f): They will work and get paid, God willing. In this way I help them out of the tunnel of dependency.

HOST: In 2003 Al Ihsan Medical Center was launched as a single clinic and has now become eight clinics where economically -disadvantaged patients are provided medical examinations and treatment at little to no cost.

Mr. Abdulla Jedi(m): At the medical center we currently have a dental clinic, an internal medicine clinic, an obstetrics clinic and a children's clinic. We have an integrated laboratory containing all the equipment that exists in any hospital.

Mr. Zubair (m): Per day we have more than 400 people coming here for tests - anemia, thalassemia and cancer screening. I am working as a lab technician, taking blood and checking evaluations and I am from India. So this is a feel-good job.

Mr. Abdulla Jedi(m): And the other part, we provide monthly exams, which are necessary for cases suffering from diseases, serious diseases such as (high) blood pressure or hepatitis and some diseases such as diabetes that one lives with throughout his life.

Ms. Samia Attia Dawoud(f): When patients come here, we measure blood pressure, temperature and weight. There are underprivileged patients, and others who are ordinary. For the underprivileged, when they come they are not happy, not able to afford treatment, so we offer them assistance. As soon as they receive the assistance, they go out full of joy.

Here we do the ECG (Electrocardiograph), we give injections at discounted prices. We offer treatment to the underprivileged patients for free, but for the ordinary patients, it costs US$13 with free medication. Every day, around 200 patients come, and we work two shifts, one in the morning and the other in the evening. We offer services for children, adults, young people, pensioners and the elderly.

Mr. Abdulla Jedi(m): The number of employees at Al Ihsan Charity Center in the medical department or the center in general is more than 46 workers or employees. For volunteers, there are a lot of them; we now have a campaign to get a thousand volunteers. A volunteer is a person who collaborates with us here; today you have seen some of those young men and women.

All nationalities work with us, that is United Arab Emirates nationals and other nationalities. The most important thing is that one has to love collaborating with us in the field of helping people.

There are volunteers from the United States of America, Britain, Australia, India, Indonesia and many other nations.

HOST: In addition to medical care, pharmaceutical services are also provided.

Mr. Abdulla Jedi(m): The pharmacy you have seen contains all the medications, and thank God, most of them are donations from benefactors, people who help us, pharmaceutical companies and factories located in the country.

HOST: To enhance the number of services provided to patients, a new 16-story-hospital is now under construction that will truly help improve community public health when completed.

Mr. Abdulla Jedi(m): Its level will be very high in all the services and the hospital will operate all its clinics 24-hours a day, such as emergency operations and everything. As for the cases treated and in need, treatment will be free. Al Ihsan Charity Center will bear the costs of the hospital and the medical center and be self-sufficient without the assistance of any other entity.

HOST: Mr. Abdullah Jedi and other staff at Al Ihsan Charity Center as well as all volunteers, we sincerely thank you for generously sharing your time and resources with the less fortunate of your nation. Charitable institutions like yours contribute to spreading love and goodness among all people so that they may live in greater peace.

For more details on the Al Ihsan Charity Center , please visit

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