Ching Hai School:Education Oasis in India’s Rajasthan Desert (In Hindi)   
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Part 2 Play with windows media ( 49 MB )

Far out in the Indian desert of Rajasthan, as the sun illuminates the sandy hills and cactus bushes, one by one,the delightful children dressed in red checker and brown uniforms stroll into the grounds of the ivory white building fenced in by fields of tall wild grasses. It’s the beginning of a beautiful school day for the Rajasthan children.

Yet, this is not just any ordinary school; this is Ching Hai School -a loving, caring, and all compassionate institute in the heart of the desert, where all the students, teachers, and even parents are devoted vegetarians for life.

Ching Hai School was established in honor of Supreme Master Ching Hai by a group of local organic farmers who are also our Association members. It is their wish that, through the school, Supreme Master Ching Hai’s wise teachings and her noble ideals, such as the vegetarian way of living, can be introduced and practiced in the Rajasthan region.

Now, let’s meet one of the school’s co-founders and coordinators, Mr. Gajendra Singh, who will show us around this one-of-a-kind institute, the first school ever to be founded as a loving tribute to Supreme Master Ching Hai.

  Timor-Leste: Feeling the Consequences of Climate Change 
 Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Righteous Way of Living 

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