Shining World Compassion Award: Nguyễn Thị Bích Vân - An Angel for the Animals (In Aulacese)   
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Today’s Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Thai.

Everywhere in the world, we can observe and be touched by acts of kindness. People from all walks of life, faiths, and cultures extend themselves beyond the call of duty to help others unconditionally. Through their noble deeds, humanity as a whole is elevated.

To commend virtuous actions and encourage more people to be inspired by their examples, Supreme Master Ching Hai has lovingly created a series of awards, including the Shining World Leadership Award, Shining World Compassion Award, Shining World Hero and Heroine Awards, Shining World Honesty Award, Shining World Protection Award, Shining World Intelligence Award, and Shining World Inventor Award, to recognize some of the most exemplary, generous, caring, and courageous people who walk amongst us.

I only want to advise dog caregivers that when our dogs become old, we should let them die in the house. Do not throw them out. Have pity for them. We should not abandon or neglect them. It’s a pity for them. When we raise them, they know that we love them. They know we are their mothers. So, when we abandon them, they cannot talk, but they will feel very sad. (That’s right!) They cry inside. They feel self-pity. They cry. They feel much self-pity.

Ms. Nguyễn Thị Bích Vân has been caring for homeless and ill dogs for more than 10 years. A resident of southern Âu Lạc (Vietnam), she herself only has a bicycle and delivery cart as shelter for her and her canine friends. Every little bit of money earned from her working as a dish washer and picking up bottles which would otherwise litter the streets, she uses for her cherished dog companions.

When she comes back home, she greets her sweet friends with much love. When it rains, she tries to protect as many of them as she can with her own body. When the dogs are ill, she brings them to the veterinarian, and then buys them the most nutritious food she can manage. Thanks to her wonderful care, many of the sweet canines have become healthy again.

Ms. Vân, when did you first adopt an abandoned dog?

I adopted the first dog when I still lived with my family. When I was going to work, I saw a very cute dog and took him home to raise. After the first dog, I adopted the second one. Then, I continued to adopt other abandoned dogs, a total of five dogs. Then my family reprimanded me and evicted me from the house (saying), “You must abandon your dogs or leave the house. You are not allowed to raise dogs like that in my house.”

So I agreed to leave the house. My father felt pity for me and gave me 700,000 dong to buy this delivery tricycle. This delivery tricycle was used as a house. I put my dogs inside this tricycle. Around them, I put brooms and loofahs to sell. I pushed my delivery tricycle everywhere. Occasionally, I stopped my tricycle to let the dogs relieve themselves. The passers-by saw that and felt pity for me. They asked to buy the dogs but I said I did not sell them.

They pitied me and gave me some money. One person gave 30,000 dong, another gave 50,000 dong. But it did not happen often, perhaps every three or four days, sometimes a week passed by before I got 30,000 dong. Someone said, “This woman raises dogs to beg for money.” I also kept silent. At night, I pushed my tricycle near my house to find a place to sleep. I climbed up into the tricycle, covered us with a piece of nylon on top; then slept with them. Later, I found a place.

I stretched a piece of nylon on top of my tricycle and used it as a tent. I was harassed also. I intervened with dogfights, and then I got bitten by them. I got bitten all the time, many times.

Some people saw me raising dogs; they hated me and caused me trouble. But I tried to endure it and kept raising the dogs until now.

You yourself are very deprived of material needs but you share what you have with these lovely dogs. Have these dogs ever repaid you for your kindness?

Some people said, “You will die because of your dogs. What benefit do you get from raising dogs? Why do you like to raise them?” I said that I did not mind. I found their life very pitiful. When they were beautiful, then people raise them. When they get sick, then people abandon them. It is too cruel. I raise dogs because I love them and I do not expect that they repay me.

Some people said, “You raise dogs, they will repay you in the future.” But I never think about it. I think I need to save them first because they are unfortunate dogs. I only think like that. I never think of the day when they will repay me like today.

Are your dogs vegetarian now?

Yes, they are. All father dogs and mother dogs are vegetarian. Only the new dogs are not used to being vegetarian.

But all the dogs inside, more than 30 dogs, are vegetarian.

If the dogs can be vegetarian, I am very glad for them. They practice spiritually; they are liberated, and die a natural death. If they still eat meat, I feel sorry for them because they will have to be reincarnated again.

Some people said, “How can dogs be vegetarian? You should feed them meat. If they become vegetarian, they will lose their health.” But I feed them vegetarian food. I don’t feed them meat.

Do you want to send any message to those who intend to raise dogs?

I only say that dog raisers must love their dogs. Don’t just raise them when they are healthy and beautiful and then abandon them when they are sick.

We asked Ms. Vân about dogs who are about to pass away and how they behave at that time.

Before dying, they also look at me very lovingly. When a dog is ill, I carry him in my arms and caress him, and he looks at me very lovingly. Since I know he is going to pass away, I play a Buddhist chanting tape for him to listen.

Ms. Vân, aside from dogs, if other animals need help, do you help them?

Yes, of course. If I have the means, I will adopt them all. Pigs are also very pitiful. (Looking at pigs, I find many pigs gentle.) Yes, they are very gentle.

Ms. Vân, do you think that we humans need to learn from our animal friends?

We need to learn the lesson of love from our animal friends. The lesson is to love them when we need them and when we don’t need them, we also love them and not mistreat them. As long as we live, we must have love. The animals are the same. They also have love. I saw that animals have a lot of affection. Like the dogs that are raised in the same house, they love one another so much.

Hearing of Ms. Nguyễn Thị Bích Vân’s unconditional love for homeless animals, Supreme Master Ching Hai honored her with the Shining World Compassion Award, US$ 5,000 for the care of the canines staying with her and gifts including Master’s international #1 bestselling books “The Dogs In My Life” and “The Noble Wilds.” Also presented to her were various DVDs and CDs featuring Master’s music and poetry in Aulacese (Vietnamese).

Supreme Master Ching Hai also wanted to find a home for Ms. Nguyễn Thị Bích Vân and her dogs, but it was reported that our fellow Association members had already helped her find one. The following is an excerpt from a heartfelt letter to Ms. Nguyễn Thị Bích Vân from Supreme Master Ching Hai that accompanied the Award.

It is with hearts warmed and uplifted by you that we present the “Shining World Compassion Award” to you. This Award is presented in recognition of the purity and beauty of your tender care for animals, and the loveliness of your compassion, which inspires all who know or hear of you to at least dream of a world where all beings can live side by side without fear or want.

In responding to the needs of homeless and ill dogs with your gentle kindness, the sweet aroma of your beautiful love scents our world with the perfume of Heaven. Surely you have descended from that shining realm in order to grace Earth with your saintly example. Like a brightly glowing candle, the love in your heart illuminates and warms other hearts, moving them to greater goodness.

You are a shining example of how one person can make a significant difference to our world, leading the way with your exemplary model of love in action. Thank you. You help our world. Your loving compassion towards animals is like a finger pointing out the path to a world of true peace and universal harmony.

For selflessly taking dogs in distress under your protective and motherly wing; for the truly beautiful example of your noble life; and for the kindhearted dedication you show for the physical and emotional needs of another species we hereby applaud and celebrate the compassionate deeds of Ms. Nguyễn Thị Bích Vân, Angel of Love. With Great Honour, Love and Blessings, Supreme Master Ching Hai

Would you like to send any message to Supreme Master Ching Hai?

Yes, I would like to thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for helping me with this amount of money so I could continue to save those animals that are going to be killed, those abandoned due to their illness. I take them home to care for them. I also thank her for helping me save the animals.

If I have no money, it will be hard for me. If I take them home but have no money to save them, they will also die. However, they would die in happiness. They would die in love. They would not feel sad or self-pity until the day of their reincarnation. They would die gently, comfortably without being beaten or killed.

Ms. Nguyễn Thị Bích Vân, we once again extend our sincere appreciation to you for being a true example of unconditional love. May Heaven shine on you and your beloved canine companions always.

Thank you, friendly viewers, for your kind presence today on this edition of the Shining World Award series. Coming up next is Enlightening Entertainment after Noteworthy News. May all our cherished animal friends enjoy lives filled with abundance and love.

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