Furry Tales from Finnish Animal Telepathic Communicator Maiccu Kostiainen (In Finnish)   
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Greetings compassionate viewers and welcome to today’s Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. From time immemorial, animals have been humankind’s best friend. The presence of these beautiful beings
has immensely enriched our lives by way of their unconditional love, affection and friendship.

Have you ever thought it would be nice if we all could communicate with the animals just like we do
amongst each other?

Ms. Maiccu Kostiainen, a caring Finnish lady, started to communicate telepathically with animals in 2002,
after her beloved canine friend passed away. She learned how to connect inside by researching methods
taught online, as well as in books.

These days she converses with a vast array of species including dogs, cats, hedgehogs, turtles, bunnies, rats and horses. She conducts regular workshops and provides information on her website to enable others to also establish a telepathic connection with animals.

Ms. Kostiainen believes the ability to converse inside is in inherent within all of us.

For more information about Maiccu Kostiainen, please visit

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