Nigel's Animal Rescue   
Part 1 Play with windows media ( 35 MB )
Part 2 Play with windows media ( 34 MB )

Have you ever encountered a situation where your feline friend has climbed a tree but cannot get down by himself? Or have you ever found a possum stuck in your chimney?

What if there was a horse in your pool? On today’s show we are delighted to introduce Nigel Williamson, a professional animal rescuer, who operates Nigel’s Animal Rescue in Melbourne, Australia over 16 hours a day, and is on call at all times, seven days a week.

His service frees animals trapped in all sorts of places and provides treatment to injured beings. Nigel has rescued over 30,000 cats, dogs, koalas, deer, kangaroos and other animals. Now let’s meet Nigel to hear about the Rescue.

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