The Verses of Fine Dominican Republic Poets      
Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Spanish, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Thai.

The rain. The night opens up, and a dove is born.
The Heaven swells its clouds to embrace it in its lap.

Greetings aesthetic viewers, and welcome to Enlightening Entertainment. Through the expressive form of poetry, Dominican Republic poets create verses that reflect their national identity, social concerns, and life experiences. Today, please join us as we attend a poetry reading event titled “Women of Words” in New York, USA, featuring female poets of the Dominican Republic and their original poems.

It is a celebration that we have every year, this is the second poetic encounter of the women of red in black. “Women of Words,” we have almost made an organization of this, I mean, just the fact of being able to gather, listen to each other, see each other is a beautiful excuse to read poetry. I feel very satisfied, the fact that all of our poets could come. They did an extraordinary reading of their work, and it was a tangible demonstration of what is being produced, of what female poets here in New York, the Dominicans, are producing. For that I feel very good.

We are in the company of Adriana Devers. Adriana, how do you feel?

Happy, proud, not only about participating in this event but also for all the talent that we can enjoy there, for all those fellow women and everything they have achieved, each one of them, through this path.

I feel very happy about participating in this meeting of poets and writers. For me, it is really a satisfaction to know that within our Dominican community we are working to leave a legacy for our future youth, for the people, and the emigrants from different countries, not only the Dominican Republic.

The Dominican Republic is a country with diverse cultures introduced by the Spanish, American Indians, Africans, Germans, Irish, Italians, and Jewish people. The multicultural nature of the Dominican society has produced a unique culture of its own, as described in the poetry of Ms. Gladys Montolios.

I am a Dominican in my bones, as they say in my country. I have been writing since a young age. My interest, it was poetry that I wanted. The thing is, I wrote anything that came to my memory. And now that I have been here working with women, I was inspired by them to write this book. I tried to write about everything that I was hearing and living.

I have Latin blood, multicolor blood, as fiery as the sun! My hips move like a whirl to the tropical rhythm. My race, multicolor, White, native and Black blood, I am multicultural! I have Latin blood, fiery, eloquent, beauty without match. I belong to my beloved land, little piece of sun, exotic paradise, humble, simple people, of great faith. Hardworking, honest, of great capacity, creative, loving, ingenious, intelligent, that is how our women are. Noble gentlemen, very wise, make us proud with their great capacity. I am cosmopolitan, multicultural. Without being arrogant, my race is unsurpassed. I have Latin blood! I don’t fancy myself as superior, but still I tell you, I am so privileged… to be born in the Caribbean, spectacular island. I have Latin blood! A fusion of more than 20 countries makes it special, turning my race into a universal sensation. I have Latin blood! I am multicultural! Thank you.

“Women of Words” are, as you have seen, mothers, wives, hardworking women, politicians, who have come to this great nation to light the flame of love and freedom and work so that immigrants can be more than just capable of doing mechanical work, but also of exalting the spirit and leaving a legacy to future generations and youth.

Next, Ms. Lucila Rutinel reads a poem written by her mother when she was a respected consulate in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, the neighboring country of the Dominican Republic. The poet conveys her mother’s love for the city and people of Port-au-Prince.

I love you, Port-au-Prince, for your people, simple, humble and hardworking. Because since long ago I searched for the mother I find in you. And when I glide through your Kenscoff and your black mountain, I clearly revive the times when barefoot, with my long hair, my eyes dilated by your pure beauty, I breathed your air, planting big trees, harvesting vegetables or feeding the goats. I love you, Port-au-Prince, for your devotion, your dignity and kindness, for your clear beauty of looking upward, and gathering all the strength of the earth, showing the world your personality, inventing your language, your art and religion. And without looking back, standing by yourself, you offer the whole world your exotic beauty, your courage and your history in this new world, of that new world of Christopher Columbus. I love you, Port-au-Prince, port to which I have come back, tired of roads and inhospitable deserts. And like a good mother, you have given me a lap on which to cradle my anxieties, cradle my strayings, drink bitter tears, preach my tenderness, give my lullaby. And in this life that I have dragged up to you, looking for your renovation and your comfort, and towards the other lives that await me in the unpredictable millennia.

Our next poetry recitation is presented by Ms. Maria Farazdel, a native Dominican Republican who has lived and worked in the United States since she was 17 years old. Presently, she works as an editor and photographer for the literary newspaper “Palimsesto.” Her book, “My Little Paradise,” is a collection of poems and photographs through which she expresses her love to her homeland.

For me, the writing of this book, I thought it was that I was doing it for love of my homeland, love for my country, the Dominican Republic that I love so much. And after I finished it, I understood that it remains as a legacy, it is part of history, so the goal is to improve. In my second book, which is coming out soon, “Labyrinth of Waiting,” it is a work that is completely different, better, where you can tell the difference between a poet that starts out and a poet with more experience.

Here I also have “Poets of the Era,” an anthology which just came out two weeks ago in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, where there are some poems of mine in English, Spanish and French. There are poems there such as “The Hat,” “The Message,” where the country is always calling us back.

You say you will go, and then you always wait a little longer, like, “Oh no, I have to earn some more money.” “I have to do some other things.” When you come to realize a lot of time has gone by, like I have been here 37 years already, and so the time is coming for me to return because I think it is enough. So, in the meantime, this is my comfort.

Two beginnings, one end Final destination: back home Where a hat waits for me to cover my visage and my head from the intense rays, rainy days and cool nights. When my heart sees you, my eyes beat and jump of joy. We both cry for the soldiers lost. Glad to be part of you again, of your whispering wings in nights, and perfect usage for that hat, which awaits patiently for my head to fill the empty hole where it hangs, a place I call home.

In Ms. Norma Felix Peralta’s poem, she also expresses her longing to go back to her hometown, Constanza, in the Dominican Republic.

Constanza, where the joy of the lost path lives; there, in that order, arrived her gaze, dyed in deception. All of us, one day we dream of that journey which makes us happy, even if we go looking for absences. We deliberate about getting there, then walk away slowly, always leaving a trace, something that will make us go back, even if dragging an idea with a thin, pious thread.

Finally, the distinguished Dominican Republic poets convey their uplifting thoughts on poetry and world peace.

I definitely believe that poetry changes the world and transforms who we are. I think that poetry is love, and love is poetry. It is information that transforms our society.

You have to proclaim peace in order to feel it around you. You have to carry it. You have to give love and with love you achieve peace. With peace you can accomplish many things in the world and you spread an aura. If you spread an aura of peace around you and you carry it with you, that is what you are going to transmit wherever you go. World peace is the essence, because it is what creates the love of humanity.

What is your message of peace and your wish for the world?

To continue writing, continue writing beautiful things that come from the mind, to maintain peace in the whole world. It doesn’t matter which language you speak, doesn’t matter the hair color, the complexion. You go one, two, and when the lights go off, we are all the same. We are all the same, so the message is love, love and peace for everyone.

Our appreciation, all the brilliant Dominican Republic lady poets and organizers of this warm gathering, for enriching people’s lives as you do your own through your sensitive poetic expressions. May such heartfelt verses - and voices - of the Dominican Republic continue being heard, bringing inspiration, peace, and love to all!

Noble viewers, we enjoyed your presence on today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Coming up next is Words of Wisdom, after Noteworthy News, here on Supreme Master Television. Wishing you and your loved ones tranquility and joy.

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