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The Shining World Leadership Award: Governments Defending the Animals      
A country that upholds the values of peace by abolishing its army…

A president who rescued thousands of refugees’ lives…

A former US vice president who brings the world’s attention to global warming…

A celebrity who advocates for human rights…

An animal lover who works tirelessly for the defenseless…

An international organization that provides humanitarian aid regardless of national boundaries…

A worldwide humanitarian agency that protects human life and alleviates suffering (Red Cross)

These are among some of the distinguished people, countries and organizations in our present day society that have made a positive difference on our planet through their noble actions.

For the purpose of recognizing these caring actions, and in response to the reports about many positive developments in the world, Supreme Master Ching Hai founded the Shining World Leadership Award in March 2006. The pure crystal award represents the shining noble ideals of the honored individuals, nations and organizations whose pioneering work and selfless dedication have significantly contributed to the harmony and beauty of our planet.

“Thank you for this award and most significantly, thank you for the work you’ve done and are doing, and are encouraging others to do to awaken humanity to its responsibility – to live a compassionate life and to do so in honoring the spirit in all beings.”

The founder of the Shining World Leadership Award, Supreme Master Ching Hai, is a world- renowned spiritual leader, humanitarian and artist, who herself has brought immense benefits to the world through her inspiring words and shining example. Supreme Master Ching Hai’s own selfless service and devotion to all beings have been highly lauded by world leaders and governments.

She also brings love around the world where there is hate. She brings hope where there is despair, and she brings understanding where there is misunderstanding. We don't have enough people like the Supreme Master. If we had somebody like her in every country in the world, we will have eternal peace, eternal love.

For decades, Supreme Master Ching Hai has exemplified unconditional love through her worldwide humanitarian work.

Love your family members wholeheartedly; sacrifice for them whenever necessary. And to other members of mankind just show your love universally, and help whoever needs your help. That is the way of love.

Supreme Master Ching Hai’s wisdom and compassion have been a source of inspiration for countless people worldwide. And she further encourages positive work through the Shining World Leadership Award. Thank you, Shining World Leaders!

Greetings noble viewers. The highly admired Indian pacifist and vegetarian Mahatma Gandhi said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” A lifelong advocate for the respect toward all beings, human and animal, Supreme Master Ching Hai revealed in a July 2010 teleconference in the United States about the merit earned from being kind to animals.

If we are kind to any animals – rescue them or take care of them or somehow help them in their troubled time – then we will have earned a lot of merit, not just this lifetime, but in the future lifetime.

And we should never harm any animals at all, because that retribution will return double, triple to us and we will suffer the way we make the animals suffer.

One day,
killing animals will be also a crime, charged like killing humans, more or less. One time in our world, it will happen.

Today, we will feature three honored government recipients of the Shining World Leadership Award that were recognized for their legislation to stop animal cruelty and shield the exploited from harm.

First, in Canada, an amendment to the Province of Manitoba’s animal cruelty law took immediate effect in September 2010. The new regulations for the 1996 Animal Care Act established license requirements to eliminate puppy mills, which are places where dogs are relentlessly bred in abusive conditions to produce puppies for sale, usually in pet stores. Other measures were also put in place to further protect animal companions, such as a doubling of the maximum fine for animal care offenses.

In addition, animal protection officers now have greater authority to intervene or take custody of animals that they believe have been abandoned or abused. For their conscientious efforts to ensure the welfare of animal companions, Supreme Master Ching Hai honored the Government of the Province of Manitoba with the Shining World Leadership Award. The following is an excerpt from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s letter of appreciation:

“That the strong arm of the law now stands guardian over innocent and helpless puppies and kittens, and seeks to inject sympathy into the plight of cattle on trucks is testament that your Ministry is a guiding star to your people – leading them to ever more beautiful ways of expanding their hearts to embrace the welfare of all life. …we hereby applaud and celebrate the great deeds of Manitoba province and the Honourable Stan Struthers, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives. With Great Honour, Love and Blessings, Supreme Master Ching Hai”

Next, in the United Kingdom, following a series of temporary bans to protect the endangered Irish hare, Northern Ireland’s Assembly voted to end hare coursing. The new permanent ban of caging, then releasing and chasing wild hares was included in the Wildlife and Natural Environment Bill, and was proposed by Assembly Members Mr. Roy Beggs and Tom Elliott.

Commenting on the new measure, Assembly Member Beggs stated, “Catching a wild animal, keeping it in a cage and then releasing it in order that man can enjoy the chase of his greyhound... I am very uncomfortable with that use of wild animals." For this compassionate decision, Their Excellencies Mr. Beggs and Mr. Elliott of the Northern Ireland Assembly were honored with the Shining World Leadership Award from Supreme Master Ching Hai. A part of the award letter read:

“This Award is presented in recognition of the Assembly members’ outstanding compassionate efforts to advance humanity, for your wise leadership and exemplary vision paving the way to a kinder and more humane world… With Great Honour, Love and Blessings, Supreme Master Ching Hai”

In July 2010, members of the Catalán Parliament of Spain passed a new law that completely prohibits the cruel practice of bullfighting, which involves the bulls’ suffering and agonizing death. The region’s ban was the first on the Spanish mainland.

Audiences had already been voting with their actions as bullfighting events have declined in popularity, and Barcelona's La Monumental is the only bullring left operating in the region.

What is your reaction to the news that they have managed to ban bullfighting in Catalonia?

My reaction is positive because I feel good that they do not mistreat animals that are being raised to suffer.

Bulls are like any other animals and seeing them suffering like that, I don’t like it, truly.

In recognition of its humane and ethical policy, Supreme Master Ching Hai honored the Government of Catalonia with the Shining World Leadership Award. The award was presented to Catalonian Parliament Member Mr. Josep Rull.

Mr. Deputy, where did the idea to ban bullfighting come from?

This was a popular legislative initiative in the Catalán parliamentary system. They have an initiative to bring laws to the parliament, the government, the parliamentary groups and citizens. They need to collect more than 55,000 signatures, to ask Parliament to take a position in relation to a modification of a law. In this case, there weren’t 55,000 people but 180,000 people who asked the Parliament of Catalonia to amend the law on the protection of animals, in the sense of banning bullfighting with death of animals.

Before a vote, to the extent that it is known what will be the position of each political party, we know what is going to be the outcome, but not in this case. There were the appearances of the experts on one side and on the other, and therefore the debate took a very long time, very long, very intense, very rigorous. And I believe that the arguments in favor of eliminating a practice that does not conform to the values of the 21st century, were more convincing, in some way.

Yes, within the Spanish state, Catalonia is an autonomous territory, it is a nation within the Spanish state with its own institutions of self-governance. We have had much sympathy from the people, much sympathy from the people of other autonomous territories, from people in Andalusia, from people from Madrid, from people in Murcia, and above all an incredible support on an international level. We never had received so many emails from around the world, from New Zealand, throughout Latin America, United States, the majority of countries in the European Union.

As a shining example, Catalonia is also a pioneer in the protection of other kinds of animals.

We have one of the most advanced laws in the world and there is an issue that we are very concerned about, that is the prohibition of killing dogs and cats in kennels.

Very good. We would like to hear from you, Mr. Deputy, if you hope that Catalonia serves as an example for the rest of Spain, in this measure which has been adopted.

We would like it if so. In fact, in the Madrid community, there is a group of citizens who have initiated a process similar to that of Catalonia, in the sense of collecting signatures for the parliament of the Madrid community. And we know that in Andalusia, it would be the cradle of bullfighting, they also have a sensitivity very similar. The basic topic is that customs change and countries evolve, and that it’s not correct for the 21st century to make a public show based on torture and death of a living being. It is a global issue, it is a matter of sensitivity of human beings in relation to those who share the planet with us.

“Honourable Sir, It is with great pleasure and gratitude that we present to Catalonia the “Shining World Leadership Award.” This Award is presented in recognition of your region’s outstanding humane leadership, courage and conviction in banning bullfighting, mercifully bringing an end to this cruel and undignified practice. With your loving decision to outlaw bullfighting, the beautiful people of Catalonia have shown the rest of Spain and the entire world their compassionate and noble true selves.

The Catalonian Parliament has enacted true courage and strength of character in this historic decision, which followed a petition signed by 180,000 local residents calling for an end to such unjust and barbaric cruelty. The people have made themselves heard, and the leaders of Catalonia have listened, interceding on behalf of the helpless and innocent animals who cannot protest or escape from their situation.

Today, you, and all the people of Catalonia are their saviours, their guardian angels in their moment of need. For all the animals, and for all the peace-loving people around the world, we thank you from the depths of our hearts.

For your compassionate and merciful leadership in ending bullfighting in Catalonia, for your wisdom and empathy for the sentiments of the people, and for being a dedicated role model, we hereby applaud and celebrate the great deeds of Catalonia with special thanks to Member of Parliament, The Honourable Mr. Jose Rull, loving protector of the dignified and graceful bulls. With Great Honour, Love and Blessings, Supreme Master Ching Hai”

Well, is a real privilege, to receive this recognition, and my appreciation. This is not an issue for me but for which it represents, that is an important group of deputies and the parliament of a nation that has decided to be a little more dignified, a little more civilized. (Thank you very much.) Many thanks to the Master!

And we are going to give you the plaque.

It is very… really it is impressive. I’m very, very excited for this collective recognition which represents this nation.

Thank you very much!

In addition to the award, gifts were presented for the Parliamentary dignitaries involved, including Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lecture DVDs and #1 international bestsellers, “The Noble Wilds, “The Dogs in My Life,” and “The Birds in My Life.”

We are going to look at them so much, and we are going to read and also we are going to share with the other deputies that have participated in the elaboration of this law.

We respectfully laud the efforts of the governments of Catalonia, Spain; Northern Ireland, United Kingdom; and Manitoba, Canada, on behalf of the vulnerable species you have chosen to protect, as well as for the sake of our own species’ humaneness.

Blessed be all such legislation in protecting cherished co-inhabitants so they may continue to grace our Earth with their presence in freedom.

Caring viewers, thank you for your company on today’s program. Please keep your dial tuned to Supreme Master Television for Words of Wisdom, up next after Noteworthy News. May we all be nations of gentle animal-respecting citizens.

  Village Wishes for Happiness in North and South Korea - P1/2 (In Korean) 
 The Supreme Master Ching Hai Day: International Celebration with Our Association Members 


Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

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