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Shining World Hero Award: Dr. Gholamali Beski from Iran - Promoting the Healthy and Sustainable Vegan Lifestyle (In Persian)   

Greetings, caring viewers. Today, we will meet the Dr. Gholamali Beski from Iran. He is a renowned Iranian physician who has been helping to spread the message about two the importance of turning to an animal-free diet for both health and the environment. His greatest dream is to preserve the planet Earth.

Dr. Gholamali Beski is a pioneer in his work, having concluded many years ago that in order to live a long and fruitful life, only a holistic way will do. At 78 years of age, he is outstandingly strong, vibrant, and active. He is also a longtime raw vegan.

Dr. Beski’s medical expertise draws from research as well as his own personal experiences. He was not always so remarkably strong. Many relatives and his parents suffered from cancer or high blood pressure. In the earlier part of his life, he himself was afflicted with multiple, seemingly incurable illnesses. After searching in vain for medical remedies, Dr. Beski changed his lifestyle. After turning to raw veganism, drinking spring water and breathing fresh mountain air, he was completely cured. He realized that health is in Heaven’s hands, and that we must live a wholesome lifestyle.

Decades later, he had had not a hint of cancer, has the blood pressure level of a youth, and has become a model of fitness. When advising his patients or lecture audiences, Dr. Beski’s stance about the harmfulness of meat is with the firmest conviction.Dr. Beski also speaks about the ethical reasons we must avoid animal products.

Using his intuition and keen observation of nature, Dr. Beski is a physician who has long researched whole foods and nutrition as the main way to achieve health. As a result, he has created many simple but effective recipes. In addition to donating all of his possessions to charity, he is also knownfor leading a frugal life. Many people in Iran have found in Dr. Beski a role model of simplicity and contentment.

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Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

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