Oberom C. Silva:Returning to Our Divine Self through Breatharianism      
This program discusses the possibility of breatharianism, or living without eating food, and is not a full instruction. For your safety, please do not attempt to cease eating without proper expert guidance. For your safety, please do not attempt to cease eating without proper expert guidance.

Today’s Between Master and Disciples – “OberomC. Silva: Returning to Our Divine Self through Breatharianism” – will be presented in Portuguese with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech-Slovak, English, French, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

In scriptures, the human body is often referred to as the temple of God. Yet, it is quite an uncommon privilege for any soul to attain this sacred abode that houses the Divine, as it is truly a blessing to be reborn as a human being. On several occasions, Supreme Master Ching Hai has spoken about the rarity of this phenomenon:

To be reincarnated in the human world is hard. You have to have enough Human Quality. You have to have affinity with the parents and with the society, with the people around which you are born. Very difficult. To be a human, you need some merit. You have done something good in the past in order to be able to pick a human birth.

As a living temple of God, the human body is fully equipped with miraculous wonders that can be awakened in those who are spiritually conscious and have complete faith in the Creator of all life. Inedia, Latin for “fasting,” is the human ability to live without food. Since time immemorial, there have always been individuals who can sustain themselves on prana, or the vital life force. Through the grace of the Providence, inediates, people who follow a food-free lifestyle, can draw the energy from nature to nourish themselves:

They live on the chi from the ground, or from the forest, and from the sun and from the air. They make use of all that. Or they live on love, on faith alone.

These individuals are known as breatharians (pranarians or inediates), solarians, or waterians, and they come from all walks of life, from different cultures, and all corners of the world.

Indeed, the possibilities and miracles in this life as our benevolent Creator has designed for us are endless; we only need to connect within to recognize our abounding largess as God’s children. Supreme Master Ching Hai has lovingly recommended a weekly series on Supreme Master Television to introduce those individuals of the past and present who have chosen to live food-free on Earth. May their spiritual stories enthrall you; may hearts be opened, and horizons be expanded. We now invite you to join us for part 1 of our 4-part program, “Oberom C. Silva: Returning to Our Divine Self through Breatharianism,” on Between Master and Disciples.

Greetings, conscientious viewers. Today we visit the vast and multifaceted country of Brazil in Latin America to speak with Oberom Silva, a big-hearted breatharian who has a profound respect for life. Oberom has been food-free for nine years.

I realize that the vibrational pattern that enters the body when you eat some physical element, if you are in a sustained happiness, it does not vary. If you're caught up in the daily dramas of being a victim, of control, of fear, of suffering – all that you place inside you interferes with your vibration. You become totally vulnerable to external vibrations, the outdoor vibrations. And it’s the same for the environments that you hang out in, the companions that you have, your entertainment, television – everything will bring that dense vibration, each more inferior and will also undermine our energy, and each time that we are linked, we are caught in this circuit of survival, of hunger, of the need to eat.

And this also applies to food. If you eat low-frequency food, of death, pain, suffering, violence, fear, you are entering the vibration of these elements, which are very dense, very low vibrations. So it's hard for you to live this happiness – I'm talking about this continuous happiness, this awareness of being happy. You live moments of joy here and there and then enter again into this rollercoaster of sensations and feelings. So the main idea that I see, even for the purpose of pranic consciousness, is that the people are established in the consciousness – no longer the ego creating structures, creating games.

Thus you can get out of this ego mechanism of living in the past, living in the future, transiting through pleasures, just watching and being happy with everything, being thankful in the energy of gratitude, which is sublime. Gratitude is divine. It brings this unlimited vibration, a vibration of God. Influenced by his upbringing, Oberom leads a very active lifestyle, one in which he dedicates his time and effort to enhance the lives of others in his local as well as global, community.

I was born into an alternative community, to a lifestyle that is oriented toward self-knowledge. I was born at home in a natural manner – no allopathic medicines – no white sugar, no TV, without any meat. Everything without effort, everything educated in a way, as they were explained by my parents, and as they were understood by us, it was not a deficiency. I had a regular education. I graduated in physical education. Now I am doing postgraduate studies on yoga. I work mainly with the dissemination and clarification of what is pranic consciousness in Brazil and globally.

I am an activist for vegetarianism, not only on the streets but also focusing on that part of education and enlightenment with students, whether in the academic or mainstream schools. I wrote a book titled “Travelling on Light,” which reports my experience of a spiritual pilgrimage between Europe and India that lasted nine months between. And currently, I’m working on the publication of these books. I am a yoga teacher. I do that during the week. I work. I’m also an administrator of an ecological NGO called, MADRE – that means Friend of Ecological Diversity and Regeneration.

I'm also part of the ABRASCA council, which is the Brazilian Association of Alternative Community, where we have a regular attendance at meetings and for activities related to the proposals of alternative living. In addition, the work with agroforestry, permaculture, bioconstruction are part of my day-to-day activities as well. Also, my personal activity is to maintain my being so that I am always vibrating on this energy that is good for everyone, which does good for the planet, which is happiness and love.

Oberom’s passion to promote the compassionate, plant-based diet stemmed from an unexpected encounter. Actually, the beginning of my story as an activist of vegetarianism comes from reading the book, “The Key to Immediate Enlightenment,” by Master Ching Hai.

There is this question of holistic compassion as well, in addition to the different religious lines that also compose this understanding, compassion, respect to these beings who are so pure. So this gave me encouragement to inform people in a way of being the spokesperson of these beings who speak, but in a language that the human density today cannot understand. So I felt compelled and very encouraged, actually, by the way she puts it, and now this is what I work with. I divide my time, and sometimes the time is very short. I return home from my tasks and stay up late at night, answering e-mails that come from all over the world, with questions, with requests for books. And although it is so rushed, often very demanding, I have the perception and feeling of this peaceful consciousness that I'm doing my dharma.

So this book, “The Key to Immediate Enlightenment,” by Master Ching Hai, I use it a lot to bring this understanding to other people. At that time I did not know where it came from, as well as how to contact this reference of a conscious being in our dimension, which is a privilege for us. And then, in 2006, at the first Brazilian and Latin American Vegetarian Congress in Sao Paulo, there was a booth of Master Ching Hai, and there we approached, my brother and I. We approached because we had this history of being deeply involved in activism, the cause about animal liberation.

I can say that it was all wonderful. Everything happened at the right time, in accurate measurement, and will always be a reference to me not only as a good memory, but as a point, a source, in which I know I can lean on in a moment of imbalance, in a moment of doubt without any fear. It was also another chance encounter that opened up for Oberom the possibility of living solely on prana, the cosmic energy.

I was born into a family of seekers, so my brothers and I were raised without meat. We never consumed meat in our lives, despite the disapproval from relatives, teachers, the society. We grew up to be stronger, healthier, without allopathic medicine, and with similar productivity, and sometimes better, than others in our age group. So this part of nutrition we always had. It has always been okay with us to not eat meat, of not feeding off the pain and suffering.

Moreover, the perception that we could evolve in this direction was always there. Thus, we did away with the lacto-vegetarian diet for a more conscious diet, which is the vegan diet. From that came a realization that the quantity of what we eat equals the amount of energy that we spend to digest the materials that we consume. So the highlight of this story for all of us was when the book appeared, “Living on Light,” by the Australian Jasmuheen, in which she mentions an initiation process, a spiritual initiation, of 21 days where there is a conversion of our belief system for this unlimited field and divine beings that we are – a watershed where you you find yourself, where you recognize the divine being that you are – and it is from this consciousness that we are nurtured by God Himself, that we are awakened to this happiness that I sustain until today.

Since 2001, it has been nine years living in this blessing that increasingly stimulates in us a spontaneous feeling of gratitude, which brings even more blessings, more abundance, prosperity, for our lives. So the greatest force that we had, was the relationship with Yogananda’s “Autobiography of a Yogi” – my father was already a devotee of Yogananda ever since I was born. So the stories of Theresa Neumann, Giri Bala, Babaji, various yogis who bilocate, who communicate telepathically – all of this were bedtime stories so we had always thought of them as being real. Our belief system in this aspect has always been to accept all this, but of course, within a perception that it (living on prana) was for enlightened yogis of the Himalayas and not for mere mortals like us, until the book arrived and changed everything since the book mentions Yogananda. So I had a strong identification with all what the author suggested in the book’s description, of this possibility.

Thank you, open-minded viewers, for your company for this episode of Between Master and Disciples. Join us again next Sunday when we continue with part 2 of “Oberom C. Silva: Returning to Our Divine Self through Breatharianism.” Coming up next is Good People, Good Works, after Noteworthy News. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Joyously, we wish you the blissfulness of a new awakening every day.

For more information about Oberom and his work, please contact: Literature on Living Food-free Meet Oberom, a breatharian from Brazil.

As a young man of 17 years of age at that time, it was truly fantastic; also the benefits that the imagination created about the non-eating factor. About the second and third week, I saw God in everything. Everything was love, I wanted to embrace everything.

Tune in to Supreme Master Television on Sunday, January 23, for our program, “Oberom C. Silva: Returning to Our Divine Self through Breatharianism,” on Between Master and Disciples.

Tune in to Supreme Master Television today for our program, “Oberom C. Silva: Returning to Our Divine Self through Breatharianism,” on Between Master and Disciples.
This program discusses the possibility of breatharianism, or living without eating food, and is not a full instruction. For your safety, please do not attempt to cease eating without proper expert guidance. For your safety, please do not attempt to cease eating without proper expert guidance.

Today’s Between Master and Disciples – “Oberom C. Silva: Returning to Our Divine Self through Breatharianism” – will be presented in Portuguese with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech-Slovak, English, French, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

In scriptures, the human body is often referred to as the temple of God. Yet, it is quite an uncommon privilege for any soul to attain this sacred abode that houses the Divine, as it is truly a blessing to be reborn as a human being. On several occasions, Supreme Master Ching Hai has spoken about the rarity of this phenomenon:

To be reincarnated in the human world is hard. You have to have enough Human Quality. You have to have affinity with the parents and with the society, with the people around which you are born. Very difficult. To be a human, you need some merit. You have done something good in the past in order to be able to pick a human birth.

As a living temple of God, the human body is fully equipped with miraculous wonders that can be awakened in those who are spiritually conscious and have complete faith in the Creator of all life. Inedia, Latin for “fasting,” is the human ability to live without food. Since time immemorial, there have always been individuals who can sustain themselves on prana, or the vital life force. Through the grace of the Providence, inediates, people who follow a food-free lifestyle, can draw the energy from nature to nourish themselves:

They live on the chi from the ground, or from the forest, and from the sun and from the air. They make use of all that. Or they live on love, on faith alone. These individuals are known as breatharians (pranarians or inediates), solarians, or waterians, and they come from all walks of life, from different cultures, and all corners of the world.

Indeed, the possibilities and miracles in this life as our benevolent Creator has designed for us are endless; we only need to connect within to recognize our abounding largess as God’s children. Supreme Master Ching Hai has lovingly recommended a weekly series on Supreme Master Television to introduce those individuals of the past and present who have chosen to live food-free on Earth. May their spiritual stories enthrall you; may hearts be opened, and horizons be expanded. We now invite you to join us for part 2 of our 4-part program, “Oberom C. Silva: Returning to Our Divine Self through Breatharianism,” on Between Master and Disciples.

Greetings, generous viewers. Today, we return once again to the vast and multifaceted country of Brazil in Latin America to speak with Oberom Silva, a big-hearted breatharian who has a profound respect for life. Oberom has been food-free for nine years. Growing up in a family that respects life wherein all members adhere to this principle through their plant-based dietary lifestyle, Oberom was receptive very early on to the more exalted values of human life.

My parents came from São Paulo, the capital, a metropolis recognized today as a center for opportunities, and discovered that it did not fit with what they saw as being true to continue the path of life, which they understood as a goal to be incarnated here and it went far beyond having a good job, good salary… of everything that people are looking for there. So they decided to go to the countryside, to the south of Minas Gerais, to have a family far away from the principles of competition, of fear...

All the children, and not few in number, follow the same ideal, have the same perception of life, of the world, toward work, love… to stimulate the love in our daily life with people. Not so much as to talk about love but live the love and understand that our example speaks much louder than our words. So when we encountered the pranic consciousness or living on light back then, it was a general recognition, for the whole family.

After Oberom’s mother started the transition toward living on prana, her physical transformation was a wonder to behold. So my mother went through the pranic process with all the beliefs, which were reflected in her process. Six months later, my brother, a year younger, entered the process two days after I went through the process. Two weeks later, my sister started the process; two days after that my father began the process. Four processes, and my mother was assisting. It was very strong for her because she's a nurturing kind of person, and suddenly she was seeing that in some way, the natural function was cut off.

And we saw that somehow was changed going through with her process, because at the time when she went through the transitioning process, she was a woman, a mother of six children with forty-some years… stressed. The stress reflected on her body: she had more weight, looked tired, low on energy but always very spiritual and everything, but she lacked this blessing. So when she did it (transitioning to breatharianism), she simply became beautiful, externally and internally. You could see in the eyes this change. And I joked that I don’t have a boring mom anymore, and instead gained a cool, older sister. Seeing the amazing changes in his mother after she had adopted the food-free lifestyle, Oberom, along with other members of his family, decided to undergo the transitioning process as well.

So this relationship of being connected to the umbilical cord, we became more close knit in love, and this, the process itself, it was like a large experiment in our case, because some time later, a brother did the process, at 14 years of age and then a another sister did the process, at thirteen years old. So there were several family members, except the little one who also wanted to do it but was stopped from doing it, that was living that experience.

So it was interesting for us to see ourselves as test tubes, because there is no manual that describes when this happens, you have to do that. Then there was that issue of internalization, of silence and realization, hearing the answers coming from within. We know that the consciousness accesses everything; it is everything. So it was very interesting that we awakened more of these things which we believe: “we are one,” “we create our reality” – all these clichés, we live it in practice. Truly! We made the body's cells realize this, that it’s not just a beautiful theory.

While undergoing the 21-day transition process to breatharianism, Oberom was already experiencing some physical benefits. However, it was the divine connection that was the driving force for his determination to live on prana.

My diet before was based on volume, but always observing the non-suffering. Of course, I didn’t know that a lactose diet is very similar to the suffering of animals, maybe due to ignorance. I feel I've passed through without suffering, but in ignorance. When we heard about this possibility, for me it was a strong possibility of gaining this experience of really feeling that I am nourished by God. That was very strong for me. As a young man of 17 years of age at that time, it was truly fantastic; also the benefits that the imagination created about the non-eating factor.

I was an athlete, which I stopped during my 21-day period, and more or less about a month and a half, actually three months, of recovering, re-establishing myself, until three months later I had two pounds more than I had before the process, but in muscle mass, and spare energy to return to a handball court, to run 8,7 miles in Minas Gerais, riding a bike uphill and downhill as training, and to do capoeira and athletic activities, just drinking juice, and living on prana three times a week and doing all that. So it motivated me a lot.

It was a very strong motivation, but the main one, which is the same for the whole family, is this possibility to be closer to God or this consciousness. This was the biggest motivation really. The 21-day process was a journey of self-discovery for Oberom, one in which the experience left a deep and unforgettable impression.

How was this process of 21 days, do you have any interesting memory that you can comment on? You see, the process was very smooth. What draws the most attention as well, from what I recall… I actually have a good memory with respect to it. Various details, for example the first week,

spending 24 hours wide awake and learning how to deal with it; realizing the patterns of the ego, discerning where the ego is, where is the conscience; moving away from the command of the ego, of the future and past that brought suffering in that situation, and entering the moment where there was suffering. Learning this through practical experience makes all the difference. So this was a great school.

And another thing that calls a lot of attention and which is worth mentioning is that about the second and third week, I saw God in everything. Everything was love, I wanted to embrace everything. Sometimes people say this is a releasing of endorphin – it could be, but the issue is that I saw everything more colorful, and the experience of being filled with love and happiness was very clear. The transitioning process for Oberom became challenging after an initial period of smooth sailing.

My first day without eating anything was before the process; my preparation was on a Sunday. One day I woke up ready to eat absolutely nothing, but with all my mental patterns about what could happen. Said and done, I had a day with a little headache, sometimes feeling weak, and I woke up the next day with almost no strength to get out of bed. In contrast to the transitioning process, when I started the process, my first day seemed like a normal day, my second day seemed to be normal, my third day seemed like a normal day. On my fourth day, the issue of sleep started to bother me and I began to realize my strong ego on the fourth day.

Then the issue of food, from my first days of my process – very, very smooth. I had the experience of food as a vehicle of emotional fulfillment, a valve when our emotional field is shaken, and I had a break in a relationship and I did not stop to observe, did not stop to connect or to surround myself with this consciousness of who I am. I entered inside the ego, going deep into the ego and I said, “It is up to you,” and he (the ego) punished me with feelings that he’d like to have.

So it was a time after three years living within that consciousness, I found myself eating to fill an emotional hole, and it was a very cool experience, looking back today, because my physical endurance dropped immediately. In the beginning, I had a cold immediately after going back to eating solids. I felt more dense to the subtle perceptions. My thoughts were invasive, messy, noisy, and this stirred up in my behavior as a person. So it was a worthwhile experience, and today I learned a lot from it.

It has been a pleasure to have your charming presence for this episode of Between Master and Disciples. Join us again next Sunday when we continue with part 3 of “Oberom C. Silva: Returning to Our Divine Self through Breatharianism.” Coming up next is Good People, Good Works, after Noteworthy News. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. With gratefulness, may our planet and all beings continue to be immersed in Heaven’s boundless mercy.

For more information about Oberom and his work, please contact: Literature on Living Food-free

Oberom Silva is a teacher, author, council member of the Brazilian Association of Alternative Communites (ABRASCA), and an administrator for the Ecological Diversity and Regeneration- Friendly Movement (MADRE). He is also a breatharian.

It is possible to access possibilities beyond the non-eating, perhaps beyond the human understanding, such as the dematerialization of the body and re-materialization of the body, freely, and the non-eating state is a small matter.

Tune in to Supreme Master Television on Sunday, January 30, for our program, “Oberom C. Silva: Returning to Our Divine Self through Breatharianism,” on Between Master and Disciples.

Tune in to Supreme Master Television today for our program, “Oberom C. Silva: Returning to Our Divine Self through Breatharianism,” on Between Master and Disciples.
This program discusses the possibility of breatharianism, or living without eating food, and is not a full instruction. For your safety, please do not attempt to cease eating without proper expert guidance. For your safety, please do not attempt to cease eating without proper expert guidance.

Today’s Between Master and Disciples – “Oberom C. Silva: Returning to Our Divine Self through Breatharianism” – will be presented in Portuguese with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech-Slovak, English, French, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

In scriptures, the human body is often referred to as the temple of God. Yet, it is quite an uncommon privilege for any soul to attain this sacred abode that houses the Divine, as it is truly a blessing to be reborn as a human being. On several occasions, Supreme Master Ching Hai has spoken about the rarity of this phenomenon:

To be reincarnated in the human world is hard. You have to have enough Human Quality. You have to have affinity with the parents and with the society, with the people around which you are born. Very difficult. To be a human, you need some merit. You have done something good in the past in order to be able to pick a human birth.

As a living temple of God, the human body is fully equipped with miraculous wonders that can be awakened in those who are spiritually conscious and have complete faith in the Creator of all life. Inedia, Latin for “fasting,” is the human ability to live without food. Since time immemorial, there have always been individuals who can sustain themselves on prana, or the vital life force. Through the grace of the Providence, inediates, people who follow a food-free lifestyle, can draw the energy from nature to nourish themselves:

They live on the chi from the ground, or from the forest, and from the sun and from the air. They make use of all that. Or they live on love, on faith alone. These individuals are known as breatharians (pranarians or inediates), solarians, or waterians, and they come from all walks of life, from different cultures, and all corners of the world.

Indeed, the possibilities and miracles in this life as our benevolent Creator has designed for us are endless; we only need to connect within to recognize our abounding largess as God’s children. Supreme Master Ching Hai has lovingly recommended a weekly series on Supreme Master Television to introduce those individuals of the past and present who have chosen to live food-free on Earth. May their spiritual stories enthrall you; may hearts be opened, and horizons be expanded. We now invite you to join us for part 3 of our 4-part program, “Oberom C. Silva: Returning to Our Divine Self through Breatharianism,” on Between Master and Disciples.

On a diet of 2,000 calories, more or less, we expend around 1,400 to metabolize the food. So it's almost contradictory to eat.

Albert Einstein said everything is energy, so it's very clear that we are one, right? And the difference between things and people are the different frequencies of energy that shape the material elements. But the basic principle is, if we take the food inside our mouth, we're taking in the same energy that we are, right? So, we could bring the same energy, which is one that is through breathing or through a state of consciousness.

Greetings, generous viewers. Today, we return once again to the vast and multifaceted country of Brazil in Latin America to speak with Oberom Silva, a big-hearted breatharian who has a profound respect for life. Oberom has been food-free for nine years. Growing up in a family that respects life wherein all members adhere to this principle through their plant-based dietary lifestyle, Oberom was receptive very early on to the more exalted values of human life. After witnessing his mother’s amazing transformation when she transitioned to the food-free diet, Oberom also decided to live on prana. In fact, the entire family, aside from the youngest child, has gone through the 21-day process.

Look, six months before my process, I watched closely my mother’s process and I had no doubt that it was possible, that it was suitable for me too. So fears, of any kind... everything became so fluid, all pointed and pushed me toward it that I didn’t resist. With everything that happened, it seemed that God was really putting us in this and right this way. From his personal experiences, Oberom came to the realization that the human body possesses unimaginable abilities that are just waiting to be tapped into.

The human body is ingeniously divine, within this divine art of composing matter. It is more or less... Well, I don’t want to risk putting number on this because it can be nonsense. It is trillions of cells, each one with millions of functions. And amazingly, each cell knows the function of each of the many cells. So we are an intelligence. Of course, for all these matters of vibration, of density, of limited perception, we have to access a survival mechanism which is a mechanism that governs the animal world: hunger, eating, sleeping. So all of this is natural; it’s not bad.

But we can wake up to something more subtle, more conscious, and from that awareness, accessing a consciousness that will bring a higher vibration, will be rescuing the divine intelligence, unlimited intelligence. That is this vehicle, and it alone will provide all the information I need to carry out my task.

The vibration simply brings this intelligence, this unlimited intelligence, and it operates as well as it multiplies the cells, and guide these elements of our organism.

Living on prana is a reality that humankind should recognize. It is a natural part of life that assists us in realizing God. Sometimes people want a scientific explanation, I know there is one. We have a book by Michael Weiner, “Life from Light,” that mentions the vision of a physician about this possibility. And just now I received a report concerning a Mexican doctor, a Mexican scientist, who speaks about human photosynthesis. Hira Ratan Manek himself talks about the process of awakening the pineal, releasing melatonin through light, which enters via our eyes.

These are explanations. But then, to attempt to explain love scientifically... When you can explain love scientifically, it will be very easy to explain living on light scientifically. As a great cosmic mother, who is watching over me, which is accompanying me, but I have awareness that God is this: me, you, and everything. And there's no difference, no separation at all. Everything is orchestrated within perfection. This all-encompassing awareness... has an entire plan that is developing. Then I sometimes allow myself to feel like a smaller being, although I know that

I am this consciousness. Humanity is certainly here as a school on evolution. People say, “Oh, but we are like this since a long time ago.” For example, with the eating aspect, “Why are you inventing this non-eating?” We have teeth, we have a digestive system, but why not evolve? We know that our body is completely adaptable and versatile, and we've suffered mutations throughout our evolution. Then perhaps this is a new stage, for some people initially. Then I realize that within this great school, which is life, that we live in this moment as humans at this stage of our learning, of our evolution.

We have come to acknowledge God, and for some it is a slow and painful process that even includes many lives. For others, it is a recognition. Maybe God shines stronger within some, because of merit, and shortens the path of these people. For others, the person suddenly needs to learn more.

For Oberom, living on light becomes a journey inward to rediscover his true self. By giving up physical food, considered critical for human survival, and cultivating himself through meditation, Oberom enters the realm of the Divine.

For me, before the process, my life was dedicated to sports and physical exercise, manual labor at home, with a scythe, with a hoe, an herb garden, planting trees. And when I did the process, remnants of this life were repeated. My enthusiasm for sports, and the possibility that the body gave me in response to all these stimulations, I realized that I was investing much energy externally, whereas I could conduct this energy for my spiritual development.

So I found yoga. And then my life was left between the field, the practices of life in the field and the physical practices with hatha yoga, raja yoga and karma yoga, and then after that I had an experience that was a nine-month journey with very little money, surrendering to the Divine Providence, to even be living miracles in 13 countries in Europe. The road to Santiago, I walked in silence, 800 kilometers without eating, in 19 days – but without eating was eighteen days. There was a day that I couldn’t avoid, not because of a physical need but of a social issue there, the circumstance that held me to that. And everything was wonderful.

The body is perfect. It understands what the situation is and finds a way around food. Although it feels the weight, again, of entering into that mechanism to digest, to breakdown; but it solves the issue. And then, due to this trip, which was completed in India, two months in India with my brother, I returned to Brazil and wrote a book, “Traveling in the Light,” which reports the experience of being on pilgrimage, of really living through surrendering to the Divine Providence, without any kind of fear or concern that I would be disappointed.

And this brought, once again, a confirmation that things flow. Just trust, just surrender... And there I wrote the book, and from that, started to work to spread this perception that living on light is not non-eating. It is living on divine light. It is possible to live, on this divine light even while we still eat. And, of course, to also say that it is possible to access possibilities beyond the non-eating, perhaps beyond the human understanding, such as the dematerialization of the body and re-materialization of the body, freely, and the non-eating state is a small matter. And then, with these lectures on pranic consciousness, I also use the book that is now in English. And my life today is very active.

What occurs during the 21-day transition process to becoming food-free?

It is three weeks, divided into the physical body, emotional body, mental body. Cleansing of all these, in all these extensions of our being, the balance between them and changing a pattern of beliefs. The process happens naturally more or less like this. From the fourth until the seventh day, you're being fed through the subtle energy, and the body does not quite understand what this mechanism is, and because you are not losing energy to digest, you get more energy, and then you don’t sleep. So, it's quite common that from the fourth to seventh day people do not sleep.

But from the moment the juice enters, because it is a week without eating anything… and the last two weeks of drinking juices. Then, at the moment the juice enters, the body relaxes again and then you have more time to sleep. But we do not work even when not eating. We work on the dive to go deep within, the perception of oneself, the perception of how the mechanisms of the ego are, and from this the deconstruction of limiting belief systems.

Compassionate viewers, thank you for your gentle company for this episode of Between Master and Disciples. Join us again next Sunday when we continue with part 4 of “Oberom C. Silva: Returning to Our Divine Self through Breatharianism.” Coming up next is Good People, Good Works, after Noteworthy News. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. With gratefulness, may our planet and all beings continue to be immersed in Heaven’s boundless mercy.

For more information about Oberom and his work, please contact: Literature on Living Food-free

Oberom Silva is a teacher, author, council member of the Brazilian Association of Alternative Communities (ABRASCA), and an administrator for the Ecological Diversity and Regeneration- Friendly Movement (MADRE). He is also a breatharian. I no longer need to eat, I no longer need to drink anything. And I began to explore this with handball, with athletics, with capoeira and…wow!

The idea is that the person cleanse himself, balance himself, and access this awareness of the limitless being that we are.

Tune in to Supreme Master Television on Sunday, February 6, for our program, “Oberom C. Silva: Returning to Our Divine Self through Breatharianism,” on Between Master and Disciples.

Tune in to Supreme Master Television today for our program, “Oberom C. Silva: Returning to Our Divine Self through Breatharianism,” on Between Master and Disciples.
This program discusses the possibility of breatharianism, or living without eating food, and is not a full instruction. For your safety, please do not attempt to cease eating without proper expert guidance.

For your safety, please do not attempt to cease eating without proper expert guidance.

Today’s Between Master and Disciples – “Oberom C. Silva: Returning to Our Divine Self through Breatharianism” – will be presented in Portuguese with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech-Slovak, English, French, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

In scriptures, the human body is often referred to as the temple of God. Yet, it is quite an uncommon privilege for any soul to attain this sacred abode that houses the Divine, as it is truly a blessing to be reborn as a human being. On several occasions, Supreme Master Ching Hai has spoken about the rarity of this phenomenon:

To be reincarnated in the human world is hard. You have to have enough Human Quality. You have to have affinity with the parents and with the society, with the people around which you are born. Very difficult.

To be a human, you need some merit. You have done something good in the past in order to be able to pick a human birth.

As a living temple of God, the human body is fully equipped with miraculous wonders that can be awakened in those who are spiritually conscious and have complete faith in the Creator of all life. Inedia, Latin for “fasting,” is the human ability to live without food. Since time immemorial, there have always been individuals who can sustain themselves on prana, or the vital life force. Through the grace of the Providence, inediates, people who follow a food-free lifestyle, can draw the energy from nature to nourish themselves:

They live on the chi from the ground, or from the forest, and from the sun and from the air. They make use of all that. Or they live on love, on faith alone.

These individuals are known as breatharians (pranarians or inediates), solarians, or waterians, and they come from all walks of life, from different cultures, and all corners of the world.

Indeed, the possibilities and miracles in this life as our benevolent Creator has designed for us are endless; we only need to connect within to recognize our abounding largess as God’s children. Supreme Master Ching Hai has lovingly recommended a weekly series on Supreme Master Television to introduce those individuals of the past and present who have chosen to live food-free on Earth. May their spiritual stories enthrall you; may hearts be opened, and horizons be expanded. We now invite you to join us for part 4 of our 4-part program, “Oberom C. Silva: Returning to Our Divine Self through Breatharianism,” on Between Master and Disciples.

I no longer need to eat, I no longer need to drink anything. And I began to explore this with handball, with athletics, with capoeira and…wow! The idea is that the person cleanse himself, balance himself, and access this awareness of the limitless being that we are.

Greetings, generous viewers. Today, we return once again to the vast and multifaceted country of Brazil in Latin America to speak with Oberom Silva, a big-hearted breatharian who has a profound respect for life. Oberom has been food-free for nine years. So “pranic” is a name used for people who live in the pranic consciousness, this unlimited consciousness of yourself, of our human potential. And this comes from a leap in consciousness, I mean, a spiritual experience at an initiation level, for example, it’s a gradual process and the person is taking that, incorporating this divine, rediscovering that which time has given him.

So being pranic is living within this vibration where you tap into those qualities that have been dormant “Breatharian” is an appellation for a being that follows a diet, I'm restricting really to the diet, where there is nothing physical that is consumed. A breatharian is that being who lives exclusively on prana. He exists within the pranic consciousness, therefore he is pranic.

He has transcended the attachment to the palate, of feeling pleasure so he is even free from this issue of living for the pleasure of taste, I am pranic, but I do not consider myself a breatharian. I do not make the focus of my life of being a breatharian. I am not seeking it. I'm looking for this permanence, the stability in consciousness, to be happy all the time, entirely happy, fully. This is what I've been working on and I feel that the result of this stability in consciousness is that the desires disappear and I am nurtured by the prana, as my cells already recognize this.

The days where I am “dry,” where I keep feeding exclusively on prana, I do not feel any lack in needs. My energy is much greater. My work is physically heavy, manual work even and I don’t feel any kind of fatigue or the like. So it is really a matter of ego, to be willing to feel pleasure, that is why I don’t consider myself a breatharian, but rather a pranic, living on pranic consciousness and perhaps who arrives at breatharianism. For Oberom, after going through the challenges of the transitioning process, the end result was much better than he had expected.

Physically I feel fine, truly. Actually, the fact of going through nine years without getting sick is wonderful! It's a very rich experience. And even the feeling of the body being full of energy, invigorated for activities, I think it is also very rewarding. I do yoga, and I feel very happy having this energy, to be able to stop and observe... and also the physical dynamics in some practices like Vinyasa Flow that requires a lot from the body. A two-hour intense practice, and the body responds perfectly well.

Emotionally, I feel that if there’s a consciousness, there’s stability. We cannot identify with the processes. The natural processes of life that involves the mind, that will involve the emotions, then the consciousness is watching. If you're there, you do not fall into these dramas, and consequently everything becomes more stable, centered, more balanced. I feel like this, truly. A state of balance.

Yes, in a state of balance. When I did the process, one of the motivations that I had, and one of the ideas, was about not eating anymore. So many times I infringed upon a principle that today I see so much of that was ahimsa, non-violence, on behalf of a rigidity, ego even: “I will not eat.” It was not something solved. It was something imposed upon me by myself, which generated suffering at some level, and then I notice in the ninth month, I was not only generating a violence for myself, but also with the people within my environment; and I chose to be free. No constraint on my freedom to the non-eating factor, but to be free. Of course, the feeling of not eating is wonderful, is an immense freedom. But also to be free to eat. What I I'm feeling now, it's complete, it’s real. So this pleasure, I started to evaluate it, and it brought a discipline, very beautiful, which is what I follow today.

After I completed the process, my sleep fell by half; I started to sleep about four hours. There are some nights that are less than that, but not forced sleep and have to wake up for any reason; and not that case of insomnia which you feel tired and cannot sleep. The time was well spent resting, very nice, and I have absolute energy to perform all my activities which are not always very light, so calm, sometimes very dynamic and strong.

When I finished the process and had that certainty and physical sensation that I was being nourished by God, nurtured by love, happiness... Everything became very alive, very colorful, and fluid.

Aside from raising awareness to the attainability of a food-free lifestyle, Oberom also works actively to promote the plant-based living. The compassionate vegan diet respects the lives of our animal co-inhabitants who serve to beautify our planet and enrich our human existence.

When it comes to our digestive system, we know that we are herbivores, so we are going against human nature. And the consumption of meat today is the most unsustainable in existence. We know that if we remain with an omnivorous diet, we are feeding off the pain, suffering, violence, and in time this reflects in our thoughts, in our words and often in our actions that brings the density which does not allow us to link the food that we are consuming with a life, or the element that we are consuming with the thousands of lives that are put down so that we may have the livestock. Forests upon forests are destroyed so that we can create pastures. Therefore, I think the most important point in this transition for the planet to survive today, I think that the biggest advancement to this liberating awareness is a vegetarian/vegan diet where we will not be contributing to self-destruction.

We will enable many other beings to develop their life in a harmonious way, even in interaction with humans, in the moment that he realizes the importance that these beings have for our growth for our learning. Until now we only see them as mere instruments of satisfaction for our pleasures – and they are our teachers, and brothers.

Immersed in the love of the Divine as a result of living on prana and his practice of meditation, Oberom feels a deep gratitude for all the guidance and support that have helped him to rediscover his true Self and experience God so profoundly. Pranic consciousness is a state of feeding from love. If we govern our lives from love, then all of our actions will create, maintain love. And in this condition of love, pure and true, that lives in the presence, all of our actions comes from the awareness.

I see, then, that this work of Master Ching Hai provides access to beings living with this consciousness, which is often shielded by society, I see that it is very liberating to bring this program about breatharianism to people's awareness.

I am very thankful to this work where I realize now more than at any other time that the team is big, that we have never actually been alone.

I would like thank with all my being, my Master Parahamsa Yogananda, the entire Brotherhood of Light, the White Brotherhood, the Ascended Masters. I want to thank Jasmuheen for the work. It is a very courageous work and valiant, meaning acting with the heart. I would like to thank my parents for the faith, for the surrender, and for the example that they are, my mother who is a living example of this state of consciousness, and my entire family.

I thank the entire organization of the Supreme Master, and very deep gratitude to the Divinity, the divine presence “I AM,” who allowed himself to be stronger than my ego and revealed himself to give direction in my way, and I see myself as being very privileged to be so soon, I think, to have developed so early in life. I also think I have received so many blessings and have been treading in such abundance, so joyously, and with much love, therefore, I’m very grateful.

Brave-hearted viewers, it has been a pleasure to have your company for this series of “Oberom C. Silva: Returning to Our Divine Self through Breatharianism” on Between Master and Disciples. Coming up next is Good People, Good Works, after Noteworthy News. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. May our planet be graced by Heaven’s mercy and overflowing love.

For more information about Oberom and his work, please contact: Literature on Living Food-free

Meet Saint Mary Ann de Paredes, renowned as “The Lily of Quito,” who was a revered saint from Quito, Ecuador. Respected for her ability to exist without food, Saint Mary Ann de Paredes lived for many years solely on the wafer-thin Holy Communion.

“All who gave testimony in the different processes, either as eye-witnesses or who spoke to their own certain knowledge of Mary Ann's fasts, all without exception agreed in affirming, that by a special favor of Almighty God she lived for many years, and was entirely supported by that heavenly and spiritual food, which she received every day in holy communion, having no longer any need of material or earthly food.”

Tune in to Supreme Master Television on Sunday, February 13, for our program, “Saint Mary Ann de Paredes: The Lily of Quito,” on Between Master and Disciples.

Tune in to Supreme Master Television today for our program, “Saint Mary Ann de Paredes: The Lily of Quito,” on Between Master and Disciples.

  From Cao Đài’s Divine Path to Eternal Life, Chapter 1 
 Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: Change Our Diet to Save Water for the World 

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