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Elitom ben Yisrael:Breatharianism for a Working Person      
This program discusses the possibility of breatharianism, or living without eating food, and is not a full instruction. For your safety, please do not attempt to cease eating without proper expert guidance.

In scriptures, the human body is often referred to as the temple of God. Yet, it is quite an uncommon privilege for any soul to attain this sacred abode that houses the Divine, as it is truly a blessing to be reborn as a human being. On several occasions, Supreme Master Ching Hai has spoken about the rarity of this phenomenon:

To be reincarnated in the human world is hard. You have to have enough Human Quality. You have to have affinity with the parents and with the society, with the people around which you are born. Very difficult. To be a human, you need some merit. You have done something good in the past in order to be able to pick a human birth.

As a living temple of God, the human body is fully equipped with miraculous wonders that can be awakened in those who are spiritually conscious and have complete faith in the Creator of all life. Inedia, Latin for “fasting,” is the human ability to live without food. Since time immemorial, there have always been individuals who can sustain themselves on prana, or the vital life force. Through the grace of the Providence, inediates, people who follow a food-free lifestyle, can draw the energy from nature to nourish themselves:

They live on the chi from the ground, or from the forest, and from the sun and from the air. They make use of all that. Or they live on love, on faith alone.

These individuals are known as breatharians (pranarians or inediates), solarians, or waterians, and they come from all walks of life, from different cultures, and all corners of the world.

Indeed, the possibilities and miracles in this life as our benevolent Creator has designed for us are endless; we only need to connect within to recognize our abounding largess as God’s children. Supreme Master Ching Hai has lovingly recommended a weekly series on Supreme Master Television to introduce those individuals of the past and present who have chosen to live food-free on Earth. May their spiritual stories enthrall you; may hearts be opened, and horizons be expanded. We now invite you to join us for part 1 of our 4-part program entitled, “Elitom ben Yisrael: Breatharianism for a Working Person,” on Between Master and Disciples. For your safety, please do not attempt to cease eating without proper expert guidance.

Hallo, happy viewers. Thank you for joining us as we return once again to Ohio, USA, to speak with Elitom ben Yisrael who will give us a little more insight into the first days of his lifestyle as a breatharian.

For starters, I want to change the name of breatharianism, I want to change it to “food alchemy” so people can have a better understanding of what we’re talking about. This is a science, so you’re actually dealing with the alchemy of foods. We’re at a level where food alchemy has upgraded itself, where people understand that they can live a full life without ever touching meat or touching an animal by-product. “Food alchemy” does not end there, just like technology and science, so that’s why we want

people to understand that this is a science. It has also upgraded itself again, that people are just living off of fruit and people are going onto the levels of living off of prana, but it’s still on a basis of food alchemy because, the bottom line, the reason why people eat is because you’re looking for energy, and the body can run off of other sources of energy and this is why we named it “food alchemy.” It was mentioned to me about the 21-day process. Now could you explain to us what that is?

The 21-day process is basically a cycle that the human being can stop eating and stop drinking for 21 days, and that is designed to get the body into a new type of cycle. It usually takes 3 weeks for the taste buds in the body, for instance, to change because cooked foods, meats and stuff like that, are very addictive. However, to stop eating and drinking completely will put the body into another type of cycle because the body is now forced, in order to live, to detoxify itself but at the same time, simultaneously, heal itself and also to start grabbing energies from other sources.

After the 21 days however, now it depends on a person’s lifestyle, or where they’re at. Depending on your lifestyle, some people have the ability, if they were already meditating, already on a higher level diet, to continue to go on without food or drinks. However, for some people that might be the opportunity to upgrade to a higher level because the taste buds have changed, and depending on your job and life, how strenuous it is, the people around you, it all determines. That’s why you got to use the higher consciousness that’s inside you to start dictating on where you need to go from there and how long you need to be there before you can upgrade an inch further.

Because this is very dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. The body is intelligent enough to know when to let toxicity out of the liver, out of the kidneys, but you don’t want to overdo it, over rush it, just take your time because you got all day in creation to go ahead and start working on yourself.

When I talk about food alchemy, it’s basically a prolonged meditation. The more you focus on your body the more energy comes into it, but when your body is saturated with toxins and stuff that, there are certain places your mind is not in your body because it hurts too much, because of the pain that’s taking place – even if you consciously don’t feel it.

How did he cope with his daily life while attempting to go through the 21-day process to become food-free? For Elitom, a breatharian lifestyle begins with fasting.

How do we get from point A to point B? Take us through the simple steps from the beginning, us who base on three meals a day, breathing the regular air, depending on regular food. So please, take us on your journey from day one, the discomfort, all the things that were going through in your mind?

Now the journey, this depends on where a person’s at, but I’m going to show you the levels that I took. I like the levels of dealing with different diet changes, lightening them up and also incorporating fasting into your life, because I remember when I started fasting once a week, during that 24-hour time period, we couldn’t wait until it was over, because we wanted to eat that meal to break the fast. Now, keep in mind that the word “breakfast” is two words, it means “breaking your fast.” So, every morning when you wake up, you have just broken your fast when you eat breakfast. So everybody’s on a cycle of being a breatharian already. You already live a life of fasting, it’s just that some people discipline themselves to take it to a wider level than others.

As soon as you stop drinking or putting anything in your body, your body automatically goes into a cycle of healing itself. If you’re standing, listening to this broadcasting, not eating, your body’s in a cycle of healing itself until you put something in it. So, going back to this cycle of going from point A to point B: over a period of time when I was fasting, it got to the point where we forgot when 24 hours was over because we’d been fasting, the body got into that cycle, got so used to it. So now, that was the level to take it even further – you can go two days, you could go three days. Some people choose to eat once a week. Now, depending on where you’re at consciously, that depends on how much time this is going to take.

Now, keep in mind, being in a western culture this is a culture of instant gratification, people want stuff to happen real fast, this is not what we’re talking about. In the East you might just learn, especially in ancient times, it might take two years just to learn how to stand in a certain position, to get the energy flowing in your body, before you even get into learning the martial art itself. And they understood that it took a lifetime to master that. So, dealing with the food alchemy levels that we’re talking about, this is not a game where you just think you’re going to jump in here and jump out.

When you’ve been eating all your life, aches and pains all over the body, all medication, you’ve got to think about what you’re up against. However, it will happen when you put your body into this cycle because there are even more fruits than what we’re talking about right now that the human being can evolve to. We’re just on that level to bring it forth, to where we’re at right now in our research and to where you can take it.

When Elitom decided to become a breatharian, notwithstanding his busy schedule of working and taking care of his family, he had to adapt according to his environment in order to wean off his need for physical food. You’ve also mentioned that you were pretty much normal, you didn’t do a retreat or anything. What do you mean by “normal,” can you elaborate more on that?

Well, “normal” just means that I was living a standard of this society, eating three meals a day, having a job every day, taking care of the family. So you’re basically just doing normal things compared to doing something, going to the levels of living more off of prana. So, to go onto those levels, yes, I wish I could have gone to a retreat, but like I said, having a job, got to keep a roof over your head and stuff like this, how am I going into this, doing these everyday things that this society requires for you to be into it? So I had to think of a new way, and it took deep thought, so that’s when I started creating another level to making diet changes.

I went from veganism to the live and raw foods, to the juicing. Taking those levels, still doing my duties and work, and even on those levels there were healing crises. There were times where you’d be tired just still eating, going to those levels until the body gets used to it. But when I’d seen when the body started getting used to it that it can keep going, then you just go further and further and further.

Join us again next Sunday when we continue with “Elitom ben Yisrael: Breatharianism for a Working Person” on Between Master and Disciples. Hard-working viewers, please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for Good People, Good Works, coming up next after Noteworthy News. Wishing you much Light and laughter in every moment.

There’s a level you get to where you understand that the body can live off of more prana and it’s called “conscious tasting.” What a breatharian did was they just gained more domination of their life instead of letting somebody else guide it.

Tune in to Supreme Master Television on Sunday, December 19, for our program, “Elitom ben Yisrael: Breatharianism for a Working Person,” on Between Master and Disciples.

Tune in to Supreme Master Television today for our program, “Elitom ben Yisrael: Breatharianism for a Working Person,” on Between Master and Disciples.
This program discusses the possibility of breatharianism, or living without eating food, and is not a full instruction. For your safety, please do not attempt to cease eating without proper expert guidance.

In scriptures, the human body is often referred to as the temple of God. Yet, it is quite an uncommon privilege for any soul to attain this sacred abode that houses the Divine, as it is truly a blessing to be reborn as a human being. On several occasions, Supreme Master Ching Hai has spoken about the rarity of this phenomenon:

To be reincarnated in the human world is hard. You have to have enough Human Quality. You have to have affinity with the parents and with the society, with the people around which you are born. Very difficult. To be a human, you need some merit. You have done something good in the past in order to be able to pick a human birth.

As a living temple of God, the human body is fully equipped with miraculous wonders that can be awakened in those who are spiritually conscious and have complete faith in the Creator of all life. Inedia, Latin for “fasting,” is the human ability to live without food. Since time immemorial, there have always been individuals who can sustain themselves on prana, or the vital life force. Through the grace of the Providence, inediates, people who follow a food-free lifestyle, can draw the energy from nature to nourish themselves:

They live on the chi from the ground, or from the forest, and from the sun and from the air. They make use of all that. Or they live on love, on faith alone.

These individuals are known as breatharians (pranarians or inediates), solarians, or waterians, and they come from all walks of life, from different cultures, and all corners of the world. Indeed, the possibilities and miracles in this life as our benevolent Creator has designed for us are endless; we only need to connect within to recognize our abounding largess as God’s children. Supreme Master Ching Hai has lovingly recommended a weekly series on Supreme Master Television to introduce those individuals of the past and present who have chosen to live food-free on Earth. May their spiritual stories enthrall you; may hearts be opened, and horizons be expanded. We now invite you to join us for part 2 of our 4-part program entitled, “Elitom ben Yisrael: Breatharianism for a Working Person,” on Between Master and Disciples.

For your safety, please do not attempt to cease eating without proper expert guidance.

Hallo, enlightened viewers. Thank you for joining us as we return once again to Ohio, USA, to speak with Elitom ben Yisrael who will give us a little more insight into the first days of his lifestyle as a breatharian. On our last episode, Elitom shared with our Supreme Master Television correspondent a new phrase which he had coined when talking about breatharianism:

I want to change it to “food alchemy” so people can have a better understanding of what we’re talking about. This is a science, so you’re actually dealing with the alchemy of foods. We’re at a level where food alchemy has upgraded itself, where people understand that they can live a full life without ever touching meat or touching an animal by-product. “Food alchemy” does not end there, just like technology and science, so that’s why we want people to understand that this is a science.

It has also upgraded itself again, that people are just living off of fruit and people are going onto the levels of living off of prana, but it’s still on a basis of food alchemy because, the bottom line, the reason why people eat is because you’re looking for energy, and the body can run off of other sources of energy and this is why we named it “food alchemy.”

Elitom also discussed his experiences when he first started the 21-day process to transition to becoming food-free.

I wish I could have gone to a retreat, but like I said, having a job, got to keep a roof over your head and stuff like this, how am I going into this, doing these everyday things that this society requires for you to be into it? So I had to think of a new way, and it took deep thought, so that’s when I started creating another level to making diet changes. I went from veganism to the live and raw foods, to the juicing. Taking those levels, still doing my duties and work, and even on those levels there were healing crises. There were times where you’d be tired just still eating, going to those levels until the body gets used to it. But when I’d seen when the body started getting used to it that it can keep going, then you just go further and further and further.

What did you do when you were hungry during this 21-day process? How did you deal with it?

Well, there is another term that I’m going to bring up that sounds kind of new. What breatharian is, is also not only food alchemy that I said – so you can deal with the scientific… the energies you put in your body has an effect on how you’re operating – but breatharianism is also a “prolonged meditation.” It goes hand in hand with meditation because that’s what it is. Sort of like when you’re in a meditative state, you’re not sitting there eating popcorn. You follow me?

So, basically, you’re taking your life – you’re not just in a sitting position of meditation now – you’re basically doing things, walking through life, and when different things are taking place, stresses in a body, now your mind is challenging it, so it’s going to another level. You find out that you don’t get hungry – when a body starts growling and stuff like that, that is toxicity moving and actually the intestines is trying to rid that out of the body. That’s all the body is going through, you start realizing this, you start going into a higher level of self realization.

So that’s why when I got into earlier about conscious tasting that a lot of breatharians do, they understand they can do that, because it’s not hunger; the body is going to get rid of it. But now their mind got so strong they can actually lead the toxicity out the body, compared to the other person who, when you first get into these stages, is saturated there, you’re looking at it as hunger, “Let me go get something else because it stops.” Well, of course it stops because soon as you put something in the body, the detoxification process stopped.

So actually the pang that we feel is not the pang for food? It’s not the pang for food at all. It’s nothing but the intestines start moving to get rid of the toxicity. That’s all it is. Those people who fast often will find out once they get past the third day hunger pang stop. You get to the seventh day, a lot of major toxicity within the body has purged themselves out and you’re not hungry. Usually when you eat, your mind goes off like that – it’s because of conditioning and emotional imbalances.

Is that the same with drinking, absorbing liquid?

Yes, because the liquids, the more toxicity you have in your body the more you should drink. Of course drinking water will help detoxify the body, or the juice fast and stuff like that. That’s what it’s doing. The liquid is just another, sort of like what I talked about last time about the apple. It’s nothing but molecules put together, but the thickness of the apple, the molecules, are just moving a lot more slowly. When you get the apple juice, it’s the same molecules but the behavior of the atoms changed and the molecules are just moving a lot faster.

That’s what made the solid into a liquid. So we get into breatharianism, there is a vibration of an apple that you cannot see. And they have machines now, like the harmonic translator is one of them. That is a machine where you can put your finger, put your hair, into it, it will tell you everything that’s going on with the body. And they do have now where you research the harmonic translators, you can give a person an herb through an email because it’s nothing more than a vibration. They also have drugs and everything else. I dealt in a school one time where they were giving those classes where they give kids drugs to cool them down. They went from the medication in a pill and now they’re given in a light. So we’re already on a level of vibration – the thought can start feeding the body if a person allows it to and starts paying more conscious attention.

He also addressed an important level that has a significant impact on a person who is going through the initial stages of becoming food-free.

There’s a level you get to where you understand that the body can live off of more prana and it’s called “conscious tasting.” Now I want to bring this in: when you get to a certain level you can start setting perimeters for your life, because all of our lives there’s nothing but a tapestry, a weave of thought process. That’s what creates the totality of your life and that goes to the spouse you have, to the things you’re eating, to the things you’re not eating, to the clothes you wear.

This is all your thought process. What a breatharian did was they just gained more domination of their life instead of letting somebody else guide it. Now you’re weaving your tapestry of life. Now dealing with conscious tasting, say, for instance you’re with a friend, a breatharian will go and probably have tea with them at the café. But somebody would jump up and say “Oh, you’re not a breath… See, you need tea! See, look at that!” So that’s why a lot of them don’t want to fanfare because “why can’t I live a normal life?” in other words. That’s what they’re saying without.

And a human mind has an ability to point fingers in order to justify its own behavior. Because this is not like an alcoholics anonymous class where you get up and say, “Hey, my name is Elitom and I’ve been food-free for 6 months, keep coming back it works.” So you don’t want to get into that cycle. That’s why a lot of breatharians don’t come out because they still want to live the perimeters that they’ve set for their life; but they did take their life to another level to where they have more time, more tapestry, and they’re reaping the benefits, and all they’re doing is just trying to show it to the rest of the flock, so they can pull themselves up to it also; so it can go onto what… stopping global warming.

That’s going to give us more time on the planet. So that’s the whole gift. So there we have it right there on being normal, they go up to another circumstance of dealing with our spiritual walk.

Joyous viewers, join us again next Sunday when we continue with part 3 of “Elitom ben Yisrael: Breatharianism for a Working Person” on Between Master and Disciples. Hard-working viewers, please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for Good People, Good Works, coming up next after Noteworthy News. May your life be filled with wondrous miracles.

What was the experience like for Elitom ben Yisrael in the initial stages of transitioning into the breatharian lifestyle?

You do go through a time period of being alone to redirect the pieces of which way you want your life to go. Like I said before, it was a tapestry of energies: you had to lunch, breakfast, dinner; you had the different engagements, that everywhere you went there was this food taking place, and those interests start fading when you start breaking the reality of matter or the illusion of matter. So you start creating other realties on which route you want to go.

Tune in to Supreme Master Television on Sunday, December 26, for our program, “Elitom ben Yisrael: Breatharianism for a Working Person,” on Between Master and Disciples.

Tune in to Supreme Master Television today for our program, “Elitom ben Yisrael: Breatharianism for a Working Person,” on Between Master and Disciples.
This program discusses the possibility of breatharianism, or living without eating food, and is not a full instruction. For your safety, please do not attempt to cease eating without proper expert guidance.

In scriptures, the human body is often referred to as the temple of God. Yet, it is quite an uncommon privilege for any soul to attain this sacred abode that houses the Divine, as it is truly a blessing to be reborn as a human being. On several occasions, Supreme Master Ching Hai has spoken about the rarity of this phenomenon:

To be reincarnated in the human world is hard. You have to have enough Human Quality. You have to have affinity with the parents and with the society, with the people around which you are born. Very difficult. To be a human, you need some merit. You have done something good in the past in order to be able to pick a human birth.

As a living temple of God, the human body is fully equipped with miraculous wonders that can be awakened in those who are spiritually conscious and have complete faith in the Creator of all life. Inedia, Latin for “fasting,” is the human ability to live without food. Since time immemorial, there have always been individuals who can sustain themselves on prana, or the vital life force. Through the grace of the Providence, inediates, people who follow a food-free lifestyle, can draw the energy from nature to nourish themselves:

They live on the chi from the ground, or from the forest, and from the sun and from the air. They make use of all that. Or they live on love, on faith alone.

These individuals are known as breatharians (pranarians or inediates), solarians, or waterians, and they come from all walks of life, from different cultures, and all corners of the world.

Indeed, the possibilities and miracles in this life as our benevolent Creator has designed for us are endless; we only need to connect within to recognize our abounding largess as God’s children. Supreme Master Ching Hai has lovingly recommended a weekly series on Supreme Master Television to introduce those individuals of the past and present who have chosen to live food-free on Earth. May their spiritual stories enthrall you; may hearts be opened, and horizons be expanded. We now invite you to join us for part 3 of our 4-part program entitled, “Elitom ben Yisrael: Breatharianism for a Working Person,” on Between Master and Disciples.

For your safety, please do not attempt to cease eating without proper expert guidance.

Hallo, enlightened viewers. Thank you for joining us as we return once again to Ohio, USA, to speak with Elitom ben Yisrael who will give us a little more insight into the first days of his lifestyle as a breatharian.

Now, tell us about your family members and friends and neighbors. They must have wondered why you stopped eating, or how did you deal with their reactions?

Well, deal with them just like most of your holistic practitioners will tell you, family and friends are the hardest ones to deal with. That’s just the way it is. So, at the same time you got to make up your mind on your journey. Do you give up and say, “Well, let me blend back into the flock and don’t go no further,” or go ahead and try to set perimeters to deal with this lifestyle but deal with their lifestyle at the same time; or do you just take it all away? And usually there will be a fade of communication that does take place, but it depends on how you’re creating your life. I try to tell some of my family members, “Don’t you see so-and-so who just died or so-and so- who got a sickness, that came this…” So, for people to see that but instead of coming to you… there’s nothing you can do until a person wakes up.

What did you do when people invite you to dinner or out to eat, how did you deal with those situations?

Well, it all depends where you’re at in your breatharian journey. The reason I say this, there’s a level called a “baby breatharian.” That’s when you first come into it. Now, back then, when I dealt with situations like that, I tried to go to the highest vibration as possible to fit in, not to get attention. So you’ll probably get a light soup, some broth, something to drink, just to blend in, not to bring attention to you, because some people will either… you’d be surprised how angry they get when their belief system is stepped on. So you run into that. Then you get your level of a “teenage breatharian.”

That’s when you’ve been in the game for a while, where you understand that you’ve got more power now. It isn’t so much they’re dragging you in to eat, but you can deal with people more on their thought process. Now I don’t deal with that today; that just takes growth. Then you’ve got, of course, your “adult breatharian,” when you don’t need to deal at all, you won’t even be there, nine times out of ten.

Because like I said, most people’s lives are focused around a sex issue, or the eating issue; most of your entertainment and everything else, your life begins to fade, or you begin to start making another life for yourself on the things that you’re doing that don’t require these requirements. So that’s when you start getting into the “adult levels” and that can be real tough, too, for people to make their transition. Are they going to let go of certain foods, and certain places of influence? It isn’t so much of the hunger, of the influence, to continue this journey.

Once he had made the complete transition to living on prana, Elitom had more time to discover and develop other aspects of himself.

What do you do with all the extra time you suddenly have? Did you explore new interests? Did you socialize more?

The new interest is the real good thing, that’s when I learned how to crochet, read more books, get into biking… You start finding all these other things. I even picked up guitars and learnt new languages, because you’ve got more time to do things, focus on things, study, and that’s the whole great thing, the whole knowledge, piece of, to learn more. You can learn more about physics, even breatharianism.

What I know now, I can talk more about it, due to the journey, because there’s more knowledge that comes out. And you find out, too, that in science it’s like you run into things; but they kind of knew this all along, it’s just somebody just didn’t bring to the forefront. Even dealing with Einstein, or E = mc2, energy and matter is the same thing. So that brings you back to start researching these things, that these men was already picking up, and you’re actually seeing them manifested now in many different things, of technology, the new inventions that are coming out, and even how the human being is operating on… Overall, our lifespan is getting a lot more bigger than it used to be. So you’re taking part in the whole function of dealing with time. You’ve got more things to explore these things, to see it all come together.

There is no time for boredom, isn’t it? There is no time for boredom! Leading a busy lifestyle with full responsibilities, while living as a breatharian has its challenges. Elitom shared some tips on how to manage it and what to expect.

What worked best for you during this time, to be alone or with other people or it didn’t really matter? What was your experience like?

Well, that is a big issue too, because you do go through a time period of being alone to redirect the pieces of which way you want your life to go. Like I said before, it was a tapestry of energies: you had to lunch, breakfast, dinner; you had the different engagements, that everywhere you went there was this food taking place, and those interests start fading when you start breaking the reality of matter or the illusion of matter. So you start creating other realities on which route you want to go, and they might seem shaky at first as you bring in new energies because you’re thinking nine times out of ten might be limited where, what’s about to open up. And actually, that’s something to admit to yourself. So you do go through changes of boredom.

You probably have relationships that you went out and see that their life was focused around that, and begins to fade, their conversation begins to fade, because you’re now dealing with physics and metaphysics. You’re looking at things differently and this person is not on it, they’re still talking about sports. That’s all right too, but it becomes limited.

Elitom was creative in adapting to the breatharian lifestyle, modifying or re-inventing new methods to fit his busy schedule.

Did you have moments of self doubts? Did you wonder if you were doing the right thing? Were there inner struggles? How did you deal with it?

Oh yes. First, going through it, the first person I looked at was Jasmuheen’s 21-day process, and here I am grabbing that; and I’m actually going to rewrite it. That’s basically what I said in my mind, “I can’t go to no 21-day retreat. I’m going to attempt to rewrite this. Come up with another method.” So as I went into that, there were many doubts that “man, you’d better do just the way that is already established.” But I’m basically challenging that, and there were many doubts in that process especially when you’re still dealing with the emotional mind: you might have trouble out at work, trouble with friends or something, the mind gets real agitated, so the first thing it wants to do is jump right back into food and you might because it was a drug.

It’s sort of like… even fried foods are addictive, it’s a drug and you start finding that out or you start looking at yourself saying, “Man, I wasn’t hungry, why did I do that?!” But you’re dealing with these stresses just like letting go of alcohol or drugs; then you start getting stronger dealing with it and you’re actually rewriting as you go a new curriculum for others to take because they might be going down the path you were taking, instead of going to that retreat we were talking about earlier.

All people don’t have $2-$300 or more dollars to go to a retreat and lock themselves in. So there was much doubt, but it got overcome as time went on, to pick up new methods, “Let’s try it this way,” “How about if this happens?” because I started looking at myself more as a scientist.

For those who want to attempt becoming food-free, Elitom advised an ever-vigilant attitude towards the body, and be flexible in adapting to any scenario.

How did you motivate yourself to get through each day of the 21-days process, were there specific things that you do?

I’m glad I started picking up meditation to help me through that, and started seeing the energy comes up. But for motivation, I wanted to see what was going to happen. So you’re taking yourself through that. When it gets hard, you know you’re working with energies of your body. I’m glad I learned energy work before I got into that, so the whole motivation of just rewriting the new curriculum, seeing what’s going to take place, seeing, “Could a body do this?” But then again, you’ve always got to keep that flag up on when to quit, and this is what a lot of people don’t have.

When you’ve got people bringing forth knowledge to you, it’s up to you to investigate that and have a flag inside of you, on when to quit and when to listen. When we’re teaching these curriculums, you’ve got to have a flag inside of you, too. Just don’t say, “Well, just because he did it I know I can keep on going!” And it’s 90 degrees outside, and you’re outside, your body’s aching, you’re about to pass out, you might need to take a chill that day until the body gets stronger, until you could continue because this is your journey; others are just giving information.

Aside from having a lot of time to develop his other talents, Elitom derived other satisfying benefits while leading a food-free lifestyle.

Was there anything that happened that stood out to you during this 21-day process? Was your thinking clearer?

The thinking is clearer, the body straightens itself up. You notice that you start appreciating the body more because there’s certain aches and pains that went through the body; you didn’t see it there before, now you see it, it became healthier. The benefits are just great. If you go traveling and you’re practicing food alchemy, you don’t have to jump out to go use the bathroom right away; you don’t have to. You got more energy throughout the day.

I was just telling one young man I’m in my forties but I walked three miles yesterday to get to my son’s house, but I did that like it was nothing. It was like, “Okay, do I turn this off or go catch a cab?” You just walk. You’ll get there because the body is a lot healthier now, and it can do this. So there are benefits that you start enjoying, and even where we’re at now, you can take it even further as life goes on.

Blessed viewers, we appreciate your company for today’s episode of Between Master and Disciples. Join us again next Sunday when we continue with part 4 of “Elitom ben Yisrael: Breatharianism for a Working Person.” Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for Good People, Good Works, coming up next after Noteworthy News. Wishing you much love and kindness every day.

For those who want to try the food-free lifestyle while holding down a full time job and taking care of the family, Elitom has some advices to share. You want to take it more slowly instead of just going all the way out, not eating and drinking and “this is going to happen.”

At the same time you do want to start strengthening the body; the more and more it becomes healthier, the more and more chi it has – the higher the diet, the more chi you have. So, what you want to do is just start gaining your energy, that’s the best recommendation I can give. And also putting your body in the cycle where you’re at least fasting once a week. I do recommend that. So the body can get used to it over a period of time and it gets stronger and it’ll grab other percentage.

Tune in to Supreme Master Television on Sunday, January 2, for our program, “Elitom ben Yisrael: Breatharianism for a Working Person,” on Between Master and Disciples.

Tune in to Supreme Master Television today for our program, “Elitom ben Yisrael: Breatharianism for a Working Person,” on Between Master and Disciples.

Literature on Living Food-free

Life from Light: Is It Possible to Live Without Food? A Scientist Reports on His Experiences Lifestyle without Food Living on Sunlight: The Art and Science of Sun Gazing eBook For a complete list, please visit
This program discusses the possibility of breatharianism, or living without eating food, and is not a full instruction. For your safety, please do not attempt to cease eating without proper expert guidance.

In scriptures, the human body is often referred to as the temple of God. Yet, it is quite an uncommon privilege for any soul to attain this sacred abode that houses the Divine, as it is truly a blessing to be reborn as a human being. On several occasions, Supreme Master Ching Hai has spoken about the rarity of this phenomenon:

To be reincarnated in the human world is hard. You have to have enough Human Quality. You have to have affinity with the parents and with the society, with the people around which you are born. Very difficult. To be a human, you need some merit. You have done something good in the past in order to be able to pick a human birth.

As a living temple of God, the human body is fully equipped with miraculous wonders that can be awakened in those who are spiritually conscious and have complete faith in the Creator of all life. Inedia, Latin for “fasting,” is the human ability to live without food. Since time immemorial, there have always been individuals who can sustain themselves on prana, or the vital life force. Through the grace of the Providence, inediates, people who follow a food-free lifestyle, can draw the energy from nature to nourish themselves:

They live on the chi from the ground, or from the forest, and from the sun and from the air. They make use of all that. Or they live on love, on faith alone.

These individuals are known as breatharians (pranarians or inediates), solarians, or waterians, and they come from all walks of life, from different cultures, and all corners of the world.

Indeed, the possibilities and miracles in this life as our benevolent Creator has designed for us are endless; we only need to connect within to recognize our abounding largess as God’s children. Supreme Master Ching Hai has lovingly recommended a weekly series on Supreme Master Television to introduce those individuals of the past and present who have chosen to live food-free on Earth. May their spiritual stories enthrall you; may hearts be opened, and horizons be expanded. We now invite you to join us for part 4 of our 4-part program entitled, “Elitom ben Yisrael: Breatharianism for a Working Person,” on Between Master and Disciples.

For your safety, please do not attempt to cease eating without proper expert guidance.

Gracious viewers, Thank you for joining us as we return once again to Ohio, USA, to speak with Elitom ben Yisrael who will give us a little more insight into the first days of his lifestyle as a breatharian.

Did you ever feel the need to talk to someone about what you were doing?

In the beginning stages I did, but once I got the negativity because I came up where it was nowhere around – that knowledge wasn’t even there – so it was a quick door shut from every direction. So it made it hard for me. I had to go, “How am I going to recreate this, deal with it until I can bring it forth and it gets stronger?” So, in the initial stages there wasn’t really nobody to talk to.

So it’s like a calling inside that’s so strong you’re going to do it no matter what? Yes.

Where did you get this inner strength to just trust that everything will be okay? How did you have so much faith?

Actually, when I started noticing the aches and pains in my body going into my later 20s – didn’t know what it was, tried to deal with it, went to the doctor, he handed me some medication. But then I ran into somebody who just said, “Leave meats alone,” that caught me right away so I went into it. What else am I going to do? And then when I started seeing the improvements of the body through diet and the body started healing itself, then that got me on the avenue to understand more about what goes into the body-and-food period.

So I started taking it to higher levels to learn more and more and more. You start seeing the body bring forth new benefits, of energy, of health, vitality, so then, right there, that’s the motivation, the inner strength, the courage to keep on going. And then you start running into, “Well, how I do suppose to die? Do I suppose to die from liver ailments, cancer, strokes, diabetes? They’re all preventive energies that’s brought forth by a habit, but that’s out there, won’t you just quit the habit?” And maybe you can live longer and enjoy more fruits of life because you start loving life. You love life.

Did you keep a diary to document this journey you were taking?

Yes. Actually, I got quite a library that I wrote myself, not only dealing with the 21-day process – even dealing with different things you go through. Like I said, I did many experiments with myself,

“What will happen if you eat this?” I even got things documented where one minute I’m eating all oranges, all throughout the week, just eating oranges, eating oranges, then all of a sudden I get a 100% orange juice out the machine and all of a sudden I felt the negativity of energy just from going from something that simple. I had all of these high motivations to do this and do that, and that just took it all out of me. So the food alchemy piece – everything you put in your body, dealing with how the energy is, how pure it is, everything has an effect on your thinking because you come to find out your body is your thought process.

Once you had reached the 21-day what was that like? Did you celebrate? Did you do anything different? How were you feeling?

Actually, I was happy that I got through it. But the main thing, I was still in awe that the body was still running around. As someone who had been through all the initial trials and challenges of becoming food-free, Elitom has some helpful tips for those who have a busy lifestyle.

Do you have any recommendations for someone who is interested in becoming a breatharian but still has a job or family? What do you suggest?

Well, in that recommendation right there is basically dealing with myself on a challenge that I took, on having a family and having a job. You want to take it more slowly instead of just going all the way out, not eating and drinking and “this is going to happen.” That’s when I start recommending the different diet changes. That’s very important because if you’re already overweight and stuff like that, I don’t know if that’s got something to do with it, but at the same time you do want to start strengthening the body; the more and more it becomes healthier, the more and more chi it has – the higher the diet, the more chi you have.

So, what you want to do is just start gaining your energy, that’s the best recommendation I can give. And also putting your body in the cycle where you’re at least fasting once a week. I do recommend that. So the body can get used to it over a period of time and it gets stronger and it’ll grab other percentage. And I guess that’s what I want to bring up too. Say, I’ve got a plate of food in my hand: you got potatoes right here, the corn right here and something else right here and you’re about to eat. But at the same time, I said earlier, everybody is a breatharian because you will die without breathing before you would without food or without water.

The breath is doing something for your overall makeup, just to move, right off the rib. So on this plate of food you already have a space there of dealing with chi, because that’s what you’re living off of. As time goes on, you’re removing something off the plate, like say a little bit of corn, more chi is coming on that plate over a period of time. Then you’re moving some of the potatoes, again, more chi is coming on that plate. You follow me? The more and more you start moving food off the plate the more the other energy – which is food, it’s just more subtle – it’s coming on, filling up the plate for you to live off of.

But as it goes, everybody is already living off of chi. Chi motivates or moves nature, and you are a representative or a duplicate or a microcosm of nature – same thing, got the four elements in the body and everything. So the chi is the main function and all you’re doing is just bringing more in, or allowing – it’s not a forced thing at all – you’re allowing more chi to come into the body so the body can function naturally like it was designed to do.

In order to help other people who are going through the same food-free process or are thinking of trying it out, Elitom wrote a book about his personal experiences.

You mentioned earlier about a book, can you tell us a little bit about what it’s like?

Okay, the book is called, “It’s Okay to be Healthy,” and that’s right there is a book dealing with a person taking control of their health at a deeper level. You start out at one level, you learn different things, but at the same time there’s other knowledge out here that you can grab that can take the body even further to where some of the preventable diseases which you don’t have to never have, don’t have to get them. And if you do have them, you should be able to reverse the process because it’s your body. Your body’s listening to your mind. There’s nobody holding us down, putting food in our mouths, in our bodies, right now. You have control of that, and you also have control of how you’re spending your time throughout the day, and this is what the book is dealing with.

The gift that you’re going to be given is more time, that’s what it deals with. How are you spending your time in life? Because that’s going to determine what your health is – it all goes hand in hand. What made you want to write this book?

When I went through my transition I said this is what people need to know or need hear. At least put it out there on the scene. But what motivated me to put more deeper thought into it is when Supreme Master Television came to me and wanted to know a lot of information. Then I started to see the horizontal, how many people really want to know. Before what I told you when I first started, well when I first grabbed the knowledge, nobody was interested.

So when I went into it and started teaching, there was just a small group, but now I’m beginning to see how many people at least want to know that these avenues or this knowledge is being brought out, and that there are higher levels of food alchemy that a person can go into – and it’s all up to them. So the whole motivation of bringing this forth is good for me. I’m putting more thought into it. And now I’ve got a chance to share all my notes that I’ve collected throughout the years, bringing in different scenarios, the different falls; a lot of people who go into teaching don’t want to bring in the falls that they have, some of the things that they’ve been into. I don’t have any problem with it at all, to show you that the human being can put themselves into the cycle and the body can keep going on and on and on.

It should be a very interesting book. It's not very big; it doesn’t have to be big. It's just a crucial knowledge getting straight to the point without all the fanfare, but it’ll give a lot of answers so people can start their journeys.

Elitom, thank you so much once again for your time and your wonderful answers. You’ve just added another dimension to the human evolution.

We appreciate your magnanimous company for today’s episode of Between Master and Disciples. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for Good People, Good Works, coming up next after Noteworthy News. Wishing you much love and kindness every day.

Literature on Living Food-free: For a complete list, please visit

Popularly known as “Teacher” or “Master of Nature,” Porphyry Kornevevich Ivanov, a Russian holy man taught people how to live in harmony of nature. Living by example, Porphyry Kornevevich Ivanov lived food-free for extended periods of time, the longest being 100 days. His only source of sustenance during those food-free periods: the universal energy that abounds in nature.

Meet Porphyry Kornevevich Ivanov by tuning in to Supreme Master Television on Sunday, January 9, for our program, “Porphyry Kornevevich Ivanov: Living in Harmony with Nature,” on Between Master and Disciples.

Tune in to Supreme Master Television today for our program, “Porphyry Kornevevich Ivanov: Living in Harmony with Nature,” on Between Master and Disciples.

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 Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: The Best Way to Restore the Biodiversity of Our Planet 


Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

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