Animal World
Wise Waggy Tales:Stories from Charismatic Canines      
Joyful viewers, welcome to another fascinating episode of Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Have you ever wondered why animals are here on Earth with us? What are their special missions? And what are their messages for us?

Today we meet three special canines who share their “waggy tales” with the world through telepathic animal communicators or those with the ability to translate animals' thoughts, feelings and emotions into human language.

We start with Natalie Choi, one of our South Korean Association members. She will now tell us about Maroo, her peacemaking doggie companion, and how he helped his feline friend finally accept the presence of other cats in her home.

It was around May 2008 when something strange happened to me, and it was an unforgettable event. One night, an animal communicator told me that my dog Maroo wanted to send a message to the caregiver of Cami, a cat. I thought it was very strange and odd because our Maroo never knew Cami, let alone her human caregiver Despite her doubts, Natalie contacted Cami’s caregiver and told her about Maroo’s kind request.

Back then, she adopted two new cats, and I later learned that Cami had trouble getting along with them and refused to eat and she was eventually hospitalized due to malnutrition. To summarize Maroo’s message to the caregiver, it’s like this: “Please don’t send the cats away.” Maroo said Cami is destined to live with the two cats, but she is stubborn and refuses to.

And he said he would try persuading Cami and asked the caregiver not to send the cats away. And he also said Cami and he had been good friends from their previous life, so Cami would listen to his words and asked the caregiver to wait for a while.

The caregiver listened to Maroo’s message and finally understood the reason behind Cami’s strange behavior.

After some time, the animal communicator told me again that another message from Maroo arrived; “Don’t worry! Cami will start eating again from now on.” She was half in doubt listening to Maroo’s words. But Cami resumed eating after Maroo’s message. It was really magical. By the time Cami finished her food, the car, which was going to take the two cats to the countryside, arrived. But the caregiver didn’t need the car anymore. She followed Maroo’s advice and didn’t send the cats away.

And I heard the three cats live happily in a house up to now. I believe my Maroo tried his best to help Cami who was his friend in a previous life. And another mysterious thing is that our Maroo asked for advice from Goody, the dog of Supreme Master Ching Hai. The animal communicator told me that our Maroo got advice from Goody while Maroo was talking with Cami. Supreme Master Ching Hai once said black dogs can communicate well with other black dogs. I think it was really like that in this case.

Wow! The world of animals is truly amazing! Are you now more curious about the thoughts of your sweet animal companion who is contentedly sitting beside you? Let’s now hear from Bob, an Association member living in New Zealand as he shares with us the wonderful messages from his two canine companions Poppy and Finn as interpreted by Faye Rogers, an internationally recognized New Zealand-based telepathic animal communicator. It all started one day when Bob saw the pair and started thinking about how lucky he is that he’s a happy dad to Poppy and Finn.

I was curious as to why they were here – where did we all come from? So, I got in touch with an animal communicator, Faye Rogers, and I just asked if she could analyze as to why the dogs were here, what the connections between us all were. As they conveyed to her, both Poppy and Finn have been together for many, many lifetimes. She spoke of it going back thousands of years, that time after time they have been together.

Faye Rogers says that Poppy expressed the following thoughts on her relationship with Finn.

We are genetically related but we are so much more. I am like a carer of Finn and Finn is here to observe great things and I do the caring for him so he can absorb, reflect on what he learns and it is a great time for both of us, reunited again. We have shared previous lives, but for me this is not the first time I have been presented with a dog body, but I have come to help Finn and support him on his quest.

Poppy revealed that the three of them, Bob, Poppy and Finn, have all shared many past lives together. There was one particular lifetime where the three were all humans.

That was the time thousands of years ago in Northern China. Finn was like a holy man, whose job was to go out as a herbalist, find the plants and experience nature. He would hardly speak. He would just go out and work with nature, work with the plants, and listen to the advice that the plants would give him.

Poppy would stay at home and look after the house, and she would process and treat the plants, and administer them to people.

At that point it does become interesting because apparently I was also there, and I was their teacher. I taught them the art of the herbalist and how to work with plants and how to work with nature.

Finn also had some interesting insights about Bob that he conveyed to Ms. Rogers.

I have great plant wisdom, wisdom of ancientness and this you might not know but know that Bob lives on an orchard and inside himself he does carry the wisdom of the plants of ancient knowledge that he has stored in him, of the understanding of nature, of the understanding of the seasons, the understanding of cultivation – he does carry all this in him, in his DNA of cellular memory which is different than genetic DNA – it is stored wisdom from times of long ago, from times of the past.

As well as all of us having been together for many lifetimes, Poppy and I in particular have been together for the longest time. She speaks of right back to the times of the pyramids, to the times of ancient Greece, to the changing of the guard in England and Machu Picchu in Peru. She speaks of all of these times and at all times we were there together.

You are wondering and I know Bob would wonder why I would be a dog when I could be a human – but I will share a little secret – Dogs are great, truly great. We have responsibility but we don’t have the great burdens unless we ask for them – we can experience great moments of running, great moments of playing, great moments of doing and it sure is good.

Maybe in another life I will be human – why not – I have options and I will seek the direction I need to go or the place to be and it is part of my growth that I have stored in me to do this and being with Bob at this moment in his life is part of his journey, part of my journey and one way I can be with him is being a dog and same with Finn.

The two canines also have some observations on humanity and why those who are here now were born during this era.

People that have bravely walked here on this earthly soil, on the great Mother Earth they are now being allowed the chance to become their true self. The world is full of many old souls reincarnated here to be here at this privileged time in history, to share the history of the world and the changes that are happening – it is called evolution – nothing bad but evolution of souls ascending to a different level than previously experienced.

But many souls have asked to come to Earth at this time so they can experience heightened levels of soul achievement and that is why I as a dog and Finn as a dog are here to accompany Bob and to share his own growth of soul evolvement but in doing so we too are experiencing our own soul evolvement.

We have evolved as great souls and we are still evolving, moving forward and are placed here on the great planet of Mother Earth – the lady who cares for us, tends to us and fosters us and this is the great Mother of this planet – the life force of living here. And it is so beautiful, so incredibly beautiful to be here to experience such greatness of how far the world has evolved, how the humans have evolved.

There is now an age where people are saying we must preserve what we have, we must treasure what we have. It is a time of changes, great changes and it is all good – life has to go forward, life will go forward, life will steadily improve and it is the time of great changes for many and for the great Mother Earth herself.

Animals contribute so much to our world and truly make it a bright and colorful place. Our heartfelt thanks, Maroo, Poppy and Finn for sharing your wise words with us. May you all enjoy many more years of continued happiness with your beloved caregivers. Lovely viewers, thank you for your kind presence today on Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Next up is Enlightening Entertainment after Noteworthy News. May our lives be forever blessed with Heavenly love and grace.

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