Animal World
Serving With Honor: The Abu Dhabi Police Dog Section (In Arabic)      
Today’s Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants will be presented in Arabic, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Thai.

Welcome, joyful viewers, to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. As society evolves toward more noble and compassionate ways of living, people are becoming increasingly aware of the significant role dogs play in many important fields and their selfless efforts to help humanity.

Today we introduce the courageous, dedicated canines from the Abu Dhabi Police Dog Section of the Abu Dhabi Police. This department protects the residents of the emirate of Abu Dhabi, which is part of the United Arab Emirates. The Section’s altruistic spirit and service to their nation have touched the hearts of many in this Middle Eastern country.

Captain Sa’eed Khalifa Waleed Hmeed, manager of the Abu Dhabi Police Dog Section, and Public Relations Officer for the Abu Dhabi Police, Matar Ali, kindly guided us during our visit to Abu Dhabi Police headquarters and introduced us to the Section’s work.

Captain, we are very pleased to be here today, and we are very impressed with the dog unit. Captain, can you please introduce yourself and tell us about the history of the police dog unit in United Arab Emirates?

I'm Captain Sa'eed Khalifa Waleed Hmeed, the manager of the Police Dog Section in Abu Dhabi. I’ve worked as a manager for the Police Dog Section in Abu Dhabi for eight years.

In the Captain’s years as manager, the Section has grown tremendously and achieved much success.

Previously, in the Police Dog Section, people did not have enough knowledge or experience about police dogs, but now thanks to Allah, we have about 300 persons who work in the Police Dog Section, and this indicates people’s understanding and that their desire to work with the police dogs has grown, and also they have understood the police dogs’ role, their importance in the police station, and their role in serving the community.

Police dogs are important and used in many fields. People now have more receptive minds, especially in the United Arab Emirates, they know the importance of police dogs and where they are used.

Whereas humans rely primarily on sight to assess the environment around them, smell is the chief way that canines explore their world and make sense of it. This is why police agencies worldwide use dogs to track individuals who are lost or are suspects in a case.

We are now in the tracker dogs department where we test the sense of smell that the dogs have; dogs have 250-million cells for smelling in their noses, while human beings have only five-million cells. So there is a great difference, that’s why we train dogs.

Police canines may be trained to be detection experts in specific areas such narcotics or explosives. Steps are taken to ensure the benevolent beings are kept safe while working around these dangerous substances.

The sniffer dogs are only trained to detect the smell of drugs, meaning we can train the sniffer dogs to become explosives sniffer dogs and tracker dogs also. There are many other types of tasks that we do without hurting or harming the dogs. So the sniffer dogs do not get addicted to the drugs. The dog here is sending a strong sign that he has found drugs, and in contrast to the drug sniffer dogs, the explosives dogs don’t touch the explosive materials.

There is a safe distance between the dog and the explosive material; this is what the trainer has taught the dog. But the drug sniffer dogs do catch the drugs and send a strong sign to say that the drugs do exist. All this depends on the training and the experience of our trainers.

The Abu Dhabi Police Dog Section makes sure all its canine members receive top veterinary care from professionals such as Dr. Talha Badawi, so that they are healthy and happy as well as ready to perform their important duties at a moment’s notice.

This is a clinic for tracker dogs and these are the machines. There are many more sophisticated machines in the clinic. When a dog comes to the veterinary clinic, we ask the trainer about the dog’s health status. We also ask the trainer about any problems with the dog or about the reasons for coming to the clinic, so we can diagnose the dog properly. Have you noticed any changes or problems with the dog?

He is getting weak, and eats very little. He is eating only small quantities and getting weak.

Okay, we will diagnose the dog so we can treat him. After the doctor has diagnosed the dog, we will treat the dog. First we check the dog’s temperature. The doctor is diagnosing the dog’s condition, and the high temperature is due to the dog taking a bath recently. In this area it is a little bit high in summertime. After diagnosing the dog we give him a suitable remedy like vitamins to stimulate his appetite and help reduce his body temperature. We also give him antibiotics to help him resist any diseases and to reduce his body temperature.

When we return, we’ll watch two dutiful canine members of the Police Dog Section, Adna and Rocky, go through training exercises. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

Dogs are faithful, and if you treat dogs correctly, if you take care of dogs correctly, the dogs will be very faithful to you, and will be your best friend just like all other animals.

Welcome back to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants and our program featuring the esteemed Abu Dhabi Police Dog Section in the United Arab Emirates. Besides police work, the Section is also involved in promoting animal protection and welfare. A canine society was established in the United Arab Emirates in 2008 under the direction of Head of the Section, Lieutenant Colonel Jamal Jumaa Hahbash.

With the blessing of His Highness Lieutenant General Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the country’s Minister of the Interior, the society became part of the Abu Dhabi Police Dog Section. The society’s mission is to provide guidance to the public on the raising and caring of dogs, and to conduct informational campaigns to prevent cruelty to animals. Let us now return to Abu Dhabi Police headquarters to watch police dogs Adna and Rocky practice finding suspect items.

The dog is trained to inspect cars; we use this kind of technique at the checkpoints. Here they are searching for explosive materials. The trainer also helps the dog in the inspection process, and asks the dog to inspect under and on top of the car. Until now there is nothing in the car. The assistant trainer or the trainer puts the drugs in the car. First, he puts the drug items in the car. Once again we inspect the same car, as you see, its scent spreads, then he finds it. As you see, we give him a ball as a reward.

What are some of the important facilities that these diligent canines guard?

We search for drugs in airports, post offices and also in prisons. As you see, we also search for drugs in travelers’ suitcases and luggage. Now we’re inspecting for drugs without using or putting in any opiate material. As you see, the trainer is helping the dog search for drugs.

Now, we take the dog away, and we put the drugs in the car. Now we’re going to search for the drugs once again after we put in the suitcase that contains the drugs. The dog begins searching. He finds the opiate material, then the dog takes hold of this opiate material.

How do the police dogs notify their human partner when narcotics are found?

The dog is asked to search and he finds the opiate material. The drug sniffer dog is digging, as you see, and this process is considered a strong sign. Now the dog is sending a strong message and getting the opiate material. This is what the trainers has taught the dogs.

The relationship between a police dog and their human partner is strong. The pair are truly close and spend countless hours together.

As you see, every dog has his own trainer and there is a special bond and special friendship between them. The dog feels the friendship with the trainer, that's why he obeys the commands of the trainer. In the diagnosing, the training, and in getting the remedy, you find the trainer is present. That's why the dog is loyal, loyalty is one of the dog characteristics. This is what happens, and this is what we achieve between the trainer and the dog.

At the conclusion of our visit, our Association members presented some gifts on behalf of Supreme Master Ching Hai, including Master’s international #1 best seller “The Dogs In My Life,” two doggie jackets, vegan dog food, a coffee mug and a SOS Global Warming DVD. In return, the Section provided us with some souvenirs.

We'd like to thank your channel, also thank your team at the channel, and thank you for the gifts. We welcome you here to the United Arab Emirates. We'd like to thank the Supreme Master Ching Hai (International Association) for coming to the United Arab Emirates and especially for coming to the Police Dog Section in Abu Dhabi, and we would like to share with you our activities and our other festivals if Allah wills it. We also thank you for the precious gifts and for all other things you offered us, and for introducing us in a very nice way.

Thank you.

Hardworking police canines like Adna and Rocky provide invaluable service to the emirate of Abu Dhabi. Not only do they help safeguard the public, but they are also excellent examples of how dogs are our best friends and companions. We thank Captain Sa’eed Khalifa, Public Relations Officer Matar Ali, Dr. Talha Badawi, and all the other members of the Abu Dhabi Police Dog Section for their excellent care of the police dogs and protecting their nation.

For more details on the Abu Dhabi Police, please visit

Kind viewers, thank you for your company today on Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Coming up next is Enlightening Entertainment, after Noteworthy News. May we all know the greatest love within our hearts.

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