Animal World
What the Animals Tell Me: Renowned Telepathic Animal Communicator Sonya Fitzpatrick      
Hallo, sensitive viewers, and welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. On today’s program we present the first of a three-part series featuring Sonya Fitzpatrick, one of the most widely recognized and respected telepathic animal communicators in the world.

She has worked with clients from around the globe, including Hollywood actress Tori Spelling and vegan talk show host and actress Ellen DeGeneres and is the author of several popular books including “What the Animals Tell Me,” and “Cat Talk: The Secrets of Communicating with Your Cat.” Ms. Fitzpatrick also hosts a weekly call-in radio show called “Animal Intuition” on Sirius Satellite Radio and previously hosted a series on the television channel Animal Planet called “The Pet Psychic.”

The UK-born Ms. Fitzpatrick currently lives in Texas, USA with five dog and 12 cat companions as well as a family of frogs. She now shares how she first came to realize that she has the ability to communicate telepathically with animals.

I was born with a severe hearing loss. And so, therefore, I didn’t speak verbal language until I was four and half. And therefore, I could hear the animals speaking. As a little girl, I thought everybody could do what I could do. So I used to talk telepathically to the animals. And they would speak back to me. I was born with the gift.

Sonya Fitzpatrick’s father was a butcher. He also raised livestock on his farm, and slaughtered them for meat. This was a source of immense suffering for young Sonya.

He used to walk with the family doctor up the garden. The pigs would be in the field. The chickens were in the field. He would take the doctor up and say, “Do you want the leg of that one for Christmas?” And I used to say to him, “The pig knows what you are saying.” And he used to say, “Oh, your imagination is so vivid.” And I could feel the pain and the anxiety of the animal, when I was three, four years old.

While she was still a young girl, an extremely painful event caused Sonya Fitzpatrick to stop communicating with the animals. It all began with three goose eggs.

Why I stopped talking to animals was because of my three geese who I raised from eggs. At that time, we put them in the incubator, and my father said, “You can have these three geese.”

And then, as they grew up, they followed me everywhere. They would always come with me to school, leave me at the school gate. Then at lunch time, we used to go home for lunch, and they would always be waiting for me outside. And they would know what time to come. And people used to think, “It’s very strange that those geese know what time Sonya is getting out of school.” And they would be waiting for me. They walked home with me.

And then, Christmas came, of course. And I had this awful feeling all morning. And I was coming back from my friend’s farm. And I just had this horrible feeling that something had happened. I didn’t know what it was. So, I walked through and my geese weren’t there. They weren’t in the field, and they always would come and meet me. And when I got home, of course, I went to look for them. And I ran into the barn and they were all hanging up by their feet, dead.

And that was so traumatic for me as a little girl, because I really loved them. And I went in for lunch, and that was my goose on the dining room table, one of them. After that, I think the only way I could survive was by not talking to animals ever again, in that very special way which I could talk to them. It was too painful. So that’s when I stopped.

It was many years later that Ms. Fitzpatrick began to talk telepathically to the animals once again. She had a moving experience which confirmed that her life’s mission is to communicate with animals.

When we were teaching etiquette, my daughter and I, we were in the studio and I sat down one day. And I thought, “I’m not really happy doing this.” And suddenly I was sitting there drinking my tea, and I looked over on the wall and this beautiful light shape came, beautiful light. And it was the whole shape of an angel. And then telepathically I heard the angel saying, “You will be working with animals and doing God’s work.” Then my career really started to take off. And before I knew it, I had a TV show.

How exactly do animals communicate?

So they talk in pictures, feelings, emotions and senses. They get a picture from us. But because we have the faculty of speech, we don’t think about what else is happening. But there are a lot of things happening in our energy. And the animals see them, feel them. They feel everything we're sensing. When I'm talking to an animal, I tune in to an animal, I immediately start to feel them and sense them. I get a feeling of love or that they're disturbed. Or there have been times when they've been happy, and their language is so fast, telepathic language. “Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom,” like that.

And that’s why I am so quick. People say, “You’re so quick, how you do it?” Because the animal is “boom, boom, boom.” I can feel it, sense it. I use every part of my body. And when I talk to an animal, I become the animal. I become the cat.

And I laughed yesterday, because I have a client, and the dog said to me, "Are you a dog?" And I said, "Yes, right now I am. But I'm also a human." And he thought that was very funny, and he started to laugh. And I could hear his sweet laughter coming through.

Meditation plays an important role in Sonya Fitzpatrick’s life, helping her to better communicate with the animals.

I meditate because I clear my mind. And often I will meditate, and I feel that lovely peaceful feeling and go to a higher level of consciousness. And that feeling is always there. It’s an incredible feeling whenever I have that experience.

I know that I use the right side of my brain when I am talking to the animals. I switch the side when I am talking to them. You know, on my practical side, where everyday things are happening, my brain is working like everybody else’s. But when I talk to animals, it's very different. And I feel and sense it. And I feel the animal’s energy and talking. It's different than talking verbally.

Through her communications with animals and other beings, Ms. Fitzpatrick has gained a deeper understanding about how our world and the universe operate. She believes that we must respect everything here on Earth.

Everything serves a purpose in the universe. And now it's out of balance, cutting trees down. You know that people have no respect and don’t understand trees, that they have consciousness, that they help us breathe. And people just don’t think about that. It doesn’t occur to them; cut a tree down, nothing more. Let’s cut it down; it's in the way so let’s take it down, without really understanding.

When you cut a tree down, the squirrels live in the tree. The raccoons live in trees. The possums go on trees. The birds make nests in trees. So you’re immediately taking their home away from them. And the animals are now, as we can see constantly, we see deer walking around the estates, because their habitat is being taking from them. So the animals are in dire straits.

Ms. Fitzpatrick helps many clients deal with their grief and anxiety when one of their animal companions passes over.

There is no death. And so many people come to me because they want to talk about their animals that have passed over. But the great thing is that it's just the physical body that dies. There is no death, as far as the spirit and the soul is concerned. And we just go on and we go back home. And you're at peace and there is just love and peace. And I have that incredible feeling of consciousness when I go into that spiritual realm, because we’re much more than a physical body.

And my energy body goes in and out, in and out all the time. So when I'm over the other side, or I feel I have one foot in the spirit world and one foot in the physical world and, the animal will come through. He's around and with the person anyway. And often people will say, "I can’t tell you how much better that's made me feel," because they don’t know where their animal is, they don’t know where he’s gone. They don’t know.

Our appreciation Ms. Fitzpatrick for your fascinating insights on the animal kingdom and Mother Nature. You are truly helping bring animals and humans closer together in spirit and love.

For more information on Sonya Fitzpatrick, please visit:
or follow her on
Books by Ms. Fitzpatrick are available at

Why might our animal companion suddenly display an inappropriate behavior? To find out, please join us again tomorrow on Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants, as we present part two of a three-part series featuring the perceptive Ms. Sonya Fitzpatrick.

Thank you cordial viewers for your company today on our program. May all caregivers and their animal companions share many happy moments together.
Hallo, insightful viewers, and welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. On today’s program we present the second of a three-part series featuring Sonya Fitzpatrick, one of the most widely recognized and respected telepathic animal communicators in the world.

She has worked with clients from around the globe, including Hollywood actress Tori Spelling and vegan talk show host and actress Ellen DeGeneres and is the author of several popular books including “What the Animals Tell Me,” and “Cat Talk: The Secrets of Communicating with Your Cat.” Ms. Fitzpatrick also hosts a weekly call-in radio show called “Animal Intuition” on Sirius Satellite Radio and previously hosted a series on the television channel Animal Planet called “The Pet Psychic.”

The UK-born Ms. Fitzpatrick currently lives in Texas, USA with five dog and 12 cat companions as well as a family of frogs. Why might our animal companion suddenly display inappropriate behavior? Sonya Fitzpatrick now discusses some of the reasons.

You’ll have a cat that will suddenly start to urinate all over the house. To the human companion, they don’t even understand why there’s a change in behavior but there’s always a reason. So now, I’m talking to animals almost every day. And this particular reason is they're emotional. Animals feel. They have very deep feelings. And they sense this and they know everything. They’re very smart. They know everything.

And what happens is, we use a lot of chemicals, people do in their homes. They don’t go green with their products and they see all this advertising on TV. “Oh spray this and it’ll be better. It’s animal friendly.” None of those chemicals are animal friendly. In fact they’re killing our animals. By spraying all these toxic fumes, using bleaches, different floor cleaners, our home becomes a vacuum of poisons.

And also, animals will put down their scent. I mean I had a lady the other day, she said, “But my cat’s been urinating all over the bed.” Well those covers hold the scent. So I say to go green with everything. Vinegar and water is a great cleaner. Baking soda is great. So if you do that, that can often stop your cat from urinating on the floor. Or some people even rinse out their litter boxes with bleach. Cats' sense of smell is much stronger than ours.

If you can smell it, believe me, it’s unpleasant for your animals. If you can go into your home, you may have a cleaning company and they used it so that you can say, “Oh that smells nice!” To you! But those chemicals aren’t doing you any good and they’re doing even more harm to the animals.

And lots of vets don’t understand sometimes why cats die. Any chemical is not good for humans or animals to be inhaling all the time. Be very, very careful about what you use in your home. And don’t take any notice of advertising. And people today, they’ve gotten to be fanatical about cleanliness. And bleach in a litter box! Can you imagine! You can smell it!

Some of them will not use the litter box. And they’ll go outside of the litter box because they can’t stand the smell. Sit down and really think about what you’re using in your home for the animals. Because animals will suddenly stop eating through having been poisoned by chemicals. Then the next thing, they suddenly can almost go paralyzed where they stop and they’re not walking and they suddenly will again.

And eventually they’ll die because those poisonous gases they're inhaling are going through all their organs. Animals are very small. They’re very close to the ground. And it kills a lot of our animals. People don’t even realize what’s wrong with them. So really be careful when you are cleaning your home. Anything chemical, don't use it.

Through the years, Ms. Fitzpatrick has communicated with thousands of cats. She explains another common mistake people make when caring for their feline friends.

A lot of people just don’t know what is best, because they take their veterinarian’s advice. And another thing that vets always advise here, which is a horrendous thing to do, is declawing your cat. I never heard of that until I came to America. Declaw your cats? It’s so painful! And people worry about their furniture. You can train a cat. Get a scratching post. Put catnip on it. Put two-sided tape on the back of your sofas. I mean, you’re literally doing a terrible, terrible thing.

And you're mutilating your cat when you take out her front claws. And they can grow back. And it’s very painful for the cat. And the cat knows. And they will often revert to biting. And if they do get out, they can’t climb a tree, they can’t protect themselves. And it’s the most painful thing, and it’s the most terrible thing that you could do to the animal you love. It’s just that people don’t understand that. And I talk about it all the time.

Cats are very sensitive in another way in which few caregivers may be aware.

I had a client this week, and she couldn’t understand why her cat suddenly started to attack her. And she said, "Every time I stroke my cat, he turns around and bites me." Well, what they don’t realize is that animals have a network of nerves under the skin, some are near to the surface. But when you do this to a cat, and some people do rough up their cat, they don't just do it gently. People go like this. When you do that, you can cause static. So the cat will turn immediately.

The cat thinks, “Why is my mother doing that to me? And how dare she!” And he will turn around and bite. So often the biting is caused through something unseen, which is static. And it’s builds up when you keep doing this. So I tell to people, “Scratch him on the head.” So that was the reason why the cat was biting his mom. And people just don’t understand that animals are much more sensitive.

Though it may not seem significant to us, even being left alone for a few hours is more than some animal companions can bear. They may let us know their unease through different ways.

So one of the reasons that people call me is that their cat has a change or urinating outside the litter box. And there's lots of reasons. If people go away, cats and dogs get emotionally upset. And how else can they tell us than by just making a mess on the floor, or not going outside? They will actually be making a mess in the house to say, "Hey I’m hurting."

So I always say to people, "Tell your cat that you’re going away. Tell your dogs you’re going away.” They understand. Tell them you’ll be back, and talk to them while you’re away, because you have a direct contact. And people will say, "Well I don’t know how to talk to animals like you do." I said, "You’re doing it but not recognizing it. So you talk to them. They know.”

And what about introducing another pet into the home?

I think with dogs particularly; there’s a way of doing that. I think you need to ask the dog and cat's permission if you can bring another animal in. Even if you don’t hear the cat or dog's answer, at least you're acknowledging that you’re including him in this particular process. So always ask them. And tell them how good they are and how now you need their help in looking after the animal that is coming in. Because then that makes them feel good.

But when you are going to bring a new dog into the home, do not bring her straight into the house. Make sure you bring your dog outside when you bring the other dog home. Take them both for a walk together. That's the first thing they must do, because that's a pleasant experience for both of them.

And then when you come back, bring them both in together, so that you do not bring the other dog into that dog's territory, which is going to be possessive. And make a big fuss, of the other dog and walk them, and be happy together. And then they come back and they're coming into the house together, and you won’t have that territorial thing.

Thank you Ms. Fitzpatrick for providing these highly useful tips to make our animal companions’ lives more comfortable and safe. Surely the animals thank you for your kind advocacy on their behalf.

For more information on Sonya Fitzpatrick, please visit:
or follow her on
Books by Ms. Fitzpatrick are available at

When might our animal companions get frustrated with us? Do animals know whether or not we follow a plant-based lifestyle? What made Sonya Fitzpatrick decide to adopt a family of frogs? To find out, please join us again tomorrow on Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants for the conclusion of our interview with Ms. Fitzpatrick

Thank you smiling viewers for joining us today on our program. May we all make a new animal friend today!
Hallo, amiable viewers, and welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. On today’s program we present the conclusion of a three-part series featuring Sonya Fitzpatrick, one of the most widely recognized and respected telepathic animal communicators in the world.

She has worked with clients from around the globe, including Hollywood actress Tori Spelling and vegan talk show host and actress Ellen DeGeneres and is the author of several popular books including “What the Animals Tell Me,” and “Cat Talk: The Secrets of Communicating with Your Cat.”

Ms. Fitzpatrick also hosts a weekly call-in radio show called “Animal Intuition” on Sirius Satellite Radio and previously hosted a series on the television channel Animal Planet called “The Pet Psychic.” The UK-born Ms. Fitzpatrick currently lives in Texas, USA with five dog and 12 cat companions as well as a family of frogs.

Why I love working with animals is because they don’t carry any baggage and they’re very honest and they’re very straight. They’re not complicated. Human beings complicate everything, don’t they, at times, some of them. Animals don’t. They’re just wonderful to work with. They always have love, they are always honest. And I much prefer working with animals than humans.

Let us now hear about the emotional lives of animals from Sonya Fitzpatrick. For example, do animals experience grief in the same way we do?

The thing is, they feel stronger than people do. They have very strong emotions. When a dog dies, when an animal dies in the house, the other animals grieve. They’re grieving. They miss that animal. They miss the animal being around just like a human does. It takes them time, and sometimes they never get over it.

Now this little girl had two Spaniards, and they were really, really close. And Daisy died. And then Sally went and laid by the grave. She wouldn’t eat. In a week, she died of starvation. She couldn’t live without the dog. And that is very strong emotions. They feel everything.

Do the animals sometimes get frustrated with their human companions?

They get depressed and the frustration sometimes comes out in different ways. With the birds, they’ll peck their feathers out. They haven’t got anyone to talk to. And if you get a kitten, get two cats, not one. They always have company with each other. And they always have each other to be with. But if you get only one cat, then you suddenly leave her for hours and hours on end, and she gets depressed. They get frustrated. They don’t understand why they are being left. Or you have a dog, and you just suddenly put him out in the yard, and they never have any interaction. It’s so hard and cruel to do that to them.

I always say to people, “Put yourself in the animal’s place, and see how you would feel. That’s the best way you can do it. How would you feel if you were in a cage all day? Some people go out and leave their animal in a tiny cage all day.

Ms. Fitzpatrick can converse inside with amphibians and reptiles as well. She rescued some frog friends she discovered languishing away in a retail store and has a wonderful relationship with them.

They were suffocating in a little container. So many of them were dead. And so I gently got the ones that were alive, put them on the cart, got a big tank and a pump, because they needed to live not just in a jar. They'll die in a jar. They need oxygen. And I'm coming through the checkout and the woman said to me, "Oh you don't want to take those. They're nearly dead.” And I just looked at her, and I said to her, “That is why I'm taking them. I'm hoping that they're going to survive.”

And now, I've had them for seven years. And they're a big part of my family. They live in my kitchen. I talk to them every morning. And they are intelligent. And they have great love for each other. I mean, they have taught me a lot since I’ve had them because I've never lived with frogs so close before. I had always loved frogs outside, but I had never actually lived with these frogs. And they came into my life and they are very important to me now.

They love each other. They understand. I talk to them and they come up. And they look at me. They know when the food is going in. And sometimes I’d perhaps be rushing around and I haven’t always fed them, you don’t have to feed them every day, and sometimes if I don’t feed them every day, they get upset about it. And I hear them telling me in my shower, “We need food!”

So I will come and give them food. But when I’m living with the animals, I’m usually watching TV. They’re watching TV with me. And they understand a lot of TV too. Your emotions, your feelings are going up when you’re watching a film, and they understand it.

Do you think being vegetarian or vegan is helpful in communicating with animals?

Yes, eating meat is deadening. It’s dead flesh. It holds you down. Spiritually, it holds you down. And I honestly believe that I wouldn’t be as accurate and as good at what I do. I always say to people, “It is not I that does this. I receive and transmit. I receive the animal’s language.” I can’t take credit for that. It’s just that I find that by not eating meat, that I’m lighter. To me, there is no difference between eating a cat to me than eating a cow.

How do they help humanity, (Love) the animals?

All the time you see animals going into nursing homes, and they’re helping people. They make people feel joyful when they stroke an animal, their blood pressure goes down. They say people who have animals, their blood pressure is lower than people who don’t have animals. So we feel the love. They’re putting love out all the time. And they teach people to love. I think that’s the incredible thing.

People love their animals; some people love their animals with a passion. They love them more than any other human being. And so therefore they teach us how to love. They’re constantly putting out love, and we feel love for them. So I think that’s a very important thing, the fact that animals do teach us love, because that’s what the universe wants.

I mean the Beatles wrote that song, “All the World Needs Now is Love, Sweet Love,” and that’s exactly right. That’s the message that they give to me. To the world, love is the most important thing, and that’s the message from the animals that they give out. Love is the most important thing. And it is.

What can we do to help the animals?

If we see an animal in distress, get up, do something, and help him. That’s what we can do. You see a dog walking along the road or a cat in distress, help her. If you see a wild animal in distress, there are all these wonderful places that people run and work with possums and raccoons. And you can get them to a facility where they can be helped if they’re injured, or a bird has a wing that’s broken.

I picked a bird up once, it was a big pelican actually, a pelican type bird. And she had a fishing hook in her wing. So we went out and we threw a blanket over her. And we held onto her beak so she couldn’t bite. And I took her in the garage and I had this chair with an iron back. And she sat there all night. And the next morning we phoned up the bird sanctuary and we asked them, “Could we come in?” They said “Yes.” They mended the bird’s wing.

They found out where I picked the bird up, they brought her back and they let her go. And I was walking my dogs the next day, and that bird circled around me, barely just over my head and thanked me, and went away. That’s how intelligent and how much they know.

I always say that’s what feeds people’s souls is when they do something for an animal or they do something for a human being. It makes you feel so good. It’s a wonderful feeling. Love is the most important thing in the universe. Love for each other. Love for the animals. Love for the environment. Love for everything.

In a February 2005 gathering of our Association members in Hungary, Supreme Master Ching Hai discussed an episode of Sonya Fitzpatrick’s program “The Pet Psychic” she had viewed where Ms. Fitzpatrick explained why a dog was not well.

The animal world is fascinating, fascinating. If you can talk to the animals, they tell you a lot of things. There was one show in America, when I was there. There was a psychic, an animal psychic. She can talk to dogs, dogs or other animals. And it was a live show. They bring different dogs there. And then one time, the owner was asking why his dog had been sick, like tired and not active anymore. And the doctor didn't know what was wrong.

So the psychic concentrated and talked to the dog. And then she said that “Your dog tells you that, because you use all these chemicals to clean the house, so he cannot bear it, and he's sick. So he begs you not to clean with the chemicals anymore.” And at that moment, that dog went and put the paw into her hand, you know, like “Shake hands.”

That dog never knew her before. He came to her and then put the paw on her arm. It was very touching. The dog came to her and put the paw on her arm, in her hand, like that. And then, oh, it was very touching. At the moment she finished the sentence, he came and did that. And it's so obvious, you know? (Thank You for telling us.) Thank you! Ah, he was so happy.

Many thanks to you, Sonya Fitzpatrick, for sharing these fascinating insights about the inner lives of our animal co-inhabitants. Your work builds a bridge of better understanding between us and our animal friends, helping to create greater peace and harmony in our world. May Heaven forever bless you, and all the animals.

For more information on Sonya Fitzpatrick, please visit:
or follow her on
Books by Ms. Fitzpatrick are available at

I’m Sonya Fitzpatrick.
Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

Thank you, tender-hearted viewers, for your company today on Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. May all beings know true happiness in a vibrant vegan world.

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