Animal World
Shining World Loving and Hero Awards: Dave the Daddy Dog and Dotty the Daring Donkey      
Everywhere in the world, we can observe and be touched by acts of kindness. People from all walks of life, faiths, and cultures extend themselves beyond the call of duty to help others unconditionally. Through their noble deeds, humanity as a whole is elevated.

To commend virtuous actions and encourage more people to be inspired by their examples, Supreme Master Ching Hai has lovingly created a series of awards, including the Shining World Leadership Award, Shining World Compassion Award, Shining World Hero and Heroine Awards, Shining World Honesty Award, Shining World Protection Award, Shining World Intelligence Award, and Shining World Inventor Award, to recognize some of the most exemplary, generous, caring, and courageous people who walk amongst us.

Today we’ll meet two incredible animals, who have shown exceptional kindness and selfless devotion to other animals in need.

Who could ever forget Dave the Rottweiler, the foster dad of the dog world, whom we met previously on Supreme Master Television? Dave is renowned for taking care of neglected and homeless baby animals from a range of species. In an online contest with 6,000 dog and cat entrants and over 265,000 votes cast, Dave was chosen as Britain’s most inspirational dog!

It’s changed a lot of people’s perspective on Rottweilers, to be honest. This is just not a vicious dog. They’re not bred to be vicious. And this just proves, if the right people get them, how soft they can be, slobbery but soft.

Seven-year-old Dave lives with his caregiver Ms. Amanda Collins in Blackpool, UK, and whenever Amanda brings home a rescued animal friend, Dave can’t wait to extend his tender, loving attention to the newcomer.

He’s a mommy.

So far I think, off the top of my head, he’s helped two whippet puppies who were abandoned.

And, there’s been about 10 cats. There’s been a lot of rabbits. There’s been the two chickens. I think there’s been three ducks. There’s been a goose, a turkey. And here he’s helped me with every single one of them. They’ve all had something that I’ve struggled with and he’s always been there.

Perhaps it’s his parental instincts, or the call of his heart, Dave never hesitates to give a helping paw, so to speak, to those in need.

He's got another dog, a young Afghan. And he's got some more baby bunnies. And he loves them. And he's away to check on them now, just making sure they're safe. Dave, come on.

Dave, come here. (Dave.)

Through his compassion and patience, Dave has helped save the lives of many rescued animals so that they can move on to forever, cozy homes where they receive the affection they deserve.

He's seen how we treated him when he was a baby, when we got him and he was in a lot of, discomfort and everything. We looked after him. I think now he's just getting it; this is his way of saying thanks. And he's looking after everyone else, making them feel a little bit better.

For his noble heart, Supreme Master Ching Hai honored Dave with the Shining World Loving Award and £1,500 for extra veg snacks, beds and a doggie jacket. Dave was also given a selection of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s DVDs and books, including the #1 international best-sellers, “The Birds in My Life,” “The Dogs in My Life,” and “The Noble Wilds.” Our Association members presented the beautiful crystal Award plaque and read Supreme Master Ching Hai’s tender words of appreciation to Dave. The following is an excerpt from the letter:

Dear Dave: It's with much admiration and gratitude that we present to you the “Shining World Loving Award.” This Award is presented in recognition of your warm and loving heart and gallant generosity, which extends to all creatures that have the good fortune to be with you.

Your nurturing instinct for other animals was first made apparent when Amanda brought home a French giant Rabbit. You lovingly cleaned the rabbit with your tongue, slept with it to keep it company and shared your food with your new friend, which you continue to do. You have welcomed every other animal to share your home with the same loving and generous spirit, showering your affection on many ducks, geese, rabbits, kittens, puppies, and untold newborn chicks.

Thank you, Dave, for being the special dog you are and an outstanding example of divine love. Wishing you all the best under Heaven's grace both now and forever more! With Best Wishes and all My Love, Supreme Master Ching Hai

Thank you.

We'd like to thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for recognizing what Dave does. And thanks, well just thanks for Dave, for being such a good dog, really, and showing what they can do. Isn't it? Are you a good boy? And I think Dave’s very happy as well.

Thank you for all of his goodies. He absolutely loves his bed and his jacket and his scarf. And I'm sure he'll have a lot of fun spending this money on his, all his food and his toys. And what else will we get you? We may even get him some hydrotherapy swimming lessons 'cause he likes that as well. And it's good for his, (Brilliant) his legs. And the trophy Dave, what do you think of this? He loves this. So we'll say thank you very much for the trophy as well.

Next we’ll meet the extraordinary Dotty the donkey, who saved the life of her friend, Stanley the sheep. Dotty is also the first-ever recipient of an award from the UK-based charity The People's Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) for her bravery.

It amazed me what she did, because she just gets on with her life and, yes, goes in the field with her friends and you wouldn’t think she’d do anything like that at all.

It was a Saturday afternoon when Ann Rogers, Dotty’s caregiver, returned from a shopping trip and noticed a sheep named Stanley, who lives on her farm, being bullied by an aggressive dog. Then, to Ann’s great surprise, she saw Dotty, who was grazing serenely nearby, run quickly to her friend’s rescue.

And Dotty was in the field with him, because they lived together. And she was charging after him, and she jumped off a little bank with which you could only describe as a cry of rage, and pinned it to the ground, until the dog let go of the sheep. And then she stood there while we went to the sheep’s aid.

I think it’s incredibly brave of her. She saved his life. Obviously, she made a conscious decision to go and save a friend, that was in trouble. It just shows that they’re far more than we think they are. They’re far more than just animals, they’ve got a high consciousness, they’re obviously aware what’s going on.

On Ms. Rogers’ loving farm all the animals co-exist in harmony as members of a big family. And perhaps that’s why Dotty risked her life to protect her friend.

We have peacocks and ducks and chickens, guinea fowl, lamas and horses, of course, and well, they’re all living together, and goats, and rabbits, guinea pigs, and they’re all friends. They’re all living together. I’ve got two small chickens that cuddle up to the goats, when the goats are asleep in their pen. (That’s amazing.) Everybody gets on really well, (That’s lovely, isn’t it?)

My husband, in fact, saved Dotty. She was tied up at the side of the road, with some travelers in a very poor state, all of her ribs showing, and brought her home and gave her to me. So we are very fortunate to have her.

For her noble, courageous deed, Supreme Master Ching Hai honored Dotty with the Shining World Hero Award, along with €1,000, a supply of yummy vegan goodies and some comfortable bedding. One of our UK Association members presented Dotty with the Award plaque on Supreme Master Ching Hai’s behalf.

And on behalf of Supreme Master Ching Hai, I’d like to present Dotty with this beautiful plaque, with her picture, that you can keep forever.

Thank you very much. I’m very proud on behalf of Dotty to accept this.

A warm letter to Dotty, which accompanied the Award, reads as follows:

Dear Dotty, It is with great admiration and gratitude that we present to you the Shining World Hero Award. This Award is presented in recognition of your devoted and courageous rescue to save a precious life, and so being a fine example of a loving and loyal friend. Your willingness to risk your life has shown humankind of beauty and Godliness inherent in the animal kingdom.

When seeing your stable mate and longtime companion being viciously attacked by a savage dog, you sprang into action, racing over and pinning the dog down to the ground until it freed him, saving Stanley the sheep from further harm. In the face of this most dangerous and frenzied attack you were willing to put your own safety at risk, showing your noble spirit of selflessness. Dotty, you are indeed a true friend, going to any lengths to protect your much-loved extended family. Stanley now stays near to you at all times, his trusted and gentle guardian.

And Dotty, thank you so much for your valiant display of the compassionate and divine qualities of the animal kingdom. Also, congratulations for your PDSA Certificate for Animal Bravery, you are most deserving of the honour and accolades. You are the pride of Row Brow Farm and indeed, all of Scarborough and we are also very proud of you. May God bless you with a safe and happy life.

For your bravery and motherly spirit of protection, for providing a refuge of safety for your friends and family, and for being a dedicated and inspiring role model, we hereby applaud and celebrate the heroic deeds of Dotty the donkey, Heroine and protector of the vulnerable. With Great Honour, Love and Blessings, Supreme Master Ching Hai.

That’s lovely. Thank you.

On behalf of Supreme Master Ching Hai, I’d like to present you with a check of €1,000 for Dotty.

Thank you very much. And if it’s alright, I would like to donate part of it to the PDSA for the work that they do. And the rest will go towards Dotty’s keep, especially this winter, because I think (Going to need it.) we’re going to need it.

Right, and I’d like just to send a message to the Supreme Master Ching Hai, to thank (her) very much from the bottom of my heart, this Award that has been presented to Dotty. She certainly deserves it for her bravery. I wouldn’t ever dream that an animal like her would do something brave like that to a ferocious dog. And I’m just so proud of her, and I thank you very much for giving her this Award.

Wow, our hats are off to you, Dave and Dotty, for your benevolent hearts and serving others in need of your loving attention. May humankind also always treat animals with the same deep respect and compassion. Gentle viewers, thank you for joining us on our Shining World Award program. May our planet forever be blessed with peace.

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