Animal World
Supreme Master TV’s 5th Anniversary Special: Cherished Animals and Friends      
I watch you every day of my life. Every day I turn on the computer, and put this channel on. And I listen to (Supreme) Master (Ching Hai), I listen to the testimonies. And I love that there are people who feel and think about this different way of living. And well, I love you very much, and here we are in touch. Congratulations.

Congratulations on your 5th Anniversary. We've been working with Supreme Master Television for quite a while now. And it's been a very positive experience for us. With your satellite TV channel, it's managed to get the message out to a bigger audience, a wider audience, and ultimately, that helps in the movement.

Hallo, enchanting viewers, and welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants for a very festive celebration of Supreme Master Television’s 5th Anniversary! Today we present the first in a two- part series featuring memorable highlights of the past year’s shows.

And what a year it’s been - filled with profiles of fascinating wild animals from around the world, stories of the heroics of noble, dedicated search-and-rescue dogs, amazing insights from telepathic animal communicators and visits to fantastic animal sanctuaries. We start with the 80 adorable Giant Pandas living happily at the Chengdu Panda Base in China.

In their natural habitat, pandas’ staple food is bamboo. Bamboo makes up 99% of their diet, so 99% of their nutrition comes from bamboo.

In the wild, they mainly eat bamboo. There are more than 60 types of bamboo that pandas eat; about 27 types are their favorites. They also eat other things like wild fruits and other plants, such as angelica. Sometimes they eat tree bark and grass.

When Supreme Master Ching Hai attended the COP16 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancún, Mexico, she was greeted by a magnificent zopilote or American Black vulture, who perched regally on her hotel balcony one day just to say “Hallo.”

Zopilotes, wow. So big, big. Majestic, and powerful. He feels powerful, but he came so sweetly, like a pigeon. Even in the eyes, he’s so sweet, so sweet, full of love! My God, melts my heart, you know. I could just sit there forever, forever, forever. The two of us sitting there, looking into each other’s eyes. No words spoken, and he was so loving, love, oh, my God. If all humans were so loving like that, ah, we would have peace.

Alexander Nevzorov is well known in Russia. He is an inspiring, enlightened trainer who compassionately teaches complex movements to horses without using anything that could potentially hurt or cause pain to an equine including reins, bits, bridles, saddles and even riders!

This is Perst, who is also ‘Tashunko Vitko’ – the furious horse, has proven himself capable of love and forgiveness.

Now raised on the principles of Haute Ecole without punishments, bits, or any infringements of liberty, he has revealed himself as a wise and noble animal, and working with him never requires any bits or force.

Actually, it is hard to find a horse without a heart of gold in the whole world, I believe it is impossible. They all have golden hearts.

In India, our hearts were warmed by the work of Maneka Gandhi, a Member of Parliament, champion of animal rights and the honored recipient of the prestigious Shining World Compassion Award.

I simply cannot see the difference between a two-legged animal and a four-legged one. And I can’t see them think differently. I can’t see them love differently. I can’t see them talk differently. We have to respect them, as they respect us. In almost every which way, they’re cleverer than us. They can fly. They can navigate. They can make straight lines without rulers. They can do millions of things we can’t do. So to simply destroy a superior species, or to eat somebody who’s related to you, you know genetically, the closest relation to a human is the pig. So to eat your first cousins, seems to me to be gross.

We also met many animals who serve us in humble, noble ways, such as the search- and-rescue dogs who willingly risk their lives to ensure the well-being of others.

They’re so driven that we actually have to monitor them to make sure that they don’t work themselves too much, especially in the heat. They’ll work themselves until they drop if we don’t, so we’re very cognizant of it, we’re very aware of what our dogs are all about. We know when they’re working and, and what their limits are, and hydration and care and everything else. So the bond between the partner and the dog is very important.

This has also been a wondrous year filled with reports on animal heroes, such as Pinky, a friendly little Boxer who allowed herself to be stung 40 times by a swarm of bees to save her caregiver’s life. In recognition of her bravery, loyalty and devotion, Pinky was honored with the Shining World Hero Award.

Shining World Hero Award Laureate

Every time I get hurt, she always goes directly to me.

I think that Pinky herself has a sense of loyalty that I do believe most dogs have; I think that the dog picks you, you don’t pick the dog. And Pinky has been a special part of our family. Her heroism was completely unexpected. It goes to show that they have loyalty. You just have to wait and let it show, let it shine.

The past year also saw many touching stories of humans who saved animal lives, such as Ray Cole of Australia, a Shining World Hero Award laureate, who courageously rescued a helpless kangaroo from drowning.

They tried to save the kangaroo, but as they went to get it, the current grew taller than the kangaroo, and pulled it further into the river. My boy looked at me and said, “Can you save the kangaroo, Dad?”

And so we went out for about 19 meters, that’s how deep the water was according to the markers. And from there it was a struggle trying to stay up in the water to get the kangaroo; I was able then to grab him, right around the neck, and lift him up on the debris.

We met people who devote their lives to ensuring that animals are respected and protected, such as veterinarian Dr. Elliot Katz, founder of the US-based non-profit organization In Defense of Animals which was honored with the Shining World Hero Award by Supreme Master Ching Hai.

I felt it was important for people to start thinking and acting as a guardian of that animal as opposed to the owner or a master. It’s a whole different relationship. But the next generation of kids growing up thinking themselves as the guardians of the animals will change the paradigm.

In addition, we met fellow animal lovers, such as Jennifer Parkhurst, an Australian wildlife photographer and artist who has spent years living among, and documenting the lives of, the delightful, dignified dingoes of Fraser Island.

The emotional life of dingoes is what makes them so special. They’re a very family-oriented animal. And just the way that they interact with each other, it’s really clear that they do have emotions and that they do care about each other. Also, dingoes are unique as far as wild animals go in that they have a long history of companionship with people. They like companionship with each other. It doesn’t matter what the weather is, how hot it is or anything like that, they always snuggle up close together when they’re having their daily naps.

We featured interviews with many delightful telepathic animal communicators who shared their knowledge of the inner lives of our animal co-inhabitants.

Listen to the animals. A lot of people are scared to hear what the animals have to say. Don’t be. If you can hear what your animal companion really has to say, what their wish is, what their dream is, then you can also enhance the animal companion’s life.

A lot of them say, “Be true to yourself Do the things that you love and really don’t let people tell you what to do; this is your life.” So a lot of animals say that.

We had the privilege of meeting Dr. Tetsuro Matsuzawa, Director of the Primate Research Institute in Japan who explained the deep, tender, loving nature of chimpanzees.

One of the most impressive things that sticks in my mind is that the tie between mother and child is very strong. Concerning a chimpanzee’s child-raising, the mother wholeheartedly brings up her child until the child becomes five or six years old, and then starts to give birth to the next child. Therefore, I think that the bonds between parents and their child are very strong.

A chimpanzee's mother never scolds her child. She never scolds, nor beats, nor ignores her child, nor treats her child roughly. The child can no longer live if treated like that. On the basis of the security or dependence, the child can gradually part from the mother, and become close with companions of other groups. The safe base from which to explore the outer world -- that is the role of the mother. I think that is how the mother shows her affection toward her child, and how love grows between the mother and her child. I think it’s splendid and beautiful.

And Worku Mulleta, a vegan from Ethiopia, introduced us to his beautiful friends, Coocoo and Ilu the chickens and Katy the canine.

They’re very pure, and they love you, they're very pure, and because of this, I love them very much. We give them housing, we give them food, we give them the attention they need, we play with them, they love (it), and they also give us (love), too.

This past year, we also visited a radiant, royal jewel, Her Highness Princess Maja von Hohenzollern of Germany, a lover of all animals.

Animals definitely have souls. Animals are precious. They are very precious. And a day without an animal is definitely a lost day. Everybody who dedicates themselves to animals has my highest respect.

For our 5th Anniversary, Princess Maja sent us the following caring message.

You are the only channel which really shows and depicts the connections between respectful and dignified living, between faith, between cosmopolitan lifestyles, between the vegan and vegetarian diet, between love for animals, between love and dignity of life and today’s current situation.

I send my warmest congratulations for the 5th Anniversary of Supreme Master Television.

What’s the best way each of us can protect our innocent animal co-inhabitants? Wayne Pacelle, CEO and President of the Humane Society of the United States, another of our distinguished interviewees, shared his thoughts.

Well, I do believe that if we’re going to be active on animal protection issues, we need to take steps in our personal lives to kind of wring the cruelty out of our lives, and the daily behaviors that we engage in, whether it’s food or clothing or buying products tested on animals, and opting for the alternatives.

Our animal friends are truly special and without them, our precious planet would simply not be the same.

So they all have their code, secret code. I told you, one of my birds, the two green ones, the two of them, they were left wild. Actually, they have never been tamed, but I can tame them if I use the code. You know, for the female, I say, “Smart bird,” yes, and she responds to that, she likes that. And the male … that was the female, I said, right? (Yes.) That’s female, yes. And for the male, I said, “Beautiful bird!” Then he likes that. Imagine? It’s supposed to be the opposite, but that is the way it was. Female, “smart bird,” she likes that; and male, “beautiful bird,” he likes that.

I wish that people do understand how to treat the animals; how to make them respond also. It is not that difficult if you have love. They will respond and you can be easily tuned in with them.

Esteemed viewers thank you for your company on today’s program. Please join us tomorrow on Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants, as we present the concluding episode of our 5th Anniversary special, featuring more highlights from past year’s shows. May all animals be forever loved and cherished.

For five years you have given people the chance to communicate about the good on Earth. I congratulate you warmly not only as a man, as Jacek Bozek, but also as an environmental activist and defender of animals. Keep doing it. We'll support you as you are supporting us. All the best again.
We would like to congratulate this TV (channel). You are doing a great job in terms of showing the world what other people are doing and how the world can join other people. We would like to pledge our support to this TV (channel) and encourage you to do more in order to make the world a better place. I wish you nice celebrations as you celebrate your 5th Anniversary. Thank you.

Hallo, cheerful viewers, and welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. On today’s program, we’ll continue to celebrate Supreme Master Television’s 5th Anniversary by presenting the conclusion of our two-part series featuring highlights from the past year’s shows.

One entertaining animal we enjoyed meeting was the 28-year-old tortoise Florida, who can sit, roll over, “shake a paw” and heel. In fact, Florida would make a great fit in the canine family, wouldn’t you agree?

I’d say he’s quite gifted. You may not believe it, but Florida can do tricks. Let’s do sit. High fives. Give me a shake over here. That’s it. Up here. Good boy. Wave. That’s it. Around. And, stop.

In addition to Florida, we met many other highly intelligent animals, such as Jesse the fantastic Jack Russell Terrier who knows over 200 tricks, including how to skateboard!

When he was nine weeks old, he taught himself how to sit up. Like, he’d sit up like a little otter wanting food, so ever since then I’m like, “Oh, he’s really smart.” So, then we just started teaching him the basics and then when he was a year old, he really got into it and started learning more advanced tricks like walking on his front paws and weave walking and all that.

We also had the privilege of visiting telepathic animal communicators who shared their wisdom about the role of animals on Earth and what the animals would like to tell us.

Many of the dolphins tend to be scientists, and they’re scientists (of) Earth changes in some kind of way, where they often will go off and have meetings, and talk about how to bring more information through to humans. I think the whales also help to balance the energies that are coming through, and there are many, many energies coming onto the planet, raising the vibration.

In many natural religions and esoteric creeds the same statement can always be found: It is said that animals have been sent to us as teachers. And every human being will find the animal or will be found by the animal that is supposed to be his teacher. It is up to us humans to recognize this role of the animal in our lives.

They’ve been given to us to teach us something about us too. Because there are times when we’re very intolerant of our own species, and a dog isn’t. A dog never judges you. She’ll respond to what you do, but never see you as a bad person. Humans can’t always say sorry. You know, this is the most forgiving animal on the planet.

Animals are more than just beings with whom we share our world; they are ever concerned for our welfare and bless us.

We need to completely change our idea of animals, completely! And when you’re as sensitive as I am, you can sit there with a herd of horses and you feel the gift that they’re giving.

Do you remember Finn the dog, who is the canine companion of one of our New Zealand Association members? He had the following message for the world as interpreted by Faye Rogers, an internationally recognized New Zealand- based telepathic animal communicator.

We have evolved as great souls and we are still evolving, moving forward and are placed here on the great planet of Mother Earth – the lady who cares for us, tends to us and fosters us and this is the great Mother of this planet – the life force of living here. And it is so beautiful, so incredibly beautiful to be here to experience such greatness of how far the world has evolved, how the humans have evolved.

There is now an age where people are saying we must preserve what we have, we must treasure what we have. It is a time of changes, great changes and it is all good – life has to go forward, life will go forward, life will steadily improve and it is the time of great changes for many and for the great Mother Earth herself.

This past year was also filled with inspirational stories of courageous individual such as Captain Paul Watson, founder and president of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, who has devoted over 30 years to preserving the lives of marine animals.

Shining World Hero Award Laureate

I believe that whales actually have the ability to transmit visual images between each other. Their communication skills are vastly superior to ours. The number of actual components of humpback whale language about two million on that, putting it together.

Another Shining World Hero Award laureate is young Clayton Williams of Texas, USA, who risked his life to rescue a little kitten.

Shining World Hero Award Laureate

When I saw the cat, I climbed up a different tree to see if I could reach her from that tree. But I couldn’t. So I climbed back down and climbed up the tree she was in. I got to the limb, (but she) kept going to the back of the limb. I did not want to go anywhere else. I wanted to stay right there.

The world is truly filled with many people who wish to help our animal friends! Eddie and Leslie Grinnell, the delightful saints at Eddie’s Wheels in the United States, build custom- made carts to keep disabled animals rolling!

What we learn from animals is that they have no self-consciousness. They’re not proud. They’re not thinking about what people are going to think of them. And when we set a dog up in a cart, they turn around, they look at the wheels and they say, “Hmm, look at that, that's standing me up. Hmm, my back end is up where it belongs. Okay.” And sometimes I have to give them a cue, sometimes I have to pull them forward and then (they realize), “Oh, those wheels are following me.” And then they take off. We call it the “five-second learning curve.”

Secret World Wildlife Rescue in the UK is widely known for its steadfast dedication and devotion to saving the lives of wild animals and Supreme Master Ching Hai has honored the group with the Shining World Compassion Award.

Secret World Wildlife Rescue Shining World Compassion Awardee

We’re very lucky in Somerset. It’s actually got a huge variety of wildlife here and a very high concentration too. So we go right from the smallest pipistrelle bats, up to the Roe (deer) and the Red deer as well. And that really goes across the species of birds. We do hares. We do rabbits. Particularly (we care for) badgers and foxes. Stoats and weasels sometimes occasionally come in as well. (We get) lots of mice. And as far as we’re concerned it doesn’t matter how tiny things are. We believe that they have the right to help if they need our help and the aim is always to get them back to the wild.

Nguyễn Thị Bích Vân, a Shining World Compassion Award recipient from Âu Lạc (Vietnam) who devotes her life to caring for homeless dogs, shared a lesson she learned from them.

Shining World Compassion Award Laureate

We need to learn the lesson of love from our animal friends. The lesson is to love them when we need them and when we don’t need them, we also love them and not mistreat them. As long as we live, we must have love. The animals are the same. They also have love. I saw that animals have a lot of affection.

And our hearts were warmed by Wendy Huntbatch, who introduced us to some of the 800 rescued parrots under her care at the World Parrot Refuge in Canada.

World Parrot Refuge Shining World Compassion Awardee

At night you should see them. They sit together in two’s and they preen each other and you just know how close they are to each other. Nobody should ever be alone in this world and they never are when they come here.

So they’re just amazing.

In the great East African nation of Uganda, the Uganda Wildlife Education Center rescues all types of wildlife and then releases the animals back into their natural habitats after a period of veterinary care and rehabilitation.

The parrots usually like fruits, mangos, pawpaws, and avocado sometimes. They are vegetarian birds. Then they also eat seeds, fresh seeds like sorghum, rice, millet; all these grains, maize and corn. They like passion fruit, oh my God, they like passion fruit! They like pawpaws and then sugar cane. They enjoy sugar cane. That's their number one priority here. They like sugar cane.

And Supreme Master Ching Hai, who is a living example of pure love and compassion, always gives thoughtful, caring attention to even the smallest of animals.

Aren’t you beautiful! You are amazing. I'm glad you enjoy your food. I go away, I will leave you some food for winter. You try to find it, okay? I leave them in the same spot, come back every day. I’ll put some bags of food, and you eat them gradually. I’ll put them above the ground.

We are deeply grateful to the inspiring guests and noble animal heroes who have made the past year such an exciting one. They have brought inspiration and joy and lit the path for all to follow. May they all help quickly lead us into a bright, happy future in a peaceful, vegan world.

I’d like to congratulate Supreme Master Television with five years of broadcasting a vegan message of peace to the whole world. I hope as many people as possible will understand that vegan is a peace movement. It’s not just a diet. And I think that Supreme Master Ching Hai and Supreme Master Television are doing an exemplary job to communicate this vital message, urgent message to as many people as possible.

Gentle viewers, thank you for joining us today on this special Anniversary edition of Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. May all be touched by Heaven’s everlasting grace.

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