Animal World
Telepathic Animal Communicator Sharon Callahan: Healing with Flowers and Love      
Hallo, tender-hearted viewers, and welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. On today’s program we present the first in a two-part series featuring a fascinating discussion with Sharon Callahan, a vegan telepathic animal communicator and the founder of Anaflora, a US-based company that produces flower essences to heal animals and provides animal communication services.

Ms. Callahan is also the author of “Healing Animals Naturally with Flower Essences and Intuitive Listening.” Ms. Callahan now describes how, as a young child, she learned that she could communicate with animals.

My initial experiences were when I was a child. And the very first experience was with a Praying Mantis. I was in the backyard of my home and my cat was crouched down in the corner of our patio intently looking at something. And I was probably four or five. And I got down on my belly so I'd be right at eye level with her, and looked into the eyes of this creature. She looked like a space alien, kind of scary. And the cat was trying to get the Praying Mantis. So I didn't even know what a Praying Mantis was at the time.

But very clearly, the Praying Mantis said, “Don't let the cat get me. I have children, I can't die now." And so I took all the courage I had to put my finger out and let that Praying Mantis get on there. And I put her up in a willow tree. And the Mantis told me that she would repay the favor, which, as we go along, I can illustrate has happened over, over and over again.

As Sharon Callahan grew up and became busy with everyday life, she gradually stopped communicating with animals. One day she became extremely ill and had a near-death experience that changed her life forever.

So one evening, with a very high fever, I was making my way back to bed, and I kind of collapsed into the bed, and had an experience of rising up out of my body, and then looking at myself from up at the ceiling, and then realizing that my consciousness was being pulled away from my body. And I began to look up at what I thought would be the ceiling, which turned out to be the night sky. And I went through a kind of tube of light through the night sky, through the stars, for what seemed to be a long period of time, which I think in actuality, was about four or five minutes.

And at a certain point, I came up in an almost tactile sense against a kind of membrane, bounced against it, and all of a sudden, poof! I found myself in a magical environment that was filled with nothing but animals of all kinds, animals that you would not normally find together, you know, polar bears, and lions, and elephants, cats, dogs, and insects of all kinds. And everywhere I would shift my gaze there was a different landscape with different kinds of animals.

And I had the thought, "Am I in Heaven?" And as I thought, “Am I in Heaven?” the animals answered "No, you can't go that far. You're just here to talk to us." And so in the course of what seemed like a very long time, the animals instructed me on ways in which my life had become misguided or off-track, and that I was to go back to Earth, and that they would help me go back.

And when I got back, I was to become a voice for the animals and I would make a kind of healing elixir for animals that would help to heal them, and to heal the people that they lived with. And one of the animals in this experience was an all-white cat with a blue and yellow eye. And so having met my cat Lotus Moon, you can see that here, 25 years later, she showed up.

And, in the near-death experience, she told me she was the cat that was coming to me in the future. So then at the culmination of this experience, the animals led me back to this tube of light, and they sent me back through the tube with a blessing. And I moved back through the stars, and into my room, and I could view my body in the bed, thinking, "Oh, how pathetic she looks, I better get in there quick."

After this event, Ms. Callahan discovered that she had a remarkable new talent.

Over a period of three or four months I had almost total amnesia. And it was during that period of amnesia, I was very child-like. So I would go out into the forest behind my house, and I was just overcome with this urge to take bowls of water out and float the flowers in them. And I didn't know a rose from a buttercup, so it wasn't done at all from a mind level, but I was directed by spirit simply to do these things and to literally listen to the spirits of the plants talk to me.

And these potions later became flower essences that have now grown into a business, which I, of course, had no idea at the time that I would be doing. But it was really in that child-like state that I began to hear animals talk again. And not only animals, but the kind of overlapping energies in nature between the animals and the plants, how the plants and the flowers could help the animals and heal them.

When you make a flower essence you just float a few of the blossoms on the bowl of water and the sunlight imprints the signature of the flower to the water. So there is no fragrance.

News about Sharon Callahan and her extraordinary ability to heal animals with flower essences spread quickly, and it was not long before her tinctures were in great demand.

And as I progressed, I met my partner, who is still with me, 25 years later. And he began to take notes and photographs of the plants as I went along, and so created a kind of diary of what I was doing, which became this book, eventually. And really, literally with no effort on my part, people began to contact me about their animals and I began to give them flower essences, and more people came.

And at first the essences were the more popular thing, and then it simply shifted itself more in the direction of communication with animals. People would call me and I would give them advice. And along the way, someone suggested I should send some of my flower essences out to veterinarians, which I did, using my intuition.

Somebody would mention this person or that person. And a number of veterinarians began using them in their veterinary clinics, primarily veterinarian Bob Goldstein in Westport, Connecticut. And he tested many of them for me in his veterinary practice, and had fabulous results.

Ms. Callahan has developed a wide variety of flower essences. Some help cats overcome their avoidance of litter boxes, others soothe nervousness in dogs and cats. How does she create these remedies?

All of the flowers that went in, the particular formulas, and the names that would come, would simply come to me without any thought. So the first formula that was made was called “Return to Joy,” which is still the most popular of all the Anaflora Essences. And it's simply to relieve animals of the suffering that they've incurred at the hands of people, whether that suffering rises out of the collective consciousness or their own personal experience. But a lot of my time is spent making special flower-essence formulas for individuals, which is really my main thing that I love to do, because they all are uniquely individual.

Ms. Callahan is grateful for even the smallest of God’s creations. She recalls a loving gift once received from a spider.

I mean they’re the weavers of life. They do these incredible webs. When I was in the writing phase after I was sick, I had my computer set up at a window in the autumn. And there was an odd-looking white spider that appeared on the outside of the window. And every day when I would write, she would kind of drop down on her web there, kind of right at my eye level, and I just kind of fell in love with her.

And then I had a little Buddha statue on one side of the windowsill on the inside, and I found that she would gravitate over there. And I ended up making a whole little altar for her along that window ledge. And so she’d drop down every day at my eye level and say “Hallo.” And she’d drop down and she’d look at the altar.

And then after about three months, I came to my computer and she wasn’t there. And honestly, it was one of the most devastating moments of my life. I mean I’ve been through a lot of difficult things, but it just was heart-wrenching. I ran outside, I looked everywhere. The web was gone, probably from the wind. And she was gone.

But she gave me an incredible gift, because one thing that I realized when she would drop down there and she continued to make this web that was so intricate and exacting, was that she was helping me retrain my brain to think and calculate and organize things, which had all disappeared with the Lyme disease, which actually affected me neurologically.

So I connected with her through dreams. I would go to sleep at night and ask her to please connect with me and let me know she was alright. And she said, “Oh, certainly I’m fine. I’ve just gone on, because I came in to do my job. I got you organized and you’re organized now. And I’m fine, don’t worry.”

So the tiniest little creature like that can have the most tremendous gift for us. And even when we notice an animal or an insect in our day-to-day life, we tend to look and we might greet them with respect, but then we forget. And maybe they’re actually showing up over and over again, and we just, we're not aware enough. So gifts galore, they’re everywhere.

Sharon Callahan, we thank you for providing us with a glimpse into the wonderful inner world of animals and for introducing us to flower essences as a mode of treatment for our animal friends.

For more information on Sharon Callahan and Anaflora Floral Essences for Animals, please visit
Ms. Callahan’s book “Healing Animals Naturally With Flower Essences and Intuitive Listening” is available at the same website

Please join us again tomorrow on Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants, as we continue our illuminating interview with Sharon Callahan, on topics such as a valuable lesson we can learn from peacocks, and what whales think about humans. Esteemed viewers, thank you for your company today on our program. May all lives be forever filled with the light and grace of Heaven.
So, the animals would say, “Work less, think less, be in nature more, and your energy is naturally going to be more loving to the point where you become nothing but love.” It’s all simple. And to stop killing them. Absolutely no creature wants to be killed and eaten.

Hallo, fine viewers, and welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. On today’s program we present the conclusion of our two-part interview with Sharon Callahan, a vegan telepathic animal communicator, author and expert in the use of flower essences to correct physical and emotional imbalances in animals.

Ms. Callahan, who is based in Mt. Shasta, California, USA, is the founder of Anaflora, a company that offers natural healing agents and animal communication services. An author as well, she has written “Healing Animals Naturally with Flower Essences and Intuitive Listening.” Did you know each animal has a specific mission in life? Sharon Callahan now explains further.

And if you walk down any neighborhood street and you see a cat or dog in the yard and you’re sensitive, you can see that they’re doing something very special. The dog is guarding the yard. The cat is monitoring energies and things. So to me, every animal’s performing a real, sacred ministry. They’re all service animals, an example to us that we should all be of service.

And again hopefully one day someone will take into account, really listening to the animals and what their particular gift of service is. And dolphins heal whether we’re having them do that or not. They are love. And that love goes where it’s needed.

Through her many years of experience as an animal communicator, Ms. Callahan has learned that all of our fellow beings are models of devotion and love; however she says that whales are unique in this respect.

They aren't loving. They are love. And I think it's one of the reasons that whales are as big as they are because there’s a lot of love there, moving in the oceans. I feel (Supreme) Master Ching Hai is absolutely correct. I feel, without whales in the ocean, we wouldn’t still be here. They hold such a vibration of love that it makes up for what we're so sorely lacking. So, they are love. They absolutely are love incarnated.

They look upon us as children, the newcomers on the Earth. I mean, in Earth time, human beings have only been here about four minutes if you look at the whole span of Earth and how it’s evolved. And so they think of us as children that don’t know what we’re doing. They have tremendous compassion for us, never anger, ever, even if we harm them, tremendous compassion. They'd like us to hurry up a little bit because we’re really ruining things, but have very much compassion like a mother would show a child.

And the reason that we’re ruining things, ruining the Earth, ruining the environment, ruining our own bodies, is that we simply separated ourselves out from the animals. For one thing, we forget that we are animals also. We’re a human animal. So we've separated ourselves from the animals, from the plant life and the Earth itself. We think way too much.

The ego’s the problem and people misunderstand often what the ego is. It’s simply the judging mind that says, “This is a dog. This is a cat.” But it’s that part of our mind that judges everything, and then causes us artificial separation from everything that is. And literally there’s no distance between us. It’s all illusionary. And so it’s the ego self that gets in the way, absolutely, of 100% love.

On occasion, groups of dolphins suddenly beach themselves and perish or thousands of fish die all at once. We asked Ms. Callahan to comment on these troubling events.

The ocean’s become poison. Anything that lives in the ocean is just screaming, because it’s polluted, it hurts their eyes. It’s incredibly noisy almost to the point where it drives them crazy. It absolutely may be that a certain group of fish, for instance, simply can’t stand to be in the ocean anymore. It’s like being in a sea of poison and so they all leap out.

But I think for all of the species that disappear from the Earth they’re disappearing for one reason only, because we don’t love them enough. We don’t love them enough to do what’s right. We’re not loving them. We’re not considering that it’s their home and that it was also our home. We came out of the ocean.

And I feel that dolphins really are the “ocean people.” They are the people that didn’t come out. When dolphins beach themselves somewhere, it’s not by accident. And it’s not that they’re sick. It’s not that they can’t find their way. It’s that it often brings out the best in people, brings people into their hearts. People go to help.

It’s often that that particular area of the world needs an infusion of love. And they’re willing to sacrifice themselves to give that. And so whales and dolphins and other incredibly brilliant animals of the sea, wish we would just not think so much, that we would let the energy settle into our hearts to become love.

Humankind can also learn an important lesson from the peacocks.

Peacocks are very interesting, because there’s a legend in Hinduism that all peacocks began white. And peacocks can eat things that are poison and it doesn’t hurt them. So the legend is that peacocks roamed the world eating up the poison. And the eating of the poison gives them the color. And a peacock also stands for enlightenment.

So to me, a peacock is not only a fantastic image for the enlightened state, but it’s also what we should be doing. We need to go clean up our mess. We need to go out into the world and eat up those poisons that we put out. Not literally taking it into our body, but doing the clean-up work. And we can. If everybody did it, we’d have it cleaned up in no time. So a peacock is a wonderful example of that.

Sharon Callahan has always loved animals and been sensitive to any violence against them. She decided to try to become a vegetarian at age five after realizing the packages sold at a meat counter were parts of animals. Today she avoids all animal products.

And then the veganism, it wasn’t a decision. It was just simply a change of vibration in my system that wouldn’t allow anything that caused harm. And I’ve gone through periods of time just on fruits and nuts and things. And it’s a wonderful thing to try because you see that you’re just fine. So there’s a whole evolution that happened to me beyond thought and beyond time. And it wasn’t a decision, it was just a natural flow of heart opening, of where I wanted to go.

I think it goes beyond even what we eat, that we should every day, the minute we wake up, say, “I will walk through this day doing as least harm as possible.” I've got a beloved group of friends who are vegan and so on Thanksgiving in particular and often Christmas as well, we all get together in the evening and we prepare our vegan meal. It's always at my friend Eric's home.

And the wild turkeys that live in the woods behind his house will literally come in the back yard off of the dining room where we’re eating, and strut and dance and do this joyful, joyful thing. Because they know that we're honoring them. And of course we feed them. We offer them food and we never eat a turkey.

Ms. Callahan not only advocates that everyone follow a plant-based diet, but also that our animal companions be provided with vegan food as well.

When I moved to Mt. Shasta 30 years ago, I had Siberian huskies and they were all vegetarian. And my oldest one was 15, which was for a husky very, very old. They did fine. And they would savor things like a little slice of avocado, a carrot, quinoa, rice. So, as the animals evolve, and as we help them evolve by creating a sacred atmosphere for them, giving them appropriate non-meat food, we can accelerate the change that they’re going through.

With accelerating climate change driven by animal agriculture and a host of other enormous challenges we are currently facing, this is the most crucial period in our planet’s history. Adopting a plant-based diet is the most important decision we can make.

I feel that the entire Earth is almost encapsulated in a fog or cloud of suffering, that certainly includes the suffering of human beings, but more than anything, the suffering of animals that are killed by the millions every day. That energy of the suffering that they go through stays in a kind of band around the Earth. So if enough people became vegetarian and then vegan, we would begin to dissipate that energy by simply balancing it.

It hits me profoundly that every night when I go to sleep, millions of animals are just dying this horrendous death. In the daytime, you’re doing other things so you can distract yourself with your work. But to me, sometimes I can’t sleep when I think about it.

But if we change, and we must if we’re going to save ourselves, it would begin to help the Earth to emit the light that she should. It would move through that band of suffering that surrounds the Earth; it would envelope it with love and forgiveness. And everything would change. I mean literally, that’s the one thing that will save us.

May Heaven bless you, Sharon Callahan, for your kind efforts on behalf of our animal brethren, and for sharing your insights on how we can heal both them and our world. You exemplify love and compassion. May you help many more people understand the animals’ deep, profound love for humankind and the importance of the vegan lifestyle.

For more information on Sharon Callahan and Anaflora Floral Essences for Animals, please visit
Ms. Callahan’s book “Healing Animals Naturally With Flower Essences and Intuitive Listening” is available at the same website

Thank you gifted viewers for your warm-hearted presence today on Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. May all beings, large and small, soon live in harmony and peace in a vegan world.

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