Animal World
Telepathic Animal Communicator Madeleine Walker: The Flow of Love    Part 1   
Part 1
Part 2
The whales feel their role is to imbue every molecule of water with love, and to fill the oceans with love. The ocean, the waves hit the shore, it’s like bringing that love into the land masses, to somehow permeate the land and then help to heal us and the planet.

From tiny flies to majestic blue whales, our beautiful Earth co-inhabitants share the same mission in life: to help awaken the compassionate nature of humanity and bring love to this awe-inspiring planet. In what ways are the animals helping us, and what are their messages for us?

On today’s Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants, we are delighted to present the first part of our two-part interview with British telepathic animal communicator Madeleine Walker, author of “An Exchange of Love: Animals Healing People in Past, Present and Future Lifetimes.”

Ms. Walker has a great passion for informing others about the loving nature of animals and their roles on our planet. She hosts clinics where she listens to animals communicate about their past and present traumas, performs distant readings of animal communications for clients and teaches courses for those who wish to be certified in telepathic animal communication.

My normal everyday job is an animal communicator. I get called out to visit people in their homes, or it might be like a livery stable yard to see horses, because I mainly work with horses. But I get asked to talk to guinea pigs, chinchilla, cats, dogs, all sorts of animals. And it’s lovely to be able to get messages from them.

What’s it like to talk with animals? Ms. Walker’s first experience came unexpectedly while she was visiting a friend.

I was cuddling my friend’s little Jack Russell puppy and I suddenly got these words in my head. And he started to look at me in a very precise, and in a very profound way, and focus like an eye to eye contact. And I heard this voice in my head saying, “I am a reincarnation of my friend Leigh’s old dog, and I’ve come back to keep helping her, because she’s having a difficult time.” So I thought, “Okay, this dog is talking to me, that’s weird enough, but he’s also talked about reincarnation, which is really weird.”

I hadn’t really thought about reincarnation at all before then, and certainly not thinking about actually talking to animals in a telepathic way. It was like a voice in my head, but I knew wasn’t my voice. I put the dog down, and this little Jack Russell’s face then started to change into a Border Collie with very specific spots on the muzzle. And I was looking at this puppy thinking, “Oh, my gosh, what on Earth is going on here?” And then just as suddenly it went back to being a little Jack Russell’s face.

And so I asked my friend, “Have you had a dog before?” She said, “Not for years.” And I said, “Well what did you have?” “I had a Border Collie called Briar.” And I thought, “Oh, my goodness!” So she said, “Why do you ask?” and I said, “Well, your little puppy has just told me that he is a reincarnation of Briar, and he’s come back to carry on helping you. I know that might sound mad.”

Then she said, “Well, actually it doesn’t sound mad, because I’ve only had him for five days, and he just seems to know me, seems to know my every move, and everybody that’s met him just seems to think he’s such as a wise little soul in this tiny little puppy frame.” So I asked her if she had a photograph of Briar, so she went and got a photograph and showed me, and it’s exactly the face with spots on its muzzle that the puppy had shown me.

And from then on, it’s like the flood gates opened, I started to hear animals all over the place.

Ms. Walker believes that many of the physical and metal discomforts humans experience are a direct result of past life experiences and that animals come to be with us life after life to heal the trauma from their own past lives as well as that of their human companions.

Strange as it might seem, I do believe that we do travel in soul groups and that our animals do find us again if there’s something that needs resolving.

By flagging that up, very often we can work to release the physical discomfort, as well as any emotional discomfort.

One of Ms. Walker’s gifts is the ability to communicate with animals after they’ve passed on.

I get a lot of requests from people all around the world who have had an animal that has passed. And they obviously want to know if the animal is Okay. They usually email me a photograph to get the messages of reassurance from the animals. And very often, they’ll describe someone that they’ve connected with in spirit, and it might be a grandfather or a mother or father of the human carer. And it is so nice to have such clear evidence of that.

The other day I had a Dalmatian that had passed over, and from the photograph the lady sent me from America, I could see this dog with a black dog and another Dalmatian that felt very nurturing and lots of dogs around, but those two seemed the ones that were looking after it and also a lovely gentleman who I felt was her grandfather. They were all looking after each other, which is fantastic.

When we return, Madeleine Walker will share more amazing stories about animals and how they selflessly help humanity. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

Animals are far more expanded than we are. And the great thing is that they really want us to expand and to be empowered as well. That’s what I love so much.

Welcome back to today’s Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants, featuring Madeleine Walker, a telepathic animal communicator based in Somerset, UK. We asked Ms. Walker if in the course of her work she had ever become aware that a human was an animal in a previous life or vice versa.

Strange as it might seem, I do believe that. I have had cases where I’ve had human clients that had been an animal before, and animals that had been human before. I wasn’t entirely sure about that. Then I was giving a demonstration with an old mare called Pebbles, and she showed me an incarnation where she’d been a sort of an ancient master of Eastern medicine.

And I was very worried as to how the students that were listening to this demonstration were going to take it. I was not sure about it at all, but it did seem to make sense. This old mare seemed very, very wise, and the reasons she gave for coming back again as a horse made a lot sense.

Since time immemorial, horses have been loved by humans for their beauty, loyalty and gentleness. Studies have shown that horses help cultivate children’s self-confidence and communication skills.

I recently worked with a pony. And the mother of the girl who rode the pony, was very concerned about her daughter’s lack of confidence. And she wasn’t sure how her daughter would accept any advice that she might be able to give, but she said, “Perhaps if you can talk to the pony while the daughter is with you, and see if the pony can give some advice.”

The pony started to describe some new riding techniques that the girl had been taught. And then this pony started talking about her mathematics at school. And then the pony gave me a statement, something like, “If this girl could only believe in herself, she would find this subject so much easier, if she just trusted herself, and just had that self-belief.” And it was quite extraordinary, because the girl went quite pale, and said, “Those are the exact words that my maths teacher had just written yesterday in my half-term report.” How did the pony know? I don’t know.

And it just helped reinforce that this girl really did need to think about that, and did need to think about believing in herself, and that everybody else knew she could do it, and the pony certainly thought she could do it, so it was time perhaps that she started believing in herself.

Madeleine Walker says that communication between humans and animals is simply the giving and receiving of overwhelming love and she has the following advice for those wishing to deeply connect with an animal friend.

When I’m teaching, I advise them to perhaps imagine a thread of light or a cord of light from your heart to the animal’s heart. And just imagine sending all love down that cord, and just thanking the animal for being there, and for having patience with you, and just that you are here to help, and is there anything they can tell you to help their needs better or perhaps something that we need to learn. And then just be open to listening, and just see what happens and it might be a feeling or just a word or you might get a smell or a taste or a video clip in your head. It can affect people in different ways.

All the indigenous tribes have always communicated that way with the planet. It’s just something we’ve become a bit distant from and again it’s about believing in ourselves and trusting that process. I think we’ve got so brainwashed into thinking, that it’s strange; you don’t go talking to animals or trees or plants. It’s all too weird; that’s not what we do. But of course, tribes around the world have always communicated that way, and that’s what they believe.

The presence of our animal companions assists us in numerous ways from improving our health to helping elevate us spiritually, especially during this critical time in our planet’s history.

I do feel that it’s a very important time for the planet. I just believe it’s going to be a huge expansion of awareness and I think the animals are really, again feeling that, and helping us.

For more details on Madeleine Walker, please visit
“An Exchange of Love” is available at

Please join us again tomorrow for the second and final part of our interview with Madeleine Walker, as she shares more insights on the fascinating world of animals. Lovely viewers, thank you for your company today on Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Coming up next is Enlightening Entertainment after Noteworthy News. May we always treasure our precious planet and all the splendid beings living here.

March 20, 2010 marks the 25th anniversary of Meatout Day, a celebration where thousands of caring people across the world encourage their friends, families and neighbors to embrace the wholesome plant-based diet.

When you get the meat out of your diet, you begin a healthier, more compassionate and environmentally responsible lifestyle. Now more than ever we all need to get the meat out of our diet.

Find out more about this event in, “Celebrating Meatout Day 2010: Eat for Life – Live Vegan!” Monday, March 15, on Healthy Living.
I think his message is for people to really listen to their hearts and understand that animals do have these feelings, they care about us, they care about each other, and the more we can communicate with the animals, the more we learn to communicate with ourselves, and put ourselves in touch with nature and the planet.

From tiny flies to majestic blue whales, our beautiful Earth co-inhabitants share the same mission in life: to help awaken the compassionate nature of humanity and bring love to this awe-inspiring planet. In what ways are the animals helping us, and what are their messages for us?

On today’s Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants, we are delighted to present the second part of our two-part interview with British telepathic animal communicator Madeleine Walker, author of “An Exchange of Love: Animals Healing People in Past, Present and Future Lifetimes.” Ms. Walker has a great passion for informing others about the loving nature of animals and their roles on our planet.

She hosts clinics where she listens to animals communicate about their past and present traumas, performs distant readings of animal communications for clients and teaches courses for those who wish to be certified in telepathic animal communication.

Can you talk about your book, “An Exchange of Love?”

I was so compelled to write that book because I felt that so many animals were not being understood. I just felt that I had to raise awareness, even in only a small way, for people to think a bit more about what the animal’s trying to show them, why the animal was perhaps anxious, or whatever. I was also getting so many case studies that I was finding so fascinating, and I really wanted to share those with other people; stories about reincarnation and spirit animals coming through and giving messages, and that sort of thing.

Having animal companions in our lives is a joyful, rewarding experience, and it’s our responsibility to give our animal friends the best care possible. Ms. Walker shares a tip about comforting them at times when we have to be away.

I’d advise people if they are leaving their animals, keep talking to them while away, to keep reassuring them, because animals do worry that they don’t have you there, to just really physically monitor what’s going on. They can be a bit concerned. And if you are anxious, they do like to know why you are anxious. So it is good to tell your animals your problems, because they can then absorb it and perhaps in their way give you healing back to help you. And I think just by discussing it and getting it off your chest, by verbalizing it, that can help.

According to Madeleine Walker, all animals are able to communicate with us, no matter how small or seemingly different in nature they are from humans.

It’s amazing, because you can really get messages from any sort of creature. I’ve had some very profound messages even from a common housefly and it’s happened three times now. I had a conversation with a cockroach in Mexico as well. I did ask him if he would leave my bedroom, and he did actually go outside, but again, it’s like they can all give us a message.

But this fly landed on my arm, and I, in sort of a normal reaction, just brushed him away. And then I stopped, because he seemed to be looking at me with all his eyes, and I just hesitated, and I got this message from this fly saying, “You have such a big heart for everybody and everything else, why don’t you let yourself in?” And I thought that’s very true actually; I had not really been sending myself enough love. I’d really not been very kind to myself or appreciating or honoring myself. And I thought that is such an important message for me to hear. And he looked at me, and stomped around a bit, and then said, “You got that? You understood that?” and then flew off.

While swimming in the open sea with several other people, Ms. Walker communicated with a mother whale. She was awestruck by her loving presence and companionship and received profound knowledge and kindness from the magnificent giant.

When I was with the whales, we spent about four hours sharing with another group of people, with this mother whale and her calf. And she was so generous with her time and so trusting with us. And the calf was swimming around us, and it was coming to up to us, and being eyeballed by a baby whale is something beyond words really; it’s hard to describe, just the most amazing feeling.

And I asked her why she’d been so generous and so wonderful allowing her baby to come amongst us. And she said it was to teach us the lesson of trust. Because we need to trust ourselves, we need to realize that trust is so important, as of course the message of love is. But that’s why she allowed that calf to spend all that time with us. And she was very happy, just to be very relaxed, and, she knew that we were all coming with that message of love and gratitude for her.

When we return, Ms. Walker will relate more amazing stories about her conversations with animals. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

Pigs and chickens and goats; when you connect with pigs and realize just how intelligent they are, that they’re very close, on a tissue level, to the human body tissue. And also goats, knowing how intelligent and how amazing that the goats are, there’s hopefully a rise in awareness of that.

Welcome back to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants featuring Madeleine Walker, a telepathic animal communicator and author based in Somerset, UK.

Ms. Walker now relates her interesting experience with a poodle, who assisted her in providing advice to his human caregivers.

I’ve got a lovely, very ancient dog; he’s about 19 now. He is absolutely gorgeous, called Charlie. He’s a very ancient French poodle. And his human carers came as a couple, and they were sitting here where I am. And Charlie just directed the whole session. He told me exactly how I needed to help them. It was the most amazing experience, because he was sitting there very quietly and appeared to be snoozing a lot of the time, as he does most of his life, because he is very ancient now.

But the minute some shift started to happen and some physical sensations were being felt, he opened his eyes, and he was looking really intently at them both, saying “Are you getting this? Are you feeling this? Are you understanding this?” And it was just phenomenal, just amazing.

So that was helping on a spiritual level.

Animals themselves are manifestations of love. The purpose of their existence is to share their love and help elevate the consciousness of our planet.

Dogs can come back, having been a human, because as a lap dog they can bring healing to perhaps a person they’ve been in that past life for.

Winnie and Teazle are two of Madeleine Walker’s canine companions. Not only are they her best friends, but they have taught her much about life.

Winnie is my best friend, and she is my younger son’s best friend too. She is a very caring dog, and very psychic, and it’s very interesting because, I don’t know if you can see, but she has a very bright, a very shiny collar with lots of diamonds on it. And my daughter bought her this actually; it was my birthday. My daughter decided for my birthday she would buy the dog this collar. And so he put it on and went, “Oh, she likes it.” So she’s had her very Barbie pink collar ever since.

She said to me, “Well, of course you realize that pink is the heart chakra color. So I’m bringing the energy of love. And the diamonds are light. So I’m bringing love and light wherever I go, and that’s why I want this collar.” So it was like she had sent a message to my daughter to buy her this particular collar. (Right) And then my daughter was in Hampshire (UK). So it was amazing that she managed to manifest this collar. But that’s the reason why she wears this collar.

She also helps me with my other dog, Teazle. Teazle is not exactly deaf, but she doesn’t always get the direction of sound very clearly sometimes now. And so sometimes, she’ll hear me calling her, and she’ll run off in the opposite direction. And the other day, she did it, and I was jumping up and down trying to say to her, “Here I am.” So I said to Winnie verbally, “Oh, go and bring her back; go and sort her out.” And she charged off, and got in front of Teazle, and just stopped her and turned around. And said, “Look, that’s where she is; come back.” So she brought her back to me. It was just so amazing.

In closing, Ms. Walker conveys the warm message of animals to humankind.

It’s really just tuning into this whole message of love, and honoring ourselves. And that’s where we need to start, is to honor ourselves and trust in the Divine, and just trust in good, and our negative thought that we’re putting out there is the most damaging to the energy of the planet. So it’s about really trying to change our mindset into a much more positive way of thinking. And that can have a huge ripple effect on the healing of the planet. And again, I feel the animals are trying to re-empower us to have that sort of self belief and positive thought about things.

We offer our heartfelt thanks to Ms. Madeleine Walker for giving us a glimpse into the inner world of animals and for her advice on how to better understand our animal friends. Let us all always have a constructive frame of mind to make our Earth a better place.

For more details on Madeleine Walker, please visit “An Exchange of Love” is available at

Gentle viewers, thank you for joining us for today’s edition of Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Coming up next is Enlightening Entertainment after Noteworthy News. May we cherish all the wonderful beings on our planet. Celebrating Lao Tzu's Birthday

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