Animal World
Our Animal Angels: Supreme Master TV's 4th Anniversary Special      
Animals have an enormous emotional scope. They fall in love. They grieve, they laugh. They can heal you and they are bringing us back to nature, back to God's world. They're showing us how to be whole, healthy, happy and complete because they are.

Buoyant viewers! Warmest greetings and welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants where today we celebrate Supreme Master Television’s joyful 4th Anniversary by honoring our precious and gentle animal friends and featuring lovers of animals from around the globe!

On this festive occasion, we invite all to join us on a trip down memory lane as we revisit some of the warmest, sweetest moments that we've shared together this past year! Bursting with infinite creativity, universal Divine love breathes through the myriad forms, colors, shapes and sizes of every living being. Born of and animated by such perfection, animals are but resplendent, exquisitely beautiful manifestations of this all-sustaining energy, and in truth their every action is an unconditional song of love for all that is.

Indeed, we have had the pleasure of hearing this song resonate throughout all species in many delightful and heartwarming instances of love shared. Who could ever forget the brilliant, graceful Jasmine, the rescued greyhound residing at the Nuneaton Warwickshire Wildlife Sanctuary in England who is the most caring and affectionate surrogate mother in their big interspecies family!

We’ve lost count how many birds and animals she’s actually cared for. It’s just amazing. It really is. All sorts of animals, badgers, foxes, deer, all different types of birds, rabbits, guinea pigs, and hamsters.

She just sits with them. And she will play with them or just give them love. She starts licking them.

When Bramble the little orphan Roe deer was brought injured and weary to the sanctuary, Jasmine, demonstrating the highest nobility and demonstrating empathy for animals of other species, then and there volunteered to be the young deer’s affectionate carer.

We put him in our incubation area and Jasmine actually walked in and started licking him. She lay next to him and he actually started to come around obviously with the heat but then Jasmine gave him the comfort and security that he needed to feel happy.

It got to a point where she actually helped Bramble to stand up and get more strength. And Bramble used to follow her around because we feel that Bramble just looked up to Jasmine as his mum. And he just followed her everywhere. And if it weren’t for Jasmine we don’t think Bramble would have survived.

From our beloved furry companions to the magnificent marine giants of the ocean, a diversity of animals have been noted for their altruism by saving the lives of others; not just of their own species but of other species as well, including human beings. From Harbin, north-eastern China, comes the story of gallant Mila, a nine-year-old Beluga whale, who rescued Ms. Yang Yun, a diver, and was honored by Supreme Master Ching Hai with the Shining World Hero Award.

Though I felt my muscle cramp slightly the moment I dove into the water, I could do nothing as the race had to continue. So I kept diving deeper, and when I reached the bottom, there I felt paralyzed and was completely frozen.

No one noticed that Ms. Yang Yun was in distress except the sensitive, intelligent giant, Mila.

When she found out that the diver was floundering, immediately Mila swam with high velocity underneath.

It was then that I felt someone pulling me. It was quite amazing. Soon I was carried toward the surface by Mila’s pectoral fin. After reaching the surface, I could only say that it was really amazing.

Studies show that some animals have the ability to detect life-threatening diseases in humans, such as cancer, with a high level of accuracy. They can heal us on a number of levels as well.

People who come to me with their animals – they are so sweet to even take over the disease of the human companion and to get kidney-trouble, stomach-trouble, and heart-trouble. The more you work with animals, the more wonderful it is, actually. Yes, humankind should open up much more for what they can teach, what they can tell us.

They're performing so many miraculous healings on human beings, even if it's simply that they make you exercise.

Undoubtedly each animal is truly special!

There’ve been animals who so clearly thank us for taking them out of their environments. There are animals who share in a way that’s very generous. There are animals who comfort animals of other species. So what I’ve learned from running this place is that it’s important to treat each animal as an individual. If you do that, they know you’re doing that. And they free up, and we watch these remarkable things take place, things that have changed my life and that I can’t wait to share with the world.

When we return, we’ll continue with our Anniversary celebration and present more highlights from previous episodes of Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

Animals are far more expanded than we are. And the great thing is that they really want us to expand and to be empowered as well. That’s what I love so much.

Hi, my name is Simone Lee, and I am an animal communicator. It's a deep honor and privilege to be able to say congratulations and Happy 4th Birthday. It's a heart-felt thank you for the difference that you're making between the human and animal kingdom, bringing a deeper bond and awareness, and letting people know how much animals do for us and work with us, and changing the vibration of the world. So thank you and Happy Birthday!

I watch Supreme Master Television every day, because I think that it teaches a lot. It helps and makes people aware of how important animals on Earth are. They are our partners in this journey.

Welcome back to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants where we are marking Supreme Master Television’s 4th Anniversary by honoring our delightful animal friends around the world. Imagine what our planet would be like if we could talk to animals just as we do with one another. Through inspiring interviews with esteemed telepathic animal communicators from many different nations, we have gained glimpses into the wondrous world of the noble animal families who are here to bless our world.

Carp are particularly nice to communicate with. Above all, carp radiate a very intense kind of calmness. Sometimes at lunchtime when I have 15 minutes to myself, I take the opportunity and sit beside the pond and just watch them and let their calmness wash over me and take it all in.

“Can I learn how to talk to an animal?” Yes, you can. And your relationship will change. It will become a two way conversation and you will learn very much from what your animal has to tell you about yourself.

it’s the language of your heart, it’s your mother tongue.

Everybody who opens himself to animals can do it himself.

If you open yourself to it, another world opens itself for you.

The highest understanding between all beings is love; it is the most powerful language shared by all species alike. How can we express to the animals our deep love for them?

It is very easy, a clear picture, (it is) universal. You form an image: Here is the animal and I have my arms around them. And that image I give to them: “See, I love you very much.” So make this image within yourself of a hug, it is a universal image of love. This they understand perfectly.

Animals assist humans in many ways. The Divine nature and selfless sacrificing spirit of animals glows as a light of hope in challenging times. With their swiftness, agility, and acute sense of smell, dogs are trained for search and rescue missions that can make the difference between life and death for lost or missing persons.

These dogs, they are incredible. If she cuts a foot out in the field and she’s working, she will not stop. She’ll work until she finds her person.

This is the future of Search and Rescue Dogs Ontario right here. This is the little female I have. She is replacing Wile E. Wile E. is 12, so she is going to start training. We will probably try to certify her by this time next year. Hetty (Abma) has the two males and she is going to select one of those to replace Ryker who is due to retire in a year or two so it takes a year and a half to two years to train and certify so we are being proactive here. She’s got two males. One is Bronte and one is Neeko.

Animals embody love, radiate compassion and kindness to all around them, and are here to help beautify and uplift of our shared-world.

It’s just pure love; it’s love from my side, it’s love from their side, it’s just friendship. By dealing with them on such an in-depth level you just understand how life functions and what life is all about. And to me, one of the most rewarding things doing this is that you just feel alive every day or every minute.

To close, what important message do animals wish all of humanity to know and remember?

The main message is that all life and all consciousness are connected, the fishes in the sea and the birds in the air and the ants that are walking around on your terrace. All life is connected and it is inseparably connected, so we can never live in spite of the animal world or live at the cost of the animal world.

On this auspicious occasion, we send our heartiest appreciation to all our animal friends around the world for their benevolent presence that truly blesses, uplifts and brings color to our lives. May the true beauty of the magnificent animal kingdom be known to all humanity so that we can soon achieve eternal peace on Earth.

Wise friends, it is truly a pleasure to have your company on today’s edition of Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Please join us again tomorrow for the second and final part of Supreme Master Television’s 4th Anniversary program: Our Animal Angels. Next is Enlightening Entertainment, after Noteworthy News. May all of Earth’s co-inhabitants thrive on this magnificent planet.

I’m Cheloy Ignacio, from Manila, Philippines. Congratulations to Supreme Master Television. Happy 4th Anniversary!

Hi, I'm Shannon Keith, I'm an animal rights attorney, documentary film maker, and avid vegan. Supreme Master TV, you've been an amazing voice for the animals over the years. Happy 4th Anniversary!

Our county government is promoting the healthy plant-based diet every Friday, which means no meat for lunch at school on Fridays. We want to let the children know that we all need to work together to save energy and reduce carbon emissions while the vegetarian diet can help them grow healthily as well. Wishing Supreme Master Television, a happy birthday on your 4th anniversary!

Happy Birthday to Supreme Master Television! Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

We are Here II Here, and we are so honored to be here in this moment to celebrate with you. Know that you are loved and appreciated for all that you’re doing for this beautiful planet.

Happy Anniversary to you.

Happy Anniversary to you.

Happy Anniversary to you. (Supreme) Everybody

Happy Anniversary to you. (Supreme Master Television.) Peace!
We can only hope that everything we do with love will help to elevate the consciousness of humankind and to bring them into the knowledge that animals are living, breathing, loving, intelligent beings, just like us, in different forms. We have to begin from home, no? And then from this small beginning, maybe it will become bigger and bigger and it will reach every corner of the world.

Greetings earnest viewers and welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants for part two of Our Animal Angels: Supreme Master TV's 4th Anniversary Special, a continuing tribute to our treasured, affectionate animal friends and admirable animal-loving guests from around the globe!

Today we will revisit more special moments that we've shared together this past year on our program! We've been deeply moved and overjoyed to witness the highly encouraging constructive trend of people everywhere stepping up to better the welfare of animals, thus making our world a more beautiful and blessed place.

I prayed to God to give me a job which would bring friendship and compassion.

In Iran, two brothers, Mehrdad and Mehran Houshmand, former dairy farmers, made the courageous choice to leave the dairy industry out of love for their bovine friends.

I witnessed how animals suffered on the factory farms. And when we would take the animals to be sold, they would look at us as if one of the family members was going away. I couldn’t bear such scenes. These scenes were a kind a torture for me.

And in addition, we became more aware of how meat can be harmful to the human body and also to the environment. All these reasons suddenly motivated me to avoid meat and dairy products for good.

Cheri Ezell-Vandersluis of Massachusetts, USA and her husband both came from families that practiced animal agriculture, but from childhood they deeply loved animals and never stopped questioning the morality of raising them for food in their hearts. Today the compassionate couple runs the loving Maple Farm Sanctuary in Mendon, Massachusetts which provides a safe and caring home for orphaned and rescued animals.

We get to reach our heart out to these animals and love them and care for them and do the best that we can for them right now. But we get to love the animals a lot more, that’s the important thing. We get to embrace them, we get to talk to them and not feel guilty that “I’m forming a bond and it’s about to be broken in a week.” The bond stays forever.

A kindhearted soul named Auntie Jia-Jia has founded the non-profit organization Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (HOPE). HOPE provides a haven for stray and abandoned dogs in the small town of Lima Kedai in Johor state, Malaysia. Auntie tries her best to re-home the canines she takes in.

Seeing the dogs living happily every day is my biggest motivation. Seeing them healthy, happy and running around freely is my biggest motivation. When they are sick, I nurture them to health. Seeing them healthy again is my biggest encouragement to continue looking after them.

In neighboring Indonesia, the Cikananga Wildlife Rescue Center in West Java strongly supports the Indonesian government’s endeavors to safeguard endangered species.

Wildlife conservation is very important. First because it reflects our wealth of natural resources.

When a species becomes extinct, we can’t put a price tag on it. How much for each – how much money?

So we would still like to see Indonesian wildlife existing in the future for our children and grandchildren. That is our goal.

When we return, we’ll continue with our Anniversary celebration and present more highlights from previous episodes of Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

Congratulations to Supreme Master Television on your 4th Anniversary, and for all the wonderful work that you are doing!

Happy 4th year Anniversary and we thank you. I’m Virgil Gibson, Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

Every living thing, whether it's a blade of grass or a dolphin or a dog, everything that is alive is a partial manifestation of what we call God. That's how I see it.

Welcome back to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants as we joyfully commemorate Supreme Master Television’s 4th Anniversary by honoring our precious animal friends. The peaceful cetaceans are marine mammals that fascinate us all. Over the last year we have featured several programs about the noble dolphins and whales who keep our planet’s oceans in balance.

One of the very interesting lines of research that my colleague, Brenda McAllen has been doing is to look at the natural communication system of dolphins. So she records their whistle repertoire. And then through a mathematical formulation takes a look at whether or not there’s structure in that repertoire.

So you and I are talking and if someone were to record our speech and put it through the same process they would find that there’s a structure there. The structure comes from syntax, which is again a very important aspect of true language. And what she has found is that there is structure in dolphin communication signals.

It’s interesting the words we use in our culture as humans in all areas of human language, we’re very small (in vocabulary) in comparison to the whale’s vocabulary and how much they communicate. Their range of sound goes so far and so below what we have in our range of creating sound, and then their intricacy and their memory to create patterns of songs and communication is so much more intricate than ours, that it makes you think, “Well everything in nature has a purpose.”

When I find a friendly or an inquisitive, accepting whale, that’s when you could enter that third dimension of depth and engage them. I’ve only done it twice and it’s incredible. You start to feel… once you lose the surface of the ocean, and enter that third dimension of depth, you really feel like you’re in space and you’re floating with this 50-ton animal, rolling around you, looking at you. It’s just really incredible, sort of a dance, in three dimensions.

In addition to providing heartwarming friendship and unshakeable loyalty, animals help their caregivers and others in many unseen ways. The following messages of love for humanity are from two rabbits in Germany – Hasi and Häschen – as interpreted by telepathic animal communicator Elisabeth Berger of Austria.

“It is my mission to bear testimony of all this, on behalf of all the rabbits. We would love to be friends with humans and we are grateful to all humans who have shown kindness to us. We will do anything to protect such humans.”

“Humans who have saved the life of a rabbit will have the rabbit’s invisible protection for several lifetimes, even when that rabbit is not present on the physical plane at that time.”

The relationship with Hasi was very loving, very deep. She came here to teach me love. She also always built a protective shield around me.

She told me that she manifested herself directly out of God’s love into the form of a rabbit, just to support me in learning to know love, to get to know the language of the heart, and to get to know the laws of the Universe.

Everyone who has ever experienced animal companionship knows the enormous amount of love and comfort an animal can provide. Recent scientific research affirms the therapeutic value of the human-animal bond, with it being shown that animals bring stress reduction, enhanced mental and psychological well-being, a sense of security, and joy to their caregivers.

If you open up your mind and just learn from them, and experience what they are going through, they give you so much joy.

Be open minded and accept what they are, and they’re amazing and they give so much back to you. Every animal is special.

We can learn to love any animal if given the opportunity and they can learn to love us.

I think people really need to follow their own hearts. The best thing any of us could do, in my opinion, is to become more integrated ourselves, to become more conscious, more emotionally mature ourselves. And as Gandhi said, “Become the change you wish to see in the world.”

In a near, bright future we and our animal friends will be united in all respects and forever share in love and laughter.

One day, we will have humans and animals live together in peace, just like in Heaven. Then we can talk to the animals, telepathically communicate with them and let them know our feelings and they let us know their feelings and they will share with us all secret knowledge that some humans don’t know. That will be wonderful, it will be wonderful.

On this splendid occasion of the 4th Anniversary of Supreme Master Television, we share appreciation and delight in the animal families that grace our planet with their noble presence. We also applaud and honor all individuals and organizations around the world who work to safeguard and care for them. Thank you for your loving company today on Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Up next is Enlightening Entertainment, after Noteworthy News. May your heart be filled with heavenly peace and delightful melodies.

Greetings, I’m Dr. Siti Norkhalbi Haji Wahsalfelah, Senior Lecturer and Director of Academy of Brunei Studies, Universiti Brunei Darussalam. I’d like to offer my congratulations and wish a Happy Anniversary to Supreme Master Television. I hope this TV station will be even more successful in the future.

For your 4th Anniversary, I’d like to wish you all the luck in the world, because the help that you’ve given International Animal Rescue is really important. I’ve read that you’ve given lots of help to other groups around the world, and let’s hope that you can continue for many, many years, helping lots of people, and, of course, lots of animals.

I am Jacky, the founder of Dogartists, I have watched the programs of Supreme Master Television which are very informative and educative, and the messages of caring for animals are similar to my ideas. Of all, I am most interested in healthy vegetarianism, because I am learning the nutritional aspects of vegetarianism at the moment. Congratulations on (Supreme Master Television’s) 4th Anniversary.

I am Yan, a member of Dogaritists. Congratulations on Supreme Master Television’s 4th Anniversary, Happy Birthday!

Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet! Yes! (Yes!)

This is Dr. Neal Barnard of ‘The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine’ and I want to congratulate you on the 4th Anniversary of Supreme Master Television. You’re reaching so many people, in so many parts of the world and they need this message and you're giving them education, you're giving them the facts that they need, you're giving them the inspiration and the encouragement to go forward, not only for themselves, but to spread a helpful message to everybody they know. As a doctor, I appreciate it; I know so many other people do too. Thank you so much and congratulations.

Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet.

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