Animal World
Shining World Hero Award: Gallant Canines Sammy and Thor      
Everywhere in the world, we can observe and be touched by acts of kindness. People from all walks of life, faiths, and cultures extend themselves beyond the call of duty to help others unconditionally. Through their noble deeds, humanity as a whole is elevated.

To commend virtuous actions and encourage more people to be inspired by their examples, Supreme Master Ching Hai has lovingly created a series of awards, including the Shining World Leadership Award, Shining World Compassion Award, Shining World Hero and Heroine Awards, Shining World Honesty Award, Shining World Protection Award, Shining World Intelligence Award, and Shining World Inventor Award, to recognize some of the most exemplary, generous, caring, and courageous people who walk amongst us.

Today is New Year’s Eve, when friends and family around the world are gathering to usher in the year 2011. With the festive spirit of the holiday, we bring you the heartwarming stories of two gallant dogs who risked their lives to save their human families. We’ll begin with Sammy from Arizona, USA, whose caregiver Kay Harrison is alive and well thanks to her quick action to keep her from harm.

Tell us what happened the day that Sammy was the hero.

Well, I was actually sitting at the table over there, and I heard a bark and it wasn’t Sam’s normal bark, it was pretty ferocious. And I thought, “Oh, it’s just my imagination.” I said, “Alright Sam, be quiet.” When I kept with whatever I was doing for about a minute and it kept on, and I thought, “Oh, that’s enough.” And I went to open the door, and Sam was right in the door, and I was just taking a step beyond, and she lunged in front of my foot.

And I heard the rattle, and I looked down, and the snake was coiled right in the corner between where you open the door and the little step is in the flowerbed. And she wouldn’t move. And that was what made me look down there, and I looked. And then I heard the rattle and it was a horrendous noise. It really was very soft but it was real serious. And I said, “Sammy, get out the way!”

And she would not move; she would not let me put my foot out that door. And as she went to get in between us, she just separated me from that snake, and that’s when the snake just bit her right above her eye, right at her eye. And if she hadn’t been there, it would of course gotten me. I was bare foot, with a pair of shorts on, and it would have definitely just nailed me and it got her.

For putting her human companion’s life before her own without hesitation, Supreme Master Ching Hai honored Sammy with the Shining World Hero Award. Along with a beautiful crystal Award plaque, she sent the following tender letter to the benevolent canine:

Dear Sammy, It is with much pleasure and gratitude that we present to you the “Shining World Hero Award.” This Award is presented in recognition of your extraordinary, life-saving actions, and your most protective spirit of companionship, providing us all with the shining example of God’s blessed gift to humankind, the animal kingdom.

Sammy, when a dangerous reptile came close to you and your companion’s house, you knew an alarm had to be sounded. You immediately alerted your beloved companion Kay Harrison to the danger outside your home. By barking loudly and continuously, you communicated to her that something was wrong. She then went outside to investigate your warning, unaware that she was about to walk right into the poisonous snake. However, you knew and so did an amazingly selfless and heroic deed.

Instinctively and quickly you placed your own body between her and the imminent danger shielding her with your love and allowing the snake to bite you instead. What a brave and noble dog! You had to be rushed to the vet for emergency treatment with your face painfully swelling; fortunately, as a strong and determined friend you pulled through.

Your human companion is indeed blessed to be with such a special Catahoula.

Sammy, we are filled with admiration and tears for your noble act and wish you a life full of happiness and love and thank you for your special example to humanity, showing us the power, compassion and intelligence of animals. For outstanding loyalty and acute senses, for your unconditional love and sacrificing spirit, and for being human’s best friend, we hereby applaud and celebrate the heroic deeds of super canine Sammy, the Catahoula protective angel. With Best wishes and Love, Supreme Master Ching Hai

On Supreme Master Ching Hai’s behalf, our Association members also presented Ms. Harrison with US$500 to buy vegan dog snacks, books including Supreme Master Ching Hai’s international #1 best-sellers “The Dogs In My Life,” The Birds In My Life” and “The Noble Wilds,” a selection of her DVDs, vegan dog food, a custom-made dog bed, and a warm “Hero Jacket” and elegant “Hero Scarf” that Sammy wore proudly during the Award ceremony.

And I would like to give my wholehearted thanks to Supreme Master Ching Hai for this treasure, this offering that she has presented for Sammy, for all of these magical creatures that we are able embrace. So I am very, very grateful and so grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for acknowledging all that they do in such an enormous way. And I am grateful for her soul (being) in this world and that I got to share some of that, very grateful.

Let’s now meet our next courageous canine, Thor, a Pit Bull from Indiana, USA, whose caregiver Kemper Hunter now explains why Thor is such a special dog.

Well, we were sleeping in the living room because our air conditioner was out, and a fire started in the back of the home. So we had a curtain up for the hallway; we had our mattress in the living room, sleeping, and we had my daughter here, Shelby, who at the time was three months old, sleeping in a bassinet, in front of the mattress we were on. And, he was jumping on us, like he had to go to the bathroom. It’s three o’clock in the morning.

And then finally he woke my girlfriend here up, and she pulled back the curtain and realized there was a fire. He jumped on me and bit me to get me out of bed. And by the time we were up, fending for ourselves, we could see what’s going on, we turned around and he had the bassinet and the baby pulled all the way to the front door. So, he definitely saved our lives. It was a pretty crazy event.

So he had taken action first to protect the baby?

Yes, yes, he woke us up and once he saw that “Hey, they are grown (up), they are on their own, now I’m going for the one that can’t do it for herself.” And he pulled her straight to the door, and a good ways, a good distance. It was pretty remarkable.

So, how do you feel about Thor at this time?

He is my best friend, the son that I don’t have. I have had him for seven years since he was born. I feel great about him, I’m thankful. I can’t explain it, how grateful I am.

After learning of Thor’s valor, Supreme Master Ching Hai honored him with the Shining World Hero Award and wrote him the following kind letter:

Dear Thor, It is with great pleasure and gratitude that we present to you the “Shining World Hero Award.” This Award is presented in recognition of your extraordinary rescue effort, exceptional bravery and for your caring spirit of protection - providing us all with a shining example of the divine intelligence of animals.

On July the eighth, around three in the morning, a quick spreading fire started in your home while your companions were fast asleep in the living room. You were instantly on alert and clearly aware of the gravity of the situation - how dangerous and life threatening it was for all. With great courage and devotion, you stood your ground despite the smoke and flames and barked at your caregivers, desperately trying to wake them. You were even prepared to die for the family.

Then you did something quite amazing, something which has awakened humanity to the stirringly human-like and deeply aware nature of our animal friends: you went to the room of three month old Shelby, realizing that someone had to save her. Using great initiative and cleverness, you gently dragged the bassinet with Shelby out of the endangered room and away from harm. Your caregivers recognize and credit you with saving Shelby and their lives that frightening night and are extremely grateful. Thor, the mythical God, protector of humanity, is a very appropriate name for you!

We thank you for your exemplary display of love in action, and wish you many years of happiness and affection with your special family. For outstanding loyalty to your companions, for your acute intelligent senses, for your unconditional love and heroic life-saving feats, and for being human’s best friend, we hereby applaud and celebrate the heart-touching deeds of super canine Thor. With Best Wishes and All My Love, Supreme Master Ching Hai

We now present the Shining World Hero Award for Super Canine, Thor! Alright!

Thank you very much.

Supreme Master Ching Hai also provided the family with US$1,000 to buy vegan dog food for Thor and vegan food for baby Shelby, along with a colorful “Hero Jacket” for Thor, copies of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s books “The Noble Wilds” and “The Dogs in My Life” and a selection of her CDs and DVDs.

Thank you very much, we appreciate the gifts you gave my dog. We recognize what he did and we really appreciate you guys coming out and doing so for us. Thank you very much.

Thank you for coming out here and presenting the Award; thank you for everything.

Sammy and Thor, we’re happy to have been able to share your stories of exceptional courage with the world. May you both enjoy long, happy lives with your caregivers, many fun-filled days of playing outside and restful naps.

Treasured viewers, thank you for joining us for this edition of the Shining World Award series. Coming up next is Enlightening Entertainment after Noteworthy News. Best wishes and Happy New Year to you all!

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