Animal World
Shining World Hero Award:The Miraculous Instincts of Jackson the Dog and Mila the Whale      
Supreme Master Ching Hai is a world-renowned spiritual leader, humanitarian, and artist who is also a devoted animal lover with 10 adopted dogs of her own. Having compassion for all beings, she promotes vegetarianism, meaning an animal-free diet, to millions of people.

Supreme Master Ching Hai expresses her feelings about the beautiful qualities of animals as follows:

I read in the newspapers, I heard on the radio, I saw on TV, so many noble animals that they rescue people. They rescue their own kin at the expense of their own life even. I think many of them, the animals, are so noble, so noble and so loving to their own kind as well as to others. And sometimes you see a cat or dog swimming to the very dangerous river to rescue his friends. Be it a human friend or a dog friend, or a cat's friend, they do that, at the risk of their own life.

The animal, they see danger, they still risk out of love. And that is the reason why we must be vegetarian, because they are truly noble, they truly possess the human quality and a soul within them just like ourselves.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has thus lovingly created a series of awards, including the Shining World Hero Award, Shining World Intelligence Award, and Shining World Loving Care Award to honor role models of all shapes and sizes who have displayed remarkable courage, intelligence and care through their loving acts of altruism.

Our first Shining World Hero is Jackson, a Doberman Pinscher who lives with his caregiver, Mr. Jeffrey Pattie, in New Jersey, USA. Jackson was only eight months old when the incident occurred on that Easter Sunday. He sensed that something was wrong outside the house. Jackson’s caregiver at first couldn’t understand his companion’s strange behavior.

He was upset but he was almost like saying, “Come on. Let’s go!” He just kept going to the back door, crying. I was just thinking, “Well, maybe something…”

As Jackson kept behaving restlessly, Mr. Pattie made every attempt to calm him down, including by cooking for him.

You see how much he loves his food? He loves his food. I tried feeding him and he wouldn’t do anything. It was the food I was cooking too, he sits by my oven like he knows that that’s for him too. He actually stays out of my way so I can cook it. Like, “Let him get the stuff together.” But when I was trying to get him to eat, he wouldn’t. He just kept going to the door. He literally broke the door, my screen door. There’s a window where he ripped the screen down, too. And I was like “What is going on?”

Jackson’s persistent actions worried Mr. Pattie, who then decided to consult a friend.

I called a friend of mine who trains animals, and they said, “Just let the dog out. He’ll take you to whatever the problem is.” .

Taking his friend’s advice, Mr. Pattie let Jackson out, who indeed led his caregiver straight to the problem – at the fence.

I go back there and he’s barking, and I’m literally looking down on this ivy, and this woman, because the screen door had fallen on her. She went to clean her backyard and she fell over. There was no way she could have gotten up. She was there for several hours, and the EMS (Emergency Medical Services) guy, he said, “You know, that dog’s a hero because that woman wouldn’t have survived.” Ninety years old.

The elderly neighbor had been unable to move from the cold ground for three hours. Fortunately, she recovered after spending one day in the hospital. Her life was saved, thanks to Jackson’s incredible gift of attentiveness, unflagging efforts, and caring. For his extraordinary and admirable act, Supreme Master Ching Hai honored Jackson with the Shining World Hero Award. The cheerful canine also received Supreme Master Ching Hai’s cordial letter of appreciation, of which the following is an excerpt:

“Easter Sunday is historically celebrated for the divine miracle that occurred over 2,000 years ago. This Easter another remarkable occurrence took place -- you saved your neighbor’s life! For an eight-month-old puppy, you certainly displayed concern, intelligence and bravery well beyond human expectation, and we are so proud and delighted to say, “Good boy, Jackson!” …we hereby applaud and celebrate the heroic deeds of Jackson, the noble and courageous Doberman! With Best Wishes and Love, The Supreme Master Ching Hai”

Thank you. Yes, for you. That’s right! You’re a good dog. Thank you.

Jackson also received a beautiful crystal award plaque.

For you. That’s for you. That’s right.

Oh, thank you so… wow... it’s beautiful. Hey, look. Look at that.

Wow. Thank you so much. It’s actually beyond words. It’s gorgeous and I love the hearts and sentiment. And I love you for loving animals, so much.

In addition to the Shining World Hero Award, a US$200 dollar check was presented for obtaining veg treats for Jackson. The canine also received a personalized hero jacket embroidered with the words, “From Supreme Master Ching Hai with Love,” along with a “Happy Doggie” bed, both of which were designed by Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Jackson and Mr. Pattie were also gifted with a selection of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s music CDs, lecture DVDs, and a variety of books, including the #1 international bestsellers, “The Noble Wilds” and “The Birds in My Life” by Supreme Master Ching Hai. Congratulations Jackson, and bravo for your noble heart. Many thanks, Mr. Jeffrey Pattie, for trusting in your intelligent dog companion. May you both be blessed with health and happiness together, always.

When we return, we’ll feature another recipient of the Shining World Hero Award, a lovely beluga whale named Mila. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

The beluga whale is a very tender and gentle animal. They are very tender, very smart animals with high spirituality.

Welcome back to this edition of the Shining World Hero Award series on Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants.

Whales in the wild have long been documented as remarkably intelligent, richly social, gentle, courageous, and altruistic. There have been many reports of whales who readily come to the aid not only of their own weak or injured members, but also humans in times of need. In Âu Lạc (Vietnam), for example, there have been so many cases of whales rescuing those in distress, that numerous shrines have been built, and visited by the thousands yearly, in honor of the Whale Deity.

From across the waters in Harbin, northeastern China, comes the story of one heroic whale named Mila. Mila is a nine-year-old beluga whale, a species that is easily recognized and loved for their white color and large round forehead. Mila’s caregiver has known her for three-and-a-half years.

She is timid, but very smart. She is very curious about new things and loves to get close to human beings. She is friendly to everyone. Her personality is a little obstinate with a strong curiosity.

One day, Mila saved the life of a diver. Ms. Yang Yun was participating in a competition to stay under water for the longest time. Let’s now hear from Ms. Yang Yun as she describes what happened.

It was the final competition. Of course, the water temperature had to be extremely cold, which I already had in mind. However, it was much colder than what I had thought. When I dove into the water, my attention was all about competing.

Though I felt my muscle cramp slightly the moment I dove into the water, I could do nothing as the race had to continue. So I kept diving deeper, and when I reached the bottom, there I felt paralyzed and was completely frozen. I was really frightened because I was surrounded by other animals, especially as they were so huge. They may not have looked so gigantic from the outside but when I watched them in the water, I felt them to be extremely large. I was very nervous and frightened, and didn’t know what to do.

Ms. Yang Yun said she felt hopeless and that her time was up. No one could notice that she was in distress. No one except Mila. The caregiver explained how Mila probably responded on that day.

I think maybe Mila was just curious about what she was doing. But when she found out that the diver was floundering, immediately Mila swam with high velocity underneath.

Paralyzed in the freezing water, Ms. Yang Yun’s legs were cramped in her diving position, with head down and legs above. Mila came up and gingerly repositioned Ms. Yang Yun before holding her leg gently in her mouth and pushing her to the surface. The moment was encapsulated in photographs, images that would amaze the world.

It was then that I felt someone pulling me. It was quite amazing. Soon I was carried toward the surface by Mila’s pectoral fin. After reaching the surface, I could only say that it was really amazing.

Everyone was surprised to see Mila carrying the diver and then pulling her up to the surface. The diver took a big breath, and started choking. She let out much water and then took another deep breath. All of us went into the water to pull her up.

For her swift, life-saving act, Supreme Master Ching Hai recently honored Mila with the Shining World Hero Award. The following is an excerpt from the letter of appreciation she received from Supreme Master Ching Hai:

“Dear Mila, It is with much pleasure and gratitude that we present to you the “Shining World Hero Award.” This Award is presented in recognition of your amazing sensitivity, and exceptional life saving ability. Your compassionate act of rescue beautifully exemplifies the unconditional love of our underwater marine friends towards humankind, blessing and uplifting our world with your mighty loving and benevolent presence… Mila, you had somehow sensed Yun’s distress, then swam toward her, and clasping her legs gently within your own jaws, hoisted her to the surface.

Attentive Mila, we are so proud of you! Inspiring feats such as yours provide us with fresh insight and enable humankind to better understand and appreciate the true divine intelligent nature of our co-inhabitants. …we hereby applaud and celebrate the exemplary deeds of Mila – Life Saving Mermaid that legends are made of. With Best Wishes and Love, The Supreme Master Ching Hai”

Lots of thanks to the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association for presenting the award to Mila. I think she will be very happy about it.

Gracious Mila personally accepted the crystal plaque of the Shining World Hero Award.

In addition, a US$500 gift from Supreme Master Ching Hai was presented for Mila’s veg snacks, if available, or otherwise for Mila’s care and comfort. Mila and her caregiver also received Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lecture DVDs as well as her #1 international bestselling books, “The Birds in My Life,” “The Dogs in My Life,” and “The Noble Wilds.”

Thank you and we love you, Mila, for the wonderfully sensitive, protective, and big-hearted being that you are. May all the magnificent whales and animals live freely and peacefully in nature. Blessed by our co-inhabitants who indeed bless our world.

Happy viewers, it was our pleasure having your company today on Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Up next is Enlightening Entertainment after Noteworthy News here on Supreme Master Television. May the heavenly melodies lighten your spirit.

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