Animal World
Shining World Compassion Award: Charity Birds Hospital in Delhi, India      
Today’s Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants will be presented in Hindi and English, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Thai.

Everywhere in the world, we can observe and be touched by acts of kindness. People from all walks of life, faiths, and cultures extend themselves beyond the call of duty to help others unconditionally. Through their noble deeds, humanity as a whole is elevated.

To commend virtuous actions and encourage more people to be inspired by their examples, Supreme Master Ching Hai has lovingly created a series of awards, including the Shining World Leadership Award, Shining World Compassion Award, Shining World Hero and Heroine Awards, Shining World Honesty Award, Shining World Protection Award, Shining World Intelligence Award, and Shining World Inventor Award, to recognize some of the most exemplary, generous, caring, and courageous people who walk amongst us.

What there is in the Jain families is compassion. And due to the compassion, they do all the noble works with their heart We don't get a salary from it. Our only purpose of coming here is to save the birds by taking care of them. And there is compassion inside all the Jains.

Halo caring viewers, and welcome to the Shining World Compassion Award series where today we honor the Charity Birds Hospital in Delhi, India. Inside this three-storey facility, avian species of all types receive free, loving medical care. Typically they are brought in by people who find the sick or injured birds in the surrounding area.

Approximately 30,000 birds are treated annually. Once their health is restored, the feathered friends are set free and can fly away from the building’s rooftop if they so choose. This non-profit specialty hospital that has been open since 1928 is operated by Jains, members of one of India’s oldest religions, who are vegetarians and believe the Divine dwells in every living being.

In the Jain religion, there is a great saying – “Live and let live.” On this basis, we want no animals to be tortured. Every living being has a soul. An ant also has a soul; a mosquito also has a soul. They can’t speak. They are incapable of speaking. Humans express their pain by talking. They can’t even say that they are in pain if there is a cut on their body. They are suffering. They are in pain.

Mr. Parmod Kumar Jain, the hospital’s assisting manager, now explains some of the duties that are carried out each day as part of caring for the patients.

We have a very hectic morning schedule. First of all is cleaning, after that, it is meal time. Whatever food the birds eat, they are provided accordingly. Parrots eat watermelon and fruits according to the season- apples, peanuts in winter, green chillies, whatever he/she eats, it is provided to them. They love to eat cucumbers. Tomatoes, see those are there in the tray.

And as these are different wards, employees take trays with grain and walk around. For some birds, he puts the grain in their beak with his hand. Those which can’t eat by themselves are paralyzed, or whose beaks are injured, he will feed them with his hand and help them drink water from a bottle.

The birds are meticulously cared for by a small staff of exceptionally devoted people. Thus it is no wonder that although they are free to leave once healed, many birds decide to stay on!

With employees, a supervisor, and a doctor, we have 15 people here. We give them food first, after that we give them medicines. We don’t give them medicines on an empty stomach. I have 5,000 birds now. I will show you them Upstairs on the second floor. A fountain was installed there and I will show you how they take a bath.

You will enjoy it upstairs. About 75% of the birds don’t leave. They hide upstairs. Look at them. There are thousands of pigeons up there. We have put grains and water for them there, and 10 to 15 vessels of water. The water is changed three times daily. We also put food, grains and all that, three times a day.

It is perhaps the loving atmosphere of this hospital that attracts visitors and tourists from abroad who come by to see this facility that is filled with the sounds of bird calls.

Many foreigners come to see us. I have made this card. I have made it especially for them. This is my visitor’s book. You can read this book. How many visitors come here in a year and whatever good comments there are from them, we print it. They are very happy that this kind of institute is running for birds. They get very excited.

One of the kind and gentle staff members now introduces us to some of the patients currently receiving treatment at the hospital.

This pigeon has paralysis of the leg. We will give medicine to him. This is a multivitamin. This is a calcium that gives strength to his legs. After this, this medicine will be continued regularly for one month. This is an antibiotic. For this paralysis case, it will take a minimum of one month to completely heal.

This eagle has a very dangerous cut. He will need a minimum of one to two months to become completely fit. This eagle's wings were injured. His feathers were cut by a flying kite. He will need a minimum one month to become completely fit. This is a multivitamin. This is an antibiotic. This is a painkiller.

We will return in just a moment and learn more about the Charity Birds Hospital, the recipient of the Shining World Compassion Award. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

Welcome back to the Shining World Compassion Award series where we are visiting the Charity Birds Hospital in Delhi, India which provides free medical treatment to injured and sick wild birds living in the surrounding communities. Bird companions are also welcome to come for free care.

Some birds that come here have cuts. Some are injured by striking an electric fan. Some have broken bones. They also have similar injuries; they all have illnesses like humans.

Mr. Ramesh Chand Jain now explains why Charity Birds Hospital feeds all the patients a wholesome and pure vegetarian diet.

This is a Jain institute and the Jain people are vegetarian by birth. So we don't allow non-vegetarian food here. It is a very happy thing, that there are many vegetarians in the world and it must increase. The non-vegetarian food is very harmful to human beings and the human beings should not take non-vegetarian food.

Hearing of the tender, loving care this facility provides to our avian friends, Supreme Master Ching Hai honored the Charity Birds Hospital with the Shining World Compassion Award along with a donation of US$15,000 to support the hospital’s noble mission.

The following is an excerpt from a loving letter that accompanied the Award:

It is with great pleasure and gratitude that we present to you "The Shining World Compassion Award." This Award is presented in recognition of your outstanding humane efforts to provide comfort to birds, your benevolent selfless spirit of service to God's creation and enlightened kindness that creates more beauty and love on Earth. Compassionately responding to the needs of ill or injured birds, you and your noble staff of the New Delhi Charity Bird Hospital offer the very best medical facilities.

With the spiritual touch and loving hearts, you bring healing to our avian friends. The skillful and deeply knowledgeable allopathic treatments you offer are administered in a hospital as spotlessly clean as your holy minds. Just as the Divine light of the Infinite One brings healing on his wings, so too your beautiful tenderness and care allows the birds to once again soar into the skies on strong and healthy wings.

Thank you for uplifting our world with your inspirational example of love in action. For selflessly providing for the needs of our feathered friends, for your medical expertise, wisdom and heartfelt generosity and for being a dedicated and noble role model, we hereby applaud and celebrate the great compassionate deeds of the New Delhi Charity Birds Hospital. with Great Honor, Love and Blessing, The Supreme Master Ching Hai

The hospital was also presented Supreme Master Ching Hai’s International #1 best sellers, “The Birds in My Life,” “The Dogs in My Life” and “The Noble Wilds.”

First of all, I would like to say “thank you” for the Award I have received from Supreme Master. And from our point of view, we believe this is very noble work. You have seen how we take care of the birds, and when those birds get well, we free them into the air. We let them go free. Our criteria when we admit the birds is that when they get well, we free them into the air. This is our noble cause.

I will use the funds from you for this hospital. I will build one fountain on the roof above. They will enjoy it a lot; they will drink water in summer, and take a bath by flapping their wings.

Finally, Mr. Ramesh Chand Jain thanked Supreme Master Ching Hai for her tireless efforts to inform people about the benefits of a plant-based diet.

I want to say that what the Master is doing to encourage vegetarianism is very noble work. And at this time, the world needs people to give up non-vegetarian (food) and accept vegetarian (food). Because there is nothing like vegetarian food. There are two types of meals. One is vegetarian, and another is non-vegetarian. Those who take non-vegetarian food, look at their figures, look at their teeth, and look at their structure. And those who take vegetarian food, they look noble. Cruelty is not within them. They are very noble. So, I request to the whole world that the whole world should have vegetarian food.

May the light of Heaven shine brightly upon all the devoted, kindhearted people involved with the Charity Birds Hospital. Their dedicated efforts are truly creating happier, healthier lives for our feathered co-inhabitants. May their gentle healing work reach even more birds in the future.

For more information on the Charity Birds Hospital, please email: or call

Thank you for joining us today on Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Next is Enlightening Entertainment, after Noteworthy News. With each passing day, may you soar to ever greater heights in wisdom, abundance, and peace.

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