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Amazing Animal Mothers    Part 1
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

The images in the following program are highly sensitive and may be as disturbing to viewers as they were to us. However, we have to show the truth about cruelty to animals, praying that you will help to stop it.

HOST: This is the Stop Animal Cruelty series on Supreme Master Television. This week we examine the immense suffering inflicted upon fish by the fishing industry which includes fish farms or aquaculture. Each year billions of fish across the globe are hooked or mercilessly trapped in huge nets and then ripped away from their ocean or freshwater homes.

Eddie Garza(m): In industrial seafood production, massive trawling nets drag sea life from out of the ocean, which can cause extreme pressure changes for fish, and can potentially rupture their swim bladders which are essential for buoyancy.

HOST: In the United States alone, approximately 8.4 billion fish are killed each year for food. More than 40% of these animals have been raised on land or ocean-based aquafarms, undergoing an utterly agonizing existence until they are killed.

Nathan Runkle(m): Fish are just as sentient and just as capable of suffering as any land animal is. They have the same capacity to suffer and deserve protection as well. And we're at a crucial point right now with dwindling populations of fish and this is largely due to overfishing and huge trawler nets which essentially clearcut [means removing everything] the ocean of all of their life, sweeping up everyone and everything in their path, because these nets are indiscriminate.

And factory farming is taking place with fish as well. These animals are being confined in crowding concrete troughs and they're having infections and all sorts of welfare problems as well.

HOST: Truly run like a factory, thousands of fish are jammed into small ponds, concrete tanks, or mesh cages. Sometimes there may be as many as 25 large, adult fish in an enclosure about the size of a bathtub, where they must swim and breathe in utterly filthy water filled with their own excrement.

The obscene conditions mean parasitic infections and diseases like Columnaris, which ravages a fish's gills, skin and fins and is the leading cause of death for farmed fish in the US, run rampant in the imprisoned population.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) says as much as 40% of farmed fish die before they can be slaughtered. Finally, near the end of their stay at the aquafarm, the helpless fish are starved for several days. This is done to keep the water less polluted while they are transported to a slaughter facility to be heartlessly massacred.

The state of Texas is the largest producer of farm-raised catfish in the US. In the fall of 2010, Mercy for Animals, a US-based non-profit animal advocacy organization conducted an undercover investigation at a fish processing center in Texas. What the group's investigator found was absolutely shocking.

Supreme Master TV (m): Tell us about some of the investigations that Mercy for Animals has done recently.

Eddie Garza(m): Mercy for Animals conducted an undercover investigation between September and December of 2010, at a fish slaughter facility in Mesquite just east of Dallas (Texas, USA). At this facility, our undercover investigator documented workers slicing the skin off of live fish, tearing their fins apart, their tails, before ultimately beheading the animals while they were still fully conscious.

These are egregious acts that, if this type of pain were to be inflicted on a dog or cat, they could be fined and potentially incarcerated.

HOST: The footage reveals a grisly and sickening operation where fish are nearly suffocated, skinned and then dismembered all the while aware of the excruciating torture they are undergoing. The peaceful animals were clearly in enormous pain and constantly thrashed about and struggled to escape while the workers brutally severed their fins and ripped their skin off using pliers.

Employees repeatedly sliced live catfish with sharp knives and then brutally cut them in half. Without hesitation they routinely tore the heads off of live fish. The victims who were next in line to be murdered languished in buckets and baskets; their mouths opening and closing repeatedly as they asphyxiated from a lack of water.
[ to die from a lack of oxygen] http://www.mercyforanimals.org/fish/

Skinned Alive:

Cruel Catfish Slaughter Exposed 『Fish have the capacity to experience pain and suffering, like all animals.』 Dr. Lee Schrader, Veterinarian The fish are not stunned or rendered unconscious prior to being skinned alive.

A: You want to clean fish alive.

B: Clean them alive?

A: Yeah.

『This procedure offers a slow, painful, prolonged death to the fish.』 Dr. Debra Teachout, Veterinarian. 『Handling such as that shown in this footage is extremely cruel and heartless and should be outlawed immediately.』 Dr. Jonathan Balcombe, Animal Behaviorist. Forgo Fish Choose Vegan. Mercy for Animals

HOST: Upon viewing the footage, veterinarian Dr. Lee Schrader stated, 『To subject fish to an obviously painful procedure such as the removal of their skin, while they are alive and responsive, is cruel, inhumane and without excuse.』

Currently in the United States there are no laws which protect fish from cruelty or abuse, either in aquafarms or during their subsequent brutal slaughter. Mercy for Animals is striving to have fish protection laws enacted in Texas and has provided evidence of the ongoing carnage at the Texas fish processing facility to members of the state's legislature.

Eddie Garza(m): We submitted all of our documentation, including all of the undercover footage taken by our investigator, and filed an official complaint with the Dallas County District Attorney's (DA's) office. Unfortunately the DA's office declined to prosecute because the state of Texas does not protect fish. In fact there are no federal laws that protect fish either.

Supreme Master TV (m): Has Mercy for Animals taken any action to try to get laws changed?

Eddie Garza(m): We did reach out to all of our Texas state legislators, and asked them to enact new laws that would protect fish from this type of egregious cruelty.

Eddie Garza(m): At this point we have not heard from the Texas legislature, but we are committed to fighting this tirelessly. ((m): Yes.)

HOST: In a study published in the science journal Nature, researchers concluded that the fishing industry is rapidly decimating oceanic ecosystems, with the industry having annihilated 90% of the stocks of large ocean fish in just the past 50 years. In one type of commercial fishing called bottom trawling, gigantic nets the size of a football field are dragged along the ocean floor, sweeping up not only fish, but many other forms of fragile marine life.

Supreme Master TV (m): What are the effects of global industrial fishing?

Eddie Garza(m): The effects are that we're not only killing fish, but other sea life also. Dolphins, turtles, and other beautiful sea creatures are unfortunately also victims of industrial seafood production.

HOST: What about the practice of catching fish just for so-called 『sport?』 When a hook impales a fish through his eye, mouth or cheek, he experiences unbearable agony.

Lynne Sneddon (f): If you accept that fish are capable of pain and fear and stress, you have to accept that if you are simply catching a fish for your own enjoyment, you are potentially causing pain and fear to that fish. And it's been proven that the fish is very stressed, they can suffer mortality and that their subsequent behavior can be affected after they've been released.

Eddie Garza(m): We do know that fish have brains, a central nervous system and nerve endings. These animals have nociceptors which are receptors on the skin that are physiologically similar to the forebrain and midbrain of mammals. And these recent studies suggest that on our video where you saw the fish flopping around in pain were deliberate attempts to escape the workers' blades.

HOST: Fish are sensitive and intelligent, enjoy each other's company and have good memories. They also talk to each other with low-frequency sounds that humans can hear only with special instruments.

Dr. Theresa Burt de Perera, a research scientist at Oxford University, UK states, 『We're now finding that [fish] are very capable of learning and remembering, and possess a range of cognitive skills that would surprise many people.』

How can each of us help to stop the atrocities inflicted upon our fish friends? According to Eddie Garza and Mercy for Animals, there is one simple solution.

Eddie Garza(m): We want to let people know that they should forgo fish, and choose a vegan diet as the best way to help prevent animal cruelty.

Supreme Master TV (m): Do you have stories you can tell us about people who have been moved to become vegan since they have seen the work of Mercy for Animals?

Eddie Garza(m): Absolutely. We receive emails every single day from people who have decided to choose vegetarian. If I look on the database right now, you'll see several new people who've popped up requesting vegetarian starter kits. People want to know, people have been kept largely in the dark all this time.

And we are here to let them know that there is a better way. (I see) They can change their diet to help the planet, to help animals, and to improve their own health.

HOST: Mercy for Animals is actively raising public awareness about the violent slaughter of fish and other animals by the animal agriculture industry as well as encouraging people to adopt an animal-free diet.

Eddie Garza(m): We do have a lot of outreach events going on daily. Today I've got two interns out in bustling downtown Dallas (Texas, USA), handing out vegetarian literature, inspiring people to make the compassionate choice to be vegetarian.

This afternoon they're also reaching out to some high school students that are at the right age to be able to make choices and really understand that the food that they are consuming is really making a big impact on the entire world.

We also have a lot of different campaigns on the weekends; we've got vegan food giveaways, where we let people try different vegetarian food items, letting them know that they don't have to support animal cruelty to enjoy tasty snacks.

Supreme Master TV(m): What direction is the world going, as far as how we treat animals?

Eddie Garza(m): We are absolutely moving forward; 10 years ago we wouldn't think about campaigns ending battery cages. [small cages in which egg-laying hens are put] And today it's widely accepted that the battery cages should be outlawed nationwide, the public vote says that. We are asking that people now consider the plight of fish.

Eddie Garza(m): Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

HOST: Mercy for Animals and Eddie Garza, we are grateful for your enlightened efforts to inform the public about the cruelty of the fishing industry. Through your benevolent work, you are saving the lives of countless gentle fish and other animals. It is beautiful to see that your initiatives are helping humanity to live in greater harmony with other beings. Mercy For Animals, we wish you every success in all your ongoing and future animal advocacy endeavors.

For more information on fish cruelty, please visit www.MercyForAnimals.org/fish

Prostate cancer is a leading killer and it doesn't have to be, because if we take lessons from around the world and people who follow different kinds of diets, we get clues about how we can actually reduce the likelihood that this will happen in our own lives. And for men who already have prostate cancer, there's a lot they can do to hold it beyond arm's length.

HOST: Halo, active viewers, and welcome to Healthy Living. On today's program, renowned medical professionals will discuss the links between diet and prostate cancer, which in recent years has grown to almost epidemic proportions, especially in developed countries. It is now the world's fourth most common form of malignancy [cancerous tumor] among men, with some 400,000 new cases being diagnosed annually.

Recent scientific evidence suggests that diet plays a major role in the development, progression and deadliness of prostate cancer, with increased risk being linked to the consumption of meat, dairy products and fat. Now let's hear what the experts have to say about reducing the risk and even reversing the development of prostate cancer through a plant-based diet.

Dr Saxe (m): There's a project which looked at the effect of intervening with a plant-based diet in men who have had prostate cancer in which the cancer has come back, in spite of surgery and other primary treatment. And these men are at risk.

Those who have had recurrences or recurrent prostate cancer are at greatly increased risk of dying of the disease, developing metastatic disease [spread of disease from diseased organ to other parts of body] far away from the prostate that can be very painful, cause other symptoms, and can lead to premature death.

So there's unfortunately no really good, effective curative treatment, after the primary therapy has already been attempted and has been unsuccessful, and the best we can do is to try to prolong life and palliate symptoms, using things like hormonal therapies. But clearly there is a need for re-thinking this whole problem.

Many men are going to be developing this condition, especially as the population of the country ages, as it's a disease that occurs in older men most often. So, one of the things that we've looked at is the very important role, potentially of diet, not only in causing prostate cancer in the first place, but also in possibly promoting its progress, even after a person has developed the condition.

HOST: According to many healthcare experts, diet and lifestyle play a major role in developing cancer of the prostate.

Dr Saxe (m): If you look around the world, there are stunning differences in the rate of prostate cancer. If you compare the United States with say, China, the rate of prostate cancer is something in the neighborhood of 80, maybe 100 times greater in the United States than it is in China.

And yet, when you look at people from Asian countries, like China or Japan, who migrated to the United States, their rates within a generation are almost identical to those in the US.

So, that to me suggests it's not something genetically different about Asians compared with Caucasians, but rather that there's something in our environment here that's different than the environment in the Asian countries.

And when we look at that, and when we've done epidemiologic and other kinds of research, what we've typically found is that it points toward diet. And it points maybe also toward some other behavioral things, sedentary versus exercise, maybe psychological factors and stress, but most importantly I think is diet.

And the main thing, when you look at the diet is people in those countries are eating at the bottom of the food chain, they're eating largely plant-based diets, they can't afford refined foods, and they can't afford lots of meat and other things that use plant resources intensively to be produced. So that's what they're eating, and this is what we're eating, and I think we're suffering in part because of that.

Dr. Slywitch: There was a study published with 34,000 (Seventh Day) Adventist people.

It was observed that people who eat meat had an 88% higher chance of having large-intestine cancer, and 54% higher chance of prostate cancer.
These two were the most significant ones.

HOST: Scientific research also suggests a strong link between the consumption of milk, cheese and other dairy products and the risk of getting prostate cancer. In countries such as Thailand, Japan and China, where men consume almost no milk or milk products, the rate of prostate cancer is substantially lower than in those such as Finland, Sweden and Switzerland, which have high levels of dairy consumption.

A study involving 48,000 health professionals conducted at Harvard University in the US found that participants who consumed more than two glasses of milk a day had about a 60% greater risk of developing prostate cancer than did those who consumed no dairy products.

Dr Saxe (m): Dairy intake has been associated with not only an increased risk of developing prostate cancer, but an increased risk of dying of prostate cancer.

Jay Sutliffe, Ph.D. (Vegan) - Public health and nutrition expert, Assistant Professor, Chadron State College, USA: Some of the specific cancers that we see in the world today, is we see a lot of breast cancer for women, and we see a lot of prostate cancer for men. And what we are finding is that when a person is consuming large amounts of caseinate, the dairy protein found in milk products, we are finding that when we have an elevated intake of caseinate from dairy products, it's a very volatile protein that actually sets the stage for breast cancer and also prostate cancer.

So what I would say is that we really need to be looking at how much caseinate or milk protein that we're taking in. And I'd say that we should try to minimize that or really try to eliminate that, especially if there is a family history of breast cancer, and prostate cancer in your families.

HOST: In the UK, researchers at Oxford University found that men who adhered to a vegan diet had insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) levels nine percent lower than those of men eating animal products. IGF-1, a growth hormone, is believed to play a key role in causing prostate cancer.

Dr. Joel Fuhrman, MD - Physician and Director, US National Health Association: The modern world is fanatic about consuming protein. They've been brain-washed about eating too much protein. And the excess protein, even from egg whites, even from white-meat animal products, even from skim milk could increase the risk of a hormone in the tissues called IGF-1, or insulin-like growth factor 1.
And that's what I'm saying is that the raising of insulin-like growth factor 1 promotes prostate cancer and breast cancer.

HOST: Some mistakenly believe that it's safe to eat fish. However, a recent study entitled “A prospective study of diet and prostate cancer in Japanese men” revealed that fish intake is also associated with an increased risk of acquiring cancer of the prostate.

The research, which involved 18,115 Japanese men, revealed that men who ate fish products four or more times a week had a 54% higher risk of getting the disease than did those who did so fewer than twice during the same period.

Besides the evidence that a plant-based diet can reduce the potential for getting prostate cancer, research also shows it can even prevent the disease from ever occurring. According to a recent study by the US-based Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, men who eat three or more servings of vegetables a day have a 48% lower risk of acquiring the disease than do those who eat less.

Cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cabbage were found to have the strongest effect. It's believed that the phytochemicals in vegetables activate enzymes in the body that weaken cancer-causing agents.

Dr. Sutliffe (m): We want to start taking in a lot of foods from the cabbage family, Brussels sprouts, we start looking at those. We want to look at Napa cabbages, all different cabbages, bok choi, [Chinese cabbage] and these different foods. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables with lots of color.

The color represents nutrients, and that's what we want to be consuming, is a lot of vital chemicals, a lot of anti-oxidants. We want to make it fun. Do a variety of foods, have good, different combinations, and different things like that. And then we also want to look at including some soy foods. We want to bring in some soy-based foods; those can also help with our cancer reduction.

HOST: The list of vegetables that can prevent the occurrence of prostate cancer in the first place keeps growing. For example, tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, and it's been shown that men who consume two servings of the vegetable per week are about 23% less likely to get prostate cancer than are others, and those who eat 10 or more servings have a 35% reduction in their likelihood.

Dr. Sutliffe (m): We see a lot of things looking for the cure for cancer. When we look at the American Cancer Society, they recommend eating a minimum of seven to nine servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Now, when we look across America, the average American does not eat even five a day. We see that only 23% of Americans are eating five servings of a combination of fruits and vegetables a day.

So, if we are really serious about minimizing our risk for cancer, I'd say that we also need to be taking the latest research. We need to be basing our diet on plant-based proteins and plant-based foods, if we want to minimize our risk of cancer. So, start out by looking at and getting in your diet at least seven to nine servings, and that's the best fortification, and cancer-prevention diet is based around plant-based food.

HOST: We thank all the healthcare professionals featured on today's program for their insights on the benefits of a plant-based diet in preventing and curing prostate cancer. Through their diligent, enlightened work, they are helping countless men live healthier, longer and more fulfilling lives. We wish them great success in their future, noble endeavors.

For more information on today's program's experts, please visit the following websites:

Dr. Neal Barnard www.PCRM.org

Dr. Joel Fuhrman www.DrFuhrman.com

Dr. Eric Slywitch www.alimentacaosemcarne.com.br

Dr. Jay Sutliffe www.CSC.edu

Halo, sweet viewers, and welcome to Healthy Living! Perhaps one of most tender and lovely times in a mother's life is during her pregnancy. While she patiently awaits the arrival of a precious new baby, the concerned mother might begin to ask questions such as, “What is the healthiest diet I can have during my pregnancy?”

And “What should I feed my baby when he or she is born?” According to the American Dietetic Association, the world's largest association of food and nutrition professionals, “Well-planned vegetarian (or vegan) diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence.”

On today's program, the first in a two-part series, several health care professionals will discuss the benefits of the vegan diet during pregnancy.

Dr. Eric Slywitch(m): What we observe in a vegan diet is that there is a greater concern with the nutrients, and the pregnant woman ends up seeking more information about these foods and ends up greatly improving her diet.

She usually uses more whole foods, the more natural foods, and often looks for organic food. Then it brings benefit in bringing a better wellbeing for the pregnant woman and avoids a series of disturbances that may occur during pregnancy that may affect the baby.  So when there is this care that usually happens in a vegan pregnancy, the pregnancy tends to progress in a tranquil way.

HOST: Doctors say that having a healthy baby requires a healthy mother, so managing pregnancy to ensure a baby's good health is important for every expectant mom. Marina Barone is a vegan naturopath from Geneva, Switzerland who has worked with her husband in the field of alternative medicine for 25 years. Ms. Barone will now explain the importance of choosing the right foods for both an expectant mother and her baby.

Mrs Marina Barone(f): Vegan food is the foundation if you decide to plan a pregnancy. You can say, “Okay, I will give to my body and to the baby's body the best tools.” We as parents become responsible for what we'll transmit to the child.

There is a genetic heritage that we ourselves have received and that we cannot control, at least not totally, but there is a metabolic heritage related to what we do with our body. It's not enough not to smoke and not to drink; the child will develop on what we eat.

HOST: The health of a mother before and during pregnancy determines the health of her child throughout his or her lifetime. Vegan nutritionist Astrid Pfeiffer of Brazil will next discuss commonly available fruits and vegetables that can help provide the nutrition needed to deliver a healthy, intelligent baby with a good constitution.

Ms. Astrid Pfeiffer(f): The best source of Omega-3 we have to eat is linseed or flaxseed oil. Then during the pregnancy and also for the infant until the age of two, Omega-3 is an anti-inflammatory; it also helps the immune system and the development of the central nervous system. 

So both for the mother afterward and the baby it is essential to take Omega-3. You can get the whole flaxseed, grind it in a blender, and put it on top of beans, put it on top of (vegan) mousse, put it in a smoothie, or you can leave it in grain, soaked in water for about 40-50 minutes and take it with water, both linseed and grain.

You may do it both ways. Or linseed oil, usually the oil has a bit stronger flavor, so many people dislike the taste.  But it should be consumed cold not warm.  It can also be eaten either on top of salad, on top of rice, or sometimes over whole-grain bread.

Ms. Astrid Pfeiffer(f): Iron, we find it a lot in legumes.  For a person who is a vegetarian, the best sources of iron that we have are legumes, salads, and dark-green leafy veggies.  But this time the iron should be supplemented because with food we cannot get the daily amount needed.

Calcium, we have it in tofu.  Each 100 grams, a big slice, for example, of tofu has about 250 to 300 milligrams of calcium.  So it's very rich, an excellent source of calcium. The vegetables that contain the most calcium are kale, arugula, watercress, and mustard. You can also make a green juice, for example. Then we can eat either the salad for lunch, like a green juice, or in the morning or afternoon. 

You can blend these vegetables in a blender with fruit, for example, and put a little mint and ginger. So, you are further optimizing calcium intake. Oils also have it, such as peanuts, Brazil nuts, cashew nuts, preferably unsalted.  We may also have tahini, molasses ...  both are excellent sources of calcium.

Another nutrient that we also need to give a little more attention to is B9, folic acid.  Then fruits and vegetables would come in,  apple, orange, which also have vitamin C, which helps in iron absorption. 

Usually citrus, guava, strawberry, kiwi, and acerola contain the most vitamin C.  And other fruits also, for example, papaya, and banana are excellent sources of folic acid, as well as cooked vegetables. Prebiotics are food for our intestinal bacteria that we call probiotics, which are leek, onion, banana, and artichoke. They help in bowel function; they also help with the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

A recipe that is also very nice for the mothers, for the pregnant women to be doing is a flaxseed shake where you can use either golden or brown linseed and blend it with some fruit.  You can put açaí; açaí is the most antioxidant rich fruit that exists. You may put melon, watermelon, some spice she prefers. Green banana is an excellent prebiotic.  So you may buy any banana as long as it is green, so it has grown, but it has not matured.

  You get that banana and cook it in a pressure cooker for about 15 minutes, turn off the heat, and when it is warm you peel it and you eat this banana, blend with this shake, too. It is excellent for the bowels!

HOST: Raw vegan physician Dr. Eric Slywitch from Brazil is the author of “Nourishment without Meat,” in which he discusses nutritious, healthy eating. In opposing the myth that the vegan diet is inadequate for pregnant women, he encourages expectant mothers to follow the best vegan diet plan possible for themselves and their babies.

Dr. Eric Slywitch(m): It sometimes happens that a pregnant woman during the course of pregnancy decides to adopt a vegan diet. This is not a problem.  But it is important that she is monitored because she will be faced with new ways of feeding herself with new foods. So it is important that pregnant women know there is a substitute for any plant-based food she uses and she can be vegan, absolutely, before, during and after pregnancy.

It is very common that a vegan mother, or a vegan pregnant woman, during pregnancy, is persuaded to return to eating meat or even dairy products for fear of deficiencies. This fear is unfounded. We have replacements for all the elements present in these foods, for those who consider these as food, meat, eggs, and dairy products, because all of these nutrients can be found in plant-based foods, except vitamin B12, which it's supplemented and ends up being very important.

(A lack of) protein is a fear that many people bring to (a vegan) pregnancy, also completely unfounded because a mixture of legumes (which are beans, chickpeas, peas, lentils), with grains (which are rice, corn, wheat, rye) bring a combination of amino acids, a combination of proteins, similar to animal protein. Then, this supply of protein, it is easily obtained with this combination of rice and beans, lentils and pasta, and so on.

And there is also a lot of emphasis put on zinc, because we know that in the flesh zinc absorption is theoretically better than in the vegetable kingdom. So in order for us to be able to improve the assimilation of zinc in our body, it is better that you get the beans and soak them in water overnight, because this process creates an acid called phytic acid, which increases zinc absorption.  So, with this increase you eat beans and have a better absorption of zinc.

HOST: What role should a physician or nutritionist play in making dietary decisions during pregnancy?

Dr. Eric Slywitch(m): It is important when pregnant she knows that the choice of diet is hers. The professional who follows this pregnant woman, of course he may refuse to take care of a pregnant woman if he does not accept the diet she has chosen to follow.

But no professional has the right to discourage this diet if we have all the elements to lead a vegan pregnancy easily. There is no need at all for a vegan pregnant woman to be evaluated more frequently on account of pregnancy.

HOST: Supreme Master Ching Hai has also spoken about the advantages of a vegan diet for pregnant women, as in this May 2009 videoconference in Togo.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: The benefits of a vegan diet are evident even before the child is born. Studies in both the United States and the United Kingdom found that expectant mothers who were vegan basically have no morning sickness. This is because their bodies did not have to protect itself from the toxic effect of substances such as meat, which researchers discovered is one of the causes for morning sickness, as the body is trying to ward off their harmful effects.

HOST: Thank you Marina Barone, Astrid Pfeiffer, and Dr. Eric Slywitch for sharing your insights on wholesome, plant-based eating during pregnancy. May all mothers and children around the world enjoy happy vegan living.

For more information on today's experts, please visit the following websites: Marina Barone www.Baronesante.com Dr. Eric Slywitch and Astrid Pfeiffer www.alimentacaosemcarne.com.br

  Basic Dog Care 
 Mother Birds:Caring in Their Own Ways 


Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

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