Behind Blood-Stained Slaughterhouse Walls   
Part 1 Play with windows media ( 37 MB )
Part 2 Play with windows media ( 35 MB )

The images in the following program are highly sensitive and may be as disturbing to viewers as they were to us. However, we have to show the truth about cruelty to animals, praying that you will help to stop it.

It was a three story building and there were other buildings spread around it, (it is an) enormous, big property. I worked on what they called the “mutton chain,” where they killed and butchered sheep.

This is the Stop Animal Cruelty series on Supreme Master Television. On today’s program, the first in a two-part series, we’ll hear from former slaughterhouse worker-turned animal rights advocate Carl Scott of New Zealand about the unimaginable, sickening cruelty that occurs behind the bloody walls of abattoirs.

For most of his life Mr. Scott had a connection of some sort to the livestock industry, but became a vegan in his 30’s and began valiantly speaking up for voiceless farm animals. In April 2011 he made media headlines after locking himself in a cage for 31 days to raise awareness of the unconscionable abuse of egg-laying hens in factory farms and to experience firsthand the appallingly cramped conditions that chickens around the world endure daily. Let’s now hear from Mr. Scott about his background.

I was born and grew up in a small, rural town in South Canterbury (New Zealand). Waimate is the name of the town, and I went to primary school there and high school. But being a rural town, the main industry was agriculture, predominantly animal agriculture. It was mainly sheep when I was young, but there were also cattle and pigs and other things.

Carl Scott’s father was a slaughterhouse worker, and at the age of 10, young Carl got his first job in a factory farm cleaning chicken eggs. Then at age 12, through pressure from a friend and to make extra money, he began trapping possums with cruel, barbaric leg-hold traps, commonly used to catch foxes, minks and raccoons.

You’d set the traps, then you’d come back the next morning. Yes, you’d see the possum fighting to get out. His leg would be trapped. He would be trying to get away and he couldn’t, and you’d have to try and hit him on the head; it was a horrible business. I still remember the first one because I thought, “I so don’t want to do this,” but I had to, and did it, and after that I think it kind of got easy. After you’d done it a few times you sort of switch off that part of your brain that says, “I don’t like this.”

And I remember one, about the second or third to last ones, because I thought I’d killed him. I took him out of the trap and just left him there, because if you take the skin off while he’s alive, all the fur falls out. You let him go cold for 24-hours before you skin him.

So I left him overnight and we came back the next day and he was still alive with his head half smashed in. It was hideous. And that really put me off, and not long after that I told my friend, “I just don’t want to do this anymore,” and I never really got involved much with hunting.

After finishing high school and experiencing a long period of unemployment, Mr. Scott finally found work in a sheep slaughterhouse. The slaughterhouse is one of the most dangerous workplaces on Earth, with serious accidents being commonplace.

In one such case in July 2011, a 26-year old man named Michael Raper from southwestern Oklahoma, USA was tragically killed as he fell into a meat grinder at a sausage factory. He was still fully conscious when his legs were macerated by the powerful grinding metal jaws of the machine. It took emergency services two hours to free him from the grip of the machine as he was rushed to hospital but sadly died the following day leaving behind four children and his soon-to-be wife.

Many people falsely believe that lambs and sheep are humanely treated prior to slaughter because they aren’t factory farmed. But this is a myth. Before being murdered, lambs undergo a number of horrific procedures. At only a few days of age male lambs have a plastic ring put on the reproductive organs. The ring cuts off the blood circulation to the point that the organs shrivel and fall off after a while. The lamb experiences severe pain and suffering during this period and no painkillers or anesthesia are provided.

Having to undergo this savagely inhumane process causes shock in some lambs and they stop feeding from their mothers. They then die with the ewes unable to do anything to save them. The torture does not end there. Tender babies, both male and female, have tags stapled to their ears and undergo “tail docking.”

This heartless practice that is done to supposedly prevent parasitic infections has no scientific basis whatsoever. The tail is either barbarically sliced off or a plastic ring is used to cut off blood circulation and the tail eventually falls off.

Lambs may also be disbudded, meaning they are burned with an electric disbudding iron to prevent their horns from ever growing. The young ones struggle mightily to escape while their sensitive heads are seared with extremely high heat. Carl Scott witnessed countless horrendous atrocities committed on innocent animals at the abattoir, including torturous murder.

I went down on a couple of occasions to see what they call the “sticking pens.” The sheep came from the yards … they would come through a hole in the wall into the building. And I remember watching them come through the hole in the wall, and they would come in, a device would sort of clamp them around the head and neck, and they would get an electric shock and the theory was they would go unconscious.

You would see them, they would tense up, and then they would just go like that. And the animal would fall down. Occasionally, an electric shock wouldn’t work, the sheep was still conscious so the guy would have to flick the switch again. I saw on one or two occasions, bang! No – bang! No – bang! Okay, they are unconscious now. I saw that once or twice.

And I don’t know what the percentage is because I only ever went to the sticking pens on two or three occasions and I saw enough botched killings just on those two or three occasions. I don’t know what the actual statistical ratio would be. And I saw on a couple of occasions the sheep regained consciousness.

Now the terrible thing for this particular individual sheep is they would be grabbed, sent out through another trap door back out into the yards. They had to repeat the whole process again.

In his online article, “From Slaughterhouse Worker, to Vegan. A strange journey,” Mr. Scott elaborates on the extreme fright experienced by sheep in the “sticking pens”: “Sometimes the sheep would go running through the building. It must have been a nightmare for them. A few times a sheep came right up to the floor I was working on (about three stories up). Many of the people would laugh. Somehow I knew that that sheep was terrified, and I couldn't bring myself to laugh.”

The sheeps’ guts come past on this big conveyor full of stainless-steel trays with bits of dead sheep in it, and I had to sort them and process them and drop them down stainless-steel chutes. It was kind of gross and kind of ghastly but after two or three days you’d just sort of stop thinking about it. And you’re watching all these dead bodies go past, all these dead sheep, and it kind of feels sort of surreal for the first few days and then you just switch off.

Besides seeing the unbearable anguish endured by these highly sensitive, intelligent animals, Mr. Scott also began to notice issues related to the carcasses he was cutting up.

And the other thing I saw – after I went from the gut trays, on about my second or third season -- to trimming carcasses, the diseased and damaged bits. I realized some of these animals weren’t very healthy. I saw animals that had been fly-blown, there were maggots still crawling around, and it had obviously been a living animal only 20 minutes ago, and it had maggots crawling around its anus, eating its flesh.

In “From Slaughterhouse worker, to Vegan. A strange journey,” Mr. Scott also reveals a shocking truth about what some of us feed out beloved animal companions: “I later worked trimming the 'carcasses' (corpses). I spent a couple of days at the pet-food department, when someone was off sick. That was an eye opener. The smell was the worst thing. They just chucked all sorts of leftover crap that wasn't fit for human consumption into a huge vat, and cooked the hell out of it.”

Carl Scott eventually left the abattoir and went on to become a vegan. During the time he spent locked up in a cage to protest the insanity of battery cages, he came to an important realization regarding how to change our world for the better.

People kept saying what I was doing in the cage… “Carl, you’re a hero, this is awesome,” and I kept trying to say to people, “You don’t need to do something grand and big and crazy to make a difference in the world. It’s all about drops in a bucket.”

If every person does their little bit, that bucket will fill up and eventually it will overflow, and I see the bucket as the world building good. Every drop we add, we’re adding goodness till it overflows, that’s where we have achieved utopia. (It) might not happen in my lifetime but that’s the goal, fill the bucket.

Every word we say, every act we do, interaction with another person, with an animal, with nature, every product we buy, everything we do makes the world slightly better or slightly worse, sometimes much better or much worse. It’s this cumulative effect.

It’s not if we just get that one guy who’s ruining the world and stop him, we’ll all be right, it’s not. There are a lot of people doing a lot of little bits of damage. And to extend the analogy, I think there are a lot of people taking drops out of the bucket. We need to stop people (from) taking them out, and we need to be putting them in. The bucket is nearly empty.

So what’s the best way we all can “fill the bucket”? The answer is the organic vegan diet. By adopting this compassionate, healthy lifestyle, we all can end the suffering of the 56-billion land animals killed each year for meat as well as that of countless marine beings, and also help prevent the immense environmental damage caused by the livestock industry including land degradation, deforestation, pollution, biodiversity loss and climate change.

Humanity will become healthier and cases of hypertension, cancer and diabetes will become rare. If everyone chooses to adopt the plant-based diet, we can fill the bucket and create a heaven right here on Earth. We salute you Carl Scott for your exemplary, brave efforts to stop animal cruelty. You are a true vegan hero and are to be applauded for your determination to change our world.

For more details on Carl Scott, please visit
Search: person in a cage Read “From Slaughterhouse Worker, to Vegan. A strange journey.” at

Thank you for your presence today on our program. Please join us again next Tuesday on Stop Animal Cruelty for the second and final part of our interview with the courageous, benevolent Mr. Scott. May all life on Earth enjoy everlasting respect and protection.
The images in the following program are highly sensitive and may be as disturbing to viewers as they were to us. However, we have to show the truth about cruelty to animals, praying that you will help to stop it.

Concerned viewers, this is the Stop Animal Cruelty series on Supreme Master Television. On today’s program we’ll conclude our interview with former slaughterhouse worker-turned animal rights advocate Carl Scott of New Zealand.

For most of his life Mr. Scott had a connection of some sort to the livestock industry, but became a vegan in his 30’s and began valiantly speaking up for voiceless farm animals. In April 2011 he made media headlines after locking himself in a cage for 31 days to raise awareness of the unconscionable abuse of egg-laying hens in factory farms and to experience firsthand the appallingly cramped conditions that chickens around the world endure daily. We asked Carl Scott what gave him the idea to simulate the life of a factory farmed hen.

I had been conscious, well and truly before I was a vegan, that the biggest battery farm in New Zealand is about 20 minutes up the road that way, and it was like a thorn in my side. It was like, it shouldn’t be there, but nothing’s being done about it. I got to the point where, once I became a vegan, that I wanted everyone to stop hurting the animals. And I read a thing on Facebook actually, it was called “Anonymous Memoir of a Battery Cage Chicken.” And it really did my head in.

I was outraged, I was upset. It was written as though a hen had written it, describing her life. And I got thinking, how do you stop it? I believe this was an answer given to me by the universe, it just popped into my head out of nowhere. It really felt like, “Where did that come from?” It said, “Put yourself in the cage.”

And just immediately I thought, “Woah, that’s really profound – on a number of levels, it’s symbolic, it’s like (Mahatma) Gandhi, the willingness to suffer on behalf of others.” People would immediately get the symbolism – How would I like to be in a cage? Well, how would the chickens like it? It would be visual, it’s out there.

All aspects of life for battery-caged chickens are beyond unbearable. At the tender age of 18 weeks, hens are imprisoned in cages that may measure as small as 45 centimeters by 50 centimeters, slightly bigger than an average microwave oven, with five birds crammed into a single cage, and depending on the size and design, even as many as 11. The cages are so overcrowded that the birds will never, for the rest of their tormented lives, be able to spread their wings, which measure on average 81 centimeters from tip to tip.

In addition, the cages are stacked on top of one another to fit as many birds into a shed as possible, meaning that the feces and urine from the higher cages fall onto the chickens below, causing extremely sordid, disgusting conditions and high levels of ammonia, which leads to terrible eye and upper-respiratory-tract infections that are never treated. Anywhere from a staggering 20,000 to 125,000 hens may live in a single shed.

As they are deprived of the ability to peck or scratch the ground, the birds may start to peck one another. To prevent this, battery hens are typically de-beaked as chicks in a severely painful procedure that uses a red hot blade to slice off the tip of the beak, which contains highly sensitive tissue. Chicks are first de-beaked at one day old and then again at seven weeks, as the beak often grows back, all without the use of anesthesia or painkillers.

Light conditions and food are viciously manipulated to get the hens to lay more eggs, and a single hen is forced to produce anywhere from 250 to 290 eggs a year; whereas their counterparts who live free normally lay only 12 to 24 eggs. The unnatural conditions of battery cages cause enormous discomfort and various diseases to the reproductive systems of young hens. Being deprived of movement the birds often experience bits of egg clogging their oviducts, leading to inflammation and ultimately, paralysis.

Also, oversized eggs are often formed that cannot be laid, causing the uterus to collapse or become displaced, as the birds are forced to expel these eggs on a daily basis. This is the terrible fate of battery hens. What was it like to spend such a long time in a cage? Mr. Scott now tells us of his experience of living life like a battery hen.

We had a few frosts and there were some cold days, but I coped okay. The last few days, I was getting stiff, sore knees and ankles. If I had done two months, I would have been in pain, three months I would have been in a lot of pain, and that was enough to make me understand what life might be like for a chicken. And also, one thing that really struck me was I had to get out one day and empty my toilet bucket, nobody had come, the bucket was full, I had to get out myself and do it.

And I went round the back of the tent, and I had seen the area round there before but it had been over a week since I’d been there and it was delightful to have a different change of scenery. And that really surprised me and it made me realize how much we crave and love novelty, variety, and stimulation. I had a laptop, people visiting me, all this media, and I still enjoyed that view.

The chickens have nothing except themselves, the cold steel cage, each other, that’s it, that’s their life and it must be insane, it must literally drive them insane, just that boredom. All animals, they love that novelty, variety, and stimulation. Yes, that’s one thing that really came out of it for me.

During his time as a slaughterhouse employee, Carl Scott worked various jobs mostly related to the slaying of sheep and thus saw the many atrocities committed against our innocent, sensitive animal co-inhabitants. On one occasion he worked in the killing line for cows. The abuse of cows raised for meat is truly horrendous. The helpless animals are branded repeatedly with a searing, hot iron, which inflicts third-degree burns.

In addition, the males are castrated and de-horned, and without painkillers. The cows live jammed together in feedlots, walking around knee-deep in their own waste, and are fed a mixture of corn and fillers, including discarded animal parts, excrement and even sawdust. This diet and the absolutely wretched living conditions often leads to illness but the animals are pumped full of medicine and antibiotics to keep them alive until they are big and of a sufficient weight to be sent to the slaughterhouse to suffer the same fate as dairy cows.

The subsequent transport and killing of the animals is equally harrowing and heart-wrenching. The cows are prodded with electric rods and forced onto trucks, only to endure a long, stressful journey to the abattoir without food, water or protection from the elements.

This experience is extremely frightening for the animals, many of whom are so weak they don’t survive the trip, or suffer broken legs or spines. Cows that can’t walk off the truck are dragged out with chains and left to die, distressed and writhing in agony. The bovines are then led into the house of death.

Another thing that I saw was the beef house where they killed the cows. Now that’s one thing that really stuck in my mind that surprised me was I went down there to work, somebody was off sick and they needed somebody so I went down, filled in for the day, was watching them kill the cows. They would come through the wall – most of the sheep would come through sort of bewildered and confused.

Some of them were obviously scared, but they were more, sort of, “What’s happening, where am I?” The cows were much the same, “What’s happening, where am I,” but they really looked scared. It’s like they knew this was bad and they didn’t want to be there. Not many of the cows looked like, “Oh, this is interesting.” They looked like, “I don’t want to be here.”

And they were killed with a captive bolt gun; it wasn’t electricity. It was like a thing was held up to their forehead … and that was supposed to render them unconscious. I saw on a couple of occasions when it didn’t work, but one in particular has always stuck with me. The guy put a shot and it didn’t work, and the cow was bellowing and throwing her head round like that. She was obviously fully conscious and very distressed as you would be.

And the guy was frantically … his hands were shaking… trying to re-load his gun, and get her down…and he couldn’t get the gun, and finally he got the shot in and the cow went down, and he was…(panting)… and he looked around, and he saw me looking at him , and he looked really guilty. And I just sort of thought a guy who did this for a living would just sort of get used to it and be immune to it. But he did not enjoy what he was doing.

In the final heinous step, the cow is chained at a hind leg, hoisted upside down onto a moving belt and bled to death after the carotid arteries in her neck are slit. Today Carl Scott is vegan. What made him adopt the compassionate, plant-based diet?

I had a dream. It was a very profound dream. It was like I was talking to Jesus or the Buddha or some holy figure. And I don’t remember what the conversation was but just before I woke up, I looked at him and I said, “I’m going to become vegan” and I burst into tears. And this feeling came over me, this is in the dream still, this just feels so right. And then I woke up – woah!

And it was like I just knew, “Oh, that’s my answer. And I so didn’t expect that! I thought the universe would tell me – write a book, go traveling, whatever. I did not expect “Go vegan,” but that was my answer.

If the entire world no longer consumes animal foods and does not purchase animal-based products such as leather clothing and shoes, the livestock industry’s ruthless cycle of raising and slaughtering our animal friends will end forever. Mr. Carl Scott we laud your loving, noble efforts to protect the sensitive, intelligent animals and may all who hear your profound story become vegan.

For more details on Carl Scott, please visit
Search: person in a cage Read Carl Scott’s story “From Slaughterhouse Worker, to Vegan. A strange journey.” at

Thank you for your presence today on Stop Animal Cruelty. We sincerely pray that all humanity soon adopts the life-preserving, animal-friendly, organic vegan diet.

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