2008 Kritiska Ögonblick att Rädda Jorden: Vad kan jag göra? Seminarium - Del 1 Juni 29, 2008 - Formosa (På kinesiska & engelska)    Del 1
Del 1 Play with windows media Ladda ner
( 63 MB )
Del 2 Play with windows media Ladda ner
( 113 MB )
Del 3 Play with windows media Ladda ner
( 87 MB )
Del 4 Play with windows media Ladda ner
( 107 MB )
Del 5 Play with windows media Ladda ner
( 90 MB )
Del 6 Play with windows media Ladda ner
( 94 MB )

Liknande Länk
Internationell Konferens om Klimatförändringarna – Del 1 West Hollywood, CA, USA Juli 26, 2008-07
Play with flash player Play with windows media
Develop our Latent Power - Part 1 April 20, 1989 Taichung, Formosa(In Chinese)
Play with flash player Play with windows media
trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/sos_video_se/30