Relief news update from China - 16 Mar 2010  
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Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from China.
Throughout January, a flurry of the worst snowstorms to occur in decades paralyzed northwestern China and shrouded the region in freezing conditions.

Over 1.4 million people were been affected, including at least five who perished, more than 1,000 who became ill or injured, and hundreds of thousands who had to be evacuated.

In the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, which was worst-hit, more than 100,000 homes were damaged or destroyed in, while Inner Mongolia was also affected.

Upon knowing of the life-threatening conditions in the Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regions in early January, Supreme Master Ching Hai had conveyed her heartfelt condolences and prayers, requesting that our local Association members please go assist those in need.

She also donated US$15,000 in emergency aid, an amount that could acquire US$107,000 in relief supplies if obtained in the United States, based on China’s cost of living.

After checking the affected areas, our native Association members found that urgent help was only needed in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Covering their own travel and related expenses of US$1,600, they went as soon as conditions permitted to the most desperate areas in northwestern Xinjiang.

Residents of the remote region, located deep in the mountains bordering Kazakhstan were already suffering from less fortunate circumstances that had been worsened by the snow and resulting property loss.

The relief team prepared supply packages including grain, cooking oil, coal and cash assistance. When the local government heard of the aid from Supreme Master Ching Hai, they offered their full support and sent out word for the storm victims to come to the government office and receive the relief goods.

Accompanied by government officials, our Association members then went to visit several families who had suffered the worst conditions to deliver material aid.

Although they could not understand one another’s languages, our relief team members reported that they felt connected through the smiles on the recipients’ faces, which echoed pure gratitude.

Meanwhile, other local volunteers also joined our Association members in their relief efforts, saying they were touched by Master’s compassion as they even contributed their own personal funds to help the victims.

We extend our sincere appreciation to the Chinese government leaders and personnel as well as all the willing volunteers for your caring assistance.

Our thankfulness also goes to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her unconditional support for those in need, as well as to our Association’s relief team for their earnest endeavors.

Wishing the Chinese people Heaven’s protection for a smooth return to regularity and that such disturbing events subside through humanity’s striving for more caring stewardship of our Earth.