Relief News Update from Peru - 01 Oct 2010  
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Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from Peru. Uncharacteristically cold weather beginning in August affected nearly half the country, claiming the lives of at least 250 children under age five, while afflicting other vulnerable groups such as the elderly and expectant mothers.

(In Spanish)
Joseph L. Sucari Torres – Mayor of Asillo District Municipality, Puno, Peru (M): These low temperatures have reached about 10 degrees below zero, sometimes up to 15 degrees below zero. Those low temperatures have brought serious consequences in children, the elderly.

Cold victim (F): Our children here, it’s so cold, sometimes they die from pneumonia.

VOICE: Sending her love and prayers, Supreme Master Ching Hai donated US$20,000, asking that our nearby Association members please go help those most in need. This amount could obtain US$108,000 in items purchased in the United States, based on Peru's cost of living. Our Peruvian Association members covered their own travel expenses of about US$350 as they went to the remote mountain communities severely affected by the cold and without easy access to healthcare.

Peruvian Correspondent (F): We are in the Asillo district, Puno, Peru, at 4,200 meters above sea level, a place affected by low temperatures. At this time our rescue team is delivering the aid sent by Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Relief recipient (F): We lack infrastructure, lack a lot of support, and this is a show of solidarity of Sister Supreme Master Ching Hai. Many thanks and a thousand blessings to you.

Relief recipient (F): On this occasion, we have the support of Supreme Mother Ching Hai and her Association. It is the first time, in the year, that we get such support.

VOICE: Expectant mothers, children and the elderly received warm blankets, jackets, pants and warm undergarments, given to a total of 2,433 people throughout 42 communities.

(In Quechua and Spanish)
Elderly relief recipient (M): For what you have brought, God will help you, brethren. Thank you Master for what you sent.

Relief recipient (F): Supreme Master Ching Hai, thank you for giving us this gift to this community that is so desolate, so far from everything, Umachiri District, which has always been forgotten.

Mayor Joseph L. Sucari Torres (M): On behalf of the people of Asillo and the local authority, I want to thank the Supreme Master for this aid for the children.

Correspondent (F): This is Supreme Master Television reporting from the District of Asillo, Puno, Peru.

VOICE: We are thankful for Supreme Master Ching Hai’s loving support to the Peruvian people and appreciate the diligent efforts of our Association’s relief team. May warmth and comfort find their way to all those in need as such extreme weather conditions are alleviated through humanity’s adoption of more considerate lifestyles.

Children: Thank you, Master Ching Hai!