Dairy cows suffering from milk economics. - 14 Nov 2009  
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In the report, “Opinion on the Welfare of the Dairy Cow,” the Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC) of the United Kingdom said the health of dairy cows has been negatively affected due to practices related to lower prices of milk. The FAWC stated, “Certainly, the low profitability of dairy farming has compromised investment and maintenance on many farms which, in turn, may have hindered progress in reducing the incidence of lameness, mastitis and metabolic diseases.” The report went on to conclude that the cows’ welfare had not improved in the past decade.

Our thanks, Farm Animal Welfare Council for this important factual information just a few of the many harmful consequences of milk production on our gentle cow friends. May global citizens choose the compassionate vegan diet to safeguard our Earth and loving animal co-inhabitants.

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