STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY Mercy For Animals’ Investigations: Deadly Factory Farms - P1/2   
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The images in the following program are very sensitive and may be as disturbing to viewers as they were to us. However, we have to show the truth about cruelty to animals.

HOST: Today on Stop Animal Cruelty, we bring you undercover footage taken by Mercy For Animals that exposes the absolutely horrific conditions hidden behind the walls of factory farms.

Mercy For Animals is a US-based non-profit animal advocacy organization that was founded in 1999 by Mr. Nathan Runkle. Since then, the group has grown tremendously and now has over 35,000 members and supporters.

As one of the leading organizations of its kind in the United States, Mercy For Animals focuses on research, undercover investigations, rescue missions, and community outreach and advertising campaigns to raise public awareness of animal suffering and the need to immediately end it.

The first Mercy For Animals video we will present excerpts from is entitled 『Hatchery Horrors.』 Some may not associate egg production with violence, abuse and killing, but that is the reality of this unconscionable industry.

Hatchery Horrors

Narrator (m): The footage you are about to see was recorded with a hidden camera at the world’s largest hatchery for egg-laying breed chicks.

For two weeks our Mercy For Animals investigator covertly documented the systematic cruelty chicks at this hatchery are subjected to. These workers called 『sexers,』 roughly separate the male chicks from the females. These male chicks are worthless to the industry, because they will not lay eggs and will not grow large or fast enough to be raised profitably for meat.

These male chicks are killed by being dropped into a grinding machine while still alive. Such killing methods are standard within the industry. Nearly 150,000 male chicks meet their deaths this way each day at the facility.

This machine uses a laser to remove part of the chicks’ beaks. Chicks are placed head first into this rotating machine. Birds’ beaks are filled with nerve endings; this procedure can cause both acute and chronic pain.
This industrial machine separates newly hatched chicks from their egg shells. Chicks are roughly dumped onto moving conveyer belts, which haul them off to be sorted, de-beaked, and for the males, killed.

Many chicks are injured and killed by the sorting machine. This chick fell through the sorting machine, and was left to die in a heap of egg shells on the factory floor. Still alive, this chick fell through the sorting machine, and was sent through a scalding wash cycle.

For more details on investigations by Mercy For Animals,
please visit
Information on the vegan diet is available at

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