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Lok Virsa: A Treasure House of Pakistan's Coloful Cultures (In Urdu)   

HOST (In Urdu):
Pakistan, meaning 『pure land,』 is a country
blessed with various cultures and ethnic groups. Many of her cultural practices can be traced to the glorious times of past eras. Today, please join us as we explore the diverse yet harmonious cultural heritage of Pakistan by visiting the Lok Virsa National Institute of Folk & Traditional Heritage.

Awan (m): 
Being on the holiday, I am here to see the Lok Virsa Museum. I brought my son, six-year-old son.  It’s very important for the kids to see this very nice museum. And the whole culture of Pakistan is here. It’s very, very attractive for the foreigners and the locals as well. So I would like to recommend all people from all over the world to come here and see.

Located near Shakarparian Hills in Islamabad,Lok Virsa Museum is regarded as the finest
cultural museum in Pakistan. The museum’s main mission is to revive the precious cultural traditions of Pakistan and to introduce the nation’s living folk arts to the younger generations.

Khalid (m): 
Lok Virsa is a national institute of folk and traditional heritage which is responsible for collection,documentation,preservation and dissemination of folk and traditional heritage.  Since 1974,we are trying to preserve Pakistan's folk heritage in all respects.

We have divided the displays in four different categories.
One category is a diorama. The second category is the artisans at work. The third category is the exhibition of crafts. The fourth category is the intangible heritage,showing intangible heritage and Sufis’ influence.

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