Gyllene kikärt och linspaté med stekt pepparsås och dip (på engelska)      
For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available
Roast Capsicum Sauce/Dip
3–4 red capsicums
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon sweet chili sauce
120 grams vegan butter, melted
1–2 tablespoons fresh Italian parsley, finely chopped
* Sauce complements
Chickpea Lentil Patties
* Dip served with toast, crackers, etc.

Chickpea and Lentil Patties (makes 10 patties)
1 can chickpea (or soaked dried chickpeas)
1 can lentils (or soaked dried chickpeas)
1 medium carrot, grated
2 tablespoons fresh Italian parsley, finely chopped
2 tablespoons cornflake crumbs (or breadcrumbs or oats, etc.)
2 tablespoons fruit chutney
Olive oil for frying
* Meal served with potatoes and salad

Roast Capsicum Sauce
  1. Cut in half the red capsicum, deseeded them, and then cut them in half again and laid them on the tray and put them in oven to roast, but inside down. Put in a hot oven for about half an hour on 240oC
  2. After half a hour, take out the capsicum from the oven, and then put it into a freezer bag or plastic bag. Seal it up and that will sweat the capsicum. And then the skin just peels off.
  3. Slice the capsicum very roughly and pop it into the food processor.
  4. Add 2 tablespoonfuls of balsamic vinegar and 1 tablespoonful of sweet chili sauce.
  5. Turn on the food processor and blend them all until smooth enough. It’s fine to have some little lumps.
  6. Add in about 120 grams of melted vegan margarine or vegan butter. Switch it on again, and drizzle it slowly.
  7. Pour in the sauce into a saucepan or frying pan, cook it very, very gently for about quarter of an hour. Don’t boil it, just very gentle simmer, to bring out the flavors.
  8. Before pour it out, add 2 tablespoonful of fresh chopped parsley.
  9. The Roast Capsicum Sauce and Dip is ready.
Chickpea Lentil Patties
  1. Soak the dried chickpeas and dried brown lentils overnight.
  2. Rinse out the water the following day, and then cook them. Before, mash the chickpeas up a little bit with a good old fashion potato masher. No need to mash the lentils.
  3. Mix them together, and then add 1 medium grated carrot. Mix well
  4. Add in 2 tablespoonsfuls of breadcrumbs or cereal crumbs or cornflake crumbs. Make sure the crumb is really dry.
  5. Add 2 tablespoonfuls of fresh chopped parsley and 2 tablespoonfuls of chutney. Mix them with hands.
  6. Take some amount of patties dough, depending on the size of the patties, squish them around, form them into a ball, and then flatten them down a little bit.
  7. Put them on a plate and put these in the fridge for about 10 minutes, just to settle down a little bit before cooking them.
  8. After 10 minutes, put some olive oil in a pan, heat it and put in the patties and fry them until nice and golden brown on both sides.
  9. Take them out from the pan, drain the oil, put them on a plate. Put the capsicum sauce, and add some cooked potatoes and salad.
  10. Ready to be served.

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