UK Council's green advice to staff: Go vegetarian ,Arctic Ocean could be ice-free in summer as early as 2010 -News 19 Mar 2008  
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UK Council's green advice to staff: Go vegetarian

UK Council advises employees to go vegetarian to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Camden Council in London is reviewing a proposal to serve only vegetarian dishes to employees. The idea, which will be voted on in May, is based on a United Nations’ report which states that the livestock industry emits more greenhouse gasses than emissions from all transportation combined. Camden's "eco champion" Alexis Rowell stated: “At some point we have to get to grips with the Western diet, which contains so much meat and dairy and is part of the carbon problem and the obesity problem.” In a recent retreat in February 2008 with our Association members in Austria, Supreme Master Ching Hai had urged for a vegetarian diet to save the planet:

Excerpt from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lecture February 28, 2008 – Austria

All the evidence points out that meat is also poisonous. Alcohol is bad. Just ban them outright. We have to ban meat, okay? We’re banning it now by showing people how to eat, to cook vegetarian, okay? This is really for survival.

*** I hope the governments really put their thumb into it. That’s all I hope for, and the medias every day. Just no meat anymore and then we’re saved. Truly! Very simple. Just use a meatless diet, an animal-less diet. Sustainable energy, limitless sun or wave power. And plant trees.

With deep gratitude and praises, Camden Council, we thank you for taking this bold move to go vegetarian to save our planet and the health of your citizens! We pray for the successful passage of your proposal and that all governments may adopt such similar health and Earth-friendly initiatives.

Arctic Ocean could be ice-free in summer as early as 2010

Canadian scientist states Arctic Ocean may have no more ice in summer by 2010. Dr. Louis Fortier, the scientific director of the Canadian research network ArcticNet, stated: “The frightening models we didn't even dare to talk about before are now proving to be true.” Dr. Fortier emphasized that the 2007 melt of 90,000 square meters of sea ice had previously been forecast to melt in 15 or 20 years. By his current estimates, the ice would be completely gone during the summer somewhere between 2010 and 2015. He added: “And it's probably going to happen even faster than that.” We are very grateful for your research, Dr. Fortier, and pray that all people immediately adopt practices such as eating a vegetarian diet, planting trees and switching to renewable sources of energy. These simple steps can save our planet while there is still time to do so.

Meat Out Canada

International support for Meatout Day. To mark the arrival of spring, the world’s largest ever annual Meatout campaign begins on March 20. In light of the recent USDA recall of 143 million pounds of beef – the largest of its kind in history – thousands of concerned citizens around the world are hosting informative and educational events and encouraging their friends and neighbors to switch to a vegetarian diet for human health as well as the planet’s.

Casey Kasem Renowned radio personality & Founder of American Top 40 franchise Hall of Fame Inductee & Vegetarian Casey Kasem, internationally renowned for his work in the entertainment industry as radio disc jockey and host of the popular American Top 40 franchise, is a dedicated vegetarian and celebrity sponsor of Meatout Day. Supreme Master Television had an opportunity to speak with Mr. Kasem by phone, as he shared his thoughts on vegetarianism.

Kasey : Hi Supreme Master Television viewers! This is Casey Kasem. A UN report states that animal agriculture is responsible for a huge amount of green house gas emissions, more than those created by all transportation combined in the world. You can make a difference! Be green and go vegetarian this Thursday, March 20th for this year’s annual Meatout Day.

We sincerely thank you, Mr. Casey Kasem, for your compassionate example and voice of encouragement. Your gentle nature truly puts you at the top of our charts! May this Spring offer a renewal of hope and life for our animal friends and our Earth as we move to a more sustainable and loving vegetarian diet. 
Lynden Man Transforms His Home's Landscape With Native Plants

Habitat restoration takes root in the USA. The Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program is a voluntary initiative whereby homeowners work to bring the surrounding land back to its natural state. One participant, Professor Fred Tabor of Bellingham, Washington has replaced weeds and non-native species on his land with indigenous vegetation. As a result, wildlife is returning to the area. Professor Tabor said, "We have an obligation to take care of the planet. It's not so much a passion as an ethical commitment to the future of the planet and the things that live on it." Conservation Reserve, Professor Tabor and all other program participants, we applaud your efforts to return the ecological balance in your area. Mother Nature says thank you, and so do we, for your responsible care of her inhabitants.
Tree-planting ceremony at schools

Bahrain’s schools participate in tree planting. As part of a larger environmental initiative, tree planting ceremonies were held at several schools in Riffa Views, Bahrain. Riffa Views chief executive officer Richard Browning said, “This …is not only about planting a tree to raise environmental awareness, it's also about civic engagement and strengthening young roots.” Hats off Riffa Views, for your loving gestures towards the planet and Bahrain’s youth. May Allah’s grace shine on the youth of your beautiful country to enhance a green future for all.
Bahrain battle for coastlines

Bahrain increases efforts to preserve her coastline. Bahrain’s Public Commission for the Protection of Marine Resources, Environment, and Wildlife is devising a plan to reverse the effects of climate change. A recent study found that 10 percent of Bahrain’s coast, and 70 square kilometers of inland areas could be protected from rising sea levels if immediate and effective action is taken now. The United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) supported the study and has pledged to contribute financially to the proposed conservation effort. A big thank you, Bahrain, for your commitment to maintaining and preserving the beauty of your land. UNEP, you have our appreciation and God bless for your caring assistance. Your collaborative efforts surely will see the reward of safeguarding the lives of the people of Bahrain.
SEA's first food recycling plant generates biogas, fertilizers

Singapore food recycling generates energy. Singapore’s National Environment Agency (NEA) and IUT Singapore have announced a partnership in opening Southeast Asia's first food waste recycling plant. Collected food scraps are brought to the plant, where the conversion to biogas begins. The biogas is used to run gas engines, which produce green energy. The recycled food plant also produces compost, a rich fertilizer for trees and flowers. Congratulations, Singapore, for this grand success in creating green energy from food waste. Heaven bless your peaceful nation for continuing to be at the forefront of the world’s efforts to save our Earth.
Global warming is a planetary emergency: Al Gore

Nobel Laureate and Former US Vice President Al Gore speaks out on climate change. In an interview with Indian journalists Raj Chengappa and Dinesh Sharma, Mr. Gore shared his thoughts on the dangers posed by climate change and the international response needed. Despite the apparent popularity of his own position on global warming, Mr. Gore stated, “As yet, there has been no real change in the underlying behavior and activities that create this planetary emergency, and it really is a planetary emergency. It is a crisis and we have to find ways to come to an agreement to reduce the carbon dioxide.” We respectfully salute you, Mr. Gore, for your continued and ongoing efforts to call attention to the urgent issue of global warming. May we unite as good stewards in taking the necessary steps to restore our Earth to her original life-sustaining state.

Gold Coast desal plant to go green

A new desalination plant helps Queensland go green. Queensland, Australia’s state government announced plans to offset all the carbon emissions generated by a new US$1.1 billion desalination plant being built on Australia’s Gold Coast. Queensland’s Premier Anna Bligh said supplying the plant’s power through 100% renewable energy sources would be a positive opportunity since Queensland is currently the country’s highest carbon emitter. A warm-hearted thank you, Your Excellency and Queensland, for showing such dedication to a sustainable future by investing in renewable energy. We wish your project the success of abundant clean water and green energy alike.
A new £4 million programme to help local authorities tackle climate change was announced

UK announces program to address climate change locally. Jointly funded by two government departments, over US$8 million is being provided to local communities to aid them in reducing their carbon footprint. Through the program, best practices will be shared and accountability measures implemented for determining the communities’ level of success in curbing and adapting to climate change. Environment Minister Phil Woolas stated, “Local authorities have a vital role to play in tackling climate change through local leadership and service delivery.” We extend our deep gratitude, United Kingdom, for your awareness and initiative in taking these important steps to stem climate change. God's blessings for all your efforts to achieve this noble goal.

Charlottes warned about global warming

Canada reports on the effects of global warming to island communities. Published by Natural Resources Canada, the report assesses the effects that climate change, rising sea levels, and erosion will have on the nation’s island economies and people. Mr. Graham Saul of Climate Action Network Canada stated, "Canada is paying the environmental and economic costs of climate change already, and unless the government acts immediately, the future impacts will be catastrophic.” Mr. Saul, and Natural Resources Canada, we thank you for increasing awareness of effects of planetary warming that are already taking place. We pray for the safety and protection of Canada’s and other island residents around the world.

Dolphin-helicopter shaped vehicle gets 230 mpg

Innovative 3-wheel vehicle to be launched in California. US-based Accelerated Composite has designed a 2-seat, 3-wheeled, dolphin-helicopter shaped vehicle that runs 230 miles per gallon of fuel. The vehicle, named Aptera, is categorized as a motorcycle and is on par with US and the European Union’s emissions criteria. Californians will be the first to have the opportunity to purchase the vehicle, which is expected to be available by the end of this year. Accelerate Composite, your truly innovative design with environmental sustainability in mind receives our earnest appreciation and applause! We look forward to seeing the Earth-friendly Aptera on the road soon.

Manufacturing CEOs Take to Airwaves to Support Cap on Global Warming Pollution

US top manufacturers launch campaign for national carbon emission cap. Sponsored by the Environmental Defense Action Fund, an unprecedented ad campaign featuring chief executive officers of top US industries is calling upon the United States Congress to pass carbon cap and trade laws. The ad states that such a measure would address climate change while creating jobs and stimulating the economy. Ad participant and South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce President Frank Knapp stated, “Small business entrepreneurs are ready to be turned loose on developing new energy technologies and conservation efforts. We're just waiting for the federal government to open the gate.” We laud your green efforts and progressive campaign, US businesses! Our gracious thanks also, Environmental Defense Action Fund, for your creative ingenuity and initiative. We pray the US Congress will take immediate action for the health of our planet and economy.
Women bring green revolution to Arab sector

Muslim, Druze, and Christian women provide eco-education for children. Ms. Aziza Muadi of Maghar, Israel organized a group of 17 local women to raise awareness of ecological issues. After they received training from the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI), they began teaching school children about water conservation, recycling, pollution, and ecology. Kudos to all women involved in this important Earth-friendly work. May your wisdom and care for Mother Nature foster love and respect in the future generation of Israel.