Loma Linda congress to focus on vegetarian diet's health, environmental benefits - News 8 Mar 2008  
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Loma Linda congress to focus on vegetarian diet's health, environmental benefits

Loma Linda University hosting world’s largest vegetarian nutrition conference. Over 600 scientists, doctors and nutrition experts will be in California, USA this week to hear about the latest scientific research on the health and environmental superiority of a vegetarian diet. Neal Barnard, M.D. stated “This is so important that the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which is the No. 1 nutrition medical journal in the world, dedicates an entire issue to this conference.” Loma Linda University, we laud your efforts in bringing together experts on the science of vegetarian diets. Our very best wishes for a successful event. Please tune in for upcoming shows on Supreme Master Television for coverage of this event to hear what researchers have to say about vegetarian nutrition and climate change. 

Methane from Arctic lakes  contribute to global warming

US professor says methane from Arctic lakes adds to global warming. In a talk presented at the University of California at Davis, Dr. Katey Walter, a professor of limnology and environmental research at the University of Alaska, stated that methane bubbling up from Arctic lakes is now being released into the atmosphere. This is due to melting of the lakes’ permafrost layers resulting from climate change. According to Dr. Walter, who has personally conducted Arctic lake research in areas such as Siberia, this phenomenon causes further global warming because methane “fuels its own production” by melting even more permafrost layers once released. Dr. Katey Walter, we offer our sincere gratitude for your diligent study that has yielded this urgent observation. May we all act now through small and larger measures to help preserve the delicate balance of our precious biosphere. 

Sweden aims for renewable sources for half its energy

Sweden to increase renewable energy use to 49%. In cooperation with a larger European Union plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Sweden announced a goal of deriving nearly half of the country’s energy from renewable sources by the year 2020. Maud Olofsson, Sweden’s Energy and Enterprise Minister, said, "Today Sweden has an almost fossil free energy system -- except for the transportation sector. Renewable energy makes up 40% of our energy consumption." Wonderful news, Sweden! Blessed be our world in turning similarly to more and more renewable energy sources, so that we may sustain our planetary home.

Bush commits to renewable energy for climate change, energy security

US President George W. Bush speaks at Renewable Energy Conference in Washington D.C. President Bush addressed delegates from over 120 countries at the Washington International Renewable Energy Conference on Wednesday. He emphasized the importance of developing new technologies to address global warming and said, “America has to change its habits. It has to get off oil.” Thank you, Mr. President, for your support of alternative and sustainable energy. We pray for the dedication of countries around the world in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and using more renewable fuel sources.

Chinese Automaker Introduces Electric Cars

China exhibits BYD green car at Geneva auto show. The newly developed F3DM model, manufactured by Chinese electric car company BYD, functions as a “dual mode” (DM) system. This means the car can switch between electric and hybrid modes. The company is expecting the new auto to be in production by the end of this year and will be made available to European markets soon thereafter. That sounds like a great way to move ahead to a greener planet, China. We look forward to seeing these sleek, clean and quiet vehicles cruising the roads of your nation and others.
Large-Scale Solar Panels Expected to Lower the Cost of Solar Power

Taiwan (Formosa) plans next generation solar power plant. Formosa is planning an innovative solar power plant to manufacture large-scale, thin film solar cells. It is slated to open in Taichung in 2008. The larger area covered by the panels makes this method of solar power generation more cost-effective than previous ones. With analysts saying that solar energy is the way of the future, annual growth rates of around 25% are expected. Hats off, Formosa, for leading the way to a bright future. May more countries encourage new solar technology such as this for clean and green energy supplies.
New Yorkers Worry About Global Warming Impacts, Survey Shows

New Yorkers recognize urgency of global warming. A survey of 1,000 residents of New York, USA conducted by Yale University and Columbia University’s Center for Research on Environmental Decisions, found that the majority were personally concerned about global warming. 82% believed climate change is at least partly caused by human activities. 69% believed parts of New York City would have to be abandoned due to rising waters, and even larger majorities said that climate change would cause more heat waves, storms and hurricanes, flooding and disease. Principal researcher Dr. Anthony Leiserowitz concluded that the people of America’s largest city take global warming seriously and “want their leaders to act.” We thank Columbia and Yale university researchers for shedding light on the public’s opinion about climate change. Through Heaven’s grace, may we work rapidly to save lives and secure a safe future on earthly home.

Chile's Congress approves renewable energy law

Chile’s legislature approves renewable energy project. In efforts to diversify energy supplies, on Wednesday, Chile’s Congress agreed unanimously to have renewable energy sources account for at least 10% of the country’s energy by the year 2024. Energy Minister Marcelo Tokman said it “was the only way to confront future energy risks and challenges.” We respectfully commend you, Chile, for transitioning towards a variety of clean energy sources. God bless your green endeavors with fast growth and success.
Shareholders file record number climate resolutions

Shareholders demand action on global warming. Investors in the US are asking companies to include their plan to deal with climate change as part of their general business framework. A record number of resolutions ask the companies to respond in areas such as greenhouse gas reduction and alternative energies. Much of the concern comes from a group of 60 eco-concerned businesses called Investor Network on Climate Risk, with total assets amounting to more than $5 trillion. Kudos, shareholders, for your diligence in making investments that offer our children and our planet a greener future. May there be many happy returns for a healthy, prosperous world for all.
Global warming poses deaf threat to tropical fish

Global warming endangers tropical fish. Scientists from the Australian Institute of Marine Science are conducting a study around Lizard Island on the Great Barrier Reef. High water temperatures and increasingly acidic water, which are both related to global warming, are causing tropical fish to be born with asymmetrical ear bones. This seems to affect their ability to find the origins of high or low frequency sounds, which is necessary for their survival to properly navigate around their coral reef habitat. Australian scientists, you have our sincere appreciation for bringing to light the effects that global warming is having on our beautiful tropical fish. May the Providence grace us to quickly learn how we can protect the abundant life in the magnificent coral reef ecosphere.
Global warming has village pondering move

Climate change causes Canadian village to consider moving. Mudslides and sinking buildings and roads, caused by global warming and melting permafrost, are causing the residents of Salluit of northern Quebec, Canada, to consider moving their entire town to safer grounds. Dr. Richard Fortier, a geologist with Laval University said, “A good part of the town is on ice-rich ground and it's very sensitive to global warming.” Local and provincial Canadian governments, our heartfelt thanks for your concern for your citizen’s safety. May God bless your endeavors to find quick and safe solutions for the people as we strive to create balance in our environment.

Organic T-shirt business takes baby steps to halt global warming

Organic tee-shirt business to help halt pollution and climate change. Brothers Christopher and Timothy Reagen have launched an organic cotton clothing business called Artifex T-shirts, making affordable tee-shirts that are environmentally friendly and avoid chemical pollution to our earth. For every tee-shirt sold, they also offset their carbon emissions by donating US$3 dollars to Native Energy, a wind generating company. What a refreshingly cool idea! Many thanks, Christopher and Timothy Reagen, for finding natural solutions to do your part in restoring our planet. May Heaven grace your sustainable endeavors with stellar success.

Race is on to fix global warming and make money

Renewable energies can be great investment opportunities. American economists say renewable energy is a booming business. State governments, schools, and businesses are all addressing climate change through new laws, education programs, and investments in new technology. Speaking on the profitability of exporting clean energies to progressing countries, General Electric Chairman Jeffrey Immelt said, “We are creating jobs. We are actually saving money by reducing our own carbon footprint.” We are so glad to hear that embracing a greener lifestyle may be a lasting trend thanks to innovative and optimistic minds. May Heaven guide us to quickly adopt these new Earth-saving ideas and technologies.