Southern Ocean rise due to warming, not ice melts - News 20 Feb 2008  
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Cars sold in Beijing to meet new emission standards

Beijing adopts Euro IV standard for new car sales. In an effort to host the greenest Olympics possible, Beijing has strengthened emissions standards for all new cars and heavy vehicles to reflect the Euro IV standard from Europe. The new rules, which go into effect next month, are expected to reduce air-borne pollutants by 330 tons. We tip our hats, Beijing and China, in appreciation for your noble efforts to clean your environment ahead of the Olympics! We pray that God’s grace will endow your efforts with complete success.

The Other Carbon: Reducing Black Carbon's Role in Global Warming

Reducing black carbon slows down global warming. Professor V. (Ram) Ramanathan of University of California in San Diego, stated that decreasing black carbon could slow global warming and is also beneficial for public health. Dr. Ramanathan said that removing black carbon, which is generated from burning biomass, is feasible with current technology. He is currently conducting a pilot project to create a smokeless village in India. Our sincere appreciation, Dr. Ramanathan, for your work which is indeed critical for the future of our planet. May your project be successful under the blessings of the Providence for the health benefit of all beings.

Small sea creatures may be the 'canaries in the coal mine' of climate change

Scientist calls attention to the ocean’s smallest creatures. At a press conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Dr. Gretchen Hofmann, associate professor of biology at the University of California, issued an alarm about the tiny marine snails she has been studying in the Antarctic, called pterepods. As atmospheric CO2 makes oceans become warmer and more acidic, conditions which threaten the snails’ survival. The health of these tiny creatures is directly related to that of fish and penguins. Dr. Hofmann said, “These animals … are talking to us just as much as penguins or polar bears. They are harbingers of change … If we lose these organisms, the impact on the food chain will be catastrophic.” We sincerely thank you, Dr. Hoffman for your research showing the interconnectedness of all beings. With Heaven’s grace may we work together to protect all beings from harm.
Southern Ocean rise due to warming, not ice melts

Rising Antarctic sea levels caused by warming oceans, not melting ice. Australian scientist Steve Rintoul, head of the 15 year Australian-French-US research program regarding changes in the Southern Ocean, said, “The biggest contribution so far has been from warming of the oceans through expansion.” A big thank you Mr. Rintoul and international scientists for your informative research. Blessed be your work in bringing greater understanding of the effects of climate change and the solutions needed to preserve our planet.

MIT expert: How to toughen up environmental treaties

US expert calls for stronger environment accountability. At the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, an environmental mediation expert called for tougher measures to enforce climate change agreements. Professor Lawrence Susskind said such a program, using incentives and financial penalties, for example, would help make treaties more effective. Thank you Professor Susskind for your professional advice. May all countries truly be responsible agents in the climate change solution.

Once reviled, wetlands awaken to preservation's touch

Delaware, USA is working to restore wetlands. Investors, conservation organizations and scientists have come together in an effort to restore the state’s wetlands. Ecosystem Investment Partners purchased 1,200 acres of deteriorated wetlands and raised $US43 million to fully restore them. The company also launched a wetlands mitigation bank, where land developers can purchase credits to replace wetland losses. Meanwhile, environmental organizations are lobbying to improve state laws on wetland conservation, and state scientists are researching how to revitalize the remaining wetlands. Great job, Delaware! May God bless your efforts with ecological harmony and restored habitat for the health and enjoyment of humans and wildlife alike.

California's burning ambition

California, USA to lead pro-environmental progress. In a recent address to the United Nations, US California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger affirmed his intention to make revolutionary advances in endeavors to save the environment. He stated, “The brightest scientists… and the smartest venture capitalists are racing to find new energy technologies and the solution to global warming.” God bless you, Governor Schwarzenegger, for your leadership in addressing global warming. May the world work together to quickly restore Mother Nature’s health and beauty.

Silicon Valley gets interested in solar power

Silicon Valley hopes to become “Solar Valley.” Scientists, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists in the US technological hub -- home to Intel, Apple, and Google--are now applying their computer chip expertise to solar panel technology. They are hopeful that Moore’s Law, named for Intel’s co-founder Gordon Moore and stating that improvements in computer chip functionality are accompanied by declining prices, will apply to solar power as well. Many thanks Silicon Valley for your unified effort to bring sustainable, green energy to the world! God bless you in your efforts!

UK farm chief urges science to fight global warming

United Kingdom’s farm leader supports science technology. In an annual conference, National Farm Union (NFU) President Peter Kendall urged Britain to help counteract climate change with new agricultural technology. Saying that food security is a worldwide concern, he called for more investment in research facilities to evaluate the impact of climate change as well as develop the agricultural potential of United Kingdom. NFU President Peter Kendall, we offer our gratitude, for your support of science development at this key point in time. May Heaven bless your nation with evermore abundant harvests and advancements for the betterment of all.

Md. universities become leaders in fight against global warming
Universities in Maryland, USA go green. Public universities in Maryland along with approximately 120,000 students, are helping lead the nation in sustainable living by reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions as well as constructing sustainable buildings and setting greener policies. A new vice chancellor of environmental sustainability is also in place to manage the state’s 11 campuses and two research institutions. Kudos, Maryland’s universities and students, for your proactive eco-friendly endeavors! May your commitment to the planet bring positive and fruitful prospects for your state and our world.

USA’s Colorado governor promotes “green” construction.

Governor Bill Ritter is committed to make the state a shining example of green technology for the nation and the world. The governor’s Energy Office is providing grants to 37 communities to encourage the construction of energy efficient homes. We respectfully commend you, Governor Ritter of Colorado, for your strong support of green building. May your endeavors bring prosperity to Colorado and a bright future to our planet.

O'Malley backs limits on pollution 

 American state governor proposes strong global warming pollution bill. Maryland state governor Martin O’Malley has proposed a bill with the goal of reducing industry greenhouse gases by 25% by the year 2020, and a rigorous 90% reduction by the year 2050. Senator Paul Pinsky said of Governor O’Malley’s proposal, “He understands the problem, and he understands that science backs it up, so I appreciate his efforts to push it through to become law.” Thank you, Governor O’Malley, for putting ‘saving the Earth’ as a top priority. May we all follow in your leading example of taking strong measures to protect our exquisite planet

Indonesia, Finland get together on global warming

Indonesia and Finland collaborate to curb global warming. In keeping with the recommendations of December’s Bali conference, Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and visiting Finnish President Tarja Halonen signed a bilateral agreement of cooperation on environmental issues President Halonen said: “The Bali Conference is a new step through which we can all work together in order to save our planet. I hope we can have more and more practical forms of cooperation in sustainable development in forestry.” Bravo, Finland and Indonesia for supporting each other in your committed endeavors for sustainable development. May the Providence bless all nations to take similarly immediate and effective measures to save our home planet.

Warren leaders say 'No' to global warming

American town unites to act on global warming. The town councilor and other citizens of Warren, Rhode Island have formed the Committee for Renewable Energy. They are calling for the state to reduce global warming pollution 20% below 1990 levels by the year 2020 and 80% by the year 2050. Committee Chair, Councilor Joseph DePasquale said, “We can no longer think that our resources are unlimited. …The worst effects of global warming could be avoided if the greenhouse effects are reduced. We’re calling on a bigger effort by everyone involved.” A big thank you, Councilor DePasquale and people of Warren, for taking action now. May all of Rhode Island join you in the essential mission of preserving our planet.

Winning the heated race against global warming
University of Vermont engineering students build hybrid race car. The Alternative Energy Racing Organization or (AERO) students have been working over the past months to construct an energy-efficient racecar. They are planning to enter the car, which costs about $30,000, in the Formula-Hybrid International Competition New Hampshire, USA in May. .Mr. Brian Leach, Vice-Chairperson of AERO said: “It is my hope, and the shared hope of my teammates, that our actions will lead by example and promote a forward way of thinking when it comes to energy consumption.” Alternative Energy Racing Organization, we wish you much fun and success at the racetrack. Best of luck in creating a winner with the greenest car!

Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine Film To Go Easy On New Zealand Environment

Film director adapts “green screen” project in New Zealand. Hugh Jackman’s latest movie, “X-Men Origin: Wolverine,” being filmed on location in Queenstown, New Zealand, has an environmental as well as a cinematic objective. A study is being conducted during filming to see where recycling can be maximized on movie sets so that waste is minimized. Queenstown’s District Council Waste Minimization Manager Stefan Bowry said, “A movie of this nature is a huge undertaking The potential for recycling is enormous.” Your thoughtful consideration of the environment is much appreciated, Queensland and X-Men production crew. May the pristine beauty of locations such as Queensland be preserved through your dedicated efforts for all to enjoy.