Global Warming Effects Could Kill 10,000 in the UK by 2012 - News 15 Feb 2008  
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Cold wave in India attributed to global warming

Climate change can also mean cold weather. Even though climate change is often associated with the phenomenon known as global warming, this process can also bring colder weather. At the Combat Global Warming conference in India, former Union Minister for Power and Environment Suresh Prabhu said that the cold wave that had swept through India recently could be attributed to global warming. Currently, northern Âu Lạc (Vietnam) is experiencing the longest cold spell on record, with below-freezing temperatures, according to a national weather center. Hong Kong is also in the midst of a 40 year record cold period. Our sincere thanks Mr. Prabhu and other scientists for your comprehensive observations of climate change effects across the globe.
 May these unusual weather patterns awaken us all to the need for unified efforts to return our Earth to harmony and stability.

Supreme Master Ching Hai had explained about this phenomenon during the teleconference on climate change with Supreme Master Television staff on January 20, 2008:

Excerpt from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Teleconference January 20, 2008 

" You see, the climate change doesn’t mean only hot, yeah. It means that the change of climate around the world. And a lot of frequent disasters. You know, a hot place become cold and a cold place become hot and then it become all kind of chaotic later on. And it’s a very, very suffering for the people later on. And many countries, many cities will be under the water, and all that stuff! Yeah and more storm, more typhoon. And a lot before it really end. MS: It doesn’t just end like ok, now it’s going to end and finito, it’s not like that."

"Yes it will be agonizing for a while, you understand me? And a lot of people will suffer and they would not even understand why. "

REFERENCE: Supreme Master Ching Hai on Climate Change Teleconference with Supreme Master Television January 20, 2008

Global Warming Effects Could Kill 10,000 in the UK by 2012

British Health Protection Agency says up to 10,000 people in the UK may perish from global warming by 2012. A report entitled “Heath Effects of Global Warming” estimates that if no change is made to reverse current trends, unseasonably hot summers could cause numerous deaths. One of the biggest concerns is the potential for a heat wave in the southwest of England. To address the threats, the government is requiring national medical institutions to draw up action plans to address the likely health challenges. Kudos United Kingdom for recognizing the immediate danger of global warming and taking actions to save lives! May God grace our planet with protection and further policies to reverse the effects of climate change.
West Virginia Alloys Will Recycle Energy To Power Silicon Plant

Silicon producer builds energy recycling system. West Virginia Alloys is a subsidiary of the Globe Metallurgical Corporation, the country’s largest silicon producer. It has signed an agreement with Recycled Energy Development to build an energy recycling system at its plant. The plan is to convert hot exhaust from silicon furnaces into more than 40 megawatts of electricity. This will supply about one-third of company’s power. Thank you West Virginia Alloys for investing in energy efficiency and striving to reduce greenhouse gas emissions! May your “energy-recycling” project be a great success.

Clear global strategy crucial in fighting climate change – Assembly President

United Nations urges immediate action on climate change. The UN General Assembly is calling on member states to quickly follow up on December’s Bali meeting at which nearly 190 nations agreed to adopt a plan to cut emissions. Srgjan Kerim, President of 62nd United Nation’s General Assembly, stated, “We need both targets and immediate practical actions that can help the most vulnerable adapt to climate change.” We deeply appreciate your call to action, Mr. Kerim and United Nations General Assembly. May member nations respond immediately with lifesaving actions.

BASF Carbon Balance for Climate Protection

BASF demonstrates climate protection. World leading chemical company BASF is also the first to present a comprehensive carbon balance sheet for its operation. An independent agency has confirmed that the carbon savings generated through BASF’s own practices as well as the sale of its energy-saving products is three times greater than the greenhouse gases emitted through the company’s overall operations. BASF currently spends €400 million each year on research in the areas of energy efficiency and renewable resources. Bravo and our sincere thanks, BASF, for your active commitment to protecting our planet. We wish you much future success as you continue to benefit the world with your environmentally conscious developments.
Las Vegas water source could run dry by 2021

Las Vegas water supply disappearing. A study by researchers at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in California, USA predicts that Lake Mead, the prime water source for the city of Las Vegas, is likely to go dry within 13 years. The lake, which is currently half full, serves 90% of the city’s water needs. Saying that the effect will be more far-reaching than Las Vegas only, Dr. Tim Barnett, the study’s co-author, stated, “This water problem is not a scientific abstraction, but rather one that will impact each and every one of us that live in the Southwest.” We appreciate it, Dr. Barnett and Scripps Institution researchers, for revealing this urgent truth to the public. May the Providence guide us in finding solutions to preserve our resources so that future generations can live in happiness, security, and prosperity.
Ireland looks at urban sustainability

Irish government takes action for urban sustainability and renewable energy. Ireland’s Minister of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, John Gormley, revealed a blueprint on developing sustainable communities. Meanwhile, the government is also providing incentives for offshore wind energy to encourage investment in this renewable power source. Our bountiful thanks, Ireland, for such active policies to make sustainable living a reality in the near future. May God bless your green actions with fruitful results.

Norway climate goals to rely on quotas-researchers

Norway to buy greenhouse gas quotas overseas to meet environmental goals. In order to meet its stringent carbon emissions reduction goals, Norway will purchase greenhouse gas quotas from other countries. Norway’s government has announced plans to decrease emissions to 9% below 1990 levels by 2012 and to be carbon-neutral by 2030. Norway, for your strategic plans for meet your emissions reduction goals and sustaining the environment are truly laudable. God bless your country and her people for being responsible, Earth loving citizens.

GE Sees 2008 Wind Revenue Approaching $6 Billion
General Electric (GE) projects record wind turbine revenues in 2008. GE Vice Chairman John Rice announced an anticipated US$6 billion in sales this year and said that the demand for wind turbines is so strong that GE has sold all of its projected inventory through the end of 2010. Mr. Rice stated, “The wind business continues to exceed our expectations.” Congratulations GE on the outstanding success of your enterprising wind turbine endeavors! And thank you for all the efforts you dedicate to creating high quality products that reduce global emissions!

Shipping emissions three times as much as estimated: report
Shipping emissions to be addressed. According to a draft United Nations study revealed Wednesday, merchant ships are responsible for up to three times as much carbon emissions as estimated previously, or 4.5 percent of total global carbon emissions. Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the United Nations Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change, urged that more attention be given to this industry in climate change discussions. Thank you for bringing attention to this important matter, Dr. Pachauri and United Nations. We hope to hear good news on cleaner greener shipping practices soon.

Viet Nam counteracts impacts of climate change
Âu Lạc (Vietnam) plans for climate change. The Aulacese government has adopted a plan to reduce the negative impacts of climate change. The plan includes renewable energy, energy saving, and forest protection programs. Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment Trần Thế Ngọc said that Âu Lạc could be one of the 5 countries most affected by climate change and called for international cooperation to address the problem. We respectfully praise Âu Lạc for taking positive measure to protect Mother Earth. May the international community be mobilized to enact similarly effective policies!

Australian scientists: World warming faster than UN predicted
Earth warming is much faster than previously believed. Australian scientists in the atmospheric research unit of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation report that the world is warming more quickly than predicted by the United Nation’s climate change agency. They also say that the atmospheric level of harmful emissions is even higher than current worst-case scenario estimates. Our deep appreciation Australian researchers for sharing the news about the gravity of climate change. We pray for the wisdom to take immediate and effective actions in preserving the beautiful jewel of our Earth.

Kite-Fueled Cargo Ship Completes Maiden Voyage, Saves 20% on Energy
Kite- powered freighter completes journey. The German freighter, the MS Beluga SkySails, glided into port in Venezuela after successfully crossing the Atlantic, partially powered by a giant, computer-controlled kite. The kite created by SkySails saved 15 to 20 percent in fuel costs and, very importantly, cut down on CO2 emissions. Sweet sailing, MS Beluga! Hats off for successfully using clean wind power for your first transatlantic voyage. We wish you and all ships in the world many more such “green” sails on the open seas.

Expert Advises Adopting
Chinese researcher advocates “green” plastic bags. Professor Ji Junhui of the Chinese Academy of Sciences advises the use of biodegradable plastic bags to minimize "white pollution.” Green bags degrade naturally without harming the environment. Professor Ji recommends that Beijing take the initiative of requiring the use of these biodegradable plastic bags. Kudos and thank you Professor Ji for your positive, eco-friendly measures. May China continue to flourish in cleanliness and health for all.
UN urges countries to move on climate change
UN calls for clear global plan to mitigate climate change. The United Nations General Assembly president Srgjan Kerim said it is urgent and critical to have a collective plan of action in place for all nations, to successfully lessen the effect of climate change. He stated, “We can’t wait for tomorrow. We need to act today.” Thank you, President Srgjan Kerim, for urging all nations to come together for in comprehensive goals to save our precious planet! May we all heed your call for united action now.
Nanowires allow 'power dressing'
New innovation harnesses energy from movement. US scientists have invented a special fibre that can transmit the kinetic energy of body movements. The nanowire technology could be used in clothes to generate power for portable electronic devices. What an ingenious way to capture free energy! Great job, US scientists! May Heaven continue to smile on your inspirational and helpful concepts.

Six green activists to lead Olympic torch run in Thailand
Thai environmentalists chosen as torch bearers for the Olympics. Six environmental advocates from Thailand have been selected to bear the torch for this year’s Olympics. In keeping with the theme of a “Green Olympics,” they have been committed to conservation efforts in Thailand. Congrats Thai green activists on the honor of this year’s Olympic torchbearers. We wish you and all participants the best for a successful Olympic run!