UN calls for urgent efforts for new climate deal - News 08 Feb 2008  
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'Decouple economic growth from pollution'

Sweden says economies can grow and reduce emissions simultaneously. While meeting in India for the Delhi Sustainable Development Summit, Andreas Carlgren, Sweden’s Minster for the Environment, highlighted that Sweden had grown 44% since 1972 while reducing overall emissions by 9%. He stated, “'This was not easy, and required long-term planning and policies, and use of such tools as district heating, bio-energy and economic instruments such as a carbon tax from the 1990s.” We applaud you, Sweden, for being a great model of success in combining economic growth and environmental sustainability. May your green growth continue to curb the effects of climate change.

Solar car trip spreads global warming message

Driving green for climate change awareness. A Swiss man, Louis Palmer continues his trek around the world in a solar-powered car to bring his environmentally friendly message to others. Mr. Palmer plans to do an even grander trip once he completes his 18-country tour. Hats off to you, Mr. Palmer, for demonstrating the practical applications of harnessing the sun’s power! May the creation of green technology and transportation accelerate forward at a rapid speed.

Honda Viet Nam supports forest coverage

Honda Vietnam funds Âu Lạc (Vietnam) reforestation. The Japanese automaker’s Âu Lạc division is providing US$216,000 for a three-year project to plant 320 hectares of forest in northern Hòa Bình province. The project is being jointly implemented by the Âu Lạc Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Honda Vietnam has long been a supporter of Âu Lạc’s community environmental protection and education. With appreciation and God’s grace, we raise our cup to you, Honda Vietnam, for your caring commitment to creating a greener world. May the warm relations of Japan and Âu Lạc continue to blossom for many years to come.

New initiative gives green aircraft research a boost

European industries are partnering up with the European Union for eco-friendly airplanes. The €1.6 billion public-private partnership will help develop greener airplanes that will help to lower the industry’s climate change contributions. Congrats Europe on your “clean sky” initiative. May your endeavors be blessed with soaring success.

The European Union embarks on a program for greener aircraft.
Funded with an investment of €160 billion, the new “Clean Sky” program will begin with collaborative research from the European Union, aeronautics industries and universities as well as the private sector. Since 1990, emissions from the aviation industry have increased 87 percent, and the European Union hopes to be among the first to release a new generation of environmentally friendly aircraft. Our deep gratitude, European Union, for your environmental leadership in the aviation world. May there soon be many green aircrafts for all to graciously fly in cleaner friendlier skies.  

Greenhouse gasses to be used to make electricity

New Zealand turns greenhouse gas from landfill into electricity. Mr. Richard Tweedie, managing director of the company Todd Energy, announced that methane gases from a local landfill site can be used as an energy source. A power generator that feeds on methane will be able to power 1,000 homes in a completely eco-friendly manner. Hoorah and a big thank you for your wonderful work, Mr. Tweedie and New Zealand! May Heaven continuously bless our planet Earth with a kind and green future.

Cameroon: Meeting the Climate Change Challenge in Cameroon

Cameroon rises to face the climate challenge. The President of Cameroon on Tuesday announced plans to build a national observatory on climate change. Although the country is not a major emitter of pollutant gases, the government is committed to be a part of the global solution. Thank you Your Excellency and may the world praise Cameroon for her encouraging efforts! Heaven blesses your ennobling gesture to help meet the climate change challenge.

Toyota Plants Trees

Toyota planting trees for trucks. Toyota Material Handling has pledged to plant 20,000 trees through the Arbor Day Foundation, one for each of the company’s 8-series lift trucks sold in 2007. The Japanese automaker has also promised to plant a tree for every 2008 lift truck sold, currently estimated at 30,000. Other corporations that have made reforestation efforts through the Arbor Day Foundation include Imation’s Memorex and Enterprise Rent-a-Car. Our thanks Toyota and all companies that utilize Arbor Day Foundations noble services to replenish our forests. We share the vision that one day soon all businesses are similarly inspired to restore our forestlands while sustaining the livelihoods of the people.

Maui to use Oceanlinx power

Ocean waves into energy in Maui. Australian company Oceanlinx, Ltd. has committed to a US$20 million project for an energy generating system that uses ocean waves to produce electricity. The system is expected to be operational by the end of 2009. Bravo, Oceanlinx Ltd, on your proposed renewable energy system, which will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. May our planet Earth continuously flourish in God’s grace with sustainable technology.
Warner Music Group Announces Environmental Initiative at Post-Grammy Event

Warner Music Group to hold eco-friendly post-Grammy event. Following this year’s Grammy Awards on Sunday, Warner Music Group will host its second annual environmentally conscious celebration. The group plans to have a “zero waste” party, achieved through the use of energy efficient lighting, recycled paper products, food from local farmers’ markets, and other environmentally friendly products. Way to go, Warner Music Group! Sounds like a fun way to have a party while shining the spotlight on the environment. We wish everyone a stellar time!
Renewable Energy Companies Thriving in Volatile Market

Renewable energy companies do well in spite of volatile market. Large investment banks such as Golman Sacs and JP Morgan, as well as utility companies are investing in solar, wind and other renewable energy companies in order to take part in the strong growth in demand for going green. Investment analysts have also been making positive recommendations for leading manufacturers of solar panels, such as SunPower and Suntech Power Holdings. Bravo all in the renewable energy industry! It’s fantastic to hear of your great growth! May God continue to grant you success in creating planet-saving products!
1.8 million trees planted in Central Luzon

The Philippines plants 1.8 million trees. Along 274 kilometers of coastal areas in Central Luzon, approximately 25,000 people joined together in planting 1.8 million indigenous forest trees over a five-month period. Since 1994, the Department of Environment and Natural Resource (DENR) reports that 65,520 hectares have been reforested. God’s infinite blessings, Philippines and all participants, who help replenish the beautiful islands with life-sustaining trees. May the people of your gracious nation enjoy abundant health through your efforts to restore equilibrium to our planet.

Climate change funds to help developing countries: UN

Funding needed for developing countries to address climate change. The United Nations is calling for economic assistance to help less fortunate nations reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. A fund for this purpose has been launched by the World Bank, with countries such as the United States and Japan already contributing several billion dollars. UN official Yvo de Boer, executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC), has advised that quick action is needed to reverse the upward emissions trend. Mr. de Boer, United Nations and World Bank, we appreciate your loving concern for developing nations in maintaining our precious environment. May our actions now bring a new era of sustainable living for all.

UN calls for urgent efforts for new climate deal

UN urges world’s governments to set climate policies. Speaking at a press conference in New Delhi, India ahead of an environmental summit, executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Mr. Yvo de Boer said that US$20 trillion dollars in infrastructure and equipment investments would be needed over the next two decades to reduce carbon emissions by half. He added that the vast majority of the funding would be coming from the private sector. God bless and thank you, Mr. de Boer for your call to action. May governments around the world answer this call to create good policies to counteract climate change.

India to host three-day international summit on climate change from tomorrow

India hosts environmental summit. The Delhi Sustainable Development Summit began yesterday and is dedicating three days to the topic of climate change. Heads of government from Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Finland, the Maldives, and India are expected to be in attendance as well as environment ministers and representatives from Iran, Mexico, Switzerland the Netherlands and many other countries. Best wishes for a successful event, Delhi Sustainable Development Summit. May participants find and act upon solutions to curb global climate change to save lives and our precious earthly home.

Two billion face water famine as Himalayan glaciers melt

Himalayan glacier melt affecting two billion people. Studies have only begun but are already revealing that the Himalayan glaciers are melting, and may lead to a significant rise in the water flow of four major river basins including the Ganges and Yellow Rivers. And overflow of rivers in the next few decades would then be followed by a severe water shortage, affecting the two billion people who rely on the source of water. May Heaven grant us with wisdom and immediate action to protect our natural resources and the balance of our delicate ecosystem. We pray that Mother Nature continues to sustain life for many more millennia.

Barcelona Bike Sharing

Barcelona succeeds in bike sharing trend. The 3,000 red-and-white bicycles provided in the city of Barcelona, Spain have been widely used throughout the city in the past 10 months, where over 100,000 subscribers are enjoying the free green rides. Riders range from high-heeled women to suited businessmen and persons from all walks of life. What a friendly and convenient way to introduce healthy and green transport for your citizens, Barcelona! May this bike-sharing trend be shared across many nations around the world.

Foundation Creates $6 Million Texas Energy and Climate Change Program

Foundation funds Texas energy and climate change program. A US$6 million donation from the Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation will help the US state advance into a cleaner-energy future as well develop a global warming plan. The three-year program will support the development of energy efficient technologies and renewable energy. Many thanks Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation and God bless you for this generous grant. Congratulations, Texas, and may you succeed in meeting your goals to become a greener state.

New Cape Breton wind farm to produce power for about 6,000 homes
Nova Scotia develops wind energy. In the first of a series of installations, a recently constructed wind farm in New Cape Breton will supply Nova Scotia Power with enough electricity for approximately 6,000 homes. With more wind farms planned, Nova Scotia Power anticipates being able to generate electricity for 60,000 homes by the year 2010. Nova Scotia, we applaud your progressive actions in sustainable energy. May your green endeavors continue to breeze through with flying colors.

Google to help green technologies amass scale

Google to invest hundreds of millions in green technology. The goal is to get the projects off the ground and bring the price of green energy below that of fossil fuels. The climate and energy initiatives of Google’s philanthropic sector have already committed US$20 million to new firms developing solar-thermal and high altitude wind power technologies. Our sincere gratitude, Google, for taking crucial steps to making a difference for our environment. Blessed be your noble heart and efforts.

GM Wants Half Of Its U.S. Cars Will Run On Ethanol By 2012

Automobile manufacturers focus on green vehicles. This year at the Chicago Auto Show, General Motors (GM) is emphasizing its environmental friendly vehicles. Currently, GM has many cars that run on E-85 fuel (which is 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline). Troy Clarke, president of General Motors North America, said that GM will develop hybrid-electric cars and fuel cell vehicles and hopes to have a 100% electric car by 2010. Our appreciation, General Motors, for your support of green vehicles! May Heaven’s grace bring you much success with innovative environmentally conscious vehicles that benefit the world as a whole.

Website can help schools and colleges going green

Website provides environmental tips. Colleges and universities in Wales can now find information for becoming more active in preserving the planet at a new website, www.netregs.gov.uk. The website operates in cooperation with the Environmental Agency Wales and Environmental Agency England. We extend our gratitude, Wales, Great Britain and all the youth who prioritize environmental concerns and take action. Blessed be these sincere preservation efforts so that the youth of today may grow to see an even more beautiful Earth in the future.

India's Majuli Island submerging fast

India’s quest to save Majuli Island from disappearing. What may be considered the largest river island in the world, situated in India’s Brahmaputra river, Majuli Island is rapidly being washed away by melting glacial flood waters. Due to its cultural richness, India has re-nominated the island to become a UNESCO World Heritage Site this week in hopes to receive the support needed to preserve the island. May Buddha bless your efforts, India, in preserving this cultural treasure. We pray for successful means to help restore and preserve the island and her inhabitants from the effects of global warming.

Valentine's Day goes green with eco-friendly flowers, treats

Be my “green” Valentine! Eco-friendly flowers and chocolates are now available to send loved ones this Valentine’s Day. The floral industry has programs in the United States and Europe to help ensure environmentally friendly practices. Organic and eco-chocolates are also easier to find at your local whole food stores, with some that even donate a percentage of profits to support environmental projects. Our heart “melts” at this news! Thank you all eco-conscious stores for your efforts to make this year’s Valentines eco-special! May a green Valentine’s Day be your choice of affection to share with your loved ones and our Earth!

G3 Power Plan: New Green Power for 2.5 Million Americans From Geothermal

Plans released to deliver green energy to California and Nevada, USA. Vulcan Power Company is planning on bringing 1,000 megawatts of geothermal energy from Nevada to the cities of Los Angeles and Las Vegas, where it is believed it can provide relatively inexpensive energy for 2.5 million people. Kudos Vulcan Power Company! Thank you for utilizing our earth’s resources in a sustainable way to make the world a cleaner place.

Govt considering fund to promote green technologies: PM

India plans new fund for green technologies. On Thursday, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh revealed the government’s intention to create a National Plan of Action on Climate Change by this June. A venture capital fund promoting green technology is also being planned. We sincerely thank Your Excellency for your nation’s commitment to helping preserve our planet and her inhabitants. May India continue to make great strides in green technology.

Intel wins green acclaim

Intel recognized for green corporate culture. The US Environmental Protection Agency designated Intel a Water Efficiency Leader for recycling 70% of the water used to manufacture chips at three Arizona plants. The company has been listed on the Dow Jones' Sustainability Index of environmentally conscious companies for the past seven years. Congratulations Intel for being a market leader and for your loving consideration of our beautiful planet Earth. May your success inspire other businesses toward the ease of being green.

Tech CEOs push for green computing

Top technology CEOs urge more green action. Members of the Technology CEO Council, including the heads of Dell, EMC, and Applied Materials, have encouraged the US government to “lead by example” and put energy-efficiency into practice. Recent reports commissioned by the Technology CEO council show the benefit of Information Technology in significantly reducing energy consumption. Our thanks, Technology CEO Council members, for your commitment to a sustainable future. May your dedication to promoting energy efficiency help us all become good examples of eco-leadership.

Bag limit for garbage saves money and the environment: council

Canadian township reduces pollution and costs by limiting trash bags. Beginning April 1st, the municipality of Laurentian Valley, Ontario will decrease its waste collection from 4 bags collected every 2 weeks to 3 bags. The new limit, which will lower both pollution and waste disposal costs, was proposed after an observation that the average home in that area disposes of between two and three bags every two weeks. We laud your efforts, Laurentian Valley, for taking every opportunity, big and small, to make the world a cleaner place. Best of luck on your new initiative.