Blair: Global Warming to Become Irreversible Within Two Years - New 20 Mar 2008  
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Blair: Global Warming to Become Irreversible Within Two Years

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair states we have two years left to address climate change. Backed by a non-governmental organization called the Climate Group, Mr. Tony Blair is leading a new international team to create a global climate agreement that will include both China and the US. The team’s objective is to have a new UN agreement in place to replace the Kyoto Protocol by the end of 2008. Mr. Blair stated, “The fact of the matter is that if we do not take substantial action over the next two years, then by 2020 we will thinking seriously about adaptation rather than prevention." We are deeply appreciative, Mr. Blair and Climate Group, for your noble efforts to quickly create a unified global framework for addressing climate change. We pray that you will be joined by the world’s leaders in taking meaningful steps to curb global warming while there is still time.
Pollution Visible From East Asia To North America In New Satellite Image

Satellite monitors cross-oceanic pollution for the first time. Data recently collected by NASA's Terra satellite confirms the accuracy of previous computer models that predicted continent-to-continent travel of tiny particles called pollution aerosols. It now appears that the particles can travel across land and sea, sometimes very quickly, and that they do affect the climate. Dr. Lorraine Remer, a member of NASA’s team said, “Particles like these have been linked to regional weather and climate effects through interactions between pollution aerosols and the Sun's heat energy.” We are thankful, Dr. Remer, NASA and all researchers, for your diligent work in gathering and sharing this vital information. As we realize our inter-connectedness, may we also find ways to cooperate in quickly minimizing pollutants.
Diminishing Ice Floes Raise Climate Alarm

Drift ice disappears from Hokkaido, Japan. Abashiri, Hokkaido is the southernmost area of the world where Arctic drift ice is found. But data collected by the Sapporo District Meteorological Observatory shows that drift ice has thinned dramatically over the last 4 years. Last year Abashiri residents formed the Okhotsk Drift Ice Trust Movement to promote immediate action on climate change. Masanori Ito, secretary general of the Okhotsk Sightseeing Federation, said, "There is a clear sign of a global crisis right here in our city, and the message has to be sent out to the world." We thank you, Mr. Masanori Ito, Okhotsk Sightseeing Federation, and Okhotsk Drift Ice Trust Movement, for your clear message and call to action. Heaven bless the people of Japan for your initiatives to go green. May they be successful in keeping you and our planet safe and sustainable.
Japan government to purchase carbon quotas from Poland

Japan to purchase carbon quotas from Poland. Through a plan known as the Green Investment Scheme, Japan has come to an agreement with Poland to buy greenhouse gas emission quotas. In return, Poland commits the profits to green measures. Their agreement was made during a three-day meeting in Chiba, Japan, where ministers of the world’s top greenhouse gas emitting nations discussed ways to halt climate change. Japan and Poland, we laud your green accord! May your continued relations bring abundant benefit for the health of the planet and the people of both nations.
The Imminent Threat of Global Water Wars

UN Secretary General calls for action to preserve the world’s water resources. In an editorial published by the newspaper The Hindu in Chennai, India, Secretary Ban ki-Moon warned of the dangers posed by political instability and potential conflict over water. Saying that support to under-developed nations is one way to address this potential problem. Mr. Ban also noted that all people must move “beyond the mere use of water, to stewardship.” We appreciate your wise words, Mr. Secretary. May we strive to conserve our precious resources as we look for ways to help each other in times of need.

US embraces tough new rail and shipping air pollution standards

The United States adopts green rail and shipping standards. The US Environmental Protection Agency has introduced higher emissions standards for train and shipping transit. Locomotive and marine diesel engine emissions will be reduced by 90% and nitrogen oxides emissions by 80%, delivering health benefits of up to US$12 billion. EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson stated that the policy is “keeping [the US] on track toward a clean, healthy, productive tomorrow.” Great job, EPA! May the transport industries meet and exceed these standards to deliver the maximum benefits to all!
Prince Charles opens his Highgrove grocery

Prince Charles opens organic produce market. The Highgrove shop in Tetbury, Gloucestershire offers competitively priced organic vegetables from the Prince’s own gardens. In addition, jams, chutneys, mustards and home made biscuits are some of the other items included. Proceeds from the venture will support Prince Charles' Charities Foundation. Town residents are excited about the new shop and its potential to attract visitors. Wishing you all the best, Your Royal Highness! May your sustainable store be granted many green profits.

University of Toronto  takes vegetarianism cake

University of Toronto named top vegetarian university in Canada. For this year’s Canadian contest, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals 2 (PETA2) chose the University of Toronto as Canada’s most vegetarian university. Ryan Huling, the college campaign coordinator for PETA2, said, “The contest gets tougher each and every year, since more and more universities are rapidly expanding their vegetarian and vegan options in response to student demand.” Congratulations, University of Toronto, for being a top-class “Vegi-versity”! May more institutions join you for all students to experience the convenience and ease of the life-affirming vegetarian diet!
Chinese biofuel 'could endanger biodiversity'

Ecologist warns that China’s biofuel plans may compromise biodiversity. Speaking at the International Workshop on Biodiversity and Climate Change, in Beijing, China, Spike Millington, chief technical advisor to the European Union-China Biodiversity Program, said that growing jatropha trees for biofuel on unused land in Guizhou, Sichuan and Yunnan provinces may destroy vibrant ecosystems. Mr. Millington said, "The region of southwest China targeted for biofuels coincides with the home of the last remaining intact natural forests in China." Mr. Millington, we are grateful for your advice. May the Providence guide China in wisdom to make the correct choices to preserve her ecological balance while progressing in green fuel development.
Arctic losing long-term ice cover

Older, thicker Arctic ice makes up only 30% of the polar ice cap. This represents a 30% decline over the past 20 years. Scientists at the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announce that the older ice continued to decline over the winter. Dr. Walt Meier of the National Snow and Ice Data Centre stated, “It’s becoming thinner and thinner and much more susceptible to melting during the summer ? much more likely to melt away. It may look OK on the surface, but it is like looking at a Hollywood movie set ? you see a facade of a building and it looks OK, but if you look behind it, there’s no building there.” We are deeply grateful, scientists, for your alerting us to the Arctic icecaps’ severe state. With the God’s grace, may research such as yours guide us to take urgent action to save our planet and the lives of her inhabitants.
Govt study finds warming to increase risk of floods

Japanese Ministry warns of rising floods in Japan due to climate change. The Japanese Construction and Transport Ministry is warning that climate change is upsetting normal precipitation patterns in Japan. As a consequence, more frequent and massive rainfalls are expected. The Ministry also predicts that Japanese rivers are 50% to 75% more apt to flood than before and have assessed that the current flood control systems and dams are not equipped to handle such events. Our respectful thanks, Construction and Transport Ministry, for this timely report on climate change and its consequences to your nation. May the Providence grace Japan and all nations to quickly act in averting the effects of natural disasters and ensure the public’s safety.

Europeans put the environment centre stage
Report reveals Europeans’ awareness and care for the environment. A recent Eurobarometer survey, sponsored by the European Commission, found that an overwhelming 95% of Europeans feel that protecting the environment is important, with 80% saying that the environment affects their quality of life and that they have some responsibility to protect it. Of environmental concerns, climate change was ranked first, with pollution and man-made disasters coming next. Close to 75% of those surveyed also said they are willing to buy green products, even if they cost more. Our heartfelt gratitude, European Commission, for seeking the views of your constituents on this vital matter of climate change and the environment. We pray the European Union and all policymakers will heed the voice of their public and take immediate action in offering ways to go more green.
India's growing solar market

India's Tata BP Solar set to triple solar output capacity. Tata BP Solar, which is a partnership formed by Tata Power Company and BP Solar, has secured US$78 million in funding to triple its solar plant's output capacity to 180 megawatts. The company stated that demand within India for solar cells is increasing with the growing number of “green” buildings being constructed as well as the rising use of solar power by the Indian telecommunications sector. Tata BP Solar is also India’s largest manufacturer of solar water heaters. Many thanks, Tata BP Solar, for your continued efforts to help our world make the switch to renewables that no longer contribute to climate change. Buddha’s blessings for India’s quick advance toward a green future based on renewable and clean energy sources.
Study: East Coast ocean waves getting higher in U.S.

Scientists find ocean waves are getting higher on the USA’s East Coast. Researchers analyzing information collected by the National Data Buoy Center have found that the size of ocean waves has increased significantly over approximately the past decade. They believe the larger wave size is related to an increase to the intensity of summer hurricanes. According to a number of studies, the strength of summer hurricanes is increasing due to global warming. We are grateful, respected scientists, for your important report. With Heavenly grace, may immediate and greater efforts be carried out to mitigate the effects of global warming and keep coastal residents safe.

Construction of Vietnam’s first solar panel, cell plant launches

Au L?c (Vietnam) cooperates in solar panel and cell manufacturing. đ?c Hoa Plastics Industrial Park in southern Long An Province will get its first solar factory with a US$10 million investment from local Energy Conservation Center (ECC) and Red Sun Energy Joint-Stock Company. With technical assistance from the French Sunwatt Group, the factory will assemble solar panels from cells that are imported from France and Germany. It is expected that 40% of the manufactured panels will serve local power use, while 60% will be exported. What exciting news for Au L?c and renewable energy! May Au L?c, France and Germany be blessed with brilliant success on this collaborative green effort. 

Taiwan youths join hands to fight global warming

Youths in Formosa (Taiwan) form alliance to protect the environment. The young people have set up Formosa’s first think tank with a goal of bringing in speakers to share their knowledge and expertise on the environment. The creation of this forum was borne of a deep concern for the planet and the youths’ desire to acquire knowledge to protect it. Bravo, young people of Formosa, for your noble initiative in educating yourselves to best preserve Mother Earth. Our best wishes for the growing success of your green alliance.
Governments working together to improve the environment and keep commuters moving in the Greater Toronto Area

Green buses make their way onto Canadian streets. Thanks to a purchase made by Ontario province and Canada, Toronto introduced its first shipment of hybrid buses on Tuesday, which will help preserve the environment, clean the air and improve traffic conditions. The Honourable Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance and Minister, said, “Our goal is to create a modern, safe and green transportation system for the benefit of people here in the Greater Toronto Area and across Canada.” Over 200 hybrid buses of the 324 total purchased are now in service. Hats off, Ontario province and Canada, for working together to make greener public transport a reality. May your passengers enjoy many clean, quiet rides as they make their way through the beautiful city of Toronto.