Melting Ice Sheets Can Cause Earthquakes, Study Finds - News 18 Mar 2007  
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Melting Ice Sheets Can Cause Earthquakes, Study Finds

Study shows connection between earthquakes and melting ice sheets. A new study shows a correspondence between the melting of ice sheets 10,000 years ago and massive earthquakes that took place nearby. Andrea Hampel of Ruhr University Bochum in Germany, led the study and stated that earthquakes are “suppressed in the presence of the ice and promoted during the melting of the ice.” With the acceleration of glacial melt in recent years, the researchers say that global warming may be the cause of increased earthquakes in places such as Alaska. Our sincere gratitude, German researchers, for revealing yet more evidence that climate change has monumental consequences for our planet and her inhabitants. With God's grace, may the world’s citizens take immediate action to curb the effects of climate change.

USAID to Stem Haitian Environmental Crisis

US supports reforestation and watershed management programs in Haiti. The US Agency for International Development (USAID) is undertaking an US$18.2 million conservation project in Haiti, to ensure adequate water supply, while protecting the island nation from the effects of storms and floods. The three year investment will support tree plantings on deforested hillsides as well as coastal mangrove forests. It will also promote agricultural methods that minimize erosion. God bless you, USAID, and thank you for your benevolent heart towards fellow brethren and our shared environment. May the beautiful island nation of Haiti continue to grow in lush environmental health. 
Faster climate change fears

Australian climatologists warn of accelerating global warming. With Australia currently experiencing a record-setting heat wave, scientific consensus is growing that last year’s report by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) underestimated the threat posed by climate change. The report from a year ago stated that the frequency of heat waves in South Australia would double by 2070. Edwin Jackson, head researcher at Sydney’s Climate Institute, said, "Based on what we are seeing in the real world – with very rapid increases in temperature, with very large changes in the great ice sheets – this is a much more serious problem than we would have considered a year ago.” Australian scientists, we thank you for further raising our awareness of the very serious nature of climate destabilization. We pray that that every individual and government takes urgent and decisive actions to mitigate the effects of global warming.

Emerald Isle could 'fade to brown' as climate changes

Climate change threatens Emerald Isle with water shortage. A new report by the Irish American Climate Project says that global warming may cause Ireland’s "rich, green scenery" to "fade to brown." Average temperatures in the country have increased much more than the global average over past 20 years. Dr. John Sweeney, one of the report’s authors said, “Climate change has the potential to change the face of Ireland and to transform its environment. Changes in temperature, rainfall and storm patterns can subtly yet irrevocably alter the Irish way of life.” We extend our gratitude, Dr. John Sweeney and the other members of the Irish American Climate Project, for this timely report. Through protective measures and immediate changes to sustainable practice, may the verdant beauty of Ireland thrive and flourish.

Al Gore releases children's Book on climate change

TIME TO ACT…Former US Vice President Al Gore releases children’s books on climate change. While in New Delhi, India to speak on global warming, 2007 Nobel Laureate Al Gore announced the release of “Know Climate Change” and “101 Q and A on Climate Change.” The two books are part of a six-set series designed to introduce children to the urgency of climate change as well as the things that can be done to preserve the planet. Co-Nobel Laureate Dr. Rajendra K Pachauri, Director-General of The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), which is also the books’ co-publisher, said: “It is important that children understand the influence of human actions on the Earth’s climate and the measures that can be taken to control it.” Kudos, Nobel Laureates Mr. Gore and Dr. Pachauri, for bringing awareness to children about the most crucial issue of our times. May we take any and every action necessary so that we will have an inhabitable planet for present and future generations.

Pollution in Taihu Lake to be rooted out in 10 years

Taihu Lake to be pollution free in 10 years. Taihu Lake, the third biggest freshwater lake in all of China, is slated to be free of pollution within a decade says Governor Luo Zhijun of Jiangsu province. The call to action for cleaning the lake came when an algae outbreak rendered its water, upon which tens of millions of people depend, undrinkable for ten days. We heartily thank China for prioritizing the safety of both your people and the environment. May Heaven bless you efforts to restore Lake Taihu to its pristine beauty and purity for the benefit of all.
Trends in Consumer Actions to Protect the Environment

US consumers are increasing their green practices. Research by the Natural Marketing Institute reveals that consumers in the United States are growing in environmental awareness and behaviors. Consumers are showing greater preference for eco-brands or products, and nearly a third reported an increase in their water and energy conservation, as well as recycling. Natural Marketing Institute, we appreciate your helpful survey letting us know that more and more Americans are making environmental protection a priority in their lives. With the grace of Providence, may this positive trend quickly progress in the US and throughout the world.
Steger wills students to help stop climate change

Will Steger alerts to climate change urgency. Experienced explorer and environmentalist Will Steger is embarking on a 1,400 mile expedition across the most northern tip of North America to give the world another close up look at the quickly disappearing Arctic ice shelves. This time, Mr. Steger will take with him a group of people from four different countries, ages 21-28, in the hope that their experiences will galvanize youth in addressing the urgent situation. Mr. Steger said, “We are in a very peculiar situation. We don't even have 10 years now.” Mr. Will Steger, we honor your lifelong dedication to understanding the Arctic. We are deeply grateful for your help in calling attention to the extreme urgency of our planet’s precarious balance. May God keep you and your team safe during this trip as your experiences shed further light on the dire effects of global warming.