International support for Meatout Day - News 17 Mar 2008  
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International support for Meatout Day

International support for Meatout Day. To mark the arrival of spring, the world’s largest ever annual Meatout campaign begins on March 20. In light of the recent USDA recall of 143 million pounds of beef – the largest of its kind in history – thousands of concerned citizens around the world are hosting informative and educational events and encouraging their friends and neighbors to switch to a vegetarian diet for human health as well as the planet’s.

Casey Kasem Renowned radio personality & Founder of American Top 40 franchise Hall of Fame Inductee & Vegetarian Casey Kasem, internationally renowned for his work in the entertainment industry as radio disc jockey and host of the popular American Top 40 franchise, is a dedicated vegetarian and celebrity sponsor of Meatout Day. Supreme Master Television had an opportunity to speak with Mr. Kasem by phone, as he shared his thoughts on vegetarianism.

Kasey : Hi Supreme Master Television viewers! This is Casey Kasem. A UN report states that animal agriculture is responsible for a huge amount of green house gas emissions, more than those created by all transportation combined in the world. You can make a difference! Be green and go vegetarian this Thursday, March 20th for this year’s annual Meatout Day. We sincerely thank you, Mr. Casey Kasem, for your compassionate example and voice of encouragement. Your gentle nature truly puts you at the top of our charts! May this Spring offer a renewal of hope and life for our animal friends and our Earth as we move to a more sustainable and loving vegetarian diet.

European Union warns U.S., China over climate change, saying it could impose sanctions

European Union may impose trade sanctions for carbon emission non-compliance. After agreeing to finalize their climate change plan by year’s end, of reducing carbon emissions 20% from 1990 levels by the year 2020, European Union delegates said that in order to protect their industries from unfair competition, they may have to sanction countries that are not making comparable efforts to reduce emissions. Their hope is that China and the USA, among other nations, will commit to CO2 reduction plans by this time next year when a climate conference is due to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark. We salute the European Union for your strong commitment and action towards a fully sustainable economy. May the Providence guide more countries around the world to join you on the path that has us treading more lightly on our Earth.
University Of Maryland Professors Invent Advanced Method Of Biofuel Production

US scientists discover highly efficient enzyme for making cellulosic biofuel. Dr. Steve Hutcheson and Dr. Ron Weiner of the University of Maryland have developed a unique way to mass produce an enzyme that can turn plant or paper waste into sugar for the production of ethanol. They enzyme can be produced from cultures of the Saccharophagus degradans bacterium, which is native to the marshes of the Chesapeake Bay. Our hearty congratulations, Drs. Hutcheson and Weiner, on the environmentally friendly applications of your discovery. May God grant your eco-endeavors with every success.

Breakthrough in Canadian Indigenous Rights Lumber Flashpoint

Paper company helps support indigenous community’s wish. Multinational paper company, Boise Inc., has chosen to respect the wishes of an indigenous Canadian community that wants to end clear-cut logging on its land. The company has decided to not buy any wood fiber from Grassy Narrows First Nation in northwest Ontario until it has the community’s blessing. Boise, Inc., we appreciate your respectful decision. May all people work together to sustain and protect our Earth’s precious resources.

Lieberman: Religious activism helps global warming legislation

US lawmaker thanks religious groups for promoting action on climate change. Senator Joe Lieberman specifically cited recent support from Evangelical Christians and the Catholic Church, which announced this week that polluting is a sin. He stated, “This is really helping us to broaden the coalition in Congress of those who are prepared to do something about global warming." Thank you, Senator Lieberman and all religious organizations that are embracing the idea of environmental conservation. We pray that your efforts will inspire others across the globe to similarly take action that counteracts climate change.
Forests vanishing fast: WWF official

As forests diminish, carbon emissions increase. Continued deforestation and degradation are resulting in an increase in their percentage of greenhouse gas release. So says Fitrian Ardiansyah, climate and energy program director for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Mr. Ardiansyah pointed out that Indonesia, Brazil and Malaysia are the three countries with the highest emissions due to deforestation. He further stated that these nations should receive conservation help since our future depends on the preservation of their forests. We appreciate and thank you for your timely words of warning, Mr Ardiansyah. May our world’s people and governments work together to protect and preserve our life-sustaining forests.

New carbon trading scheme to penalise firms that fail to curb emissions

UK announces new carbon trading plan. Starting in 2010, large supermarkets, banks, hotel chains and department stores will be required to be part of a carbon trading scheme. Based on their carbon emissions, participants will have to purchase “allowances,” which for the first three years will be sold at a set price and then auctioned thereafter. We commend you, United Kingdom for this forward-thinking initiative. May all countries follow suit from this encouraging example and take rapid action to save our fragile biosphere.
G-20 meeting aims at zero greenhouse gas emissions of self

G20 ministerial conference on climate change walks the talk. The 2-day Gleneagles Dialogue on Climate Change, Clean Energy, and Sustainable Development held in Tokyo this past weekend was an impressive assembly of energy and environment officials from around the world. To support the conference theme, the meeting’s organizers set a zero emissions goal for the event itself. Measures adopted for all participants included fuel-cell vehicle transport from the airport, water and heat-saving systems at the venue and hotels, and even a recommendation that attendees wear warmer clothes due to lowered heating temperatures. Hats off, Japanese government, for hosting this pivotal meeting. We thank all world leaders in attendance for your efforts to make sustainable changes a reality.

Blair urges binding gas cuts by all countries

Tony Blair seeks global participation for decreasing emissions. Former British Prime Minister and mediator for the Kyoto Protocol’s successor, is encouraging the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitters toward a binding agreement for mandatory carbon reductions. In a meeting with 20 notables from the heaviest polluting countries, Mr. Tony Blair said, "We have reached the critical moment for the decision on climate change. Even on the mildest application of precautionary principles, failure to act on climate change now would be deeply and unforgivably irresponsible.” Our immense gratitude, honorable Mr. Tony Blair, for your dedication in alerting the world that the time to act must be now. May others be moved by your sincerity to take the necessary steps to lead us out of these dire climate change conditions
Glaciers melting 'at alarming rate'

European scientists warn of accelerating glacier melt. The UN-sponsored World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS) reports that the average rate at which glaciers around the world are melting more than doubled from 2005 to 2006. These findings were compiled from WGMS studies of almost 30 glaciers in 9 European mountain ranges. Executive director of the United Nations Environment Program Achim Steiner stated: “Millions if not billions of people depend directly or indirectly on these natural water storage facilities for drinking water, agriculture, industry and power generation during key parts of the year.” Our gratitude, Director Achim Steiner and World Glacier Monitoring Service, for your very shocking yet essential information. We pray that your findings inspire immediate action to minimize emissions and protect our Earth.
WWF lauds Finish embassy for green work

Embassy of Finland operates green office in Âu Lạc (Vietnam). The Finnish Embassy in Âu Lạc was recognized and given a Green Office Certificate by the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF). The embassy is the second member of the Green Office Program in Âu Lạc, which supports the greening of office operations through such measures as decreasing electricity usage, waste and transportation emissions. Speaking of the value of eco-friendly office practices, Finland’s Ambassador Pekka Hyvonen said, “It is very important for governments, international organizations and companies alike … to have experience in taking the actions by themselves in everyday life.” Finnish Embassy, we sincerely thank you for being an exemplary representative of your beautiful country while in Âu Lạc. May your laudable environmentally sound measures will help curb global warming.
California rolls up sleeves to promote 'green' technology

US Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger says California is dedicated to going green. Speaking at the Wall Street Journal’s conference on eco-friendly technology, the governor stated: “California's environmental policies are driving a whole new industrial revolution in our state that is opening up huge opportunities for California companies to grow and strengthening our economy at a time when it could use the help." California has one of the most progressive energy efficiency programs in the world, with resident scientists who hold 44% of US solar patents and 37% of wind patents. Bravo, Governor Schwarzenegger, for leading the Golden State into sustainable practices that will not only benefit the environment, but improve the economy. With Heaven’s blessings, may all governments and people around the world be quickly inspired toward similar actions to preserve our Earth.
A radical Rx for global warming

New studies say stopping emissions altogether is the only way to halt global warming. Scientists from the USA, Canada, Germany, and elsewhere are affirming that both industrialized and developing nations must halt their use of fossil fuels altogether to prevent a significant rise in global temperatures. With temperatures that have already risen 0.76 degrees since pre-industrial times, the researchers point out that a 2 degree overall Celsius increase would have devastating consequences. Carnegie Institute senior scientist Ken Caldeira said this “implies a much more radical change to our energy system than people are thinking about.” Thank you, scientists, for this straightforward prescript-xion for renewable energy. We pray that all people of the world take heed, and fast.
Reporters honored for regional energy series

Three journalists honored for climate change reporting. The National Press Foundation has bestowed the 2007 Thomas L. Stokes Award for Energy Writing to three reporters from the Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA newspaper, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Journalists Thomas Content, Lee Bergquist, and Joel Dresang wrote reports of an increase in their region’s coal production and how this is contributing to climate change. The stories also informed readers on how to reduce their own carbon producing activities. Kudos, Messrs. Content, Bergquist and Dresang, for your excellence in journalism on such a timely topic. May all journalists help continue to raise awareness by informing readers that now is the time to take action against climate change.
Globe Conference Gathers Business and Sustainability Leaders from around the World in Vancouver

Globe conference shows relation between strong economy and healthy environment. Over 10,000 business and environmental leaders from 80 countries gathered this past week in Vancouver, Canada for the annual Globe sustainability conference.

Gordon Campbell Premier, British Columbia, Canada Gordon Campbell, Premier, British Columbia, Canada: Globe 2008 is first and foremost a conference about action. It is about converting our words and our ideas to actual work in the communities where we live and in the global community that will be affected by it.

The conference maintained an overall theme that climate change solutions are available now, without compromise to economic prosperity. But one keynote speaker expressed a more heartfelt concern: His Royal Highness Prince Philippe of Belgium, a devoted leader in sustainable development.
His Royal Highness, Prince Philippe Crown Prince of Belgium Prince Philippe: In 2050, my daughter Elisabeth who is now 6 will be my age. Like any parent; I am concerned about the kind of world in which she will live. The findings of the IPCC are clear: the changes in our natural environment are “unequivocal.” And furthermore, the cost of inaction is huge.
In his speech, Prince Philippe pointed out that if we want to maintain the current CO2 concentrations of the atmosphere by the year 2050, we have to take sufficient action to become an almost carbon-free world, immediately. Prince Philippe: This is the challenge we are facing. And tackling this challenge will require action across the board and by everyone: business leaders, politicians, opinion makers, researchers, educators the media, NGOs and we ourselves, as responsible citizens.

His Royal Highness the Prince is working on a number of climate change initiatives himself. One of them is the Princess Elisabeth Base in Antarctica, the first eco-friendly station that will run entirely on renewable energy. The project takes the name of his daughter Elisabeth, and is a symbol of hope. Prince Philippe: There is hope. There is opportunity. There is commitment by many people all around the world to work towards a common goal. Together we can make our globe a better place to live in.

His Royal Highness also showed great interest when he received a copy of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s #1 bestselling book “The Birds in My Life,” which he said he would share with young Princess Elizabeth. Prince Philippe: Thank you, thank you very much.

As with the bestsellers, “The Dogs in My Life” and “The Birds in My Life,” Supreme Master Ching Hai’s collection of timely books on nature and animals, “The Noble Wilds” encourages people of all ages to value life and be aware of the fact that we all share the same planetary habitat. And as many readers have come to appreciate, it is indeed a beautiful Earth that we must urgently act to save. 

English versions of the #1 bestsellers, “The Dogs in My Life,” “The Birds in My Life” and “The Noble Wilds” by Supreme Master Ching Hai are available online at: The Chinese versions of “The Dogs in My Life,” “The Birds in My Life” and “The Noble Wilds” are available online at

The Chinese versions of “The Dogs in My Life,” “The Birds in My Life” and “The Noble Wilds” are available online at

We deeply thank all participants of Globe 2008 for their commitment to address our most pressing climate challenges. We pray for every success in preserving our Earth for the present and future generations.