Norwegian Expert: Arctic polar cap may disappear this summer - News 3 Mar 2008  
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Expert: Arctic polar cap may disappear this summer

Norwegian expert says polar ice cap may disappear as early as this summer. On Friday, Dr. Olav Orheim, chief scientist of the Norwegian International Polar Year Secretariat, said that the Arctic’s polar ice cap has been shrinking at an astonishing rate. Dr. Orheim said the "ice sheet hit [a] historical low of 3 million square kilometers during the hottest weeks last summer, while it covered 7.5 million square kilometers on average before the year 2000. If Norway's average temperature this year equals that [of] 2007, the ice cap in the Arctic will all melt away, which is highly possible judging from current conditions." Thank you, Dr. Orheim, for calling our attention to the gravity of the effects of climate change. May all nations take concerted and prompt action to halt global warming. 

House Passes Renewable Energy And Energy Conservation Tax Act

US tax-incentive bill encourages renewable energy and conservation. The legislation, passed by the House of Representatives, calls for an extension of energy tax credits for investments in solar and wind energy. It also offers a plug-in hybrid vehicle credit and energy-efficiency tax credits. The next step is for the bill to pass the US Senate to then be presented to the president for passage into law. We laud your dedication, US legislators, for these important steps in supporting clean energy, clean technologies and conservation. May this green bill be met with the greatest of success!
Only zero emissions can prevent a warmer planet

Only moving to zero emissions will halt global warming over the next few hundred years. While most research has focused on the effects of stabilizing greenhouse emissions, Canadian and US scientists tried something new. By evaluating how greenhouse gas emissions would need to change to stabilize the environment, they determined that only complete elimination of emissions will stabilize the planet’s climate and stop rising temperatures. Thank you, scientists, for this new perspective on how much we need to do to curb global warming! We pray that the precious jewel that is our Mother Earth can be preserved with immediate changes to a sustainable lifestyle.


Animal Planet examines the mystery of the vanishing frog. Animal Planet TV network is launching a multimedia project to focus attention around the world on the plight of frogs and other endangered amphibians. The project seeks to uncover reasons why these animals, which have flourished on the planet for 360 million years, are suddenly in decline. Best wishes, Animal Planet, on your endeavor to study and preserve our amphibious friends. May global citizens work together in preserving our Earth to save lives.

Coral reefs and what ruins them

Scientists discover that humans are the cause of degradation of coral ecosystems. Researchers from the USA’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography and other international institutions recently published a report showing that proximity to human settlements is the primary determining factor for the health of coral ecosystems. They surveyed a wide range of life forms in the northern Line Islands, an archipelago south of Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. Their findings that "reefs without people" are healthier than those with human settlements nearby were published online at the Public Library of Science Biology. We appreciate your work, oceanographers, and thank you for your caring study of coral reef ecosystems. Blessed be our world of humans living in harmony and respect with co-inhabitants and our surroundings.

Eat your greens: EarthTalk votes vegetarian

American newspaper columnist writes, “there has never been a better time to go vegetarian.” In a question and answer forum called ‘EarthTalk,’ Oregonian columnist Shelby Wood promotes a vegan diet and explains the damaging effects of a meat-based diet. She cites the Worldwatch Institute, Harvard nutritionist Jean Mayer, and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, all of which provide scientific evidence that eating meat is highly damaging to human health and the environment, and that it even exacerbates global hunger. Ms. Wood, we appreciate your sharing this documented evidence of the many important reasons to adopt a vegan diet. May all people heed your advice and embrace a compassionate way of life for their well-being and the health of our planet. 
Bavarian Environment Ministery promotes less meat and dairy to cut emissions

German government urges people to eat less meat. Germany’s Environment Minister, Andrea Troge, appealed to consumers to eat less meat as a measure to protect the planet from global warming. Likewise at the country’s regional level, the Bavarian government issued educational material to alert citizens to the high levels of greenhouse gas emissions associated with foods from animal products. We applaud you, Germany, for these important efforts to protect life on Earth through our daily food choices. May Providence guide us in making wise and loving choices.

US Navy ordered to curb sonar to protect whales

Sonar use restricted off Hawaii coast. A federal judge ordered the US Navy to restrict use of sonar as a measure to protect the whales and other marine mammals. Some of the new safety restrictions include the Navy ceasing to conduct exercises within 12 nautical miles of the shoreline. It will stop sonar transmission if whales are within 500 feet. Our heartfelt appreciation United States for these steps to protect our animal co-inhabitants. May our vast oceans be restored to abundant health and vitality.