Leading US parenting website encourages moms to go veg after the largest recall of meat in US history - News 22 Feb 2008  
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Subaru Among Companies Nearing Zero-Waste

Automaker Subaru saves millions through recycling and reuse. At the company’s USA Indiana plant, 99.8% of the waste from the 180,000 cars manufactured this year will be reused or recycled. This includes 5% that goes to a waste-to-energy plant, which generates steam to heat downtown Indianapolis. Kudos, Subaru! We commend you for your remarkable green practices that also save millions of dollars a year. This shows us all that saving the planet does pay off!
Solar evidence points to human causes of climate change

Don’t blame the sun, scientists say. At the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, held in Boston, USA, experts in solar science, climate modeling, and atmospheric science agreed that human activity is causing global warming. Dr. Casper M. Ammann, a climate modeler at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, USA said, it’s now very clear that global warming has “Nothing to do with changes in solar activity. It’s greenhouse gases.” We extend our appreciation, Dr. Ammann and other scientists, for lending your voices and expertise so that we may take correct actions to protect the planet we dearly love.
Nature cannot wait, warns Finnish president

Reminder from Finnish President: Nature cannot wait. Speaking while on a two-day official visit to Indonesia, Finnish President Tarja Halonen appealed for continued international cooperation on climate change. She said that the December talks in Bali had shown a historical unity on the issue of limiting greenhouse gases and that leaders must now continue towards “real global agreement.” She also stated, “Nature cannot wait. We have to be effective enough in order to continue the cooperation.” Our respectful thanks President Halonen and God bless you for your timely reminder and untiring efforts to unite the world in saving our earthly abode. May all nations heed your wise words.

Forests play key role against climate change, UN tells African-Near East meeting

African forestry and wildlife agencies hold conference. One hundred and sixty experts from dozens of African countries came together in Khartoum, Sudan in a series of meetings held jointly by the United Nation’s branch of the Near East Forestry Commission and the Africa Forestry and Wildlife Commission. At the opening meeting, United Nations official, Mr. Jan Heino spoke of the inordinate importance of sustainable forest management to mitigate the effects of global warming. Many thanks African countries for your efforts to ward off climate change by protecting Mother Nature.
Poll: Business should fight climate change

A Northern Ireland poll says more are environment conscious. In a recent poll conducted by WWF, the global conservation organization, Northern Ireland shows that people in Ulster, North Ireland, are very concerned about climate change. The poll surveyed a thousand people, concluding: “There has been a sharp increase in the proportion of people who think that human activity is damaging the environment.” North Ireland, we say thank you for becoming increasingly aware of the state of our planet. May your citizens go forward with positive green actions to help return our planet to its pristine state.
Blaze of Glory awaits mega city

Times of India newspaper seeks to award 25 societies in Ahmedabad. Residents throughout the city of Ahmedabad have the opportunity to transform their properties into more clean and green establishments, while celebrating the city’s rich cultural heritage. A panel of eminent judges will first select 70 top contestants, with awards ultimately being given to 25 societies in the city. Over 800 entries have been received so. Thank you, Times of India, for this innovative program that rewards your co-citizens for creating a better place for all to live. We look forward to seeing the beautiful winners of this green contest!
Traffic lights to run on solar energy

Traffic signals in India operate on solar energy. Lucknow Municipal Corporation (LMC) has proposed a plan to install solar powered traffic signals to reduce energy usage and costs. We laud your forward thinking initiative, city of Lucknow, to adopt this renewable energy source in every day usage. Blessed be your city’s expanding green technology for the health and protection of the environment and inhabitants alike.
Car exhaust fumes may damage the heart

Study links car exhaust inhalation and heart disease. A recently released study found that breathing car exhaust can cause heart disease and even strokes. Dr. John Incardona, a biologist and toxicologist at the West Coast Center for Oceans and Human Health in Seattle, USA found that inhalation of car exhaust compounds weakened the heart’s ability to pump effectively, leading to irregular heartbeats. Dr. Incardona, we are grateful for your highlighting our need to replace fossil-fueled automobiles with greener-wheeled vehicles. May your research inspire more eco-friendly transportation for all.

Go Veggie, Maternity Pants Suits, Computer Health, Breastfeeding in Public In Front of Kids, Save at Avon

Leading US parenting website encourages moms to go veg after the largest recall of meat in US history. A “Mom Tip” on the front page of the Mommy Too website stated: “We're thinking hard about going veggie once and for all because we know meat isn't optimal for great health, plus how can we trust meat suppliers who slaughter cows that can't walk.” They also asked their readers: “If you're already a vegetarian or vegan, how did you do it?” Ah Mommy! Just switch on Supreme Master Television. We have gourmet veg food recipes daily for healthy Mom & kids. Bravo Mommy Too for your wise advice on the optimal way to protect the health of you and your precious loved ones! May God grace all gentle mothers with an effortless and joyous transition to vegetarian eating!

O'Malley: Human survival at risk from warming
USA’s Maryland governor says action now is imperative for human survival. Regarding climate change, Governor Martin O’Malley stated, “We need to move into a much more sustainable future or else we cease to exist as a species.” Dr. Cindy Parker from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health said that if all governments followed suit, the global movement would have “the potential to save lots of lives, thousands and millions worldwide.” A big thank you, Governor O’Malley and Dr. Parker for your words of encouragement toward timely action. God bless Maryland and all who endeavor to live sustainably for the greater benefit of humankind.
Mass extinctions from global warming preventable, panel says

IPCC projects 40% extinction rate if global warming is not reversed. Over 600 scientists wrote to the United States Congress urging action, saying that the world has already begun to experience its sixth mass extinction. The World Conservation Union states the loss of species today is between 1,000 to 10,000 times greater than the natural extinction rate over millions of years. Our sincere appreciation esteemed scientists for voicing your concern. We pray that lawmakers embrace your recommendations and act quickly for the good of all beings on our planet.
Weather Network to unveil environment channel

Canadian company plans new environmental channel. Canada based Pelmorex Communications Inc., parent company of the Weather Network, has been given license for a new channel, The Environmental Network, which can launch end of 2008. Chief executive Pierre Morrissette is confident the new digital channel will be viewer supported because of growing interests in the environmental shows on the Weather Network. Our hearty congratulations, Pelmorex, for dedicating a channel to our precious Earth. With God’s blessings, may The Environmental Network soon premiere to great success while bringing valuable environmental information to your viewers.
China calls for adherence to Kyoto Protocol

China calls on international community to follow Kyoto Protocol. Vice director of the Environment and Resources Protection Committee, Cao Bochun, stated that confronting climate change is essential to ensure a sustainable and healthy environment. He went on to say that China would do her best to “boost its capability” in addressing this urgent condition. With sincere gratitude, we thank you China for your determination and to alert other nations about the need to resolve climate change issues. We pray for Heaven’s grace in helping to recover and restore our beautiful planet Earth.
Brazil Hosts Climate Change Forum

GLOBE forum proposes solutions to climate change. Approximately 100 dignitaries from Brazil, India, China, South Africa and Mexico met in Brazil for the GLOBE Forum (Global Legislator Organization for a Balanced Environment). They convened to outline climate change goals to follow the Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012. Their plans will be presented to major industrialized countries comprising the G8. We salute your efforts, international lawmakers, in addressing this urgent global warmer matter. May Heaven bless our world with quick adoption of these environmental proposals for the health and safety of all inhabitants.
Global warming inspires enterprising solutions

Scientists and entrepreneurs rush to create technologies to absorb carbon emissions. With the possibility of a new law requiring a cap on carbon emissions, a gold rush has started among entrepreneurs to create solutions to capture environmentally damaging emissions. One such solution is a carbon inhaler being created by Global Research Technology in Arizona, USA which traps carbon dioxide and lets inert gases pass. Many thanks to all involved for creating a green era for sustainable living. May all innovations bring the greatest benefits for our beautiful planet.
Global warming - not el Nino - drove worst drought on record in the Amazon

Amazon drought in 2005 caused by warmer oceans. Research analysis of climate and rainfall records by Brazilian Dr. Jose Marengo and colleagues has concluded that warmer ocean temperatures resulting from climate change caused the worst drought in Amazon history. The drought drained rivers dry, froze commerce, and further escalated environmental damage as lands burned and released carbon filled fumes. Dr. Marengo and researchers, thank you for giving us further evidence that time is of the essence to protect our environment and planetary home. We pray that the world will join in this globally conscious mission.
British Gas attempts to go green

British Gas to join green trend. Britain’s leading energy supplier has launched a green initiative to inform the public about ways to save energy. The “Green Streets” challenge provided US$58,500 to eight streets in Britain for changing their homes into more energy efficient households. Mr. Gearoid Lane, head of British Gas New Energy division said the corporation is also investing in other renewable companies to achieve 60 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050. That’s a great way to encourage people toward eco-conscious living! Thank you and God bless British Gas for your generously creative initiative. Our best wishes for this healthy start leading to a successfully green nation.