The humble light bulb will play a major role in the fight against global warming - News 21 Feb 2008  
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Managed forestry offers hope of saving Amazon

Brazilian paper company works to restore rainforest. Brazilian pulp and paper company Grupo ORSA has adopted the practice of standardized timber harvesting to help preserve the Amazon rainforest. The company’s timber harvesting rate is now low enough to allow the forest’s natural regeneration to occur. Company Manager Augusto Praxedes Neto said, “Selling certified timber harvested in a sustainable way is the only solution for the Amazon” What an admirable way to do business! Our warm accolades and appreciation, Grupo ORSA, for balancing profit with Nature’s health and harmony. Heaven smiles upon your noble endeavors.
Highmark Named Top Green IT User

Highmark and IBM named top green IT companies. Recently, Computerworld asked energy experts to help them rank their Information Technology (IT) customer and supplier companies. Based on a combination of energy efficient practices and green initiatives, Highmark was named #1 as a green customer and IBM ranked first as a supplier. Other green notables included World Wildlife Fund, Fujitsu America, and Hewlett Packard. We commend you, Highmark, IBM and other green IT companies, for your energy efficient practices! May our computing business world be inspired to ever greater green heights.
Chandigarh targets one million trees

Indian city to plant a million trees this year. In Chandigarh, India, a city renowned for its architectural beauty, the Punjab Governor and Chandigarh Administrator, S.F. Rodrigues, launched a tree planting initiative. The Green Chandigarh Action Plan 2008 outlines the one-million tree reforestation initiative and calls for the people to contribute their efforts in restoring and further beautifying the region. Our warm salutations, Governor Rodrigues and Chandigarh, on the successful beginning of your reforestation program! May your already-lovely city be enjoyed even more greatly in green health and beauty.

NHS Trust gains top environmental award 

 A hospital in Kent, England is awarded for going green. National Health Service hospital, Medway NHS Trust, was presented with the honor of Best Carbon Performance at the Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) awards ceremony, held in London. The Trust has 30 appointed energy experts among its staff, and technical engineer Phil Belton was given a special commendation for his work on carbon reduction. We congratulate you, Medway NHS Trust, on your excellent achievement. God bless your noble efforts to help protect the planet while continuing to serve your people.

Boreholes beneathAn Eco Heat Pumps system will provide energy efficient heating and hot water for new apartments created in the heart of Edinburgh's Grassmarket.

Scottish apartments to be heated by Eco Heat Pumps. Environmentally-friendly heating and hot water for new apartments in Edinburgh, Scotland will be produced by an Eco Heat Pump system which functions by using boreholes that harness the underground earth’s heat. A water-glycol mixture is passed through the pipes, naturally absorbing heat, which the Eco Pump processes. What a brilliant way to utilize the earth’s existing heat sources to bring warmth to our lives! Thank you Eco Heat Pumps for your innovations. Blessed be the technological advancements that allow us to leave more gentle carbon footprints on our planet.

Farmers Mull New Opportunities - And Threats

Farmer’s Forum evaluates rising food prices. Participants in the two day conference met in Rome this month prior to the annual International Fund for Agricultural Development meeting. The most prominent topics of discussion were global warming and biofuels, which are both considered to be causing the price of food to increase. Our appreciation, Farmer’s Forum, for your efforts in develop policies and techniques to help farmers adapt to changing conditions. Best wishes to all workers who provide us sustenance; may your harvests be ever abundant.
Churches urged to help protect environment

Churches should help save our planet. American Reverend Richard Cizik, vice president for governmental affairs of the National Association of Evangelicals, says that people of all faiths must work together to save the environment. At a meeting entitled, "Planting Seeds: Faith and the Environment" in Virginia, USA, he told the audience, that protecting the environment is integral to Christianity. Reverend Cizik further stated: “If we know God's requirement for stewardship, then we have to act on it.” God bless you, Reverend Cizik, we thank you for bringing your planet-saving message to people of all faiths. May we be guided by our faith in the Most High to take the steps necessary to be true guardians of our Earthly abode.

Obtaining hydrogen fuel from water and sunlight may be possible

Scientists create hydrogen fuel from water and sunlight. Thomas E. Mallouk, the DuPont Professor of Materials Chemistry and Physics at the Pennsylvania State University reports that he and his team have obtained hydrogen fuel by splitting water molecules with solar energy. Professor Mallouk says that if the process can be made more efficient, “water photolysis would provide a clean source of hydrogen fuel from water and sunlight." Bravo, Professor Mallouk, for sharing this exciting new research! May you and your fellow researchers be graced with success in discovering sustainable energy alternatives.
India offers solar power to Bangladeshi village

India offers solar power to a Bangladeshi village. Recently, India has offered to construct solar power infrastructure in a Bangladeshi village as part of a joint energy initiative of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). The solar system will power three hundred homes and 50 streetlights. Three remote coastal villages without power are the next to benefit from the pilot project. Buddha bless you, India, and many thanks for sharing solar power with your Bangladeshi brothers and sisters. May Heaven smile on your efforts to aid your South Asian neighbors.

YouTube Video Series Leads Global Warming Discussion
High school teacher makes global warming impression through YouTube. Oregon, USA high school teacher Greg Craven posted a video about global warming on YouTube in August last year that has met with surprising success ? the video was accessed 4 million times in the first six months.

Showing Mr. Craven in his classroom, the video is a clear and powerful presentation about why we should all act now to tackle climate change. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for our upcoming interview with this inspiring teacher. A warm salute Mr. Craven for your thoughtful and persuasive video calling the world’s citizens to act now on global warming.

Xining announces forestation project

A province in China gets greener. The southwest province of Qinghai is spending approximately US$7 million in reforestation and nature reviving projects. Plans include 105 square kilometers of tree replanting on Da'nanshan Mountain, the establishment of two ecological parks, new city gardens as well as a wildlife rescue center. One resident, Gao Xiaoyan, said, “When the project started in 2005, we worried if such a large project could be carried out properly. Now we see progress every year and the improvements to the environment.” Thank you China for reminding us that every effort to beautify our world helps both the environment and our health. Your restored natural settings and their inhabitants are surely grateful.

Vietnam to host eco-product int'l fair for the first time

Au L?c (Vietnam) to hold international eco-fair. An international fair with the theme of “Sustainable Development and Better Life” is scheduled to be held in Ha N?i, Au L?c beginning March 1. Sixty companies and organizations from a variety of countries will present environmentally-friendly products to the public. Kudos Au L?c for hosting this fair which will surely inspire and inform many about ways to better care for our beloved planet.

California acts to reduce carbon footprint. 

California acts to reduce carbon footprint. California Attorney General Jerry Brown is sponsoring workshops for government officials of five California cities statewide with the goal of helping local governments reduce their CO2 emissions. Attorney General Brown said: “California must adopt the necessary changes that will encourage economic growth while reducing greenhouse gases.” California, we laud and appreciate your support of officials at the local level to go green! May the sunny state continue to shine in environmental stewardship.
The humble light bulb will play a major role in the fight against global warming

Nations worldwide regulate light bulb efficiency. From Australia to the United Kingdom and the United States, national plans are being implemented to phase out traditional bulbs and replace them with energy saving fluorescents and LEDs. One company, Light Bulbs UK said, “Within 3 to 5 years, we expect to see energy saving light bulbs completely replace traditional bulbs.” What a bright idea! Thank you all governments and organizations involved in promoting this energy efficient trend. May we all continue to adopt eco-friendly lifestyles for the betterment of our world.
Sporting groups join push against global warming

Sporting groups in the US urge passing of global warming bill. Nearly 700 sporting groups are joining together in urging the US Congress to pass the Lieberman/Warner Climate Security Act, which would legislate a 2% yearly decrease in US CO2 emissions and provide substantial funding for conservation efforts. In speaking of the group’s eco-concerns, outdoor author Mr. Pat Wray said, “There is a change afoot, and I hope the politicians are astute enough to recognize it.” Thank you, US sportspeople, for your support in reversing climate change. May we all work together to restore our Earth to its pristine state.