UN Chief, NY Mayor Urge World Action On Climate Change - News 13 Feb 2008  
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Planting a corridor of life

Malaysian villagers plant a corridor of life. The villagers of Kampung Bilit in Malaysia are working quietly to help restore natural habitats for the orangutan and other wildlife. The reforestation project is being sponsored by the Worldwide Fund for Nature Malaysia-led Rehabilitation of Orang Utan Habitat Program. One of the village participants said, “Previously I did not care for trees. I did not realize that the jungle provides food to animals. It was only when I started working in Habitat that it dawned on me that animals, too, need food.” So far, 8.75 hectares have been replanted with life-nourishing trees along the Kinabatangan River. Our deep gratitude, Kampung Bilit villagers, for bringing hope and life back to the beloved orangutan and other animal co-inhabitants. May the region be graced with plentiful nourishment for all beings.

The alarming redefinition of 'glacial'

Canada’s Athabasca Glacier hit by “double whammy.” Glaciology research scientist for Natural Resources Canada, Dr. Mike Demuth, said that glaciers like Canada’s Athabasca are retreating at an alarming rate. This is because of two factors: less snow accumulation in winter along with warmer summer temperatures, which together cause increased melting. The Athabasca glacier has already lost half its volume since it was discovered and named in 1898. Dr. Demuth, our respectful thanks for this informative research. May we act quickly to reverse the detrimental effects of global warming to our lives and the planet.

Germany’s First “Solar-Powered City”

German city first to require renewable energy for all buildings. In Marburg, Hessen, all new buildings and existing building renovations now require the installation of solar energy facilities to provide heat and hot water. For buildings that cannot install solar panels, heating systems must be powered through other means than fossil fuels. What fantastic news, Germany! Thank you Marburg residents for your shining example. May the Providence grace your country with many warm, sunny days for your people’s renewable energy comfort.

Flex Your Power Releases Guide to Hotel Energy Efficiency

California issues green efficiency tips for hotels. “Flex Your Power” is the name of California’s program to find ways to be more energy efficient and share this knowledge with the community. The project has just released a Best Practices Guide for hotels that gives easy and cost effective tips for saving energy. The guide highlights real life examples such as the Doubletree Hotel in Sacramento, which installed motion sensor nightlights in bathrooms that reduced light usage by half. Kudos and many thanks, Flex Your Power for your valuable suggestions. May all hotels soon provide green comfort for eco-conscious travelers.

Senegal to host international environmental conference

Senegal hosts conference on Great Green Wall. Senegal is hosting an international conference to promote the Great Green Wall, a 7,000 kilometer zone of trees that will be planted to halt desertification. Water retention basins are also part of the project, which is being proposed by Senegalese head of state, Abdoulaye Wade. This looks to be a wonderful project that will benefit many farmers, citizens and our great planet too! African leaders, we pray that God will bless your meeting with fruitful outcomes for the Great Green Wall project.
RTA uses 10 buses to test green fuel

Dubai evaluates environmental benefit of sulfur reduction in diesel fuel. At present, diesel fuel in Dubai contains 500 sulfur parts per million. This is 10 times the levels of sulfur found in American and European diesel. Dubai’s Roads and Transportation Authority (RTA) is installing devices to measure emissions from 10 diesel buses. The new technology will help determine how reducing sulfur levels to 10 parts per million might improve air quality. We appreciate your green efforts, Dubai RTA. We wish you the best of luck and success in applying new technology to improve the environment and people’s lives.

Global Warming Center to Open in Korea

Korea prepares to open Global Warming Center. The Korean Green Foundation is set to inaugurate a Global Warming Center on February 22. The new center will bring a wide variety of people from many sectors of society to work on long term strategies to curb climate change. Prominent figures from the education, scientific and business communities are among the center’s founding members, and United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon prepared a video taped message for the inaugurating ceremony. We congratulate you, Korea, on your new Global Warming Center. Heaven bless your praiseworthy dedication in finding solutions to maintain the harmony of our gracious Earth.

UCSC researchers paint grim picture of global warming's impact

US scientist predicts 5 meter sea level increase by 2050. Lisa Sloan, a professor of earth and planetary science at the University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC), is one of several scientists who recently addressed a meeting of local citizens concerned about global warming. Professor Sloan’s prediction that increased temperatures will raise sea levels created a sense of urgency about addressing global warming in this coastal community. Dr. Sloan, you have our thankfulness for your vital research that helps us comprehend the immediacy of our need to slow global warming. God bless you and all concerned scientists and citizens for promoting swift and effective action to preserve our Earth.

UN chief calls for action on climate change this year

United Nations calls for broad global partnership to act now on climate change. A high-level 2-day discussion was recently held at the United Nations headquarters in New York urging world leaders to take “immediate practical action” to mitigate climate change. UN Chief Ban Ki-moon said, “If 2007 was the year when climate change rose to the top of the global agenda, 2008 is the time we must take concerted action.” Thank you Secretary General Ban and all meeting participants for stepping up the pace on climate change. May we all be graced to do what it takes to save lives on our planet.

7th intl' exhibition of environment to open Tuesday

Iran hosts International Environmental Exhibition. Over 200 global companies are participating in the 7th International Exhibition of the Environment in Tehran. All participants will display their latest released products that have successfully stemmed environmental pollution. Our sincere appreciation, Iran for hosting this important eco-event. Thank you all exhibition participants for sharing your valuable knowledge in greening the world. May Heaven grace us to continue discovering evermore environmentally friendly ways to restore our biosphere.

UN chief urges rich nations to take lead in curbing climate change

United Nations Secretary-General calls for leadership in facing climate change. At the opening of a two-day General Assembly discussion on climate change, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged developed nations to start the drive to counter global warming effects. He highlighted the need to “encourage new kinds of cleaner technologies, industries and jobs and integrate climate change risks into national policies and practices.” With much gratitude, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, we thank you for your passion and commitment to mobilize the actions of all partners. May the Providence reward every effort with a healthier, enduring planetary home for all inhabitants.

The First Lead-Free, Energy Star Qualified, Ozone Safe 'Green' Air Purifier to Debut - the AirMD from Alen Corporation

“Green” air purifier coming soon. AirMD, a newest product by US- based Alen Corporation, is the first air purifier certified to be lead-free, ozone safe, and Energy Star qualified by both the US Environmental Protection Agency and the US Department of Energy. Consumers, especially those with health problems such as asthma and allergies, now have an eco-friendly air cleaning solution to remove dust, pollen and other allergens. AirMD consumes only 55 watts of power and is expected to be available in July 2008. Bravo and many thanks Alen Corporation for this environmentally-friendly product that brings cleaner air and a healthier life to many. May Heaven continue to grant us with innovations to benefit the well-being of the earth and all her inhabitants.

UN Chief, NY Mayor Urge World Action On Climate Change

New York Mayor encourages US to reduce emissions. Speaking at a United Nations meeting on climate change, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg urged the United States to set “ambitious but also achievable” goals to lowering greenhouse gas emissions. New York City has already committed to 30% reduction by 2030. Mayor Bloomberg highlighted that, according to studies, the costs involved for such a reduction are near to zero because the energy efficient technologies save money in the long run. We respectfully laud your encouraging words and your city’s inspiring example, Mayor Bloomberg. May God bless your sincere endeavors to protect the health of the world’s inhabitants.

Generation Green taking on parents to help them save the planet

Generation Green speaks up to listening grown-ups. Across Canada, a new generation of children are offering their knowledge and passion acquired in school and through the media about going green in daily life. From avoiding plastic bags and bottles to becoming vegetarian and saving electricity at home, these well-informed children are in turn inspiring their parents to live the climate change message. We applaud these brave young experts in Canada! May your love, noble intentions and actions be an example for the sake of restoring our planet’s health.

Turks and Caicos to establish green island

Green island established in the Caribbean. Premier Dr. Michael Misick announced that the Caribbean will convert the 2.5 mile island of Salt Cay into the first ‘green island.’ Formerly the core of the salt industry of Bermuda, Salt Cay will now be part of the Caribbean’s sustainable tourism program. Bravo, Premier Misick! Just when we thought the Caribbean couldn’t get any more beautiful, here comes a wonderful Earth-friendly transformation plan! May God grace your utopian stretch of islands to forever maintain their wondrous pristine state.