Surge in climate change refugees expected from Asia Pacific - 30 Jul 2009  
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Surge in climate change refugees expected from Asia Pacific.
According to a collaborative report by aid and development organization Oxfam Australia and independent think tank Australia Institute, numbers could easily swell to three times the current estimates, or 75 million people who would be displaced over the next several decades.

Speaking of the vulnerable populations, Oxfam Australia's Executive Director Andrew Hewett said, “They're facing increasing food and water shortages, they're losing land, they're being forced from their homes, they're dealing with rising cases of malaria and they're facing much more intense weather patterns.”

The report also included proposed immigration and financial aid plans, which it says are imperative.
Our gratitude, Executive Director Hewett, Oxfam Australia and Australia Institute for this vital reminder about the human impact of a warming climate.

Let us all step together in cooperation to ensure the safety of global neighbors everywhere. Ever-aware and concerned by the plight of humanity, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke of climate refugees in a December 2008 gathering with our Association members in France.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: To save the planet we have to do what we can. We need to try our best. At the moment, there are disasters everywhere. Millions of people are dying of starvation and becoming refugees.

Some are because there are too many typhoons, so there is no way to do any farming, and the houses collapse.Then in some places the water floods. Originally the island was okay, but because the sea level rises one meter or two meters, houses would be submerged.

Imagine it is us who are in that situation. It’s really worse than death. You would rather die than suffer that. Just being vegetarian is enough to improve the situation.

Florida, USA bans taking freshwater turtles from the wild.
Effective immediately, the Fish and Wildlife Commission’s prohibition on businesses removing turtles from both public and private waters is being called the most stringent turtle protection law in the USA. Under the new measure, the removal of eggs is similarly banned. Division of Habitat and Species Conservation Director Tim Breault said that the new rule is intended to provide complete and lasting protection for the state’s diverse turtle population.

Director Breault and Florida, we laud your exemplary lifesaving actions! May your initiative inspire many more toward securing the future of our turtle and all precious co-inhabitants.

Cameroon’s Ebo Forest recommended as a new national park.
After research and consultation between the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Cameroon and the national government, agreement was reached to designate this closed-canopy forest in the Littoral province as a protected area.

The park, which covers over 1 million hectares, is in danger from illegal logging and the hunting of endangered species such as chimpanzees, elephants and gorillas. Funding from WWF Netherlands is being credited with sustaining the endeavor to gain Ebo Forest’s recommendation as a protected reserve.

Our gratitude and Heaven’s blessings, World Wildlife Fund and the government of Cameroon for seeking to safeguard this unique ecosystem. Blessed be your watchful protection in encouraging the precious flora and fauna of the Ebo Forest to flourish once again.

Extra News
The Mesopotamian marshes, a large wetland ecosystem in Iraq and Syria, continue to dry due to drought caused by a climate change and upstream dams that reduce water flow in the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.

Canadian astronaut Bob Thirsk, who is working for six months in the International Space Station, reports that signs of human destruction are evident when he views the Earth from space, including less snow cover.

Scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences warn that Hongjiannao Lake in Shaanxi province, which shrank 30 percent in the last two decades due to climate change, may completely vanish soon unless steps are taken to preserve it.

In British Columbia, Canada, an extreme heat wave reaching 40 degrees Celsius has ignited forest fires, degraded air quality and imperiled the lives of the vulnerable.