Fish diseases worsen with climate change - 23 Aug 2009  
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Fish diseases worsen with climate change.
Addressing a Wildlife Disease Association conference in Washington, USA, Dr. Jim Winston, fish disease specialist at the US Geological Survey Western Fisheries Research Center said that entire fish populations in North America are suffering from various climate-related diseases.

Moreover, as fish are especially sensitive to changes in water temperature, the scientists warn that their condition will continue to worsen without mitigation to global warming.

Many thanks, Dr. Winston and colleagues for your eye-opening report on our aquatic co-inhabitants. Let us all bring more mindful stewardship and genuine consideration to save the precious fish and their irreplaceable contributions to our environment.

Supreme Master Ching Hai often shares caring insights to remind humanity of the plight of our fellow beings,as
as in an August 2008 videoconference with our Association members in Vancouver, Canada.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: They are trying their best to sound the warning bell, warning by disease, and even death en masse, but I don’t know how many of us are listening.

They are trying to help us, but we are trying to kill them. It’s a very sad affair. We humans have to do everything we can, not waiting for the animals.

So many other signs in nature, so many animal signs, but we have to listen. It’s not the animals. It’s us.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: We just have to remind everybody to be veg and to be kind to the animals. That's the only way we can protect them.

Rare lemurs killed illegally for bushmeat.
US-based environmental organization Conservation International has reported the mass slaughter of lemurs in Madagascar, which have been killed to sell as bush meat to restaurants.

The illegally poached animals include the threatened crowned lemurs and the rare endangered golden-crowned sifaka lemur.

Conservation International President and lemur expert Dr. Russ Mittermeier said, “What is happening to the biodiversity of Madagascar is truly appalling… Given their very limited ranges, the sifaka could easily be eliminated by such poaching.” Conservation International is thus urging for reinstatement of preservation efforts to protect the lemur and Madagascar’s biodiversity.

Meanwhile, scientists have linked contact and consumption of primate meat to transmission of diseases such as the Ebola virus and HIV.

We are deeply saddened to hear of such actions that endanger these beautiful lemur animal co-inhabitants.
May the nations of our world come together in kindness and respect to restore our rich planetary diversity.

Singapore finds new way to track illegal logging.
Scientists at Singapore-based Double Helix Tracking Technologies have developed a method of DNA testing that can identify individual trees and species in forests, which they are using to build a database that can determine the origin of manufactured items such as furniture.

This will facilitate tracking of illegal logging activities, which threaten forest preservation and wildlife habitat as well as causing potential harm to some 1 billion people who depend on the forests for survival.

As large amounts of timber from some Asian countries are now illegally procured, this DNA testing new practice will help save forests along with bringing down prices of ethically harvested woods.

Our green hats off, Double Helix Tracking Technologies, for your brilliant tree-saving endeavors.
Blessed be such initiatives as yours in fostering higher eco-friendly standards on Earth.

Extra News
Indian residents of Jharkhand, where 80 percent of the population depends upon agriculture, face food shortages due to weak monsoons and prolonged drought.

Scottish Environment Secretary Richard Lochhead announces a draft plan that views waste as a resource rather than a problem, creating thousands of green jobs through improvements in recycling and reuse facilities while addressing climate change goals.

Off the coast of Tasmania, Australia winter ocean water temperature reach 13 degrees Celsius, the warmest ever recorded.

US Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke approves a plan that prohibits expansion of commercial fishing in the Arctic, to protect the health of the region’s unique ecosystems.