Just be veg to save lives and the planet - 18 Aug 2009  
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Just be veg to save lives and the planet
The climate change conference held in Bangkok, Thailand on Saturday, August 15, was a unique gathering of respected Thai and international scientists and physicians.

 Its theme, “Solutions for a Beautiful Planet” was reflected in a response of honored guest Supreme Master Ching Hai, as she revealed via videoconference the current global percentage of people whose compassionate animal-free diet choices are helping to save the planet.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Till now, we have altogether 40% of the population on the planet that have become veg, including vegetarian and vegan, including waterian, solarian, breatharian, pranarian. This is surely encouraging. We need only another 60% .

However, we are still working hard to spread the veg message. So it helps if we all continue informing as many people as we can, not just sit and wait for the critical mass to take effect. It’s very simple for everyone: Just be veg, and we still can save the planet.

VOICE: This empowering trend of sustaining all life was further highlighted in the book premiere celebration that followed, featuring the Aulacese (Vietnamese) versions of Supreme Master Ching Hai's #1 international best-selling books “The Dogs in My Life” and “The Noble Wilds.”

Both videoconferences with Supreme Master Ching Hai made it clear that to protect all our co-inhabitants not only is essential for the planet’s balance, it is also integral to restoring humans’ inherently loving nature.Our green salute to all participants of both insightful events.

We are ever grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai who so freely shares her guidance in encouraging the preservation of precious life on our planet.

Let us all choose the considerate and elevating way of an organic vegan diet so we may soon greet an Eden on Earth.

Please tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom for the full rebroadcast of this live event at a later date, with multi-language subtitles.

China to monitor butterfly population.
Experts from China, Germany, Australia and Israel met in Leipzig, Germany to share their experiences and strengthen research cooperation in butterfly conservation.

The Chinese ecologists agreed to adopt European methods for future monitoring of butterflies, which involves requesting volunteers to help provide data by counting butterflies using a standardized method.

Researchers will then use this valuable data to analyze population trends, land use and impact from climate change.

Many thanks international ecologists, researchers and volunteers for your collaborative efforts to globally preserve our butterfly co-inhabitants. May these delicate beings be graced to continue coloring our world with their joy and beauty.

Shrinking glaciers in Pacific Northwest.
A study by the US Geological Survey (USGS) of the Wolverine and Gulkana glaciers in Alaska as well as the South Cascade Glacier in Washington found that they are all losing mass at an ever-faster pace.

Based on 50 years of data, the study is thought to be one of the longest running of its kind. USGS Water Science Survey Center expert Dr. Edward Josberger stated that the impact of these changes could be far-reaching for aquatic life such as fish, as well as downstream rivers and hydro-electric energy production. Our sincere thanks, Dr. Josberger and fellow scientists at the US Geological Survey for alerting us to this reflection of our planet’s dire state.

Let us all act in better stewardship to protect the Earth and her natural cycles. Supreme Master Ching Hai often offers encouraging insights on what we can do to reverse the tolls of global warming, as she did during an August 2008 videoconference with our Association members in Canada.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : The time of disappearing of the ice means also the spelling of trouble for our planet. Of course it would be better if we already saved the planet before the ice melted. But as it is, we can only do the best we can and trying to inform everybody to save themselves by being vegetarian. Then we still can manage to save the world.

Extra News
Greenpeace speaks out about the link between climate change and forest fires, which have already ravaged 500,000 acres in Europe this year, which is three times more land than all of 2008.

The International Astronomical Union recommends that governments implement more unobtrusive lighting in cities and towns, to restore natural settings for activities such as star gazing as well as generate financial and energy savings.

As part of its marine animal conservation program, Thailand’s Navy has released hundreds of baby sea turtles back into the sea.
The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture states that a severe drought in the north and northeast parts of the country
is now jeopardizing the successful harvest of 8.3 million hectares of crops.